Chapter 217
young age?What's the meaning?
"En?" Lu Ling raised her head in confusion.

"Forget it." Liu Fufeng shook her head, then she took out the drawing and looked at it carefully.


There is no place in the southern city that Qin Qin has marked, so they don't need to waste time. You must know that the places Qin Qin circled are all in the inner city, and there is basically nothing interesting in the outer city.

Now that I have bought wine, what do I do with it?

If she hadn't accidentally found out that this was the place where A Ling lived, she would have left with Lu Ling a few hours ago.

"The station... I found it." Putting away the drawing, Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling's hand.

Next, go to the post station to rent a carriage and go to the inner city...

They had no choice but to take a car, because even if they were already in Luoyan City, the inner city was not within their reach by foot, and even if they could, she was reluctant to let her A Ling walk such a long way.

After going to the inner city by car, put the wine bought in the inn first, and take it away when they need to leave.

Everything was planned by Liu Fufeng.

"Let's go." Liu Fufeng said, only to find Lu Ling standing motionless, her eyes looking into the distance.

Liu Fufeng looked over and found that a group of boys were playing in the alley. She took a closer look, they were holding whips in their hands, and there were several wooden spinning tops on the ground.

The boy named Huzi before was also among them.

Liu Fufeng glanced at Lu Ling again, and saw a little bit of strange entanglement in her eyes.

Then Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling's hand and walked over...

Not to find these boys in the past, but because that intersection is the only way they must go to the post station.


A few boys were having a great time playing with the top. After Lu Ling disappeared, they had no one to bully them, and they fell in love with the new toy of the top.

When they found out that Lu Ling had disappeared, they panicked for a while, thinking that they had killed her too hard... But after a month, there was no disturbance, so they no longer feared it, but rather disappointed.

Consider yourself missing a good plaything.

The weak girl's sandbag can't be found now.

When encountering unpleasant things in the past, such as being reprimanded by parents, or being reprimanded by teachers in school, they all liked to find Lu Ling and vent on her.

Seeing the girl's fair skin covered with bruises filled her with a sense of satisfaction.

Anyway, Lu Ling couldn't speak, so she could bully her as much as she wanted, whoever made that girl not under the protection of Luoyan City, even if she died, no one else could blame her.

Now without this plaything, they have nowhere to vent their rage. Others are not as easy to bully as Lu Ling. If they beat up their companions, they will be invited to the city lord's mansion to "drink tea".

So they can only vent their strength on the spinning top, and the more it pumps, the more sensational it becomes.

Several boys bent over to spin the top, watching it spin faster and faster, their hearts arose.

"This time I must win."

"No, I won!"

Several people stared at the spinning top, but saw that it hit a shoe and lost its balance. After rolling a few times on the ground, it stopped moving.

"Fuck!" One of the big boys swears, then raised his head: "Who doesn't have eyes..."

Then he saw Liu Fufeng, and he froze for an instant.

"What did you say?" Liu Fufeng narrowed his eyes as he looked at the boy in front of him who was not a few years younger than him, and might even be older than her.

Swearing in front of her Ah Ling has already violated her bottom line.

"No, it's nothing..." The big boy lowered his head and said nonuo.

One is that Liu Fufeng is too pretty... The other is that the two of them are not at the same level in dress, and they are a little ashamed of themselves.

This should be what Huzi said, the daughter of the inner city I saw before... really beautiful...

At this moment, he didn't care about the spinning top, if it wasn't because Liu Fufeng was not in a good mood at the moment, he wished that his eyes would stick to her body.

The other boys were also dumbfounded. When had they ever seen a girl with such a good temperament.

"Please get out of the way." Liu Fufeng looked at the group of people blocking the alley, and said slowly.

"Yes, yes." Seeing this, the boys took the initiative to get out of the way, and then Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling's hand and walked through it, looking at the boys around who bowed their heads, Liu Fufeng felt a pity.

Violence hurts others and oneself.

It's a good time for her to study and study, but she loses her mind by playing with things here, and she has such a bad personality, which really makes her feel uncomfortable. Besides, she doesn't have a good impression of men in the first place.

These people are not as good as her A Ling. Although her A Ling is lazy, at least she will not block the intersection and ask people if they have no eyes when they cause trouble.

It seems that Luoyan City is not necessarily better than her hometown.

Or is it true that people are inherently evil at the beginning?
Not necessarily, she felt that her Ah Ling had a very good personality.

"A Ling, let's go." Feeling that Lu Ling's body was a little stiff, Liu Fufeng took her hand and walked away.

Looking at Liu Fufeng's back, the boys swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and their bodies trembled unnaturally.

Is this the temperament of Miss Qianjin?I don't know how much better than the girls in their school... Liu Fufeng's gentle and slightly angry look made them stunned for a while.

At this time, a boy said, "I said, don't you think the little girl who passed by just now looks like our plaything?"

"Wait, what you said is really..." The big boy was taken aback, and just about to say something, he suddenly saw Liu Fufeng who was about to turn in front of him froze, and then she turned around slowly.


Liu Fufeng pulled Lu Ling's hand a little tighter.

what did she hear?

If she didn't know that this was the place where her Ah Ling wandered, Liu Fufeng might not take it to heart, but now that she knows, what these violent boys said...

She couldn't help but stop thinking about it.

"Hair, appearance, the most similar is the mole on the corner of the mouth..." At this moment, the boy turned his back to Liu Fufeng and said, because of his height, he observed Lu Ling more carefully just now.

Moreover, he didn't see Liu Fufeng let go of Lu Ling's hand, and walked slowly towards this side.

"If there's anything different, it's that the damn plaything is not as good-looking, and the eyes, you know." After the boy finished speaking, he saw his companions take a few steps back, with a frightened expression on their faces.

No way, although that toy's eyes are scary, but they have been bullying her for so long, why are they still afraid, what's wrong?
Then he turned his head and met Liu Fufeng's cold gaze.


"Damn it... a plaything?" Liu Fufeng stood behind them, his fingernails digging into his palms.

Plaything means toy.

Originally, she wasn't sure if the plaything these people were talking about was Lu Ling. At first, she just felt a little bit of a thud in her heart, but after hearing the description later, she was basically sure that what these boys described... was her baby. Senior sister, Lu Ling.


"You... damn it."

Gentle people also have their own Ni Lin, and Liu Fufeng's Ni Lin has been Lu Ling from the beginning.

Not to mention...her flawed.

(End of this chapter)

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