180 One Night

The information Liu Fufeng got was very simple, her master asked her to go down the mountain to buy wine for her, and the jade pendant in his hand was the pass to go down the mountain.

The deadline is two days...

"..." Liu Fufeng sat blankly.

Wine, Lingshan has everything, even if there is no wine, she knows a little about this kind of thing, if she wants to drink, she can only buy it in the secular world.

But I heard from Senior Sister Xu that these new disciples cannot go down the mountain at will...

Master actually gave me such a task?
Liu Fufeng was silent for a while.

Does this mean that I have been recognized by the master?Otherwise, who can't hand over such trivial things as shopping?
She still remembers when she first entered the mountain, she went to the back mountain every day and bumped into a wall, and her body was covered with bruises. During that time, she was really desperate, and the world was dark...

But it got better later, she went to "be beaten" as usual, and was dragged home by Ah Ling after being exhausted from the collision.

Looking at Lu Ling's back, Liu Fufeng smiled.

Go, since it is a task given by the master, it must be completed no matter what.

Unlike Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng recognized her master from the bottom of her heart. Although she had hit a wall for nearly a month, she could feel that she was being protected every day. Her master was just dissuading her from approaching her. Seriously, she'd be smashed to pieces with just one blow.

Moreover, the two were able to stay in the Ninth Peak later because of their master's approval. Although the master has not taught her and Lu Ling so far, Liu Fufeng's feelings for her are still very special.

And this afternoon... in a daze, she saw that person. When she was in pain because of the food, it was the master who extended a helping hand to her.

Liu Fufeng thought that her arrival disturbed Master's life, so unlike Lu Ling, she never complained, because she was already very satisfied with her life now.

However, although she decided to complete the task given by her master, Liu Fufeng didn't know how to do it... She didn't know how to go down the mountain, the surrounding environment at all, and she didn't even know where to buy wine...

Alcohol is forbidden in their home.

But Liu Fufeng is confident that two days is enough for her to find out the information and complete the task of Master, and she must not disappoint Master's trust.

Sure enough, I still have to trouble Teacher Li and Senior Sister Xu, hoping that they can teach me some experience.

Then, Liu Fufeng closed his eyes and started his daily meditation.


In fact, Liu Fufeng was thinking too much, although it is true that she was recognized, the reason why she was found...

Just because no one is available.

There are only three people and one guest in the entire Ninth Peak. Lu Ling is a fake and can’t be used. Her master can’t go down the mountain by herself. As for the guest...

Han Xue has completely forgotten to bring her wine. Although she has a few bottles of Wuling wine on her body, it is not enough for the two of them to drink... She is fine, although she is a little drunk, she can barely bear it...

And Han Xue can't count on it at all. With her lying on the ground motionless now, she may sleep for a month.

Therefore, Liu Fufeng is now the only living force in the Ninth Peak, and he can only find her.


After an unknown amount of time, Liu Fufeng opened his eyes again, and then sighed softly.

No progress at all.

It seems that she really doesn't have the talent for cultivation. She practiced according to the meridian route given by "Condensing Qi Jue". After so long, she has only accumulated a little spiritual power in her dantian, and she is still a hundred and eight thousand away from success inside……

She couldn't sense the free spiritual energy in the air at all, she could only let her body absorb it freely, and then store those poor spiritual energy in her body at night.

According to this progress, it should be considered fast to be able to condense Qi within a year or two.

However, although the increase in aura today is still very small, it has more than doubled compared to the previous few days. It is probably related to the heavy snow in the sky. What Teacher Li said is good for him should be referring to this.

The speed of cultivation... Liu Fufeng shook his head, and then turned his gaze to Lu Ling. At this time, Lu Ling had already entered the state, her eyes fixed on the pen in her hand, and she was copying quickly.

Speaking of cultivation, her Ah Ling completed the cultivation of Qi Condensation Realm in only ten days, and the next step is the formal way of cultivation.

It's really amazing, but looking at myself, there is no movement at all.

I feel a little uncomfortable, of course just a little bit, and I am afraid that one day I will become a useless person.

But because of this, she had to study medicine harder.

Picking up the medical book, Liu Fufeng lit the light source around him and immersed himself in the sea of ​​books.


At night, the moon hangs high.

The room was very quiet, only slight breathing and the sound of pages being turned could be heard.

Liu Fufeng's pitch-black pupils reflected many obscure words, all of which were special terms and terms in medical science. At this moment, she was memorizing the knowledge in medical books quickly.

The same is true for Lu Ling, comparing, picking up the pen, dipping in the ink, and writing, all in one go and in an infinite loop. During this period, she also worked hard to engrave these words into her mind, but the progress was much slower, but it is always beneficial to copy it several times.

Time passed quickly in the silence of the two of them.

The bright moon drew an arc in the sky and then disappeared completely.


When the first ray of sunlight appeared, Fengming suddenly sounded, rippling in the air, awakening the sleeping spiritual power and a small number of people.

Liu Fufeng put down the medical book.

"Is it dawn..."

In the past, this time was when she got up, cooked, and then went to Shuyuan.

I don't know what happened to Aya's writing...won't she fall asleep...

Liu Fufeng has been indulging in the way of medicine all the time, but she forgot the existence of Lu Ling, she rubbed her eyes and looked over.

At this time, Lu Ling's head was shaking slightly, and the hand holding the writing brush moved quickly, and seemed to be numb.

I haven't finished writing yet, it's been one night.

Liu Fufeng stood up and stretched his stiff body, walked behind Lu Ling, and what came out was a strong fragrance of ink.

The inkstone is still wet, half of the ink stick is buckled aside, Lu Ling has already written a thick stack, Liu Fufeng looked at her recent handwriting, it is still neat, every stroke can be seen clearly, there is no sloppy perfunctory trace.

At this time, Lu Ling basically only had instinct left.

Copy, write, write, copy, remember.

It was basically in this state, and the ink stick was almost used up overnight, so one can imagine how many words Lu Ling wrote.

She was so engrossed in copying that she didn't even notice the phoenix cry that represented the dawn.

Looking at Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng not only lamented that the Lingshan is the Lingshan, even the things used are so delicate.

Although her own handwriting is not very beautiful, she has practiced it, at least it is better than the current Lu Ling.

The conditions of Liu Fufeng's family are not bad, but at the beginning of the stage of practicing the shape and structure of the characters, they practiced on the cloth with water, and in the later stages of practicing the brushwork and composition, they only used inferior rough-edged paper...

Luckily for Lu Ling, she only used such precious and fine rice paper and ancient ink for beginners... It's really a luxury.

(End of this chapter)

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