Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 200 Lu Ling's Future

Chapter 200 Lu Ling's Future

Li Zhuzi withdrew his gaze from the Ninth Peak and looked towards the sky. At the corner of the night sky, an icy blue fairy star shone.

After Lu Ling returned from Mount Shu, this fairy star was lit up, and because of it, Lu Ling's importance to Lingshan was raised to another level.

This extreme ice is the only thing related to the ice blood in the records, at least on the surface.

In fact, only the people in Dongshenhai should know better, but Lingshan also knows things they don't, such as the existence of Xueluo Qianhan.

Of course, as long as Lingshan holds the fairy sword in his hand, it doesn't matter whether he can use it or not. They are already satisfied with their current life.

Therefore, regarding the existence of Lu Ling, there are actually several different voices...

Some suggested training as a "trump card", some suggested normal development, and some didn't care.

This matter was suppressed by their master.

But it's only for the time being, soon, Lu Ling will choose the branch of cultivation, literary soul, or martial soul.

The next step is the most important choice in her life.

The initial cultivation of Lingshan is very simple. The first three realms are the basic realms, which are respectively - Concentrate Qi, Divide Soul, and Unite Soul.

Condensation state, refer to Lu Ling's accumulated spiritual power.

Divide the soul state, get in touch with the power of the soul initially, in this state, Lingshan disciples will carry out the basic cultivation of the soul.

The advancement of soul-combining state and soul-dividing state, in this state, one will temporarily abandon the aspect of literary soul and concentrate on cultivating the power of martial soul.

At the late stage of the soul-integrating state, Lingshan disciples will face what every disciple will experience...choose their own future path.

Cultural soul, or martial soul.

You can only choose one of the two. After condensing the martial soul, the power of the spiritual soul remaining in the body stops growing. At this time, although the disciples of Lingshan can still use the healing technique, the power is very small. Refer to Shen Gui to know up.

In the same way, after choosing the soul of the soul, except for special means - such as the poison of Dongfang Lianren, there is basically no lethality.

According to the legend, the snow girl can use the snow wind that covers the entire sealed land of the demons... I think the ice blood must be unique in the cultivation of spells.

And judging from Xueluo Qianhan, Xuela's weapon, she should also be relatively good at swordsmanship.

That is to say, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Xue Nu to be suitable for the cultivation of Lingshan Wenhun. On the contrary, Wu Soul fits her extremely well.

And Lu Ling faced such a choice.

What Li Zhuzi doesn't want to see is that someone asks Lu Ling to practice martial arts. Although this is a normal thing, Li Zhuzi hopes to give Lu Ling the right to choose, and not those irrelevant people like them to decide Lu Ling's decision. destiny.

Fortunately, the sisters in Lingshan did not disappoint her, at least those who have expressed their views so far are in favor of "freeing" Lu Ling.

You must know that if Lu Ling doesn't like Wu Po, then forcing her to practice it will only be counterproductive. After so long, Li Zhuzi can be considered to understand Lu Ling. The little girl is a person who can only advance by interest. If Lu Ling herself Not interested, then no progress will be made.

Looking at the dots of stars, Li Zhuzi fell into thinking.

Although she doesn't want to interfere with Lu Ling's choice, being a "parent" also has her own helplessness. Children are not sensible, and sometimes you have to "help" her make choices.

Young girls may not know what to choose is really good for them. In Lingshan, there are not a few girls who regret going the wrong way.

Li Zhuzi doesn't want someone to kill her path by taking advantage of Lu Ling's ignorance.

Now Li Zhuzi's idea is very simple. When Lu Ling really faces a choice, she will explain all the pros and cons to Lu Ling clearly. The way to go is left to her.

Just like her master back then, Li Zhuzi may have curiosity and regrets in her heart now, but she does not regret the path she has taken.

And with Liu Fufeng by her side, she might give Lu Ling a good suggestion, this little girl is more like a mother than her senior sisters.

Li Zhuzi sighed.

Back then, Shen Gui and Xu Xu didn't need her to worry about it at all, but Lu Ling... her heart was about to break.

Ever since Lu Ling appeared, Li Zhuzi has never been idle. In addition to the routine lesson preparation, she has to prepare study materials for Lu Ling every day. She has also broken the precept of never instructing others to practice, and helps Lu Ling to calm down.

This is nothing, the bamboo stick at noon has not been carved yet, with the current progress, it is estimated that it will be completed tomorrow morning.

Thinking about it this way, Li Zhuzi was surprised that he really cared about this stupid girl so much, not only shaking his head to sarcastically.

"Dongfang." Li Zhuzi lowered his head and called out.


No response.

"Dongfang?" Li Zhuzi was puzzled, and glanced at Dongfang Lianren, who was lying motionless on the shore, with his white back exposed in the air.

Fell asleep?

Li Zhuzi took a closer look, but found that Dongfang Lianren's eyes were wide open, the pupils were shining and bright, and there was no trace of sleepiness.

Then why ignore yourself, didn't you hear?

"Dongfang?" Li Zhuzi asked again. At this time, Dongfang Lian barely moved, but still didn't speak.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Zhuzi frowned.

Dongfang Lianren turned around slowly, and then buried her body in the hot spring again, only her neck was still above the water, her black hair was fluttering, looking a bit dull.

"Why don't you speak?"

"Didn't you tell me to shut up?" Dongfang Lianren said these words calmly and slowly.

Li Zhuzi: "..."

"Are you a child?"

"Well, just kidding, I was thinking about something just now, because soaking in the hot spring is so comfortable, I was a little distracted." Dongfang Lianren laughed like a silver bell, and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Lu Ling will be cultivating her soul next, but under normal circumstances, her master should arrange it. You understand what I mean." Li Zhuzi said.

"Zhuzi, you want to ask..." The smile on Dongfang Lianren's face disappeared completely: "Should I seek Juexian's opinion?"

"That's right, maybe it's not to ask for her opinion...but to inform." Li Zhuzi hesitated to speak.

"Notification?" Dongfang Lianren understood what Li Zhuzi wanted to say: "With her current decadent appearance, she must feel that Zixu has caused her trouble."

"In the beginning it was Zixu, but now we are the ones who make the decision, not Zixu." Li Zhuzi reminded her that after returning from the East Shenhai, the real Zixu didn't do anything. She used to pay attention to Liu Fufeng, but now she doesn't. Withdrew the staff.

"I don't think it's necessary to inform her. If she is really responsible, she will know how to do it. She can't teach it herself, so why don't you ask someone?" Dongfang Lianren said in a dissatisfied tone: "No matter how you say it, you are Little girl's teacher, can't you make decisions for her?"

"Don't bring your personal emotions into it." Seeing Dongfang Lianren's anger growing, Li Zhuzi coughed dryly twice.

Regarding the incident back then, not everyone stood in a neutral perspective like Li Zhuzi and Shen Canghai. The real Juexian is now in Lingshan, and there are definitely more people who hate her than those who sympathize with her.

And Dongfang Lianren is on the side of Master Zixu.

(End of this chapter)

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