Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 179 A Mission from Master

Chapter 179 A Mission from Master

Liu Fufeng rushed home in a hurry and pushed open the door.


Before entering the door, the voice came first.

"Ah!" Lu Ling was taken aback by Liu Fufeng's sudden voice, the tip of her pen flicked, and she directly made a mistake.

Turning his head to see Liu Fufeng he was relieved.

"Haha~" Lu Ling stretched her waist long, rubbed her eyes, and then said.

"Junior Sister, you are back."

Liu Fufeng hummed, and then saw Lu Ling's revealing clothes, so anxiously she came up and grabbed Lu Ling's hand.

"Junior Sister, what are you doing?" Lu Ling was taken aback, then asked.

"Isn't it cold?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"It's not cold." Lu Ling said honestly.

"...I see." Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, although Lu Ling's hands were still cold, but if she said it wasn't cold, then it shouldn't be cold...

That is to say, Lu Ling's not afraid of the cold has nothing to do with this beautiful and shameless Liuli...

Then Liu Fufeng's expression changed.

Seeing this, Lu Ling's expression also changed.

"Have you taken off your clothes?" Liu Fufeng said.

"En." Lu Ling replied weakly: "Because... it's very, uncomfortable."


Seeing Lu Ling's timid look, Liu Fufeng really didn't know what to say, so he could only sigh in the end.

"Forget it, these are new clothes, put them on quickly." As she spoke, she handed over a set of clothes in her hand to Lu Ling.

Originally, I planned to wash it before putting it on for Ah Ling, but now I can't take care of so much.

new clothes?
Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a little expectation.

What will it be like?
It would be fine if it was black, don't ask for the bloody black color of the young lady with short hair, even if she is the same as her junior sister, she is satisfied with silver and black.

After opening it, Lu Ling was disappointed, and as Liu Fufeng took out the clothes one by one, the latter's face was completely displayed in front of her.

It's red again.

Still a large area of ​​red...

Then Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, she can still accept pure red, as long as there is no green.

Big red and big green are the colors she hates the most, because this color is very tacky to wear, and it's the way women in the world wear it.

"Try it on?"

"Oh." Looking at Liu Fufeng's expectant eyes, Lu Ling was helpless.

Then take it off.

She didn't do anything today, just kept putting on and taking off her clothes.

At this time Liu Fufeng turned his head knowingly, and then Lu Ling picked up the new clothes.

What, it's exactly the same as before, just one size bigger, there is no difference at all.

"Okay." Lu Ling said as she skillfully put on her clothes.

Then Liu Fufeng turned his head, looked Lu Ling up and down, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although there is not much difference in appearance, she is very comfortable seeing Lu Ling dressed neatly. Of course, Lu Ling is also not very comfortable wearing only Taoist robes without underwear. Now she feels that she is tightly wrapped in soft brocade, very relaxed .

"Then I will continue writing." Lu Ling jumped onto the chair, picked up the pen and continued writing, but was stopped by Liu Fufeng.

The last time, this was the last time she disturbed A Ling tonight.


Under Lu Ling's puzzled eyes, Liu Fufeng took out the ice-blue gem and put it on the table.

"This is, what?" Liu Fufeng looked into Lu Ling's eyes.

"Oh?" Lu Ling was taken aback, why was she with her junior sister?

Oh, she put it in her pocket and was soaking it in the saponins... Lu Ling looked back at the clothes hanging in the room, showing a little embarrassment.

When I came back, I was only focused on writing "homework" and forgot about it. Fortunately, my junior sister took it out for her, otherwise what would I do if it broke.

Then, Lu Ling picked up the ice glass and touched it a few times.

Is it better than before?The flickering snowflakes here always reminded Lu Ling of her fire glaze that was "blurred" by Li Zhuzi, and it was the same thing rolling inside.

it's beautiful.

Seeing Lu Ling's performance, Liu Fufeng knew that Lu Ling was aware of its existence, and continued to ask: "Where did it come from?"


Seeing Liu Fufeng's somewhat stern face, Lu Ling was full of doubts.

what happens?Why is Junior Sister so fierce? It's not something she stole.

So Lu Ling honestly told Liu Fufeng that it was given by the short-haired lady, and by the way, she also told Liu Fufeng that she had another one, but it is now at the husband's place.

"Sent by Senior Sister Shen?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback for a moment, and then he was a little puzzled.

It was actually given to Ah Ling by that scary-looking Senior Sister Shen?Or is it such a precious treasure?
Liu Fufeng didn't know how much this thing was worth in the eyes of "immortals", but it was precious to her.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, and then showed a harmless appearance.

Why does Junior Sister look a little...angry?
Doesn't she like this colored glaze that is more beautiful than diamonds?It shouldn't be, isn't it that girls like shiny things?Even she kind of likes...

Lu Ling didn't understand, but no matter how precious something was, if her junior sister hated it, then she wouldn't want it.

"What's wrong?" Liu Fufeng asked as he saw Lu Ling holding the ice glass in his palm and spreading it in front of his eyes.

", you." Lu Ling said as she stuffed the colored glaze into Liu Fufeng's hands.

It means, leave it to you to dispose of, keep it if you like it, throw it away if you don’t like it...

Well, Lu Ling was still very distressed, but she had to do this. She thought she didn't know much about this world yet, so there must be a reason for her junior sister to be so scrupulous, and it doesn't make sense for her to stick to it.

Anyway, here I don't have to worry about food or clothing, and my husband teaches her, so I don't have anything to spend money on.

The most important thing is that no matter how precious something is, it is not as important as her junior sister being happy - if Liu Fufeng is angry, who will cook for her, wash her clothes, and serve as a pillow...

"..." Seeing this, Liu Fufeng understood what Lu Ling meant, and she accepted the ice glaze.

Since Ah Ling gave it to herself, she will return it to Shen Gui...Of course, there is one thing to do before returning it, first ask Senior Sister Xu, if this thing is very precious, then naturally it must be returned , What's the matter with taking things from others for no reason...

If it was normal, then she wouldn't need to do anything extra, she wouldn't accept ordinary things, Senior Sister Shen would definitely be angry, and she could see that Lu Ling liked this glass very much.

For the fact that Lu Ling liked it and gave it to him, Liu Fufeng felt sweet and very happy.

Then she rubbed Lu Ling's head: "Sister, let's continue."

"Oh." Although Lu Ling was dissatisfied with Liu Fufeng always touching her head, but now is not the time to talk about it, she should take the time to copy it.

Watching Lu Ling write again, Liu Fufeng put Bing Liuli in his private small box, and then took out a medical book and put it beside the bed.

A Ling looks like she's going to copy for a long time, so she won't sleep anymore, so let's stay with her...

Liu Fufeng's plan is to do daily meditation first, and then read medical books until Lu Ling finishes.

So be it.

Liu Fufeng took off his shoes and sat cross-legged. Just as he closed his eyes, he suddenly felt his butt being bitten by something.

After taking it out, it was found to be a white jade pendant with the word "nine" engraved on it.

what is this?
Liu Fufeng held the jade pendant, and then a piece of information entered her mind, just like when she held the Ninth Peak's Commander back then.

"Is it... Master?"

After a while, Liu Fufeng opened his eyes, recalling the information in his mind, his eyes were full of inconceivable.

Master, there is something for her to do?

(End of this chapter)

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