Chapter 182

"Going the mountain?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and even forgot to drink the porridge.

Junior sister means, go down to Lingshan?
The world beyond Lingshan...

Lu Ling recalled some bad memories and trembled.

"Senior Sister, are you alright?" Liu Fufeng asked eagerly when he saw the flickering fear in Lu Ling's eyes.

Is it...

She thought of her miserable appearance when she first met Lu Ling, and immediately understood that the impression of Lu Ling in the secular world might not be so friendly.

"Then don't go, I can do it by myself." Liu Fufeng comforted Lu Ling.

At this moment, Lu Ling came to her senses. She wasn't really afraid, but just felt very uncomfortable. She had always been curious about the world below the mountain. After all, her not-so-great goal was to travel around the world.

If there is a chance, I naturally hope to take a look, but I am too weak now... so I have some scruples in my heart.

Then she looked at Liu Fufeng, nodded and said: "It's okay, I'm going."

According to what Junior Sister means, is she going down the mountain?
If she was alone, she might refuse, but with her junior sister around, there would be no problem.

"Is there no problem?" Liu Fufeng asked again.

"No problem." Lu Ling nodded.

"Well, I see." Liu Fufeng said.

Since Ah Ling wants to go down the mountain, let's go and have a look together, but I don't know if the procedures for going down the mountain are easy...

Then, after the two finished their meal, they went their separate ways, one after the other.

Liu Fufeng went to Shuyuan, and Lu Ling went to Nanyuan Academy, but Liu Fufeng was a little worried about Lu Ling's state. It was okay during breakfast, and Lu Ling's mental state became a little weak after that.

She is not like herself, she is still a developing child, even if she sleeps for a day during the day, she will definitely be tired after a whole night.

But there is nothing to worry about in Lingshan.

If something really goes wrong with Lu Ling, even if Teacher Li is not around, there are still so many enthusiastic senior sisters, so she can rest assured.



In the school, Lu Ling pushed open the door holding her homework, and then her legs stiffened.

"First... Sir, good morning."

Li Zhuzi was sitting on the grand teacher's chair at this time, with a relaxed look, holding a cup of tea in his hand, which was steaming hot.

"It's too late today." Li Zhuzi glanced at Lu Ling and said calmly.

"I was wrong." Lu Ling bent down resolutely, then straightened up, the beauty mole on the corner of her mouth sank a little.

After the meal, she took a break for a "little while". She didn't grasp the time well, so she was late, and I hope that the husband will not be angry.

"Forget it." Seeing Lu Ling's nervousness, Li Zhuzi waved at her expressionlessly.

"come over."

"Oh." Seeing this, Lu Ling closed the door of the school with her backhand, then obediently walked in front of Li Zhuzi, raised her head slightly to look at her.

"Where's the thing I asked you to bring me?" Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling's empty hands and only a stack of papers in his arms, put down the teacup in his hand, and said.

"Ah?" Lu Ling was taken aback, showing a little doubt.

"Moon Grass." Li Zhuzi reminded her.

"..." Hearing this, the corners of Lu Ling's eyes opened a little, and then she remembered that Li Zhuzi told her to bring spring water and Yueyingcao...

As a result, I forgot.

"I forgot." Lu Ling said honestly, then stretched out her left hand and placed it in front of Li Zhuzi.

"..." Li Zhuzi couldn't help but smile when he saw Lu Ling stretching out her hand and asking for punishment with her eyes closed.

This stinky girl, is she so scary?

It's just a personal matter, if you forget it, forget it, it's no big deal, but seeing Lu Ling trembling, she couldn't help not punishing her.


Then, Lu Ling felt that someone had flicked her head. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Li Zhuzi didn't move at all, with an indifferent expression on his face, drinking tea from a teacup.


"Cough, let's talk about things tomorrow, don't worry." Li Zhuzi said.

"Oh." Lu Ling was naturally very happy to have escaped, then she yawned and rubbed the overflowing tears.

This little girl looks sleepy.

Li Zhuzi was wondering when he saw Lu Ling handing over a stack of papers and two booklets.

"It's done." Lu Ling said.

Now is the time to hand in your homework.

"Oh?" Li Zhuzi took it over, a little surprised at the same time.

This little girl has not forgotten her punishment?
Something happened to Liu Fufeng yesterday, Lu Ling must be very flustered, so Li Zhuzi was prepared for Lu Ling to forget her "homework", so even if Lu Ling really forgot her, she wouldn't be angry.

It is human nature, Liu Fufeng is so important to her, it is perfectly normal to forget about her studies for a while.

Just don't know how complete it is.

Then, Li Zhuzi started flipping through Lu Ling's homework.

She read very carefully, basically line by line, even if it was repeated ten times, Li Zhuzi did not skip it.

During this period, Lu Ling's heart was pounding. Although she had finished everything, because she didn't check carefully... maybe there would be mistakes.

She stared at Li Zhuzi, and found that the latter had no expression on his face, carefully reading page by page, and immediately panicked even more.

This is looking for her mistakes.

Li Zhuzi turned a page, and frowned slightly after seeing a certain line.

Seeing this, Lu Ling's heart skipped a beat, did something go wrong?
Then Li Zhuzi raised his head and glanced at Lu Ling, the indifference in the former's eyes sent a chill down her spine.

It's only the first page, and this little girl's heart is in a mess?
That's right, what Li Zhuzi saw now was what Lu Ling wrote when she was restless.

She thought that Lu Ling would be irritable when she wrote at least a third of the time. It seemed that this girl was even more impatient than she imagined.

Then she read on.

This is only the second page, and there are a lot of things behind. If they are all in this state, then even if Lu Ling writes it, it is not a good thing, it is equal to not writing it.


Feeling Li Zhuzi's dissatisfaction, Lu Ling didn't dare to vent her anger, so she could only stand obediently and look at her.


On the next page, Li Zhuzi let out a slight doubt, then glanced at the submissive Lu Ling, and narrowed his eyes.

The little girl's irritability only lasted less than ten words, and then she recovered her peace...

Li Zhuzi did not expect this.

Then she read on.

From the first page onwards, every word of Lu Ling was completed stroke by stroke. Although it is not beautiful, it can be seen that she has been very serious about pursuing neatness, and there are some small mistakes in the middle, but the big Most of Lu Ling took the initiative to correct them.

What surprised her even more was that in the last paragraph of the poem, Lu Ling's writing was peaceful and coherent, but just copying her writing, there was a faint sense of clarity.

Even though it mimics its own font, it's still pretty impressive.

Li Zhuzi couldn't help nodding.

Lu Ling really gave her a surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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