Chapter 183 Rewards
Seeing Li Zhuzi nodding, Lu Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from her experience, the husband's expression is basically very satisfied.

Now Lu Ling doesn't want to hear compliments from Li Zhuzi, as long as she doesn't get angry.

Do not seek success, but seek no fault.

Finally, Li Zhuzi read all of Lu Ling's homework, not missing a single word.


No, it's too late for her to be happy.

Lu Ling's temperament is much higher than she imagined. With so many words, only the first ten or so words have the meaning of being irritable, and the rest are all serious and neat. Although the last few lines have a little flaw, they can be ignored up.

Originally, if Lu Ling could finish half of the writing, Li Zhuzi would have given her full marks, but now she has finished writing it all, and in such a good state...

Very satisfied, she is very satisfied.

"Very well done." Li Zhuzi tidied up the papers in his hands, and then said.

"Really?" When Lu Ling heard this, joy crept up her cheeks.

"Of course, it deserves praise. Tell me, what reward do you want?" Li Zhuzi smiled at Lu Ling rarely.

"..." Seeing her husband's smile, Lu Ling couldn't help being stunned.

award?Didn't listen to it at all.


Lu Ling's mind went blank.

"Huh?" Li Zhuzi saw that Lu Ling was in a daze, got up and walked in front of her, rubbing her head.

"Sir, I..." Lu Ling came back to her senses, not knowing what to say.

She was rarely treated gently by Li Zhuzi, let alone praised.

"It's a good job, keep it up in the future." Li Zhuzi said.

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded vigorously.

"But there is a little mistake..." Li Zhuzi took out a piece of paper and put it in front of Lu Ling.

There are a few wrong strokes, but it's just out of carelessness, and the mistake is not big.

"I will pay attention." Lu Ling nodded.

"Okay, so be it." Li Zhuzi waved her hand, and she collected all of Lu Ling's homework, and then she handed the originals she wrote to Lu Ling.

These were originally prepared for her, and they are all common words.

After Lu Ling accepted it, she felt very happy.

Seeing that her husband was so satisfied, she felt that everything yesterday was nothing. Although her wrist was still sore now, compared to Li Zhuzi's gentle smile, these were nothing.

Then, Li Zhuzi led Lu Ling through the bamboo forest and into his own room.

"Sir?" Lu Ling didn't understand, don't you have to go to class today?

"Your class is suspended, everyone else is on vacation today." Li Zhuzi saw Lu Ling's question.

The words she asked Lu Ling to copy are all things that she needs to memorize slowly in the past few days. There is nothing to talk about now, and today... is the day when the little girls routinely rest.

In other words, for the whole day today, Lu Ling was the only one in Nanyuan Academy.

"Rest?" Lu Ling asked.

"Yes." At this moment, Li Zhuzi put away her smile and put on her still indifferent words, but her next actions were not cold enough.

With a snap of his fingers, under Lu Ling's surprised face, all the cabinets in the room opened, and all the snacks flew out, slowly spinning around Lu Ling.

These are Li Zhuzi's "treasures", which Lu Ling has coveted for a long time, and the little girl's performance today made her very satisfied, so Li Zhuzi must reward her.

Although they are all ordinary snacks...but she made them by herself in the middle, and she usually doesn't want to eat them.

For example, bamboo-colored lotus seed cake, which Lu Ling has always wanted.

Even, there are still some precious treasures of heaven and earth surrounding Lu Ling at this time, Li Zhuzi did not put away those treasures, but let them just circle around Lu Ling like this - among them is the longevity fruit from last time .

This is an extra reward she gave to Lu Ling. Let the little girl let go of eating today. Her physique can withstand these treasures, and Lu Ling's disposition also makes Li Zhuzi very relieved, so don't worry about progress. quick.

But she will not remind Lu Ling, it depends on her chance, anyway, if Lu Ling eats, she will not stop her.

This is the reward Li Zhuzi gave Lu Ling, and it was a treatment that other little girls had never enjoyed, even Xu Xu and Shen Gui did not.

At this time, Lu Ling was already special in Li Zhuzi's heart, everything about Lu Ling was branded with her mark, so he would naturally love her even more.

"These...are all for me?" Looking at everything around her, Lu Ling was stunned, her eyes rolling with the excitement around her.

"Greedy ghost." Li Zhuzi pinched Lu Ling's head.

Want so much, are you going to hold it to death?

"I can't give you all..." Li Zhuzi said.

"Ah?" Lu Ling was a little disappointed. What does the gentleman mean?Show yourself?
" can eat whatever you want." Li Zhuzi said something that surprised Lu Ling with a deadpan face.

"Whatever..." Hearing this, Lu Ling swallowed.

"Yes, whatever."

"Thank you sir!" Lu Ling was pleasantly surprised, she rushed up and hugged Li Zhuzi, with her height she could only reach Li Zhuzi's chest, and her head bumped into Li Zhuzi's softness.

But Li Zhuzi didn't care, she took advantage of the situation and touched Lu Ling's right shoulder, where it was stiff.

This girl is really working hard.

"It's all rewards for you." Li Zhuzi emphasized the rewards.

"En." Lu Ling nodded.

Sure enough, her overnight stay was correct, not only did she get her husband's satisfaction, but she also got something she liked.

"So many delicious..."

Lu Ling looked dazzled.

"Huh? This is..." Lu Ling stopped the whirling white fruit, which was soft and still glowing when pinched.

Seeing Lu Ling stop the longevity fruit, Li Zhuzi narrowed his eyes slightly.

But then Lu Ling just sniffed it and let go.

There was no smell, and then Lu Ling smiled embarrassedly.

She still remembered that this was the last time she stole something from her husband, she took it by chance...

Now that I think about it, I blush a little, but then I get excited.

This time is different from last time, with Li Zhuzi's permission, she didn't just eat it casually.


Lu Ling touched her lower abdomen.

She just finished breakfast, and she has no appetite now.

"..." Seeing Lu Ling put down the longevity fruit, Li Zhuzi felt a little pity for her, but she didn't lose anything if she didn't eat it. As far as Lu Ling's current cultivation speed is concerned, it is naturally best to practice gradually.

Then, Lu Ling looked at it for a while, reached out and grabbed a few peanuts, and threw them into her mouth.

Crackling, crunching, eating a few times.

Crispy and flavorful.

But... that's all for her.

"Ha~~ah~~~" Patted her mouth, Lu Ling yawned long, her eyes dim with tears.

At this time, sleepiness surged, and I lost my appetite for even delicious food.

Seeing Lu Ling's abnormal behavior today, Li Zhuzi also realized that something was wrong. In the past, Lu Ling was very energetic, as if she had inexhaustible strength.

From the moment we met today, he looked sluggish.

this girl...

It's not like I didn't sleep all night.

(End of this chapter)

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