Chapter 199 The Demon
For the human race, the evil sea spirit is a demon, and the human race's old enemy, the demon race, is unified as a demon.

Monsters are also used to describe other creatures that are unfavorable to the human race. According to A Ling, this little guy is actually a monster that can eat people?
Liu Fufeng, the demon species, has seen it before. He is cruel and murderous. Naturally, there is no need to mention the horror.

Thinking about it, Liu Fufeng picked up Xuechen and prepared to go out.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling looked at her suspiciously.

"What are you going to do?"

"Go to Teacher Li, or throw it away. You can't keep monsters by your side." Liu Fufeng looked serious.

Seeing a joke, eating her A Ling?If you don't throw it away, keep it. If you want to do something, you should do it while this monster is weak.

Lu Ling didn't understand the horror of demons, but Liu Fufeng knew it all.

"Throw it?" Lu Ling was stunned.

What's the matter, why did her junior sister's attitude change instantly...

Hearing Liu Fufeng's words, Xuechen weakly opened his eyes, and then the voice of a wronged girl sounded in Lu Ling's mind.

【Master... I... am not a monster...】

[Demon, who said you are a demon. 】Lu Ling is puzzled, she doesn't know anything else, but Xuechen can definitely be trusted.

【I didn't want to eat the master...】 Xuechen was about to cry.

Only then did Lu Ling realize that there must be something wrong with the way she expressed herself, which caused her junior sister to misunderstand her.

"Wait!" Lu Ling stopped Liu Fufeng, and then explained to her for a while.


"Don't eat people?" Liu Fufeng narrowed his eyes: "Senior Sister, what do you mean..."

"Yes... eat like this." Lu Ling opened Xuechen's three-petal mouth, and then put her fingers in, feeling a little apprehensive at the same time.

What Zhao Xuechen meant was that in this way, she could absorb her own spiritual power.



Then Lu Ling opened up her senses and turned off all vigilance. At that moment, Liu Fufeng suddenly felt that her Ah Ling became harmless to humans and animals, easy to bully.

Although it has always been easy to bully, it is obviously softer now.

There was a moan of a cat, and then Lu Ling felt that her fingers were trapped in a moist place, and there was a slippery soft spot moving back and forth on her nails.


Liu Fufeng saw some ice-blue light glowing on Lu Ling's hands, and even the cat in her arms became more energetic.

This is... my aura?

Lu Ling was a little surprised. It wasn't for Xuechen's reminder, she would have forgotten that she still had spiritual power.

That's right, she is no longer an ordinary person, but... why does she feel that she hasn't changed in any way?
The exercises learned under the guidance of her husband have no sense of existence at all. She just broke through before, and she was happy for a while when she returned to Lingshan, but the reality gave her a blow. It was a blow. She even had two chopsticks. They kept breaking, even with the strength of breastfeeding.

If it's just one, you can barely do it by gnashing your teeth, it's really miserable.

Others practice a secret book, and their strength can easily increase by several thousand catties, and tens of thousands of catties, but she is lucky, and can't even break a chopstick. After discovering this fact, Lu Ling temporarily lost confidence in cultivation.

Speaking of what the husband said to her, I will start the next stage of cultivation immediately... Lu Ling feels that she is not interested, and it is meaningless to practice anyway, so why waste time every day.

On the contrary, her junior sister meditates for a while every day, I don't know if it is helpful.

If Liu Fufeng becomes super powerful, then she will be able to do what she likes to her heart's content.

Lu Ling always felt that she was a salted fish, the kind who couldn't do anything.

All Lu Ling in Shushan regarded it as a dream. She never thought that the crazy person in her memory would be herself, and she must have become that way under the influence of Xuechen.


Feeling the slipperiness of her fingertips, she twitched the corners of her mouth. Practice is not useless at all, at least... she is now a mobile bottle.

Isn't Xuechen "eating" like a baby drinking milk?
Although she doesn't know what the spiritual power she accumulates every day is useful, it can't get rid of fatigue or strengthen her body, but if she doesn't have spiritual power, Xuechen will be hungry.

From here, it is still useful.

Lu Ling comforted herself.

"Eat like this?" Liu Fufeng was also taken aback.

There are such creatures that feed on spiritual power, but seeing such a scene, Liu Fufeng is relieved, as long as she has no ill intentions towards her Ah Ling, no matter how troublesome it is to take care of her, she can bear it.

At this time, Xuechen sipped Lu Ling's finger, and Liu Fufeng felt a strange feeling, feeding her with spiritual power, only Ah Ling could afford to support her.

If it's me...

Liu Fufeng looked at his hands and shook his head.

Forget it, the amount she has accumulated now is probably not as good as Lu Ling's automatic growth in a day.


After a while, Xuechen burped, licked Lu Ling's fingers, and fell asleep in her arms.

"Is this the end?" Lu Ling was a little surprised, her "eating capacity" must be too small.

Putting the full cat on the bed, Liu Fufeng came over.

"Senior sister, how do you feel?"

"What about it?" Lu Ling didn't understand.

"Spiritual power, has it decreased much?" Liu Fufeng asked, although her A Ling accumulated spiritual power very quickly, but if the amount absorbed is too large, it won't work.

"Not much." Lu Ling shook her head, she didn't even feel that the strength of her lower dantian had decreased.

This is too good to feed.

"That's good." Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and he was completely at ease.

As long as it concerns Lu Ling, no matter how big or small it is, she will take it seriously.


Nanyuan, the residence of Li Zhuzi.

At this time, the two were still soaking in the hot spring, and two mature bodies were wrapped in the water.

It was so clear that there was no trace of pink. If you looked carefully, you could find that Dongfang Lianren still exuded a strange aura, but it was sucked into Li Zhuzi's body at the moment when he was about to melt into the water.

Although it can detoxify automatically, even Li Zhuzi has to be affected by such a large amount, mainly manifested in blushing.

At this time, Li Zhuzi seemed to be drunk.

"Bamboo, thanks to you, I haven't seen such clear water for a long time..."

Dongfang Lianren looked very excited, his hands kept sliding in the water, like a child.

"Only this once." In stark contrast to Dongfang Lianren, Li Zhuzi's face was full of indifference.

"It's still bamboo, hello." Dongfang Lianren smiled coquettishly, and then complained: "They don't want to wash with me, and only the girl Hanyi is willing to wash with me."

"..." Li Zhuzi didn't speak.

Luo Hanyi?You don't even need to think about it, but you know it's forced.

"You can go find Cangjian, she will definitely be willing to be with you..." Li Zhuzi glanced at Dongfang Lianren's fouled figure, pointing out something.

"Forget it, I don't want to be ruined by her. I've been guarding it for so many years." Dongfang Lianren shook his head, then looked at Li Zhuzi who was flushed all over, and narrowed his eyes: "Speaking of Zhuzi, you and Shen Senior sister has such a good relationship, she didn't treat you..."

"No, shut up." Li Zhuzi looked coldly.

"Okay." Dongfang Lian shrugged, turned around and lay down on the stone bank, and concentrated on enjoying the hot spring.

The person beside him finally calmed down, Li Zhuzi heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked in the direction of the Ninth Peak.

Lu Ling's next practice... I still need to ask her first...

 Chapter 200, I can't do anything about the slow pace, but at least it looks like the main character now, doesn't it?There is still progress [Tan Shou]

(End of this chapter)

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