Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 184 Lu Ling and the Immortal Sword

Chapter 184 Lu Ling and the Immortal Sword

Li Zhuzi just thought about it for a while, and basically understood Lu Ling's state. With this little girl's writing speed, if she didn't write in the afternoon, it would really take a whole night to finish it.

"Did you sleep?" she asked.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, tears flickering in her eyes representing sleepiness.

"Then sleep for a while." Li Zhuzi waved his hand, motioning for Lu Ling to rest on his bed for a while.

"But..." Lu Ling looked at the pile of snacks surrounded by her, showing a reluctant expression.

Finally, there was an opportunity to "kill a lot", and I was actually sleepy...

Why is it like this every time, yesterday also, I felt like vomiting when I saw a bunch of delicious food...

She is not a qualified foodie at all.

this girl...

Seeing Lu Ling's energetic appearance, Li Zhuzi shook his head and withdrew his hands, and then a lot of things around Lu Ling returned to his place in order, and the cabinet door was closed tightly.

"Sir!" Seeing this, Lu Ling became anxious, and hurriedly said.

"Rest first, then get up." Li Zhuzi stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Lu Ling's eyes, expressing clearly that he couldn't do it.

"Get up, can you?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Okay, go to sleep for a while."

Li Zhuzi's words gave Lu Ling a reassurance, and then she yawned for a long time.

With tears in his eyes, he could no longer see his face.

really sleepy.

like a little kid...


"Sleep, where are you..." Lu Ling was a little dizzy, she pulled the corner of Li Zhuzi's clothes and asked.

Delirious, after receiving Li Zhuzi's compliment, she finally let go of her worries and could sleep peacefully for a while.

"..." Hearing this, Li Zhuzi raised his brows a little.



If Lu Ling wants to sleep underground, she doesn't care, anyway, as a bloodline of ice, she won't catch cold because of such a trivial matter.

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded and took a few steps back.

"Bed...bed..." After mumbling a few times, Lu Ling sat on Li Zhuzi's bed as if sleepwalking, and turned over.

"Take off your shoes." Li Zhuzi reminded.

"Yes, sir." Hearing Li Zhuzi's voice, Lu Ling regained consciousness for a moment, threw off her shoes, rolled on the bed to the foot of the bed, and then remained motionless.

Breathing gradually became even.

Fell asleep.

When she was very sleepy, Lu Ling didn't feel that Li Zhuzi's bed was cramped, on the contrary, she slept peacefully with Mr. beside her.

Seeing Lu Ling with her mouth slightly open and her breath weak, Li Zhuzi shook his head, then walked out of the room and closed the door.

Look up at the snowflakes in the sky.

At this time, almost all of the Lingshan spiritual power in Lu Ling's body has been returned, and there are also some private goods with extremely high precision, which is really remarkable.

There are still many unknowns about the Frost Bloodline, and Lu Ling has great potential. I believe everyone can see this, but relatively, Lu Ling also has a lot of doubts.

But Li Zhuzi didn't care, and Lu Ling didn't have anything to pay attention to, even though there were doubts, she just ignored it.

Watch out for what?Are you wary of her coming to your room to steal snacks?
Li Zhuzi couldn't help smiling.

Speaking of the ice blood, she focused on the ninth peak.

The fairy sword still didn't make any movement, probably completely malfunctioning, but it's not sure that Lu Ling will not be able to wake up the fairy sword, because the snowflakes are extremely cold these days, which is basically the same as the breath of Xueluo Qianhan.

What is certain is that there must be an inevitable connection between the ice blood and Xueluo Qianhan. It may be that Lu Ling's cultivation is not enough, but if one day she can wake up Xueluo Qianhan, Lingshan needs to pay attention in advance.

Not to guard against Lu Ling, but to guard against other things.

A few days ago, the restlessness of Xianjian Lihuo Hongling attracted the attention of all parties. Shushan also issued an order to chase the demon. Now the entire Xuanjing Division is looking for a demon king named Mo Yuan.

These are all trivial matters, not to mention just a wisp of remnant soul, even in his heyday, he could only run away like a mouse, and he could not become a climate. It is undoubtedly difficult for the Mozu to play a trick of surprise under the noses of the three tribes.

Therefore, everyone's eyes were on Li Huo Hong Ling.

Although it was only a slight leakage of spiritual energy, even in the Lingshan Mountain thousands of miles away, one could still see the flames soaring into the sky in the distance. The hidden meaning of destruction was not something that people in Shushan could hide if they wanted to.

Although the fairy sword has not been seen for a long time, it has been so long that other people have almost forgotten the power of the fairy sword, and even the new generation of disciples are not aware of the existence of such a big killer.

But now Li Huohongling told everyone that it was still there, and it was still terrifying.

On the other hand, Xueluo Qianhan... It's not a little bit worse, but the fairy sword is a fairy sword after all, and they can't disclose any news that the fairy sword is stored in Lingshan.

Even if it is a broken sword.

Therefore, being unable to wake up temporarily is not necessarily a bad thing. If Xueluo Qianhan cannot control her own power like Lihuo Hongling, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for Lingshan.

And everything was tied to Lu Ling. Judging from her current performance, it was a certainty that Lu Ling was equal to Xue Luo Qianhan. Naturally, her cultivation was under the watchful eye of everyone all the time.

Of course, Lingshan has not yet reached the point where she needs to squeeze an underage girl, she just needs to grow and develop slowly, although cultivation is necessary... But Li Zhuzi doesn't want Lu Ling to get in touch with her too early, for no reason.

It's good to live like this.

It's a pity that it's just a delusion. She still has to move forward after all. At this time, Lu Ling has already condensed her energy, and the next step is to divide the soul. At this time, it is necessary to carry out the necessary practice of Lingshan disciples - the cultivation of the soul.

Regardless of whether it is the soul of the soul or the soul of the martial arts, everyone can't get around this hurdle. Now Lu Ling is in a good state, and I believe that cultivation is not a problem...

She herself teaches basic knowledge, so she can't interfere too much. Lu Ling's education has to be entrusted to other talents. Although Juexian can't count on it, there are other high-level teachers.

Li Zhuzi is ready, and then reduce Lu Ling's study time and hand her over to other teachers to teach her about cultivation.

She can only teach the basics of the basics, and the rest, whether it is cultivation or mind cultivation...has nothing to do with her.


In the early morning, the bamboo forest is very quiet, and the whole bamboo forest is shrouded in a layer of mist, which slowly dissipates with the sunrise.At this time, the dewdrops on the bamboo leaves are so crystal clear under the sunlight.

Walking, Li Zhuzi's figure flashed repeatedly, and disappeared after disappearing into the dense bamboo forest.

The breeze blows, the snow dew moistens, and the sun caresses, a scene full of vitality. In the picturesque and dreamlike snow scene, Li Zhuzi walks in the forest, looking for the most suitable bamboo with the heaviest aura. .

(End of this chapter)

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