Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 181 Do you want to... go down the mountain and have a look?

Chapter 181 Do you want to... go down the mountain and have a look?
However, although this is a bit extravagant, it undoubtedly has a lot of benefits for Lu Ling. The character structure stage is only a preliminary literacy, so there is no problem writing on cloth. The brushwork stage needs to use paper to understand the relationship between pen, ink, and paper. Relationship.

After a certain period of practice, you will come to the most important stage of composition. At this time, you need to use good paper and ink to experience the changes of ink and wash, the change of ink color, the change of density and astringency...

Therefore, words can be written not only by hard work, but also require certain material conditions.

As for Lu Ling, she started to use the best paper and ink from the first font stage, which will only benefit and not harm her next stage of practice...

Not to mention the fine paper, just the ink sticks. The ink sticks used by Liu Fufeng in the past had to be polished for at least half an hour before writing, and it didn’t take long to write. It was very troublesome, but the ink sticks used by Lu Ling now It is even and smooth, and it is very convenient to add new ink. Just put it on and wipe it gently for a few times, and it will produce ink with a moderate thickness. It is very convenient, and it is most suitable for beginners like Lu Ling who know nothing.

If there is something bad about it, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal, but this is not a problem.

The senior sister from the Shaodian told Liu Fufeng that as long as it is used for the junior junior sister's study, there are as many of these things as you want, feel free to take them.

It was thanks to Lingshan that her Ah Ling had such good conditions. You must know how surprised Liu Fufeng was when he knew that these things were provided for free.

With the best things for Lu Ling, she felt relieved, and hoped that A Ling's handwriting could be better and better...

Liu Fufeng stood behind Lu Ling, staring at the tip of her pen, thinking so.

"Bah bah bah!"

Then Liu Fufeng spat at herself, what was she thinking?

Ah Ling wrote for a whole night. If she didn't care about her body, what words did she care about?

Cooking is the most important thing. They haven't slept all night. Even if they slept in the daytime yesterday, turning the day and night upside down is very harmful to the body. Today, Ah Ling must eat some hot food.

Liu Fufeng was about to move, but found that Lu Ling had put down his pen.

"Ah~~~ha~~~" Opening her mouth slightly, Lu Ling stretched her waist long, then rubbed her eyes and turned around.

"Junior Sister... what, time?"

"Dawn." Liu Fufeng made a "one" gesture to Lu Ling, telling her that it was time for the first Fengming.

"Huh?" Lu Ling was taken aback.

It's been so long?

She stayed up all night?
No wonder I'm so tired, my wrist feels like it's going to break... Lu Ling turned her stiff right hand, feeling a little dazed.

She didn't feel how long it took?Then he turned his attention to his notebook.

"so much?!"

Looking at the large stack of papers beside her, Lu Ling opened her mouth wide, her eyes slowly filled with fright.

God, she actually wrote so much, but why didn't she feel it at all.

"Ha~ah~~" Then, Lu Ling couldn't help yawning again, her eyes were a little dry.

For the first time in my life, I spent the night all night dedicated to studying?

The point is that I have written so much and haven't finished it yet?
Lu Ling glanced at the remaining amount, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there are not many left, and there are still a few lines of poems. I think it will take at most another hour to complete the task given by my husband.

I love learning, learning makes me happy!
Lu Ling took a deep breath, raised her spirits, and picked up her pen to continue.

"Then I'll go cook." Seeing Lu Ling full of fighting spirit, Liu Fufeng nodded and continued.

"En." Lu Ling didn't raise her head.

Now, nothing can shake her determination to study, writing so much in one night, even if it is punishment, the husband will look at her with admiration.

Lu Ling thought so.


Then, Liu Fufeng was busy, and Lu Ling continued to copy at the side, but now the speed is a little slower. After writing for so long, even if Lu Ling's patience can bear it, her body can't take it anymore, and her wrists and shoulders have long since stiffened. Fortunately, she is no longer an ordinary little girl, but a cultivator, so it will not have any impact.

He didn't sleep all night, a veritable immortal cultivator.

Half an hour later, Liu Fufeng finished breakfast. She didn't need to take so long, but because she saw that Lu Ling was still working hard on writing, she postponed it for some time, and first did some housework, and put Lu Ling's remaining few sets of new I didn't move my hands until the clothes were washed.

The breakfast was made very quickly, and it was still the usual gruel, because Lu Ling said it was delicious, so Liu Fufeng has been making this all the time recently, but just now she thought about it, and planned to make some noodle soup in the next few days, after all, it was cold It would be nice to drink something hot.



Lu Ling flipped through her "masterpiece" all night, showing a lot of pride, and then carefully placed it on the bed.

Liu Fufeng was about to serve the meal, when she heard Lu Ling's excited cry from behind her, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she didn't turn her head, but said: "Senior sister, it's hard work, breakfast is ready."

"Thank you, Junior Sister!" Lu Ling couldn't hide her joy in her words, and then she raised her hand: "Let's serve!"

She wants to treat herself well, her stomach is going to be hungry.

"Go wash up first." Sensing Lu Ling's over-excited emotions, Liu Fufeng shook his head and let out a groan.

"Oh." Hearing this, Lu Ling calmed down, got off the chair, moved a little, and opened the door.

"Hot water is ready for you." Calling Lu Ling who was about to go out, Liu Fufeng was a little helpless.

Judging by Lu Ling's appearance, she was going to the stream in front of the door... At this moment, it was freezing and snowy outside, so she couldn't do this even if she was afraid of the cold. Then she brought the prepared hot water to Lu Ling, and then began to serve the rice.

About three bowls of porridge were made, one bowl for herself and two bowls for Lu Ling.

Here, Lu Ling finished washing and sat down at the table again, but this time she was in a much better mood, this time there was no heavy task, as long as she had to eat.

Picking up the bowl in front of her, Lu Ling took a big sip, then groaned, with a satisfied expression on her face.


Seeing Lu Ling lowering her head and pecking at her mouth after she praised her, Liu Fufeng shook her head helplessly.

"Use a spoon."

"Okay." Lu Ling said so, and then handed the empty bowl to Liu Fufeng: "One more bowl!"


Liu Fufeng served the last bit of porridge to Lu Ling, watching her drink it with a spoon this time, with a blushing face of happiness, Liu Fufeng also felt very happy.

Then, the two of them ate slowly, Liu Fufeng wanted to find something to talk about, but seeing Lu Ling seriously drinking the porridge, he decided to forget it.

"By the way, senior sister." Suddenly, Liu Fufeng remembered something.

"Huh?" Seeing Liu Fufeng seemed to have something to tell her, Lu Ling put down the spoon, wiped her mouth and looked at her.

"Do you want to... go down the mountain and have a look?" Liu Fufeng asked.

(End of this chapter)

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