Chapter 216 Tavern
"It's here." Liu Fufeng looked down at Lu Ling, who was tugging on her sleeve tightly.

From just now, Lu Ling was a little nervous, but Liu Fufeng was not worried, probably saw a familiar street or some familiar people again.

With her by her side, her A Ling has no reason to be afraid.

The reason why Lu Ling was nervous was because she saw a few more boys just now...

They were all familiar faces, but she showed nothing unusual.

Retaliation is impossible, at least not now, Lu Ling is at most entangled, asking her to do something... She really doesn't know what to do.

Liu Fufeng led Lu Ling into the tavern. It was a very simple place with a few tables and a few drinkers, accompanied by a strong aroma of wine.

The boss is a middle-aged man, when he saw Liu Fufeng, he was taken aback for a moment.

"The two...are you?"

"Buy wine." Liu Fufeng said concisely.

"How do you sell wine?"

"... Qianjin, which kind do you want?" The man looked at Liu Fufeng, hesitated for a moment, and at the same time was very puzzled, there was nothing in the inner city, and he actually bought wine here...

"Are there many kinds of wine?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

"That... I want wine, um, wine." Liu Fufeng emphasized.

Middle-aged man: "..."

Lu Ling: "..."

The boss could see that the daughter in front of her didn't understand wine at all, but Liu Fufeng didn't have to make fun of him if she wanted to come... That means she really came to buy wine.

Lu Ling was speechless when she heard Liu Fufeng's words. Even she knew that there were many kinds of wine, but Liu Fufeng didn't know.


Lu Ling swallowed.

The smell of alcohol on her cheap master before... But the smell of alcohol in this tavern is very fragrant, a little intoxicating... Lu Ling stared at the wine glass in the hands of the drinker next to her, and licked her lips.

"Little Qianjin, have some?" The bearded drinker saw Lu Ling's eyes and shook the wine glass in his hand.

"I..." Before Lu Ling could say anything, Liu Fufeng stood in front of her, staring straight at the drinker with dissatisfaction on his face.

It's too much to tempt her A Ling to drink.

"Just kidding, just kidding." Unbearable to be stared at by Liu Fufeng, the drinker shrugged.

"Hmph." Liu Fufeng turned around and said to the hotel owner, "What kind of wine do you have here?"

Hearing Liu Fufeng's question, the middle-aged man immediately became excited: "Your question is correct, my tavern is small, but there should be quite a few, except for the expensive women's wine in the inner city... Everything else is available, including your satisfaction..."

Seeing the middle-aged man talk endlessly as soon as he talked about wine, Liu Fufeng had no choice but to interrupt him. She wanted to leave here quickly, because Lu Ling swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva while speaking. very interested.

How does this work.

"Just tell me what types you have, don't say so many." Feeling anxious, Liu Fufeng spoke very rudely.

"Shochu, shochu, fruit wine, and milk wine. There are probably four categories. Among them, shochu includes sorghum, wheat, shochu, and fruit wine..."

"Stop... Please stop for a moment." Liu Fufeng's head grew dizzy when he heard it.

This is all and what.

Why are there so many in this small tavern? How did she choose?
By the way, what did Senior Sister Qin say before?
buy a little of each...

"Then...give me some of everything." Liu Fufeng hesitated for a while, and said.

"Everything?" The boss was taken aback for a moment, and then asked cautiously, "My dear, what is your point?"

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng frowned.

When I didn't buy it, I thought it should be very simple, but when I went to the tavern, various problems came up. How much should I buy?

This is only her first stop, there are still a few restaurants to go, this time she can't buy too much...

"What's the price of the most expensive wine here?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"Back to the daughter, the most expensive... fifty dollars a bucket." The boss replied.

Judging by Liu Fufeng's appearance, he doesn't know how to drink, so he probably bought it as a gift.

"Oh." Liu Fufeng was absent-minded, and casually pointed to the medium-sized wine jar in the distance: "That's it, give me two jars."

Hearing this, the boss was startled.

Same two altars?
These quantities are estimated to be enough for him to sell for a month.

"So much, my daughter, are you sure?"

"Definitely." Liu Fufeng thought about the space in the Qiankun bag, and nodded.

"That's good." The boss looked happy, this is a big deal, and Liu Fufeng probably wouldn't play tricks on him, he rubbed his hands: "That...price..."

"Are these enough?" Liu Fufeng took out a piece of silver and put it in the palm of his hand.



Then, Liu Fufeng heard two voices swallowing saliva.

One is the middle-aged boss in front of her, and the her A Ling.


Let me go, Junior Sister is too embarrassing... Lu Ling stared at the golden palm of Liu Fufeng, her eyes were straight.

The same goes for the middle-aged boss. It was the first time he had seen so much gold, and he was able to buy his tavern several times.

"...Sorry, I took the wrong one." Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, then put the gold in his pocket, and reached for the Qiankun bag.

This one feels leaf.

This is a copper coin...

After a while, Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out an ingot of silver.

"Is it enough?"

"Enough is enough, it must be enough." The middle-aged man nodded, and then his eyes were filled with eagerness.

As expected of being the daughter of a rich family, you carry so much money with you...

Of course, although there is a saying that wealth is not revealed, but this is Luoyan City, no one dares to harbor malicious intentions, especially towards the eldest lady in the inner city, so they can at most be jealous.

"Enough is enough." Liu Fufeng glanced at Lu Ling, and handed over a note: "Later, deliver the wine to this place."

"Okay." The middle-aged man took the note, found that it was the address of an inn near the edge, and nodded.

He just wanted to ask where it should be sent, Liu Fufeng couldn't carry more than a dozen jars of wine.

"Then... I will send the rest of the silver along with the wine. If you can trust me..."

"No problem." Liu Fufeng interrupted him.

Then, she dragged the reluctant Lu Ling out of the tavern.

"Huh..." Feeling the fresh air, Liu Fufeng breathed heavily.

The strong alcohol smell in the tavern is really uncomfortable.

Unlike her, Lu Ling was a little disappointed, she really wanted to taste what the wine tasted like, and the drinker had been smacking her lips at her all the time...

It seems to taste good.

"A Ling, you are still too young." Looking at Lu Ling's reluctance, Liu Fufeng reminded.

It's not without reason that she left the tavern in such a hurry, who made Lu Ling's face full of longing now.

She didn't want her A Ling to become a little drunkard.

(End of this chapter)

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