Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 229 First Encounter

Chapter 229 First Encounter
Liu Fufeng sat in the car with his eyes closed.

As time passed, the noise in my ears gradually disappeared, and it became quiet. I could only hear the sound of the rumbling carriage, like rainwater hitting the rain flower stone, giving people a faint sense of peace of mind.

Unlike Lu Ling who was already snoring in a comfortable sleeping position, Liu Fufeng was not asleep, she was just closing her eyes and resting her mind.

Is this out of town?

Sensing the strangeness of the environment, Liu Fufeng pushed open the curtain, and the goal he entered was a smooth loess official road with dense forests on both sides. There were no people on this road and it was very quiet.

Of course, there were occasional carriages passing by, but compared to the city, it was already very good. Under the slight bumps, Liu Fufeng closed his eyes again.

Soon after.

She opened her eyes, heard the sound of the wheels beside her ears, and frowned.

A car passed by them just now, and it could be heard from the sound, but at that moment, Liu Fufeng smelled a strange smell.

It was a smell similar to rotten fish, a little disgusting, but Liu Fufeng, who grew up in a medical center, knew that it was the stench from festering wounds, which was very different from fishy smell.

Ever since she started practicing, her sense of smell has become extremely sharp, which is probably a side effect of practicing, including Lu Ling. She smelled the stench, and the sleeping Lu Ling unconsciously took two deep breaths of fresh air.

How to do it?

Now the two are rushing to the inner city, time waits for no one, she and Lu Ling have limited time, there are still many places to go, meddling at this time may be a waste of time.

But Liu Fufeng didn't hesitate at all, she decisively opened the front curtain.

"Uncle, stop the car."

"Woo~~" Accompanied by the neighing of the horse, the speed of the carriage slowed down, and then stopped on the side of the road.

"My dear, what's the matter?" the groom turned around and asked.

"Please wait a moment, I have something to do." Saying that, Liu Fufeng got out of the car alone.

At this time, there was an empty space behind the car, and the car and horse that passed by them had gone far away, but the strange smell still existed, and when the wind blew, Liu Fufeng's eyebrows frowned even tighter.

So Liu Fufeng began to search backwards, looking left and right as he walked.

The groom also got out of the car, and stayed beside the horse watching Liu Fufeng's strange behavior.

getting closer...

As the stench intensified, Liu Fufeng's footsteps became faster and faster, and finally stopped at the ravine where the loess official road connected with the deep forest.

The ravine is deep and backlit, and below it is a downhill slope and dense weeds. You can't see anything with the naked eye.

However, it is hot summer at this time, standing on the side of the road, it is different from the looming smell just now, it can be said that the smell here is tangy.

The smell came from below, and Liu Fufeng observed that there were traces of weeds being squeezed at the position under her feet.

There's someone down here, and it's still a wounded person.

It might be a wounded person, or it might be a dead person, because the smell is too strong, like a piece of rotting meat.

It must have fallen from the carriage in front.

Go down and have a look.

Without any hesitation, Liu Fufeng made such a decision.

As a doctor, you should be kind.

As long as the matter does not involve her A Ling, then she is a qualified backup doctor.

After scanning the surroundings, Liu Fufeng jumped over the ravine lightly, found a downhill and went down.


What is this daughter going to do?
There is only mud and weeds on both sides of the road...

The groom was stunned for a while, then led the horse, turned the carriage around and followed.

Just kidding, if something happened to Liu Fufeng, then he would be dead. This kind of lady from a great family knew without thinking that it must be more important than his life.

Parking the car at the place where Liu Fufeng went down, the groom covered his nose.

What does it smell like?so bad...

Even though it was just a residual smell, it was still unbearable.

Then, he saw the young lady from before coming up from the side uphill with a person on her back.

If that's still human.

Although he couldn't see it clearly, the groom had already seen bloodstains and bruises all over his body, and his body was covered with mud. As Liu Fufeng approached, the stench became more and more obvious.


The groom retched unconsciously, and then looked at Liu Fufeng who was walking over.

The smell came from the person Liu Fufeng was carrying on his back, and now even the coachman knew what was going on.

This man's wound has deteriorated...but extensively.

Is it a beggar?

Hard to say.

At this time, the person behind Liu Fufeng was covered in mud and blood, his face was so dirty that he couldn't see his face clearly, but judging from his short hair and figure, he should be a teenager.

"Uncle, please help me take him to the car." Liu Fufeng carefully put the person behind him down and leaned against the carriage, not caring at all about the stench coming from the nostrils and the blood stains on the latter's body staining her clothes .

"This..." The groom hesitated, he pinched his nose from just now, but even so he almost spit out his lunch.

It's disgusting that smell.

The person in front of him is simply horrible, the exposed parts of his body are dripping with blood, old and new wounds are everywhere, and the bones can be seen, especially the position of the arm, which is nothing but broken bones.

"My daughter, it's better not to cause trouble." The groom looked at Liu Fufeng who was observing the wound, and said after hesitating.

You must know that in Luoyan City, theft rarely happens, and a dead person suddenly appears here... Maybe it is a big trouble.

He kindly reminded Liu Fufeng that as the saying goes, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

"Trouble?" Liu Fufeng heard the words, slowly raised his head, met the groom's eyes, and said in a calm tone, "He's not dead yet."

"..." The groom stopped talking. Isn't this young lady too naive?

Although he doesn't know medical skills, he also knows that if his body is wounded like this, how can he be saved? What the common people are most afraid of is ulcers, because it is difficult to treat the wound after it festers... But the person in front of him, his body There is no good place, not to mention suppuration, his shoulder blades have festered.

Basically dead.

That's why he proposed to ignore this person and let him fend for himself.

But Liu Fufeng didn't seem to think so.

"Please help me carry him into the car." Liu Fufeng stretched out his hand and pinched the wound on the injured shoulder, then put it on his nose and sniffed it, frowning.

It's already the worst.

"This..." The groom showed a disgusted expression, but in the end he sighed, pinched his nose and sent the boy who was no longer a human being into the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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