Chapter 208

"Senior Sister, what did you say?" Of course Liu Fufeng couldn't understand Lu Ling's Chinese, but the two of them spent a lot of time together, and she got used to the occasional strange words that came out of Lu Ling's mouth.

"Yunxiang Clothes..." Liu Fufeng imitated Lu Ling's tone, but couldn't help laughing: "Forget it, as expected, you are the only one who speaks better, Senior Sister, I feel weird."

"I..." Seeing Liu Fufeng smiled, Lu Ling was speechless again, and she looked down at the little red skirt on her body.

Now Liu Fufeng has a bit of playfulness on his face, but he is dressed in cold white, which is unavoidably out of place.

In Lu Ling's mind, if the junior sister at this time was dressed in red, she would be even more stunning.

Speaking of which, all the clothes I wear are bright red, it must be done on purpose by my junior sister, she likes red so much but she doesn't wear it, Lu Ling feels a little pity.

Here, when Lu Ling was still surprised by Liu Fufeng's temperament, the cyclone around the two of them started to move again.

In an instant, Lu Ling lost her balance and bumped into the arms of the person in front of her.

The wind is surging, and the surrounding scenery is retreating rapidly.

"Senior Sister, stand up." Liu Fufeng held Lu Ling upright and took her hand: "Don't look down."

"En." Lu Ling looked at the scorching sun in the distance, and suddenly felt that she was not so afraid, and more importantly, the scenery above the clouds was really beautiful.

Only by climbing the peak can we truly understand the vastness of the sky, let alone the two of them soaring in the sky at this time.

At this time, Lu Ling took Liu Fufeng's hand, and gradually calmed down.

I didn't expect that she didn't know anything yet, but she could experience the feeling of flying, and she was still with her junior sister.

It must have been done by that stingy senior sister just now... At first Lu Ling blamed her a little bit, but now she is intoxicated by the vast world.

The sunrise around Lingshan should be a superb view.

"Senior Sister, look at the clouds over there..." This was the first time in his life that he had such an opportunity, so Liu Fufeng was naturally a little excited.

"Ah?" Lu Ling looked over.

"Does it look like a bowl..."

"Bowl?" Lu Ling was taken aback.

Speaking of bowls, she was a little hungry, neither of them had eaten in the morning.

"The colorful clouds over there are also very beautiful... just like the sea...but it's the sea, but I've only seen it in paintings." Liu Fufeng's eyes reflected the sea of ​​white clouds, and his tone was a little disappointed: "Where I live The place is far away from the sea, and because of the existence of sea monsters, it is difficult to see it, and I don’t know if there will be a chance in this life.”

"En." Lu Ling nodded half understanding.

Although a little regretful, Liu Fufeng is generally very happy, she is a very contented person.

After that, the time passed unknowingly in the two people's enjoyment.


After a long time, two figures suddenly appeared on the loess official road in the southernmost city of Luoyan City.

One white and one red, like an older sister taking her younger sister out to play, the older sister's face is full of excitement and novelty, the younger sister looks a little depressed, and there is a feeling of weakness. The strangest thing is that the younger sister is holding a stick in her left hand. The green bamboo stick moves with her steps, like a child playing.

It is worth mentioning that the clear bamboo that Li Zhuzi gave to Lu Ling can coordinate Lu Ling's body strength well when used as a cane. When walking, it is not obvious that her legs and feet are not good, and she walks smoothly. The girl's playfulness can be felt from afar.

Of course, if Qingzhu is put down, she will be beaten back to her original shape.

But it must be a good thing to be able to walk beautifully. If Lu Ling limped into the street, even if she was as big-hearted as her, she would feel uncomfortable.

In fact, Lu Ling always stays at home and does not want to go out, which is also related to her inconvenient walking. No one wants to jump and walk in the snow, and it will be very painful to fall.

"Junior Sister, finally...down to the ground..." Lu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with an expression of the rest of her life after a catastrophe.

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded, his eyes were still full of thoughts, the flying experience before was really amazing, if possible, she would like to do it again...but...glanced at Lu Ling, shook her head slightly.

It would be great if Ah Ling wasn't afraid of heights.

At this time, on the official road, a rumbling sound suddenly came from a distance.

"Shhh." Liu Fufeng made a silent gesture to Lu Ling, and then pulled her towards the side of the road.

After a while, several carriages roared past the two of them, splashing dust all over the place.

"Drive—drive—" The coachman in gray clothes and blue hat waved his whip, behind him was a gorgeous car and hood, and it could be seen that the people inside were either rich or noble.

Through the curtain of the car, Liu Fufeng and the person in the car looked at each other, only to see that it was a middle-aged man.

The vehicle galloped away, and then dozens of carriages passed by the two of them one after another. The first few seemed to be filled with people, but the later ones were obviously trucks.

"Drive—!" The male coachman's high voice.

"Bah—!" The horse neighed a little tiredly, accompanied by the kicking of the horse's hooves.

All this lasted for a long time, because there were too many cars. At a glance, there were dozens, maybe even hundreds of cars.

"Cough cough." After the carriage walked away, Lu Ling coughed twice, and stretched out her hand to slap her eyes.

After a while, the sound of the coachman "driving" and the sound of horses' hoofs remained in her mind.

Feeling dizzy, this is a carriage, it's really simple, although I should have seen it in my memory, but Lu Ling's impression is not very deep, and now I don't feel much when I see it by chance.

Her memory has long told her what kind of era she lived in, so she was not surprised to see such an ancient scene.

"I'm back..." Thinking back to the horse and the coachman he saw just now, Liu Fufeng expressed inexplicable emotion. The last time she was a young girl waiting to be married, but now her identity has changed, and she feels a little strange.

Lu Ling looked at the deep wheel marks at her feet, feeling a little dissatisfied.

The official road is so big, obviously one can pass by on the right side, but this group of people insisted on going on the side of the two of them, not to mention splashing dust all over her body, and it was very dangerous. Lu Ling felt that she was almost bumped just now.

Of course, being covered in dust is an exaggeration, and the clothes on them are dustproof, but seeing the dust flying in front of them will definitely not make you feel good.

"Junior Sister, who are those..." Lu Ling patted her skirt and asked.

"Probably moved..." Liu Fufeng looked at the deep car tracks under his feet, and said uncertainly, "The ones in front should be family members, and the dozens of cars behind should be furniture."

Liu Fufeng has also seen neighbors move, but their place is small, and they are considered rich if they have three or four cars.

"..." Lu Ling opened her mouth wide upon hearing this.

move place?

Are so many things furniture?

Just kidding... Her house doesn't even have a bed, and the only thing that can be called furniture is a table. She just went down the mountain and met a big local tyrant without seeing the town?

It's great to be rich, but do you have to live by yourself?What a show off really...

The poor girl's hatred of the rich.

(End of this chapter)

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