Chapter 228 Itinerary
There was a refreshing formation on Qingzhu, and the cold hands made Lu Ling regain her senses a little.

Some headaches... and a little bit of confusion...

Lu Ling felt her face was hot, did she have a fever?

No way……

At this time, Lu Ling would never think of alcohol.

No one will get drunk when they smell alcohol.

But unfortunately, she is that weak chicken, with such a sensitive body as hers, she would get drunk after just one sip.

"Aling, wait for me at the door." Liu Fufeng thought for a moment, opened the Qiankun bag in his hand, closed his eyes, and a silver spiritual power emerged, spiraling and lingering on her little finger.

The amount is very small, not even half of the spiritual power that Lu Ling used to feed Xuechen, but this is all the spiritual power that Liu Fufeng can use, and this earthworm-like power is the result of her cultivation in the past few months.

Liu Fufeng's cultivation speed...was frighteningly slow, so his stock was very small, but there was also an advantage, that is, his dantian had been expanded, and it would recover quickly even if it was used up.

It's just that after recovery, there is still only this point, and there will be no change.

Liu Fufeng's original plan was to go directly to the inn, and come back to collect the wine when he left, but now everyone is at the inn, so let's take it along the way. If the inner city can leave directly, it is estimated that she and Lu Lingye Will not be coming back.

Because she wanted to take all the wine away, she used all her strength to find herself.

and many more……

Didn't she go to the station in the first place?Why are you back at the inn?

What happened in between?
Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, his face changed, and then he calmed down, as if nothing had happened just now, spiritual power got into the Qiankun bag, and then the space seemed to be shrunk, the wine in the room was shrunk in proportion, and then neatly put away Into the Qiankun bag.

At this time, the inn room was empty again, and the outlines of wine jars and the smell of wine on the ground proved that these things existed before.

Liu Fufeng's consciousness was immersed in the Qiankun bag, and he felt relieved when he found that these dozens of jars of wine were quietly waiting in the corner.

She was also afraid that she might not be able to accept such a large amount. It seemed that she was overthinking it.

"A Ling, let's go." Liu Fufeng went out and dragged Lu Ling downstairs.

As soon as I went downstairs, I met the proprietress waiting at the door, and the latter surrounded me enthusiastically. At this moment, Lu Ling yawned, and the proprietress said right away, "Is the young lady sleepy?"

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"Then hurry up and get in the carriage... I am looking for the best carriage, absolutely comfortable, please rest assured." The proprietress said, showing a pained expression.

She really found the best one. Originally, if she chose a lower grade, she would have a little more money left, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

To be honest, she kind of likes that little daughter, she is small, obedient, and very cute.

In terms of money, I am not short of it, so there is no need to be so greedy.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, ma'am." Liu Fufeng thanked him, and took Lu Ling's hand: "A Ling, let's go."



In front of the door, Liu Fufeng looked at the carriage in front of him and hesitated for a moment, and Lu Ling also opened his eyes wide.

I didn't look carefully upstairs just now, but now I can see clearly.

so beautiful...

Not only Lu Ling, but also Liu Fufeng thought so.

The black nanmu body, carved beams and painted buildings, carved flowers and birds on the wheels, all sides of the carriage are wrapped in expensive and exquisite silk, and the windows inlaid with gold and treasures are covered by a curtain of light blue crepe, so that people outside cannot see the carriage. passengers inside.

The first impression of the carriage is that it is magnificent, and from the outside, it can be seen that the interior space of this carriage is very large, and it is estimated that it can accommodate five or six people without being crowded.

The horse in front of the car is also very handsome. Every part of this tall horse is well matched, and every muscle shows strength, which makes people feel so soft and fit at first glance.

And it's pure white. At this time, its front hooves are slightly lifted, very elegant.

Next to the horse stood a middle-aged coachman.

"Daughter, this is the best groom old Wang here, and he will never mess with the little daughter."

"How is it, is Qianjin still satisfied?" Seeing this, the proprietress was a little proud.

"I have a heart." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"It's fine if you like it." The proprietress said with a smile.

Just to mention, this carriage was not bought, but rented, it can be understood as something like a "taxi", otherwise Liu Fufeng would probably need a lot of money to buy it.

"That's it, let's go."

Then, Liu Fufeng helped Lu Ling get into the car.

The space inside the car was very spacious, the seats on both sides were covered with brocade, the seat was wide enough for Lu Ling to lie down on, and there was a faint scent of sandalwood in the car.

Liu Fufeng was very satisfied.

Then, following the low voice of the coachman and the crisp sound of the horse's hooves kicking and kicking, Liu Fufeng felt that the car turned around, so she opened the curtain and looked back, only to see that the proprietress from before was still waving at them.

Out of politeness, Liu Fufeng turned back, and then lowered the curtain.

I guess this aunt thought she could see her again...

Liu Fufeng touched his Qiankun bag.

I don't know what she will think when she finds out that the wine has disappeared out of thin air...but that's not what she should think about.

Seeing Lu Ling lying motionless on the soft bed in the middle as soon as she got into the car, Liu Fufeng smiled.

What a kid, he was so tired in just one morning.

Forget it, sleep for a while if you are tired...

At this time, Liu Fufeng moved forward a few times, opened the front curtain, and could see the carriage moving forward in the crowd, and there were loud noises around.

They should be leaving the city first...

"Uncle Wang... how long will it take to get from here to the inner city?" Liu Fufeng asked.

Hearing her question, the middle-aged groom didn't look back, and said, "Uncle who can't afford to be a thousand gold."

He said so, but he was very happy in his heart. He was always called around by people in the past, but he was treated so softly by others, and he was still a daughter of a rich family.

"About an hour and a half, as fast as possible."

This still needs to be done non-stop and the horse is in good condition, otherwise it is estimated that it will take two hours.

"That's it..." Liu Fufeng turned his head and glanced at Lu Ling, an hour and a half was enough for her Ah Ling to rest for a while.

"Uncle please, try to be as calm as possible, my sister is...resting."

"Okay, don't worry, Lu Ping who goes to the inner city will definitely not be crazy!" the groom said boldly.

"That's good."

After finishing the order, Liu Fufeng put down the curtain and sat opposite Lu Ling.

At this time Lu Ling turned over, seemed satisfied with the softness under her body, Liu Fufeng felt relieved when she saw it, she leaned against the car window and closed her eyes.

I don't know why, but she is also a little tired and needs to take a good rest...

 I actually cried watching V's concert...the most beautiful thing in the world...

(End of this chapter)

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