Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 189 Shen Gui's Waking Qi

Chapter 189 Shen Gui's Waking Qi
Liu Fufeng: "..."

At this time, there were only two people in the hall, one was Liu Fufeng and the other was Qin Qin.

It's just that now Qin Qin has fallen into that bad state again.

Wearing a long water-green dress, Qin Qin squinted her eyes at this time, twisting her hands together in front of her lower abdomen, her face was flushed, and there was a smile at the corner of her mouth.

That kind of laughter made Liu Fufeng shudder.

Senior Sister Qin... is thinking about something again...

"Ahem." Liu Fufeng coughed a few times.

"...Well, I'm fine." Qin Qin broke away from her delusions, pinched her hot cheeks, and said.

"No, it's fine." Liu Fufeng twitched the corners of her mouth, she didn't ask Qin Qin if there was anything wrong...

Paranoia is really a terrible thing. Looking at Qin Qin who is a bit miserable at this time, Liu Fufeng began to doubt whether it was a good thing for him to agree to learn cooking from her.

"That, that..." Qin Qin was a little incoherent. She was surprised by Shen Gui's performance at first, but when she thought that the two might fight for Lu Ling together, she immediately became excited and couldn't stop.

It was for Liu Fufeng's sake that he didn't smirk.

No, you have to restrain yourself.

Qin Qin cleared her throat and said seriously: "Junior Sister Liu, let me call Senior Sister for you, you can ask me face to face."

"En, I'm sorry to trouble you, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then stood aside.

Then, Qin Qin put her little finger on the corner of her mouth and called out, "Senior Sister... Senior Sister... I have a guest..."



After a while, several calls seemed to sink into the sea, and there was no response at all.

Qin Qin was a little embarrassed, and called out a few more times, but as before, no one paid any attention to her.

It was as if she was performing a drama alone, calling out to the air.

"She ignored me." Qin Qin shrugged.

She was probably practicing again. When Shen Gui was practicing, she probably couldn't hear anything until she knocked on the door.

Of course... Maybe he didn't want to talk to her.

But Qin Qin subconsciously ignored this.

"Then what should I do?" Liu Fufeng frowned, this thing is so precious, she feels hot to put it away now, if it is lost or broken, how can she bear it in her heart.

"How about, Senior Sister, you can put it away first, and find a time to return it to Senior Sister Shen for me." Liu Fufeng thought for a while, and said.

"Me?" Qin Qin was taken aback, then waved her hands again and again: "No, no, I'll forget it."

What Shen Gui sent out, did she accept it on behalf of Shen Gui without promising to take it back?
Probably because she didn't want to, she didn't want to reason with Returning Sword.

"Otherwise, you might as well just accept it." Qin Qin thought for a while, and said, "This thing can also help my junior sister practice, why do you have to return it, don't want it for nothing..."

Before Qin Qin finished speaking, he saw Liu Fufeng's eyes, and his tone froze.

"If I didn't tell you, you can pay it back if you want."

She didn't know what Liu Fufeng was thinking, but she could probably guess a little bit.

After all, it is still hypocritical, but hypocritical and cute.

Seeing that it was useless to say anything, Qin Qin said: "Then I'll take you to find Senior Sister, she must be practicing in the room now."

"It's troublesome." Liu Fufeng nodded, anyway, she must see Shen Gui today and return this hot thing.

"Come with me."

Then, Qin Qin led Liu Fufeng out of the hall and walked towards where Shen Gui was. She walked very slowly, and kept talking all the way, constantly looking for topics, showing her true nature of chatter.

However, Liu Fufeng's mind is full of things now, and he has no interest in chatting at all. He just occasionally says a word or two on topics involving Lu Ling.

"Is it very far?" Liu Fufeng asked suddenly.

It feels like it's been a long time, why hasn't it arrived yet.

"Ah? Hahaha, it's not far away, we'll be there soon..." Hearing this, Qin Qin laughed unnaturally.

Of course she took a detour on purpose, taking Liu Fufeng through the courtyard corridor that Lu Ling thought was beautiful last time, which wasted a lot of time.

But obviously, Liu Fufeng was not like Lu Ling, he didn't say anything he liked, and just walked around on his own.

Qin Qin was a little disappointed, and then calmed down.

Otherwise, how can she say that she likes Lu Ling? That girl is even on the same level of appreciation as herself.

Then, she quickened her pace and stopped walking, walking towards Shen Gui's room with a "tat-tat-tat" sound.


In fact, Liu Fufeng thought it was beautiful, but because he was from the Immortal family, he couldn't express himself too surprised, and he really wasn't in the mood to appreciate it now, so he didn't open his mouth.

After all, the beauty brought by the combination of heavy snow and red lacquer carved viewing pavilion... No girl will hate it.

Well... Shen Gui is not considered a girl.



There is no extra detour, so it will be very fast, Qin Qin stopped in front of the door and said.

This is Senior Sister Shen's room?
Liu Fufeng looked at the white jade side hall in front of him.

so big……

The biggest impression Shen Gui's house gave Liu Fufeng was that it was big.

"Senior sister, what should we do now?" Liu Fufeng looked at the wooden door, a little embarrassed.

"What should I do? Knock on the door." Qin Qin pouted, and then knocked on Shen Gui's door a few times.

"Senior sister, open the door."



After a while, nothing happened.

Qin Qin: "..."

Another knock, but no one paid any attention.

Qin Qin's nose moved slightly, and then her face turned cold. She was sure that Shen Gui was in the room.

Then why ignore yourself?
"Senior Sister..." Qin Qin gritted her teeth.

She was a little angry, she was fine with being alone, now that Junior Sister Liu is beside her, how can she be so disrespectful?

Then she clenched her fist and slammed hard at the hollow carvings on the door.

I can't believe you can't hear me.

Here, seeing Qin Qin's actions, Liu Fufeng was speechless for a while, it seemed that Senior Sister Shen was really not that easy to get along with.

He is domineering, has a bad temper, and is not friendly to people. Although... a bit handsome, he still keeps him at a respectful distance.

I just don't know why she treats her A Ling so well.

Just when Qin Qin was about to hit the door, the door opened, and Shen Gui's figure appeared. At this time, she was stretching out a hand, firmly holding Qin Qin's small fist that was about to smash the door.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Gui's voice was cold and his face was indifferent, like a zombie.

Liu Fufeng looked over, only to find that Shen Guizheng was wearing that black pajama-like suit, the black and light jacket was wrinkled, and his hair was a little messy, just looking at his figure...

She's a total girl.

Senior Sister Shen looks like this... is she sleeping?

Qin Qin didn't care so much, she was trying to get her hand out of Shen Gui's right now.

"Let go, you let go, it hurts to death!"

Shen Gui's hand was like an iron tongs, she couldn't even pull it out.

Qin Qin slandered this strange girl in her heart.


As the strength in Shen Gui's hands increased a little, there was a crisp sound of bone cracking, and Qin Qin suddenly took a breath.


Liu Fufeng watched the farce from the side, and put his hands behind his back unnaturally.

It hurts to look at her...

This Senior Sister Shen is too much.

Could it be that she, like Ah Ling, also has the urge to get up?
(End of this chapter)

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