Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 235 Lu Ling's Water Polo Technique

Chapter 235 Lu Ling's Water Polo Technique
After the communication was cut off, Dongfang Lianren stood up.

After that, she and Luo Hanyi chatted casually, and then they were ready to leave.

Go take a look and see what the little girl who can make her like it so much will look like.

"I found it." Closing her eyes and scanning Luoyan City with her divine sense, Dongfang Lianren discovered the power of Luo Hanyi's unique imprint, but she also discovered some interesting things after scanning.

The girl Luo Hanyi mentioned was staying with Lu Ling.


Opening his eyes, Dongfang Lianren was relieved, his spirits were full of energy, and his steps became much stronger.

Strolling downstairs, listening to the music in her ears, she curled her lips unconsciously.

There is no god, the melody is monotonous, and those few notes come and go.

It's not interesting at all. After so many years, this Xiaoxiang Pavilion still hasn't improved at all.

That's right, the pavilion remains the same, but people are changing. From generation to generation, there will always be something that she has never heard of, and she thinks it sounds good. Anyway, she can't appreciate it. It's not as successful as those children on the mountain. She wants to sleep after hearing it.

I thought that the Xiaoxiang Pavilion would change slightly after changing the owner, and it seems that's the case.

Going downstairs, when Dongfang Lianren appeared on the first floor, her charming figure and charming face naturally attracted many people's attention.

"Ah~ha~~~" Lian Dongfang stretched her waist, and her graceful and seductive body outline was clearly seen against the tight red dress of Lingshan.

A little bored, Dongfang Lianren turned around in a circle, her skirt danced slightly, like a blooming flower, noticing that she had attracted everyone's attention, the corners of her mouth raised.

As expected, she is still so beautiful. The men here are all people of status. Although they don't have a sense of superiority, she is still a little happy that she is considered attractive as a woman.

Maybe she will get married this year.

With that in mind, he walked away gently.

" this lady? It's like this..." The young man looked at the plump red figure not far away, and unconsciously swallowed his saliva.

"My lord..." The female relative beside me was unwilling.

"Hehe, I'll just take a look, just take a look." The man said perfunctorily, but his eyes never left Dongfang Lianren's figure until she disappeared from sight, and at the same time, he looked at the beautiful woman beside him... a bit unbearable Got it.

"Hu Meizi!" The female relative gritted her teeth.

This happened one after another.

Dongfang Lianren is indeed easy to attract men, but she is used to it, anyway, these people are just clowns in her eyes.

Seeing Dongfang Lianren, the girl receiving at the gate said respectfully.

"My dear, are you leaving now?"

"No, I'm going out for a while, my... my sister is here." Dongfang Lianren remembered what Lu Ling was wearing just now, looked down at her long red dress, and licked the corner of her mouth.

"Little Qianjin must be very cute." The girl said upon seeing this.

"It's okay, but the children are in some troubles, so let's go." With a wave of his hand, Dongfang Lianren went out, and turned back to give the girl a bright smile: "And I'm going to solve the troubles now."

Then he turned a corner and disappeared.

"" The girl was intoxicated by Dongfang's pitiful smile, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

Such a beautiful person, wouldn't it be cheaper for a powerful man... She has worked in Xiaoxiang Pavilion for many years, and she has met many playful young men, and her impression of men is getting worse and worse.

But the new owner seems to be very strong, telling her not to have scruples in doing things, and everything should be done according to her rules.

She knew it was very powerful at first glance, and her new owner was even more beautiful, as if she had stepped out of a painting, with the temperament of a sick and weak lady from a big family.

want to hug.


When the young girl here was entertaining wild thoughts, the pity Dongfang walked forward step by step under the sun, attracting everyone's attention on the street, but she didn't care, her face was charming with a little bit of dangerous coquettish color.

It was precisely because of such a weird scene that no one dared to strike up a conversation with the graceful woman.

There are many definitions of the trouble that Dongfang Lianren said, including one point.

Even if the girl Luo Hanyi fell in love with was not a disciple of Lingshan, she would not be bullied by others, not to mention that if she was injured like this, her life mark would disappear.

It's one thing to fall alive, it's another to get hurt.

The matter is very simple, if this girl is not from Luo Hanyi, then even if she died on the side of the road, Dongfang Lianren would not even take a look at her, but now she has the imprint of Lingshan on her body.

Not everyone can bully casually, bully her, but you must be prepared to go to hell to see the face of the evil spirit.

Not to mention an ordinary mortal, even people from the other seven holy places, she would also come to seek justice.

It's just so unreasonable, she does everything she wants, and doesn't care about others. She is a pity from the East.

Thinking of the scene where several venerables from the Eastern Shenhai came to apologize a few days ago and were ridiculed by the masters for a while, Dongfang Lianren felt ridiculous. Compared with the previous generation of Lingshan people, they were already very reasonable.

Speeding up the pace, Dongfang Lianren disappeared in an instant under the eyes of everyone.

When she reappeared, the breeze was blowing, she was standing on top of the hood of a carriage, watching the driver in front of her driving hard, Dongfang Lianren sat down on the spot.

It's like the body has no weight, and it doesn't make a sound.

At this time, Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling were right below her.

"Senior sister, water."


Next, because of Xuechen's guidance, Lu Ling could directly turn spiritual power into clear water, which helped Liu Fufeng a lot, and of course Lu Ling herself was also surprised.

It turns out that her cultivation is not useless, but she just doesn't know how to mobilize it, and Xuechen's help made her understand one thing, she is not a warrior, but a "mage", no wonder she can't even break a chopstick constantly.

The direction of growth is different.

Lu Ling stretched out her hands, trying to concentrate, and then there was a small cracking sound, and some small ice slags suddenly appeared in the palms, and then quickly became larger, and then turned into a cold ice ball.


Yo, little girl can do it, this is the Qi Condensation state, you can use spiritual power without human teaching, although it is very ordinary, but the quality is good, the cold air is very pure.

It is worthy of the ice blood.

Dongfang Lianren nodded, and then continued to look down.

Lu Ling opened her eyes, and then took a deep breath. The ice ball gradually melted and disintegrated. The cold air filled the carriage like a cloud and disappeared after a while. The hard ice ball in Lu Ling's hand also turned into a surging water ball.

Transparent, no trace of blue.

This should be pure ice water, but it was melted by Lu Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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