Chapter 196
Dongfang Lianren's body is poisonous, and it's an unscrupulous poison, almost all the girls in Lingshan know it.

Among them, Luo Hanyi suffered the most injuries. Under her propaganda, Dongfang Lianren was like a fierce tiger, and no one dared to get close to him, for fear of becoming "that way".

What it looks like can be understood by referring to the current Lu Ling.

"Dongfang, you came a little late." Li Zhuzi ate the fruit in his hands, wiped his mouth and said, "It's been a few days, when you think about it and come here to detoxify the little girl, she's probably already... ... tut tut."

Li Zhuzi shook his head.

It was several days ago that Lu Ling was poisoned, and she didn't solve it in the end, it was in this hot spring.

"Well, I forgot, you know bamboo." Dongfang Lianren was a little embarrassed. She was in a hurry to go home to take care of her babies, so she left Lu Ling behind. She didn't remember that she was poisoned.

Today, I also remembered that I accidentally hurt the girl in my palace.

"Dongfang, you can't do this." Li Zhuzi frowned: "It's nothing more than cold clothes. She has a high cultivation level and can withstand it. If it's an ordinary girl, don't you think about the consequences after hanging it out for so long?"

"I know I was wrong." Dongfang Lianren lowered his head, as if admitting his mistake: "Besides, didn't I remember it?"

"It's the best thing to think about. I'll save you another trip. If you don't come tonight, I'll have to take the little girl to your place." Li Zhuzi floated up a little bit, revealing his delicate collarbone, lifted Pointing to Lu Ling in Dongfang Lianren's arms: "Your poison is too weird, I can't clean it up, and you still have to do it yourself if the remaining poison remains."

"So what are you in a hurry for?" Dongfang Lian raised her hand and touched Lu Ling's hot side face: "What's the matter? It's just a little bit of arrogance, and the remaining seeds will not cause any harm to the little girl, and will make her more serious. Isn't it cute?"

"..." Li Zhuzi raised her head slightly in Wenyan, and she rolled up her shawl hair, with a serious face on her face: "Sexy? That's all?"

"You want the little girl to become as virtuous as Cang Hai?"

Li Zhuzi's tone was very dissatisfied.

"Zhuzi, what you said is too much." Dongfang Lianren took a step forward after hearing the words: "Senior Sister Shen is born, no wonder me, and besides, she looks like a heroine, and there is no trace of beauty in her body." ?”

"It's completely different from my temperament."

Seeing Dongfang Lian approaching, Li Zhuzi buried his body under the water again, and said at the same time: "Jiao, whore, what else can I do? The guy who hides the sword doesn't look like you, but she is a genuine one." ..."

As he said that, Li Zhuzi couldn't help sighing when he thought of Shen Canghai's terrible appearance.

"What's the problem, I think Senior Sister Shen is quite handsome." Dongfang Lianren licked her red lips; "Besides, what's wrong with liking girls, they are so cute."

While talking, she still didn't forget to tease Lu Ling in her arms.

"Also, Zhuzi, you said that I'm lewd, it's too much, but I..."

"I didn't mention you." Li Zhuzi interrupted her.

Although Dongfang Lianren looks charming, she is actually completely different from Shen Canghai, she still understands this.

"Zang Jian's liking is different from your liking." Li Zhuzi is very clear about Shen Canghai's disposition. The latter is completely a slut, the kind that can't be shaken off. I don't know how many girls have been harmed. .

Anyway, she couldn't understand it.

"Well, those girls are also voluntary, Zhuzi, you can say nothing about her." Dongfang Lianren expressed understanding to Shen Canghai: "Could it be that Senior Sister Shen has to go out and bring you a few men to make you happy?" .”

Hearing this, Li Zhuzi was stunned for a moment: "... If she really has this ability, I will be relieved."

With Shen Canghai's notoriety, it would be even more difficult to find a sincere man.

"What kind of skills do you want?" Dongfang Lianren shook his head: "Aren't there few people in this world who harbor ill-will towards Senior Sister Shen? Speaking of Zhuzi, don't you think the same? Let me count how many there are... One in Shushan, one in Dongshenhai One, Yihua..."

"..." Hearing that, Li Zhuzi shrank a little further into the water, and changed the subject: "Tomorrow, the little girl will go down the mountain with her senior sister, so I can rest assured that you have detoxified her."

"Detoxification is not a problem, that's why I came here, but going down the mountain? Where are you going? Do you want me to go with you? There is nothing to do tomorrow." Dongfang Lianren pinched Lu Ling's face, and then said.

"Luoyan City, are you going?" Li Zhuzi asked.

She didn't think it mattered, it would be a good thing if Lian Dongfang followed.

"Luoyan City?" Hearing this, Dongfang Lianren bit her lower lip, thought for a while and shook her head: "Forget it, I'll stay at home with my little ones, I'm already tired of visiting Luoyan City."

"Whatever you want." Li Zhuzi said.

At this time, a faint voice appeared.

"First, sir..."

Li Zhuzi looked over and found that it was Lu Ling. The little girl hadn't lost consciousness yet. Could it be that she had developed antibodies after being poisoned too much?However, Lu Ling's eyes were full of mist, and it was obvious that they were sunk deeply.

"You're a new student, you're pretty good. You can compete with that stupid girl Luo Hanyi. How can you still talk with such a low cultivation level?" Dongfang Lianren was also surprised. The strength of speaking, I'm afraid it will melt away, even if Luo Hanyi is as advanced as he is, he can't stand the sensuality of her body at all.

Is Lu Ling considered talented?
"Could it be that the ice blood is also resistant to poison?"

Hearing this, Li Zhuzi thought for a while: "There is no record in the classics, but it's hard to say."

"It's really mysterious." Dongfang Lianren nodded, and then glanced at Lu Ling: "It would be great if she could be immune to poison..."


If it doesn't exist, Lu Ling can't be immune at all. The reason why she can endure this feeling of powerlessness is because she soaked in hot springs, but that's all.

"Sir... help, save me..."

Lu Ling's lips turned bright red at this time, and all her hopes were placed on Li Zhuzi.

She glanced at her status bar just now, and the few lines of small pink words made her tremble with fear.

If the husband doesn't save her, she will basically become RBQ steadily.

Who wants to become RBQ!
But Lu Ling also understands that the woman beside her is not a bad person anymore, she is probably an elder in Lingshan again...

Elders and so on... why are they all such dishonest people...

"Help? I didn't harm you. Why do you need bamboo to save you? The little girl really can't talk." Hearing Lu Ling's soft voice, Dongfang Lian showed dissatisfaction, and hugged Lu Ling fiercely, as if to Rubbing the whole of her into his arms.

Under the shortness of breath, Lu Ling choked on a few more mouthfuls of air, and her fisted hands opened weakly, completely sinking.

Li Zhuzi: "..."

Seeing Lu Ling looking at him with lovely and pitiful eyes before "dying", Li Zhuzi showed helplessness.

"All right, all right, let her go."

(End of this chapter)

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