Chapter 188

"Junior Sister, why are you looking for her?" Qin Qin sat down and looked at Liu Fufeng puzzled.

Liu Fufeng thought for a while, and then showed Qin Qin the ice glaze in his hand.

After taking it out, the temperature in the air dropped sharply, and Liu Fufeng could see Qin Qin shiver unnaturally.

"Such a strong cold air? What a treasure..." Qin Qin stared intently at the roundness in Liu Fufeng's hand, revealing a little longing: "And it's so beautiful..."

Then she came to her senses: "That's not right, Junior Sister Liu, a treasure of this level, what are you doing..."

"Senior Sister Shen gave it to my Senior Sister."




"Senior Sister!!" After a while, Qin Qin jumped up from the chair with a look of disbelief.

"Junior Sister Liu, are you kidding me, this is what my Senior Sister gave to Junior Junior Sister?"

"Well, because it's too precious, I'll come here and return it to Senior Sister Shen." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then explained the purpose of this trip in detail.

"I..." Qin Qin twitched the corners of her mouth, but she still decided to check carefully: "Junior Sister Liu, can you take a closer look for me?"

"Of course." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then sent the Bing Liuli to Qin Qin.

Holding hands tightly, Qin Qin closed his eyes and sensed the world in his hands.

This is a world of ice and snow, the whole is covered by pure white ice and snow, a huge ice dragon descends from the sky, uncannily crafted, perfectly natural, the short and long ice hangs are the scales of this giant dragon.

The sword energy is like wind, the momentum is vigorous, the energy penetrates like a rainbow, and the sword flashes like lightning.

The wind is the sword, the snow is the sword, the stars are the swords, this is basically a world of swords.

Thousands of sword lights surround the world in his hands, they are unparalleled ice sword energy, crystal clear, shining with charming, mysterious, strange, ghostly white light.

Opening her eyes in disbelief, Qin Qin looked at the small roundness in her hand, which looked like a pearl flowing with water on the surface, but was full of ice and sword intent inside.

She looked more carefully than Xu Xu, this thing is definitely not as simple as increasing spiritual power, although Qin Qin doesn't know the specific function, but now she is convinced of Liu Fufeng's words.

Ice, sword intent, these are things Shen Gui is good at.

It really belongs to her senior sister.

isn't it...

Qin Qin felt that the world had collapsed. Her senior sister would actually give someone a gift?Or such an important gift?

She is different from Xu Xu, Qin Qin, who lives under the same roof as Shen Gui, can understand Shen Gui's character better, and now she seems to know Shen Gui for the first time.

Returning the ice glaze in his hand to Liu Fufeng, Qin Qin frowned, and began to doubt life.

"How is it?" Liu Fufeng asked nervously.

"How is it?" Qin Qin looked into Liu Fufeng's eyes: "I don't know about the others, at least they are at the same level as my strings, and may be even more precious."

She was talking about the water strings among the five basic strings of her Fengming Qin.

Pure strength is not enough for Qin Qin to come to such a conclusion, but what is interesting is that the breath of this snow world is exactly the same as the smell of snow in Lingshan at this time.

This has to be deliberated. If the heavy snow on the nine peaks of Lingshan is really related to the ice glaze in his hand, then this thing is terrible, and it can affect the spiritual balance of the Lingshan Mountain Protection Formation...not a little bit.

In contrast, Qin Qin is more willing to believe that the taste is similar, or that it is simply the product of the sky vision.

"I see." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"Junior Sister, aren't you surprised?" Qin Qin looked at Liu Fufeng's expression as usual, and couldn't help being a little curious. At first, she thought that Liu Fufeng didn't understand the rarity of Bing Liuli, so she gave her a science introduction, but Liu Fufeng didn't seem to care at all. .

"No matter how precious it is, it belongs to Senior Sister Shen. According to Senior Sister Shen..." Liu Fufeng thought for a while: "It's normal to have any kind of magical treasure."

When he said these words, what Liu Fufeng thought of was the battle between Shen Gui and Xu Xu in the Taoist Temple.

The returning sword, which was as black as ink, caused a vision of heaven and earth, and the scene of falling snowflakes is still in my mind.

This is the real fairy.

Besides, Xu Xu had already told her that Qin Qin's words only strengthened Liu Fufeng's determination to return the things to Shen Gui.

"My senior sister? Also." Qin Qin nodded.

Shen Gui is really as she said, a "rich man of the land", he has all kinds of equipment in his hand, and the treasures that increase his own spiritual power can't be used up, and the treasures of heaven and earth can be eaten for several years Yes, but her senior sister has never relied on external objects.

So far, not to mention the ones bestowed by the master, there are more than a dozen spirit swords won in the competition alone, and all of them are top-notch ice-type spirit swords...

But Shen Gui is still using that pitch-black Returning Sword.

Returning sword, that is a mortal sword, something that Shen Gui brought from the mundane world, without any forging, but it has earned a great reputation.

"However... Although there are many collections, she is stingy." Qin Qin laughed.

Shen Gui is very stingy, with so many treasures, she doesn't use them herself and doesn't let others use them. Anyway, last time she wanted to ask Shen Gui for some ice-type spirit treasures to refine her strings, but the latter didn't bother at all. she.

This is also where Qin Qin was surprised. Shen Gui, who was so petty, would not give it to her with ordinary spirit treasures, but she actually gave this ice glaze to Lu Ling?
A little girl just getting started?

Qin Qin really didn't understand, she had plans for Lu Ling, she admitted, so did Shen Gui?Just because my junior sister is also from the ice department?
Impossible, there are many little girls of ice type, why...

and many more.

Qin Qin suddenly remembered something, last night Lu Ling only gave her a cute feeling, and made her forget something.

I remember at the very beginning, when I saw Junior Sister for the first time, her eyes... were filled with coldness and sword light, exactly the same as when Shen Gui was angry. Qin Qin was also frightened by Lu Ling.

At that time, Lu Ling couldn't even speak, and she looked like a newborn baby, and this appearance was a symbol of her strength that could not be hidden.

Shen Gui... Has he taken a fancy to Lu Ling?

It's hard to say.

If Lu Ling's talent in swords is outstanding, plus she is also of the ice type... Shen Guibao is not sure that she will really be tempted.

It's not just her who likes to play games, most people just haven't met the right one. Lu Ling is obviously the most suitable one.

If her conjecture is true, it would be interesting. The sisters actually fell in love with the same girl?

The sincere feelings of the sisters turned against each other because of the intervention of a third party... Just kidding.

At most, there is some competition, but she has the advantage. The cultivation of the soul of the soul is ahead of the soul of the martial arts, and the little junior sister has a yin vein, and it is very difficult to practice swords.

Thinking of the possibility of snatching someone from Shen Gui, Qin Qin bit her lower lip tightly, a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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