Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 174 Lu Ling's Disaster

Chapter 174 Lu Ling's Disaster

"Can't eat? Why?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand.

"... just... can't." Lu Ling explained for a while.

The reason why Lu Ling did this was obviously because she was afraid that Liu Fufeng would still feel uncomfortable.

This kind of golden vegetable is the culprit that caused her junior sister to vomit "allergies" at noon. In Lu Ling's mind, people in this world may not know what allergies are, so they don't care, but she knows the seriousness of the matter, so she must Prevent Liu Fufeng from eating things that are not good for his health.

The junior sister will be guarded by her.

"It will hurt my stomach." Lu Ling pointed to her stomach, and then made a retching movement.

This time, Liu Fufeng understood.

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder Lu Ling threw away the leftover vegetables at noon. She thought it was Lu Ling who was picky about eating...

It turned out that she was worried about her... At noon, Ah Ling saw that she felt uncomfortable after eating this food, so she must have remembered it.

In fact, everything on the table today, except for the egg drop soup, she can't drink, and there is nothing wrong with the others. After explaining to Senior Sister Qin, they didn't use any meat, and even didn't cook the meat that Qin Qin originally prepared. Moreover, Qin Qin also said that he would look up the classics to see why Liu Fufeng couldn't eat meat.

"Then I won't eat." But Liu Fufeng followed Lu Ling's intention and nodded.

She didn't need to explain too much to Lu Ling, the best way to reassure Lu Ling was not to eat.

"Well, I don't want it in the future..." Lu Ling emphasized again.

"Yes, I will listen to my senior sister." Liu Fufeng raised his hand and rubbed Lu Ling's head, then let her go back to her place.

"..." Lu Ling was a little dissatisfied with Liu Fufeng's perfunctory, and don't touch her head all the time just because she is tall, just like coaxing a child.

However, she obediently returned to her seat, jumped on the chair, and continued to eat.

During this period, Qin Qin and Shen Gui just looked at it like this, and Lu Ling was indeed a child in their eyes, and there was nothing wrong with Liu Fufeng's handling.

"Junior Sister Liu, what is this?" Qin Qin asked out of curiosity.

Although Shen Gui didn't care much, she didn't like Lu Ling's behavior of wasting food.

can not eat?She has eaten this kind of dish for more than ten years, how could there be a problem.

So Shen Gui followed suit.

" should I put it?" Liu Fufeng glanced at Lu Ling who was holding a bowl and sipping soup, and explained in a low voice his predicament after lunch.

"Isn't this related to Xiao Hun? What's the matter with dried vegetables?" Qin Qin understood Liu Fufeng's meaning as soon as he spoke.

"You still really dote on her."

There is a little sigh in the tone.

"Well, Ah Ling is my senior sister..." Liu Fufeng said so.

"However, this kind of favor is relative. It can be seen that Junior Sister also likes you very much." Qin Qin continued.

"En." Hearing this, Liu Fufeng smiled.

She knew that Lu Ling liked her, so she was very happy.

"..." Shen Gui listened for a while, understood the general idea, and then continued to eat.

It's fine if it's not a picky eater, and she should just turn a blind eye to the rest.


Time passed quickly and meal time was over.

Eat clean.

Lu Ling sat on the chair clutching her lower abdomen, with a look of happiness and satisfaction on her face.

On this table, Lu Ling ate the second most, three small bowls of white rice, and an unknown number of dishes... As for the first, it was Shen Gui.

The amount she eats...

This startled Liu Fufeng a lot.

In fact, Liu Fufeng was full a long time ago, and Qin Qin hadn't eaten much, so Lu Ling seemed like an idiot, that's because compared with the former two.

In fact, there were nearly ten dishes, and Lu Ling only ate one-fifth of them at most, Liu Fufeng and Qin Qin together accounted for one-fifth, and the remaining three-fifths—all went to Shen Gui’s. abdomen.

In the back, Qin Qin and Liu Fufeng were basically chatting. Lu Ling clutched her bulging stomach and looked at the delicious food on the table, feeling a pity that she couldn't eat anymore...

Then Shen Gui kept eating.

She didn't speak, as if she was here just to eat, and that was indeed the case.

Shen Gui ate very slowly, but it was this slow way of eating that gradually wiped out the entire table of dishes and leftover rice, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, there was nothing left, including the ones that Liu Fufeng thought were unpalatable. Everything went into Shen Gui's stomach.

Shen Gui completed the "task", wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, and then stood up.

Liu Fufeng immediately looked over, but found that Shen Gui's lower abdomen was very flat, without any sign of a bulge.

God, where did all this food go?

"Aren't you surprised?" Seeing this, Qin Qin laughed and punched Liu Fufeng.

"Yes... I'm not sorry." Liu Fufeng said subconsciously, and then shook his head again and again, blushing.

It's really rude to comment on Shen Gui's appetite.

"Well, it's okay, my senior sister won't care." Qin Qin waved his hand, and then said: "Let me tell you, senior sister doesn't eat too much, but doesn't like to waste food, so no matter how many things I make, it ends up like this Case……"

This is probably why Shen Gui would return something he didn't like when he saw it.

"Is that so?" Liu Fufeng nodded, yes, the appetite of immortals must be different from that of ordinary people.

"I'll go back first, the taste is very good." Then, Shen Gui said.

"Oh, let's go." Qin Qin said, Shen Gui always left after eating like this, she was used to it, although Shen Gui would say that the taste was good every day, which sounded like perfunctory, but she was still very happy to hear it.

"Goodbye, Senior Sister Shen." Liu Fufeng hurriedly got up.

"Goodbye." Then Shen Gui walked out of the door, and before leaving, he turned his head and glanced at Lu Ling, who was squinting his eyes with a comfortable expression on his face.

Then he took a step forward, and his figure disappeared.

"Senior Sister Qin, thank you for your hospitality." Liu Fufeng said.

"It's ok."

"Let me help clean up..." Liu Fufeng picked up an empty plate, and was stopped by Qin Qin just as he was about to move.

"No, look at mine." Then Qin Qin waved his hand, the bowls and chopsticks on the table, the plates were shining like new in an instant, even the oil stains that Lu Ling dripped on the red lacquered wooden table disappeared.

"It's amazing." Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

"It's just a trick." Qin Qin shook her head. In fact, she used to wash it by hand, but today there are guests, so she doesn't want to waste time.

"Junior Sister Liu, are you busy?" Qin Qin asked.

"Not busy, what's the matter?" Liu Fufeng glanced at the sky, although it was already very late, it was okay to stay a little longer, but he didn't know what Senior Sister Qin was going to do.

"That's good, are you interested..." Qin Qin was about to invite Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling to go out for a walk together, and when he got a wave of goodwill, Lu Ling suddenly jumped up.

The look of panic on his face seemed to be the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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