Chapter 209
Lu Ling always felt that she was cultivating a fake fairy, but now she was more certain that she didn't even have a bed of her own, but it was the first time she went down the mountain and met such a big local tyrant, one could imagine the dissatisfaction in her heart.

"Senior sister, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Lu Ling's cheeks puffed up, Liu Fufeng stopped and asked.

"It's nothing." Lu Ling curled her lips in dissatisfaction: "What is he doing... he wants to go to our side? What do you mean..."

The words are full of resentment.

Although Liu Fufeng didn't understand, she could tell that her senior sister was very unhappy now.

"I don't know either." Regarding Lu Ling's question, Liu Fufeng could only shake her head. She didn't know why this group of people had to go here. There was a great way in the middle, but they wanted to squeeze the two weak women's seats...

It's like trying to get their attention on purpose.

Unlike Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng saw that wealthy middle-aged man...

There was something in the latter's eyes that made her very uncomfortable.

"It might be a coincidence." Liu Fufeng said slowly as he twirled his fingers around Lu Ling's hair.

"Coincidence?" Lu Ling pouted.

She doesn't believe it, can't these two big living people see it?

She is narrow-minded, what can I do with her?
"I don't care about him, anyway, I won't meet again in the future." Liu Fufeng shook his head, she never wanted to treat people or things with malice.

"Listen to you." Lu Ling nodded, and then the two continued on their way.


There is heavy snow in Lingshan, but Luoyan City at the foot of Lingshan is still hot in summer, so the two of them are wearing summer clothes, Lu Ling is wearing a small red skirt, showing half of her fair calf, and Liu Fufeng is wearing a thin cloud dress, coming out of nowhere dust.

Although it was morning, the temperature rose sharply after the sun rose.

Liu Fufeng can't feel the heat, because as long as Lu Ling is by her side, she feels as cool as ice cubes in her arms.

Lu Ling was different. She didn't have the concept of cold, but she was very sensitive to heat. When the temperature rose, although she wouldn't say that she was sweating due to the heat, it was true that she felt a little irritable in her heart.

"Junior Sister, where are we... going?" Lu Ling asked dryly.

This loess avenue can't see the side, isn't it said that there is a city?

"It's almost there." Liu Fufeng took out the drawing and glanced at it, and said.

It's marked on it, after the bend in front is the southern outer city of Luoyan City.

"By the way, senior sister." Putting away the drawing, Liu Fufeng stopped, standing in front of Lu Ling and looking into her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ling didn't understand why Liu Fufeng suddenly looked at her so seriously.

"It's agreed, what about the one who will disguise his identity after going down the mountain?" Liu Fufeng said.

"Huh?" Lu Ling was taken aback.

It seems that there is such a thing.

"Isn't it already down the mountain?" Liu Fufeng continued to stare into Lu Ling's eyes: "It must be very strange to hear that we are called sisters and teachers."

"Junior Sister... Are you serious?" Lu Ling swallowed her saliva and said intermittently.

"Of course." Liu Fufeng nodded, his pitch-black pupils were full of anticipation.

To be able to hear A Ling call her sister in an open and aboveboard... It's no wonder she didn't expect it.

"Sister, sister..." Lu Ling hesitated and called out anyway.

"En!" Hearing this, the corners of Liu Fufeng's mouth rose, revealing two shallow dimples, she nodded forcefully, as a response to Lu Ling.

She is really very happy now, being called sister by Lu Ling... only appeared in the dream scene, and after waking up, she is still her junior sister.

"Junior Sister, why are you so happy?" Seeing Liu Fufeng's unconcealed excitement, Lu Ling couldn't help but wonder, isn't it just a sister?Are there still few senior sisters in Lingshan?
"It's nothing, I'm just happy." Liu Fufeng rubbed Lu Ling's hair: "It's agreed, call me sister!"

"Yes, my lord..." Lu Ling was helpless.

Since her junior sister is happy, it doesn't matter what she calls her. With the relationship between the two of them, Lu Ling will not feel shy. If she is asked to call a strange girl sister... then it will be a bit more difficult.


After turning the corner, Lu Ling saw the so-called Luoyan City, and at the same time she heard loud voices.

At first glance, it is no different from the ancient capital in my impression. There is a huge sign on the gray city wall with the words [South Gate] written on it.

In front of the Guanmen, which is more than ten feet high, there is a stone bridge across the junction of the official road and the city wall. The stone bridge is very wide enough to pass hundreds of people at the same time.

At this time, there were crowds of people coming and going on the vertical and horizontal paths of the stone bridge, some sat in sedan chairs, some walked, some carried burdens, and there were also carriages and goods transporters...

It is very lively, there is a small river under the Nanguan Bridge, and there are a few boats in the river.

Is this their destination today?So lively...

Standing at the bridge, Lu Ling watched the people coming and going around her, and unconsciously grabbed Liu Fufeng's sleeve.

After coming down the official road, she felt that she had attracted the attention of many people. She didn't understand it at first, but after seeing the people in front of the South Gate, Lu Ling knew why they attracted attention.

The people who came before the South Gate were all dressed in sackcloth, even if they were well-dressed, they were still dressed in blue shirts, which was very simple.

And what about her and Liu Fufeng?
One person is dressed in a cloud dress in white gauze, and the other person is wearing a red and delicate brocade skirt...

Not a little bit poorly dressed.

In the eyes of these people, is he a rich man now?

Lu Ling was thinking wildly by herself.

In fact, those passing by don't think there is anything weird about it. People dressed like this are everywhere in the inner city, and even some of them are dressed more gorgeously than Liu Fufeng. It's just that it's the inner city, so they can only be curious about the inner city. Why do people like you appear in front of the Nanguan Gate, or are they surprised by Liu Fufeng's beauty and Lu Ling's cuteness.

Although the two stood there blankly, no one came up to strike up a conversation, and they still went their separate ways.

This South Pass is an important commercial route in Luoyan City, and many peddlers rely on it to support their families.

Standing at the head of the bridge, Liu Fufeng looked back at the Huangtu official road, and probably had an idea in his mind.

The group of people just now should have gone to other entrances, because there is no trace of a large number of carriages passing by on the ground, and this is a commercial bridge, and the order on the bridge cannot withstand the impact of so many horses.

In a town of this metropolitan level, I believe that no one is willing to provoke its order, even if they have money.

Obviously, although he told Lu Ling not to care, Liu Fufeng himself became hypocritical.

It was the look in the middle-aged man's eyes that made her very uncomfortable. Now that A Ling is by her side, Liu Fufeng has to consider all possible accidents.

But she wasn't worried about anything, mainly because she was afraid that something might happen that would affect her Aling's mood.

Standing at the bridge head, Lu Ling saw a large grain ship preparing to sail through the bridge opening. The boatman on the large ship was very busy, and it could be seen that the ship was full of food such as rice noodles.

"Gululu..." A cooing sound came from Lu Ling's lower abdomen, awakening Liu Fufeng who was thinking alone.

"Master..." Lu Ling rubbed her belly, she saw Liu Fufeng's eyes just after she said a word, and immediately changed her words: "Sister, I'm hungry."

This is good.

Seeing Lu Ling relying on her, Liu Fufeng was in a good mood, put the bad things behind him, and took the initiative to hold Lu Ling's hand.

"We're going into the city right now, and it's time for breakfast." Liu Fufeng led Lu Ling onto the stone bridge, with a doting look on his face.

"My sister will take you to eat delicious food."

Lu Ling: "..."

Junior Sister, she blends into the role so quickly...

Forget it, as long as there is something to eat, let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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