Chapter 218
There are many kinds of character flaws, the one in Liu Fufeng is not easy to analyze.

But she can be sure that her feelings for Lu Ling were a little sick at the beginning, but she couldn't change it, instead she got deeper and deeper as she got along with Lu Ling.

Originally, the mentality of taking Lu Ling as a sustenance also began to slowly change. The senior sister became more and more important in her heart, and finally became irreplaceable.

What kind of person was Liu Fufeng in the beginning?

Appearing as a good girl on the outside, in fact her life is full of compromises, cowardice...and pretense.

Of course, there is also a little hypocrisy of the daughter's family.

One more thing is certain, from the very beginning, she was not a weak willow and Fufeng, but after experiencing the baptism of Lingshan, she tended to become stronger and stronger.

So now Liu Fufeng is completely different from before. After meeting Shen Gui and other senior sisters, her mentality has quietly changed, and it has changed several times.

At least she is not the puppet who was blindly gentle to everyone and didn't know how to express her own thoughts before, and Liu Fufeng also found the meaning of life, besides medicine, she also has Ah Ling.

Coincidentally, these two most important things to her now overlap, so Lu Ling has become an indispensable thing in Liu Fufeng's life.

She has seen more cruel things, but they are not related to her. Now that the flames are burning on her A Ling, Liu Fufeng's mood is instantly chilled to a freezing point.

Liu Fufeng never got angry, and even seldom got angry. Even if he was angry, it was mostly anger towards Lu Ling.

Anger is also a kind of disguise.

In the past, she was treated unfairly, "betrayed" by her parents, traded as goods, ridiculed by everyone in her hometown...

Liu Fufeng was never angry about all this, except for some grievances at the beginning, he was always indifferent afterwards.

She knew at that time that she might not be able to enter the Lingshan Mountain, or that she was knocked down in the valley by the master again and again, and then the master left without saying goodbye...

Liu Fufeng never blames others for these things, he only looks for mistakes from himself, it has always been like this.

Is this cowardly?Maybe.

But it's more just that she doesn't care about herself, Liu Fufeng thinks that other things are more important than herself.

And in her heart, there is undoubtedly only one most important thing, that is, the little trouble who calls her "Junior Sister Shimei" all day long, is lazy every day, and turns into an octopus to wrap around her body at night.

Said she was a senior sister, but in fact Liu Fufeng regarded Lu Ling more as her younger sister. After experiencing the "betrayal" of her family, Lu Ling was her only relative.

Now my relatives are called "playthings" by a group of children?
She was usually reluctant to beat and scold her senior sister, and was called a "damn plaything" by a group of boys her size?
Mixed emotions are enough to make a gentle person lose control of his emotions.

If he doesn't care about everything about himself, there must be something more important than life, so at this time Liu Fufeng lost his basic thinking ability.

She wants to kill now.

Doctors benevolent?
It's almost all thrown away. She likes medicine because she is useless, so she hopes to treat those who are useful, but she doesn't have any good feelings for those scumbags.

Those who hurt her, Ah Ling, will all die.

When children from normal families were bullied, the parents at most wanted to teach them a lesson, but here at Liu Fufeng she directly sentenced them to death.

It's like a different person.

If other people were present at this time, you would find that Liu Fufeng's mood changed instantly at this time... Maybe it wasn't the mood, but the character - she was somewhat similar to Lu Ling who was in Shushan at that time, and her body had spiritual power fluctuations like the tide .

"You...damn it." Liu Fufeng bit his lower lip tightly, and blood dripped from his delicate red lips.

At this moment, in the eyes of a group of boys, Liu Fufeng's eyes were tinged with coldness, and she also felt that something was about to come out of her body.

"I, I..." Looking at Liu Fufeng in this state, the boy who had spoken before rolled his eyes and passed out before he finished speaking.

The faces of the few remaining people were also pale, and some of them were already crying.

People who have never faced it before don't know what kind of pressure Liu Fufeng will put on people at this time.

Anyway, Lu Ling was scared to death.

Just by looking at her back, she could tell that her junior sister was very angry now... no, maybe not angry.

This is completely blackened...

Junior sister, what is she doing here?murder?

This somewhat unbelievable idea appeared in her mind, and Lu Ling should have felt ridiculous because of her own thoughts...but she couldn't laugh now.

"Goo..." Lu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Liu Fufeng's back, and trembled.

The person who was as gentle as water in the past...

Now it's even scarier than that short-haired lady...

Lu Ling is still a little confused about the situation, and she doesn't know why Liu Fufeng suddenly "blackened", but she knows one thing, that is, she cannot be allowed to go on like this.

At least let her junior sister calm down first.

"Junior Sister..." So Lu Ling called her out.

Unfortunately, it didn't work at all.


"A bunch of scum." Liu Fufeng's eyes were full of coldness, seeing her eyes at this moment, even that big boy felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his limbs were cold and he dared not move at all.

At this time, in Liu Fufeng's eyes, there is no so-called underage, only someone who has hurt her A Ling.

At this time, several boys were completely defeated by the inexplicable fear, leaving a lot of snot and tears.

"Not enough." Seeing this, Liu Fufeng shook his head.

The young man who was full of hostility before didn't dare to look at Liu Fufeng at all at this time, he screamed in a breakdown and was about to run away, and then he met a pair of eyes, and immediately remained motionless as if petrified.

There was extreme fear in the boy's eyes, and then he became incontinent.

At this time, Liu Fufeng was even worse than the Demon Seed.

"Want to run? Have you asked my Ah Ling?" Liu Fufeng bent down and threw a spell on the ground.

A simple amulet, all of them, now without her permission, everyone here except her has lost the ability to move, including Lu Ling.

Although she has no power now and is only half of the people in Lingshan, the difference between immortals and ordinary people has already existed and unfolded.

In fact, Liu Fufeng is also very dangerous now. Since there is already a difference between immortals and mortals, she can't do it privately, otherwise she will be exactly the same as those monks who do evil, and maybe she will be hunted down by the Xuanjing Division...

Of course, this matter is nothing at all based on Lingshan's performance of protecting the calf, but it is a trouble after all.

But for Liu Fufeng, don't say she didn't know, even if she knew, she would have to pay the price for the scum who bullied Ah Ling, and even until now her mouth is not clean.

Lu Ling might be able to accept such grievances, but she couldn't.

At this moment, Liu Fufeng's emotions were completely intensified, and the loopholes were infinitely magnified.

 I didn't want to break the chapter before, but I just wrote it right there. Originally, there were more chapters in the back of this chapter, but I was afraid that you would say that the chapter was cut off... The main reason is that there is no time, otherwise I will add more... Ah... the eldest daughter still I didn’t write it... I went back to my hometown today, and I took the car to go to school tomorrow [Qixi does not exist], I was so tired that I became a salty fish [By the way, as a fan of the sister who likes Xiaolin x Toer, I was very sad to see Meng Zhan , why can't you all calm down...]

(End of this chapter)

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