Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 214 Wind and Cloud Gather in Luoyan City

Chapter 214 Wind and Cloud Gather in Luoyan City

Although Liu Fufeng said that she wanted to be stricter with her Ah Ling, but if she knew how Lu Ling had been bullied, maybe she would change her mind.

Gentle people are gentle to everyone, but ordinary girls are different, Liu Fufeng is only gentle to Lu Ling.

Hurting her is a trivial matter, if it hurts Lu Ling... Liu Fufeng may become someone he doesn't know, and Lu Ling's entangled revenge or not is nothing to Liu Fufeng.

Once the scene from that year reappears in front of her eyes... Liu Fufeng does not guarantee that she will not have the intention to kill someone.

Of course, she is gentle now, and she still thinks that she should educate Lu Ling well.

A cold light flashed in Liu Fufeng's eyes, he drank the bitter tea in the cup in one gulp, and then stood up.

"Bill, please."

"Here we come, my daughter."

Then, Liu Fufeng picked up Lu Ling's bamboo stick and walked towards Lu Ling.


After putting down the dog-beating stick, Lu Ling successfully approached the little black dog. When Liu Fufeng walked over, Lu Ling was squatting down and stroking the little black dog's head.

Although Lu Ling smiled and touched the dog's head, the puppy was very comfortable. Just now Lu Ling imitated its similar barking and looked stupid, but her side is very cool. In this hot summer, it brings It's extremely cool.

So even though it was stroked by Lu Ling's little hand, it didn't resist at all, but lay on the ground and let Lu Ling's hand walk around it.

"A Ling, let's go." Liu Fufeng walked to Lu Ling and handed her the bamboo stick.

Now she had to find a place to live to store the things she bought. Of course, she didn't have to live there.

And it's getting late, if the ink continues like this, let alone the next night, they won't be able to finish visiting the places on the drawing.

"Ah?" Lu Ling was a little dissatisfied, she hadn't played enough yet.

"Let's go." Liu Fufeng squinted her eyes and said again, she just said that she would be stricter in the future, so she couldn't get used to Lu Ling anymore.

"En." Luckily, Lu Ling was not willful at all, she took the bamboo stick and followed Liu Fufeng away slowly.

Although Lu Ling was very reluctant, the dog couldn't leave Lu Ling even more - she was much cooler than the shade under the tree, but no matter how it called Lu Ling, it didn't look at it again, and followed Liu Fufeng around Disappeared after crossing a small alley.

"Woof..." The little black dog looked at the direction where Lu Ling was leaving, drooping his head, very disappointed.

But it didn't feel down right away, because a small figure appeared beside it. This person had no shadow, and the pedestrians around couldn't seem to see her...but the little black dog could.

His hair was standing on end, and he was purring in a low voice.

"Hmph." The immature cold snort sounded like thunder, and the little black dog's limbs went limp, and it collapsed to the ground, whimpering.

It's scary.

"Master can only like me, and I'm her best pet." Under the soft voice, the puppy trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the little loli in an ice blue dress floated in the air, and the scent of chasing Lu Ling disappeared in the air.


Not long after, a woman dressed in red and wearing cloudy clothes appeared in front of the teahouse, which immediately caused a commotion in the whole street.

Compared to Liu Fufeng, this one is truly stunning.

The woman didn't hide anything, she walked straight to the place where Lu Ling had wandered before, and then saw the little black dog lying on the ground, not daring to move, with willow eyebrows slightly raised.

"Eating the jealousy of a dog, really."

Shaking his head, he tapped the little black dog with his green fingers, and suddenly a chill rose, which turned into flames and disappeared with a bang.

After finishing all this, the woman walked slowly and left the street.

After that, the little black dog regained his vitality, stood up from the ground, and returned to his yard as if fleeing for his life.


To the north of Luoyan City, another woman in red suddenly appeared, her brows were full of tenderness.

"Ha~ah~" yawned, and the woman's nose moved.

"The little girl is in Nancheng? That's so boring... Forget it, I'll wait for her in the inner city first, and listen to a tune by the way."

The woman strolled into the city and attracted everyone's attention, because her charm and coquettish aura couldn't be stopped, and the men on the street didn't even blink their eyes, as if they had lost their souls.

At the same time, the charm of the woman in red has also aroused the dissatisfaction of many women, and the names of vixen and vixen are endless.

Of course, Dongfang Lianren would not care about these people. After she entered the city, she walked into the post station, and then a luxurious carriage came out and rushed to the inner city.

During this period, Dongfang Lianren attracted many people's attention, but because this is Luoyan City, everyone was only surprised for a while, and those who cared saw her rent a car and entered the inner city and understood a thing or two.


Although Dongfang Lianren is charming to the bottom of her heart, she is not able to attract everyone's attention.

For example, the chess hall in front of her, she walked past the chess hall before, and the people inside just glanced at her and didn't care.

Because this room is full of a group of old men, there is only one well-dressed young man, who is still playing chess with others, and has no time to look outside.

At this time, the young man and a sloppy old man were sitting on one side, playing against another old man, surrounded by a circle of old men watching chess.

"We lost." Staring at the chessboard for a while, the young man's eyebrows relaxed and he sighed.

"Boy, you are good at playing chess. Both of us combined are no match for you." The bad old man was also very surprised. The two of them have been playing chess for so many years and neither of them accepted the other, but now they teamed up and lost to An ordinary old man...

"That's because your level is poor." The old man on the opposite side grinned, showing his yellow teeth. It could be seen that he was very proud of the 1vs2 victory.

"Old Lu, you're so proud of yourself. It's the first time the bully has played this kind of chess, and he hasn't adapted to the rules yet." The surrounding old men couldn't understand his despicable appearance, and said one after another.

"It's the first time they come into contact with this kind of chess, and you really don't let it go."

"I'm ashamed to bet with others, the older I get, the more shameless I am!"

"That's it."

"Shut up, if you don't agree with it, you go up together!" The old man surnamed Lu had a look of slap on his face, so what if he bullied the novice, anyway, he won.

"Just go up..." Several old men around refused to accept, but was interrupted by the young man.

"We lost, and I'm willing to admit defeat. I'll buy today's drink." The young man waved his hand: "I understand the rules almost, take a break and let's continue."


During the break time, a group of old men chatted together, while the young people and old men sat aside and drank tea.

"The one who walked over just now must be the girl from Lingshan." The bad old man said afterwards.

"It should be." The young man said casually without paying attention.

 Today I found that there are almost no books in the same period as mine... I feel uncomfortable. They are all on the ranking list, and then I suddenly find that I am still very good. It’s too bad, let’s cross the waist first], although the writing is not very good, but I still like it, I’ll just write it slowly, by the way, the school will start soon, the update may not be very stable [maybe, knock on the blackboard, maybe! 】

(End of this chapter)

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