Chapter 213

The current scene is that a little girl in red is raped by a big sister, and then the big sister rubs and pinches her.

It was strange, but fortunately there were fewer people on this street, so no one noticed them.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling was a little at a loss by Liu Fufeng. Originally, returning to this place should make her feel rather uncomfortable... But she didn't feel anything, but Liu Fufeng lost his composure.

"It's fine, I'm fine." Liu Fufeng waved his sleeves, emphasizing once again that he was fine, but Lu Ling didn't look like she was fine.

"Senior Sister... No, Ah Ling, let's go eat delicious food and play fun..."

As he spoke, Liu Fufeng pulled Lu Ling and started walking forward.

"Alas... junior sister, please walk slowly..." Lu Ling lost her footing while holding a clear bamboo and almost fell to the ground.


Nancheng North Street.

Since the two of them entered the South Pass, it was only an hour, and Lu Ling, who was surrounded by all the hawkers and stalls, had already developed aesthetic fatigue.

At this time Liu Fufeng was sitting at a tea stand by the roadside, drinking the bitter tea brewed by the shopkeeper.

Liu Fufeng knew that Li Zhuzi liked to drink bitter tea, so he always wanted to try it once, but the taste of Yueyingcao was too strong, so every time Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling drank it, it was not bitter tea. She is also very happy with a little drink.

It just doesn't taste very good.

Feeling the slight bitterness on the tip of her tongue, Liu Fufeng swallowed the tea with difficulty, then she looked at Lu Ling.

Unlike her, Lu Ling had no interest in drinking tea, let alone bitter tea, so when Liu Fufeng was resting alone at the tea stand, Lu Ling was wandering around the corner not far away.

"Wow!" At this moment, Lu Ling barked softly at a puppy in front of the small building not far away.

Lu Ling has never seen cats, according to her husband, but as for dogs, she has seen quite a few of them as soon as she came down the mountain. It seems that in this undeveloped secular world, cats have no room for survival at all, but they are honest and simple dogs. more loved.

Lu Ling is a staunch cat lover, but she doesn't hate dogs either. In fact, she likes any cute ones... especially the little black dogs in the shade not far away, with their round ears drooping, and their limbs sticking to the On the ground, it looks lazy and cute.

"Woof, woof, woof?" Lu Ling yelled softly at the puppy a few more times, and the latter raised his head and gave Lu Ling a lazy look, ignoring her.

On a hot day, the dog is not willing to move more.

"It's boring." Lu Ling curled her lips, and then looked at the cold Qingzhu in her hand.

Speaking of which, the puppy ignored her because he had a weapon in his hand... Not to mention that her bamboo is also called a dog-beating stick...

So Lu Ling went back to the tea stall, handed the bamboo to Liu Fufeng who was drinking tea, and limped to find the dog again.

"Be careful, don't fall." Seeing this, Liu Fufeng shook his head, took a sip from the teacup in his hand.

Ah Ling likes small animals so much, she should have brought Xuechen down with her in the morning... The reason why she didn't bring Xuechen was not because she was afraid that the cat would be seen, but because it didn't wake up at all.

In the morning Lu Ling woke up, the cat was still sleeping, there was no way, Lu Ling left after feeding Xuechen, leaving Xuechen alone to watch the house.

Liu Fufeng shook the teacup in front of his eyes slightly, and Lu Ling's figure was reflected in his eyes.

At this time, Lu Ling put down the "dog-beating stick", and tiptoed to the door of the house, lowering her head and talking to the puppy.

Seeing this, the corners of Liu Fufeng's mouth rose slightly, revealing two shallow dimples.

At this time, she was very lucky, thankful that her Ah Ling still maintained her innocence after experiencing wandering, and also thanked the senior sister who sent Lu Ling to the teleportation array of the Ninth Peak. Liu Fufeng still remembered when she first met Lu Ling , the latter was very weak, with complicated pulse conditions, no stomach, no nerves, no roots, and all dead pulses. At that time, she didn't understand why such a weak person was thrown away without treatment...

Now that I think about it, this level of injury may be nothing in the eyes of the senior sisters in Lingshan.

And her Ah Ling is also stronger than imagined, although Ah Ling is very mysterious, has a weird personality, and is sometimes very mature, but most of the time she shows emotions like an ordinary child.

This is very weird. If I have to describe it, it is probably a word similar to a naive adult. It is contradictory but it is suitable for Lu Ling.

There are many strange things about Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng is very aware of this, but she never asks, because she doesn't care, as long as she can be with A Ling.

Now that I know that Ah Ling's previous life was very unsatisfactory, then with me in the future, Ah Ling will definitely lead a happy life.

Liu Fufeng is confident.

As long as Lu Ling is happy, she can do whatever she wants.

and many more.

Liu Fufeng was stunned suddenly, she put down the teacup in her hand, a look flashed in her mind, it was the gentle eyes of that rural woman from before.

Just now she felt that that woman's education was a failure, her child was very ignorant, a typical loving mother and a loser...

Now I actually have the same mentality as her?

Thinking about it carefully, many of the things she has done all the time are to give Lu Ling the best things, skills, living conditions, and then basically accommodate her unconditionally.

Lu Ling insisted on being a senior sister, yes, she has always been called a senior sister.

Lu Ling didn't want to go out and wanted to stay at home, well, she didn't force it.

Lu Ling doesn't like to practice, so she never meditates. She said to Lu Ling: Go to sleep when you are tired.

Lu Ling slept all day and didn't read a book, so she didn't care about it.

The goal of everything is to make Lu Ling live comfortably.

Is this really good?

Of course not.

What he saw just now gave Liu Fufeng a serious wake-up call. She likes Lu Ling, but she must not indulge her unconditionally, even if it is for the good of her Ah Ling, she cannot be allowed to slack like this.

If Ah Ling turns out to be as selfish, selfish, and willful as the little boy just now... then she will definitely blame herself to death.

Perhaps, she should be stricter in the future.

Liu Fufeng would never have imagined that the wayward little boy she was thinking of had once bullied Lu Ling, and never showed mercy... Sometimes the more ignorant a person is, the darker the heart will be. What Aya has done may not be as simple as bullying, abuse and insult are not excessive.

Even among those boys back then, some of them had grown up...but they still laid hands on her precious A Ling.

For them, beggars without household registration... have no life and dignity at all, unlike them, who have the love and care of their parents and enjoy the asylum of Luoyan City - among these people, no one knows that they have lost Maybe they won't understand the household registration of Luoyan City until they make a mistake, before it's too late, it depends on the person.

(End of this chapter)

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