Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 215 Wind and Cloud Gather in Luoyan City

Chapter 215 Wind and Cloud Gather in Luoyan City ([-])
"I remember this girl's name is... Dongfang Lianren?" The old man thought for a while and guessed.

"It's none of my business. You should think about how to win this kid surnamed Lu. Next time, it's a month's worth of betting money." The young man said angrily.

Although the old man on the opposite side is already seventy years old, in front of the two of them, it is not too much to call him a kid. Then, is it strange to meet Lingshan disciple in Luoyan City?

It takes a surprise.

"Speaking of the one surnamed Lu..." The bad old man showed a mysterious smile: "We are here now, don't you find a chance to go and see that girl Lu... No, little friend Lu?"

"Look? What are you looking at?" The young man raised his head slightly: "What's so good about that precocious little girl?"

"Don't look at it?" The bad old man wiped his nose and said in a low voice: "Don't look at it. Why did we move all the way here from Shushan? We lost chess and invited someone to drink?"

"That's a useless old thing with poor chess skills." The young man narrowed his eyes: "Besides, that girl surnamed Lu, do you know who she is?"

"I don't know." The bad old man shook his head.

After the two of them went back, they spent a few days recalling, and came to the conclusion that there was no one who could match Lu Ling.

Not to mention the seductive temperament, even the strength is not up to it.

In other words, Lu Ling is an unknown to the human race.

"That's it." The young man opened his eyes, and the sword energy flickered in his eyes: "What we need to do now is to prevent accidents... Then play chess well, you really want to invite this old boy surnamed Lu to drink A month's worth of wine?"

"You..." The bad old man shook his head after hearing the words: "After making so many excuses, you are still lazy in the end. I think you are afraid to see her because you have lost your temper because of Lu Xiaoyou."

The bad old man still felt that although what Lu Ling said to them back then was not suitable for her age, she was faintly domineering, and she had the advantage of her age, young people could only listen to them and could not reply back.

"Whatever you say." The young man didn't care, picked up the teacup and drank it in one gulp, then stood up, staring brightly.

"It's chess. I'm alone in the next game. If I lose, please go to the inner city for a drink."

"Count me in!"

"Okay!! The kid has courage!"

Seeing this, the bad old man shook his head.

What his old friend said was also reasonable. The main reason why the two of them moved to Luoyan City was because of Lu Ling, but at this stage they should just stay honest.


How big is the gap between the inner city and the outer city of Luoyan City... It is basically the difference between the imperial city and the countryside.

Magnificent, with blue bricks and white tiles, the streets are mostly wealthy people, and most men are accompanied by beautiful girls when they go out.

The extravagance is undisguised.

"Xiaoxiang Pavilion... is here." Dongfang Lianren looked at the Qionglou in front of him, nodded, and then walked in.

"Daughter, elegant seat?" As soon as she entered the door, a girl with Xiaojiabiyu temperament asked.

"No need." Lian Dongfang waved his hand: "I'll just sit down, regular customer."

"It's free for the whole audience today, so..." The girl smiled slightly: "Instead of taking advantage of those men in the private room, it's better to give it to Qianjin. Besides, if you are alone... it's better to be quiet up here."

"That makes sense." Dongfang Lianren nodded, as she said, there would definitely be men with short eyes coming over to "strike up a conversation" when she sat down. Today she was traveling alone, without Luo Hanyi...

Then sit on it.

In fact, if she was with Luo Hanyi, she wished that those men would come to him, otherwise, how could she appreciate Luo Hanyi's panic-stricken look.

Thinking of Luo Hanyi, Dongfang Lianren smiled helplessly. She really had a face as cold as a fairy, and she is still like a child. This morning she went to ask Luo Hanyi to go down the mountain together, but the latter was being taught a lesson by her apprentice My eyes are full of tears...

She has nothing to say when her life is like this.

"That's right." Dongfang Lianren looked at the girl in front of him: "Since when have you guys been so considerate?"

"Returning to the daughter is my sister's request. Ladies, please..." The woman leaned slightly and answered Dongfang Lianren's question.

"Sister? Isn't your boss a man?" Dongfang Lianren said casually.

She is also a frequent visitor of this Xiaoxiang Pavilion. The sisters in the inner city of Luoyan City have already played several times, and they are more familiar with it than their own.

"Back to the daughter, it's been changed. Just before, this sister... is dressed similarly to yours, and she's just as beautiful." The girl covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"That's it, then don't bother me, you are busy." Dongfang Lianren slowly went upstairs, and his figure disappeared.

After that, a handsome man walked in surrounded by a group of beauties.

"Beauty, come to the private room for one."

The tone is frivolous.

Hearing this, the girl still had a polite smile on her face: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, the private room is not open to the public these days, you can do the following."

"Sit down?" The man was taken aback for a moment, and then pointed to Meiji who was surrounded by him.

"It's not convenient..."

He didn't want to flirt with his women in public.

"Sorry." The girl bowed down and apologized.

"I'm an acquaintance with your boss, can't you accommodate me?" the man asked.

"The owner... changed this morning, and the new rule is that private rooms are not open to the public..." the girl responded politely.

"New owner?" The man was taken aback.

The owner of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion is also a prominent figure in the inner city... He actually transferred it when he said it was transferred?

This is a big deal.

"Well, I'll just sit down." The man said he could accept it.

His family background is one of the top-ranked families in Luoyan City, and he has received a good education since he was a child. Although he likes to mess around, he is definitely not an unreasonable, powerful bullying person.

He can't make things difficult for a servant.

"I'll listen to you, beauty, don't you buy me a drink?" The man smiled charmingly, and reached out to pick the girl's chin, but she cleverly dodged it.

"My lord, please order what you want..."

"You girl." The man shook his head helplessly, then walked into Lelou with the beauty beside him, and sat down at the front of the first floor.


With the beginning of the day, Xiaoxiang Pavilion, the most famous Lelou in the inner city, also opened for business, and people entered one after another.

In the room on the top floor of the attic, a woman in red stood in front of the window, looking through the bustling streets and through the inner city to focus on a certain figure.

His face was expressionless, as if he was just observing.


In Nanguan, Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling just rented a room in an inn, and then went out to find a tavern.

According to the address given by the woman before, through the streets, Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling stopped in front of a wooden house. Several large jars were piled up in front of the door, and a strong aroma of wine spread.

(End of this chapter)

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