Chapter 202

Speaking of Lu Ling's dislike for her master, there is actually no cover-up for this.

It can be traced back to the time when she first entered the mountain. She watched Liu Fufeng being slapped around like a ball every day... At that time, she didn’t feel anything, and was even surprised that Liu Fufeng was a girl with a "reinforced iron frame" .

But now, Liu Fufeng has become her important junior sister, so naturally, how could Lu Ling have a good impression of the person who made things difficult for the two sisters back then, let alone such an irresponsible person.

And if I remember correctly, that woman was also very impolite. Liu Fufeng picked her up and wiped her body and took care of her, but in return she left without saying goodbye.

Now Lu Ling has temporarily forgotten about her master helping Liu Fufeng and expelling her cold poison, and only remembers her faults.

Completely different from Lu Ling, although Liu Fufeng didn't understand at all, as the person involved, she could feel the tenderness of that person from the very beginning, so even if she was treated roughly, she would not feel dissatisfied.

Not only was she not dissatisfied, but she was also full of gratitude. If it wasn't Master, how could she stay with her A Ling...

How to do it……

Looking down at Lu Ling's little hand pinching the corner of her clothes, Liu Fufeng was very embarrassed.

Ah Ling was so repulsive because she heard that she was going to buy wine for her master...

It should have nothing to do with me, but the possibility that Lu Ling didn't want to go because she was lazy could not be ruled out.

"Senior sister, can I... alone?" Liu Fufeng looked into Lu Ling's eyes and said in a discussing tone.

A person?

Of course not, she was nervous just because of one person!

Lu Ling shook her head clearly, with a firm look in her eyes, no matter what her junior sister said, she would never agree.

"Senior sister, don't you want to go down the mountain?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"..." Lu Ling was silent for a moment, then nodded and shook her head again.

She wanted to go down the mountain to have a look, but if she had the chance because of that drunk woman, she would rather stay at home and read a book.

"But...Senior Sister Qin asked me to help bring her something." Liu Fufeng said while fiddling with Lu Ling's ponytail.

"Help? Who?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't hear clearly.

"Senior Sister Qin, that's the one..." Afraid that Lu Ling wouldn't understand, Liu Fufeng explained clearly to her, probably referring to the senior sister who had dinner with last night.


This time, Lu Ling was dumbfounded.


Last night, there were only two senior sisters. One was the young lady who played the piano very well, had a beautiful yard, and treated her very well. If it was her, Lu Ling would have nothing to say.

Qin Qin cooks so well, and she expects her junior sister to learn more from her and cook for herself when she comes back.

If it's another short-haired one...

Shen Gui's indifferent face flashed in Lu Ling's mind, she trembled suddenly, and bit her lower lip unconsciously.

This can't be dealt with at all, if it's her, there's nothing Lu Ling can do, it's better to complete the task she gave honestly than to be hanged up and beaten by Shen Gui.

Lu Ling seemed to think of another voice in her heart.

[Player Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng received a novice task: buy wine]

[Mission Difficulty: Extremely High]

【Reward: None】

[Failure penalty: ravaged by Shen Gui]


This is much more terrifying, Lu Ling has no reason to refuse, if it is Shen Gui, she will accept it without reward.

Moreover, Lu Ling still wanted to have a good relationship with Shen Gui, and secretly learned a few sword skills from her. You must know that Shen Gui's sword control skills that day made her very envious.

Now it's Lu Ling's turn to be in a difficult situation. Naturally, she won't accept the task given by the drunk Taoist nun, but Qin Qin and Shen Gui...

I really can't afford it.


Seeing that Lu Ling pursed her mouth and said nothing, Liu Fufeng's heart trembled, and he immediately struck while the iron was hot: "Senior Sister, don't you even want to do Senior Sister Qin a favor?"

"This..." Hearing this, Lu Ling fell into a dilemma, and was about to say something when she suddenly met Liu Fufeng's eyes.

There are various complex emotions in Shurun's eyes, but Lu Ling only sees doting, tenderness, and a little bit of anger.

There is no doubt that these feelings are to oneself.

Junior sister won't be angry——

Lu Ling swallowed unconsciously.


"..." Liu Fufeng looked down at Lu Ling without saying a word.

If Ah Ling still disagrees, she will feel a little uncomfortable, and her tolerance is not unlimited, and Lu Ling will be very disappointed if she is so capricious.

Lu Ling seemed to feel something, her body shook slightly, and at the same time, the hand holding Liu Fufeng tightened a little again.

"That... junior sister..." Lu Ling whispered.

Hearing Lu Ling's voice suddenly soften, Liu Fufeng's expression softened a bit: "What's the matter? Don't you want to go?"

"No, no, no." Lu Ling repeatedly denied, then raised her head, and gave Liu Fufeng a harmless smile.

"I, I will listen to you, Junior can go as you please...just take me...together..."


"..." Liu Fufeng narrowed his eyes, why did Lu Ling suddenly become obedient?

But that's fine too, as expected of her A Ling, she is sensible.

In an instant, Liu Fufeng's serious dissatisfaction and anger disappeared, leaving only gentleness and watery.

"Of course no problem, let's go down the mountain together tomorrow." Liu Fufeng gently rubbed Lu Ling's head and said with a smile.

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded obediently.

Behind his back, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Really, she really almost made my junior sister angry.

Forget it, what kind of master, short-haired senior sister, is nothing in front of Liu Fufeng, if Lu Ling knew that her evasion would cause dissatisfaction with her senior sister, how would she dare to say more nonsense.

Everything is false, the truth is that her junior sister is happy.

Just as the two of them went down the mountain to enhance their relationship, Lu Ling comforted herself like this.

"That's right." Then, Liu Fufeng signaled Lu Ling to let go.

"Oh." Lu Ling immediately let go of Liu Fufeng's hand, and watched the latter take out a folded paper from his arms.

Lu Ling withdrew her hand, only feeling that her palms were sweaty and moist.

Not surprisingly, he was "scared" by Liu Fufeng just now.

It's scary when a gentle person gets angry...

Lu Ling couldn't help admiring her wit and escaped a catastrophe.

Liu Fufeng wiped the sweat from his hands, and opened the paper in his hands.

She didn't realize that the wetness on her hands was Lu Ling's cold sweat, she thought it was warm from wearing ice glaze, she didn't take it to heart, let alone thought that Lu Ling's sudden change of attitude was because she was afraid of her getting angry.

"This is the drawing I brought, it's where we're going tomorrow..."

Liu Fufeng nodded at the drawing, while Lu Ling nodded half-understanding.

What's this?map?

She didn't look carefully, just perfunctory.

(End of this chapter)

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