Chapter 227

Yes, Lu Ling thought so.

After inheriting her own memory from the very beginning, Lu Ling was unwilling to think about it for a long time, but took the mentality of taking one step at a time, which is naturally not advisable.

But she has nothing to do, after all, she is a pure weak, but fortunately she met Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng thought that Lu Ling was her luck, but why not the other way around?
At least Lu Ling thought that she was lucky to meet her junior sister and husband.

Only orphans can understand what it's like to long for a loved one, and Lu Ling...she can already be regarded as an orphan for two generations, as far as her limited memory is concerned.

Junior sister...should be considered relatives...

Lu Ling admits that she is immature, because after all, she has experienced very few things, which is normal.

Then, in the days to come, I hope that I can continue walking with my junior sister. With her, maybe the unknown will not be afraid.

Lu Ling has always been resistant to the so-called cultivating immortals, but this concept has weakened a lot after today, because she saw the terrifying power of Liu Fufeng after he shot... The impact brought by the burning of the city was very strong.

This kind of scene is not at the same level as when she watched Shen Gui Xu Xu's martial arts competition.

Shen Gui, people like Xu Xu, who are full of mystery, can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and it's normal for a sword to fall into the rainbow - at least it's normal in Lu Ling's world, even if they split the sky with a sword, Lu Ling may I don't care much.

Cultivating immortals, how can they be called immortals if they don't have any destructive power.

But Liu Fufeng is different, she is by far Lu Ling's closest and most familiar person, not one of them.

She can say without exaggeration that she has learned a lot of Liu Fufeng's little habits and actions, and she can tell whether her junior sister is in a good mood or not just by her face, because the two of them live together, and there are many things that they don't shy away from.

Lu Ling even knew exactly where there were moles on Liu Fufeng's body. After all, the two of them had been bathing together for so long... It was inevitable that they could see clearly. Of course, the thing that made Lu Ling feel more ashamed was that compared to her, Liu Fufeng May need to know more about her body.

Until now, every time she goes to take a bath, she still needs her junior sister to go down to fish.

After so many days passed, Lu Ling thought that she understood Liu Fufeng.

Her junior sister is an ordinary girl, an ordinary person who cooks delicious food.

Because I entered the mountain with myself.

Every time Lu Ling thinks of this, she will be very happy. What would she look like if she were a different senior sister?

I can't imagine, but her junior sister is better.

But even such a close person has undergone several changes. Now this confident and gentle person is no longer compatible with the somewhat cowardly person Lu Ling first met.

Now, an ordinary girl actually did such a thing as burning the city...

Lu Ling didn't dare to imagine, and she didn't want to think about it. Even a fool could see that Liu Fufeng had emotional problems, but so what if he knew?There's nothing she can do, she's just a salted fish.

With a deep sense of powerlessness, all Lu Ling can do is to listen to her junior sister and practice hard.

After today's baptism, Lu Ling felt that if she continued to be so salty, she might be pulled away by her junior sister... She clearly had the impression that her junior sister hadn't calmed down yet, but now she has such a destructive power...

Lu Ling felt that her cultivation was all on the dog. Compared with Liu Fufeng, who kept breaking her chopsticks... it was the difference between a salted fish and a human.

Lu Ling didn't know what a spell was, she just saw it, it was made by her junior sister, that's enough.

The so-called Dao Xingsi, starting today, Lu Ling will start to formally plan her future, and end this state of taking one step at a time.

Not for pleasure, not for parading the world, but for a simple purpose.

She didn't want to cause trouble to her junior sister, and she didn't want to be left too far behind by her. Lu Ling didn't want to be a useless drag on her junior sister.

Imagine that the junior sister has achieved success in cultivation, has a beautiful appearance, and is peerless...but I am muddled, seventy and eighty, just like an old grandmother...

At that time, she would be ashamed to call her Junior Sister Liu Fufeng again.

This is what Lu Ling really thinks at this time.

At this point, the two really have a tacit understanding like sisters, they will consider each other, and they are unwilling to become a burden, supporting and relying on each other, maybe they can go further.

People are like this, no matter how salty people are, there are things they need to protect. Lu Ling knows that she has been protected by her junior sister all the time, but even she hopes to be able to protect her junior sister one day.

It's just that it seems a little delusional now, no matter how you look at it, she is the one who keeps causing trouble.

So it's just a simple drink... Although she wanted to drink it, she held back.

Because my junior sister said, you are not allowed to drink.

She is so obedient.


"Senior Sister...why are you looking at me like that?" Liu Fufeng felt uncomfortable being stared at by Lu Ling. From the beginning, Lu Ling's eyes seemed to have become a little more mature...

"Ah? It's okay." Lu Ling shook her head, closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the inexplicable emotion disappeared.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sleepy." Lu Ling leaned back on the bed, lying on the bed in a big character shape, her breathing became heavier, her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.

Then, Liu Fufeng's figure appeared in her line of sight. The latter was sitting by the bed, holding her hand, and was interrupted by her when he was about to speak.

"Ha~~ah~~" Lu Ling yawned, and then said: "Junior Sister, here...let's sleep for a while...together."

As she spoke, she turned over and yawned profusely.

Really sleepy.

"..." Liu Fufeng heard the words and glanced around the room—except for a bed, there were wine jars piled up everywhere, and there was a strong smell of alcohol. She herself was fine, but Lu Ling was different. I guess Ah Ling didn't realize it herself, her little face is blushing now.

It's like applying blush, and now Lu Ling's small face is like a red apple, Liu Fufeng wants to go up and take a bite...

Ah Ling couldn't be drunk...

It's really hard to say, the smell of alcohol in the room is so heavy, children might get drunk after smelling it.

Liu Fufeng picked up Lu Ling from the bed and put her on the ground. Seeing Lu Ling's eyes were closed and her head was shaking, Liu Fufeng said, "Don't sleep, wait in the car and sleep."

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded, but still did not open her eyes.

At this time, there was a noise from downstairs, Liu Fufeng pushed open the window, and saw the former proprietress waving at her, and a carriage parked in the front yard.

Without looking carefully, Liu Fufeng turned around and shook Lu Ling: "Senior sister, let's go, hold on for a while..."

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded, feeling a little dazed until Liu Fufeng stuffed the green bamboo into his hands, and then he became more conscious.

(End of this chapter)

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