Chapter 203
It's not like she hasn't seen anything in the secular world, after all, she also has some sporadic memories...

I'm really not interested in this map.

In fact, if Lu Ling looked carefully, she would find the so-called outer city in the picture very familiar.

It was the place where she lived for a while before going up the mountain...

If that counts as "live".

I don't know what kind of mood Lu Ling will feel when she finds out that she has returned to her hometown.

Lu Ling doesn't know how she will feel in the future, but she is very clear about her current state.

"Ah~~ha~~" With a long yawn, her eyes overflowed with water.

A little sleepy.

As Liu Fufeng said, no matter how long she sleeps during the day, when Lu Ling is not reading, she is basically the type who gets sleepy when she touches the bed.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng put away the drawing.

Anyway, she was just showing it to Lu Ling, and didn't expect her to give her any advice. Liu Fufeng had also determined the specific route to take.

That is to say, Lu Ling only needs to follow her and have fun, and she will naturally take care of trivial matters such as purchasing.

"Are you sleepy? Go to sleep if you're sleepy." Liu Fufeng said, loosening Lu Ling's hair, then reached out to unbutton her chest, and helped her take off her Taoist robe.

"En." Lu Ling nodded and yawned again.

She might be a dummy, sleepy again after a day's sleep.

"Raise your hands."

Seeing Lu Ling raising her hands obediently, Liu Fufeng grabbed the hem of her underwear, took it off for her from bottom to top, and then helped her put on a plush pajamas with cute patterns printed on it.

During this period, Lu Ling just let Liu Fufeng play around without any resistance. If she could still see Liu Fufeng's eyes now, she would find that the latter's eyes were full of pampering and helplessness. A little anger.

As expected, Liu Fufeng still couldn't get angry with her Ah Ling.

After finishing everything, Lu Ling rolled a few times on the bed, fell asleep facing the wall, felt Lu Ling's breath, Xuechen closed her eyes and scrambled on the bed, and finally slipped into Lu Ling's arms, motionless just like her .

Liu Fufeng watched all this and stood there blankly for a while.

The inexplicable sense of satisfaction in her heart, this feeling was only once before she met Lu Ling, that was when she first came into contact with the medical profession, and then never again, but after meeting Lu Ling, almost every day she It's all been like this...

Although the current life is much more tiring than at home, no, compared to the place where she lived before, but she doesn't complain at all, instead she enjoys it.

Now Lu Ling fell asleep, but she couldn't sleep.

At least wash the clothes first, Liu Fufeng picked up Lu Ling's Taoist robe and underwear, and walked out the door.

She didn't open an umbrella this time, and she didn't plan to go to the hot spring to wash clothes. She tried it in the afternoon, and under the protection of the ice glaze, she couldn't feel a trace of cold even in the cold stream.

It's like being protected by A Ling.

Soaking the clothes in his hands in the stream, Liu Fufeng raised his head and let the warm snowflakes fall on his face.

[Go to the outer city on the south side tomorrow, find a place to rest, and then take A Ling to have breakfast...]

I meditate on the planned route in my heart.

[For the route, focus on the task, enjoy along the way, music building, restaurant, and then go to the inner city...]

That's it, the specific things will be discussed after we go down the mountain.

If possible...she still wants to go to the hospital...

If things are bought and there is still time left.


The next day, it was just dawn.

In the past, even Liu Fufeng had just woken up at this time, but today was different, the two of them got up early and got ready.

In Nanyuan, Li Zhuzi put down the teacup in his hand, his figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was in front of the school.

Opening the door, two well-dressed little girls stood in front of the door.

"Teacher Li." Liu Fufeng said.

"All ready?" Seeing the two little girls in front of him take off their Taoist robes and put on women's clothes, Li Zhuzi couldn't help but nodded.

Liu Yatou's temperament is still good. At this time, she is wearing a white cloud dress and her hair is neatly tied up, giving her the feeling of a lady.

But Lu Ling was far behind, wearing a lively and lovely red dress, but sickly.

"First...ha~~ Sir...morning." Lu Ling looked like she hadn't woken up.

"Morning." Li Zhuzi nodded, then stepped aside: "Come in."

"Wait for me." After Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling were arranged to sit down, Li Zhuzi went back to the room to get the things for Lu Ling. In the school, Lu Ling subconsciously sat in her usual lecture position, shaking her head. drowsy.

Liu Fufeng sat in Tang Sheng's position, looked at Lu Ling in front of him, and looked around curiously.

Is A Ling usually studying here...

Liu Fufeng knew what the school looked like, but he didn't know that Lu Ling was actually sitting in the first row.

Soon, Li Zhuzi came back, and this time she had something extra in her hand, an emerald green bamboo stick.

"Cough." Li Zhuzi walked to Lu Ling's side, and glanced at Liu Fufeng behind her. At the same time, Liu Fufeng avoided his sight.

"Don't sleep." Li Zhuzi leaned over and whispered in Lu Ling's ear.

Then... Lu Ling woke up with a start.

This is a school, dozing off in front of the teacher, do you want to get a ruler?

"Mister, good morning!" Lu Ling stood up abruptly, extremely energetic, not even a little bit sleepy.

"Good morning." Li Zhuzi shook his head, and put the bamboo stick in Lu Ling's eyes.

"This is?" Lu Ling didn't understand what Li Zhuzi meant.

a piece of bamboo?
It looks pretty.

"It's for you, yesterday's reward." Then, Li Zhuzi ignored Lu Ling, and explained to Liu Fufeng the purpose and benefits of this clear bamboo.

"???" Lu Ling was confused, didn't it be for her?How to talk to her junior sister, the key is that Lu Ling didn't understand too well.

Li Zhuzi's approach is obviously correct, in order not to waste time, it is better to explain clearly to Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling, a stupid girl, let her understand the functions of various is obviously difficult.

"That's it. It's always good to have it by your side. The little girl usually walks so hard, and she can relax a little with help." Li Zhuzi's face was calm, but his words were not indifferent: "Aren't you going down the mountain? Don't let her jumping away?"

"Ms. Li, I understand." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then stretched out his finger to poke Lu Ling's spine.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling turned her head.

"..." Liu Fufeng poked her again.

"What are you doing?" Lu Ling turned her head, and Liu Fufeng looked at him in a daze, speechless for a while.

"You don't need to say thank you to me." Li Zhuzi narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Ling with a little helplessness on his face.

Etiquette or something depends on the person.

"Yes." Liu Fufeng nodded, but still forcibly pressed Lu Ling's head, making her "bow her head" to Li Zhuzi.

"Junior sister... what are you doing!" Lu Ling raised her head vigorously and said dissatisfied.

"Huh? What about sir?"

Raising her head, Lu Ling looked left and right, but found that her husband had disappeared.

At this time, a female voice suddenly came to the ears of the two of them, it was Li Zhuzi's voice.

"I won't delay your trip, let's go."

"Yes." Hearing this, Liu Fufeng bowed towards Li Zhuzi's room, then stood up and patted Lu Ling on the head.


A Ling is so rude, she doesn't know how to "survive".

"Oh." Lu Ling could see that Liu Fufeng was dissatisfied with herself, and couldn't help being aggrieved, but she still stood up.


Opening the door, Li Zhuzi walked into the room, when a woman suddenly appeared behind her.

"Send it away?" The voice is charming, and the figure is hot.

"Are you awake?" Li Zhuzi remained expressionless.

After the two of them took a bath yesterday, Dongfang Lianren stayed with her and did not go back to the mountain, and even huddled with her to sleep together...

(End of this chapter)

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