Chapter 197 Bathing
Hearing Li Zhuzi speak, Dongfang Lian shrugged.

"Then listen to you, go on."

As she said that, she threw Lu Ling to Li Zhuzi, who had no choice but to catch Lu Ling firmly and put her beside the hot spring.

"Dongfang, can you not pick on me next time..." Li Zhuzi buried his body in the hot spring again, and glanced at his clothes on the shore: "Come here and talk about these important things at a time that is inconvenient..."

"What's the matter?" Dongfang Lianren stepped back a few steps away from Lu Ling, and then stretched out his hand to her.

Under the inexplicable baptism, a stream of light red powder was drawn from Lu Ling's body, like a firefly, emitting a soft light at night.

The rays of light gathered together and formed a line, heading towards Dongfang Lianren's palm.

During this period, Li Zhuziqiong's nose moved slightly, and what she smelled was a sweet scent, not to mention the effect, but in terms of the aroma alone, this so-called good smell is indeed not bad.

"Okay." A moment later, a pink ball of light slowly spun in Dongfang Lian's palm. These were the qi in Lu Ling's body, and then she crushed them into pieces.

Li Zhuzi glanced at Lu Ling, the unnatural flush on the latter's face disappeared at this time, the whole person seemed very quiet, and there was no such strange smell on his body.

I had to admit that Dongfang Lianren's poison was very strong, but she couldn't even get rid of the small lingering aura.

"The matter is over, now..." Dongfang Lianren glanced at Li Zhuzi in the hot spring, and licked the corner of his mouth.

"Bamboo, let me soak together for a while, Lingquan, I haven't enjoyed it for a long time."

"Long time? Aren't you the peak master?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"It's not good just because I'm the peak master. The aura in the spring is limited, and the little girls can't tell it apart. How can I be the peak master... Well, using power for personal gain?" You are not like bamboo, you are nestled on the first floor of the Lingtai, and you have a private spiritual spring, it is incomparable."

Said, Dongfang Lianren's tone was a little envious.

"Really?" Li Zhuzi narrowed his eyes, looking up and down at the woman in front of him.

Dressed in a bright red Taoist robe, she always has a charming and coquettish aura on her body...righteousness?
Forget it, it's something that only people in Shushan have.

"It's not because you have poison on your body..." Li Zhuzi was interrupted in the middle of speaking.

"Ahem, bamboo, stop, don't expose me..." Lian Dongfang showed dissatisfaction.

Yes, she can't take a bath in the spiritual spring, unless she wants to infect all the girls in the mountain with aura. The spiritual spring is connected with spiritual energy. If the poison in her body spreads... the consequences will be disastrous.

"I'm so miserable, can't you understand me?"

"...Do whatever you want." Li Zhuzi looked at Dongfang Lianren's pitiful appearance, although she knew she was faking it, she still couldn't bear it, so she moved her body to make room for a person in the spring water.

"That's great." Dongfang Lianren laughed, took a few steps forward, and was about to take off her clothes, but she stopped as soon as she unbuttoned the first button.

"Zhuzi, why don't you leave this girl here?"

He pointed to Lu Ling, who was still lying behind the hot spring.

"Wait, I'll take her home." Li Zhuzi nodded, stood up, wrapped in brocade, walked to Lu Ling and squatted down.

"Crack, crack." Lightly slapped Lu Ling's face a few times.

"Woke up."

"Hmm..." Following Li Zhuzi's movements, after a small moan, Lu Ling slowly opened her eyes, and her goal was Li Zhuzi's face.


After regaining consciousness a little, Lu Ling froze.

Sir, what kind of attire is this... There is no clothes inside.

"Are you awake? Go home when you wake up." Seeing Lu Ling regain consciousness, Li Zhuzi pulled her up from the ground.

"???" At this time, Lu Ling was still a little confused, but she immediately came to her senses, because she met Dongfang Lianren's eyes, and the latter smiled kindly at her.

"..." With a shock, Lu Ling woke up instantly.

is her.

Lu Ling took a few steps back, with a look of vigilance on her face. Seeing this, Li Zhuzi shook her head. She rolled up her short hair, and said to Lu Ling, "That's not a bad person, it's your uncle."

...Uncle Master?Lu Ling was taken aback.

"Well, it's Master Dongfang." Li Zhuzi rubbed Lu Ling's head and said.


This woman with that kind of poison on her body is actually my uncle?

Before Lu Ling could speak, Dongfang Lianren spoke first.

"Zhuzi, what kind of uncle, call me old, just call me sister." Then she took a few steps forward, and said to Lu Ling: "Good boy, call me sister..."

Seeing this, Lu Ling was in a dilemma, who should she listen to?Then she looked at Li Zhuzi, who was also very helpless.

Dongfang Lianren wants to be called sister, so be her sister.

"Dongfang... sister..." Lu Ling spoke slowly, with a weak look on her face, but in her heart she had already blacklisted this so-called uncle who was full of whore and was not a good woman at first sight.

Dongfang Lianren's ranking is even higher than that of Shen Gui. In Lu Ling's mind, the latter is just a bit violent. The charming woman in front of her can turn her into an RBQ existence, so she must be treated with caution.

"Good boy." Hearing that Lu Ling called her elder sister, Dongfang Lianren was finally satisfied, and said to Li Zhuzi, "Okay, let her go."

"That's it, remember to come here when you leave tomorrow." After stroking Lu Ling's head, Li Zhuzi gave a few instructions, and with a wave of his right hand, Lu Ling's figure disappeared.

She has already been sent back to the Ninth Peak.


"Zhuzi, you are very kind to this student. I have never seen you care so much about a little girl." Dongfang Lianren began to undress.

Li Zhuzi sat down in the hot spring again, and casually replied, "It's okay."

"I don't think it's okay." After a while, Dongfang Lianren took off all his clothes and folded them neatly beside Li Zhuzi, walked slowly into the hot spring, and sat down beside Li Zhuzi.

"Hmm... so comfortable..." Feeling that she was tightly wrapped by a group of spiritual energy, Dongfang Lianren completely relaxed, she turned to Li Zhuzi and said, "Does it have nothing to do with the ice blood?"

"It doesn't matter." Li Zhuzi shook her head, she was kind to Lu Ling, it really wasn't because of the ice blood that didn't know if it was useful.

"It's really gentle." Dongfang Lianren's body sank a little, hiding her hot body.

Looking down at his chest, Dongfang Lianren said resentfully: "Zhuzi, you have a really good figure, you were born to seduce men."

"..." Li Zhuzi had a dangerous glint in his eyes upon hearing this.

"Alright, just kidding." Dongfang Lian shrugged.

"It's better to be a joke." Li Zhuzi snorted coldly, and then looked at the attractive pink color of his own spring water, with a strange expression on his face.

Now she knows why Dongfang Lianren can't take a bath in the spring. At this moment, Shen Canghai may not be able to bear the concentration of the hot air in the spring water. That is, her spiritual energy restrains the poisonous air so that she will not be greatly affected, but even That's right, her face is also a little rosy.

Dongfang Lianren was already used to being pink all over her body every time she took a bath, so she didn't think there was anything wrong.

Anyway, it's going to leak, and pink is better than creepy green rot.



"It's really not easy for you."


Then, Li Zhuzi stopped talking, and the two enjoyed the spiritual spring and snowflakes quietly at night, while Lu Ling had already returned to the Ninth Peak and was talking to Liu Fufeng.

(End of this chapter)

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