Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 236 Hidden talent

Chapter 236 Hidden talent

"Successful!" Seeing this, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, why, as a "Mage", she couldn't release the water polo directly, but had to make an ice ball first and then melt it?

【Xuechen, my trick is called Ice Water Polo, how about it? ] Lu Ling asked.

【...Master, as long as you like it. 】The cat jumped onto Lu Ling's shoulder, her body was unnaturally close to Lu Ling, and at the same time, intentionally or unintentionally, she looked up.

Undoubtedly, she discovered Dongfang Lianren, but she didn't say anything because they were all "one of my own".

[It's fine if I like it, you can't hear that I'm just complaining?Can't it just come out of the water? 】The water polo still has some ice at this time, because it is for the wounded, so Lu Ling still needs to purify it for a while.

She is very dissatisfied.

Because I am very tired!
[This... I don't know what to do. ] Xuechen responded.

It stands to reason that with the extreme attention to detail shown by her master in Shushan, such problems should not arise...

But the current owner doesn't know anything at all.

That's weird.

Xuechen can be sure that the alluring person at that time was her master, but now it's like two people, even the level of subtlety has dropped.

I don't know if it's a seal...

Xuechen thought of Lu Ling's talent [Bright Wrist Frost Snow], something that Lu Ling had almost forgotten, she still remembered deeply.

Thinking about it now, this should be the manifestation of her master, Snow Maiden's talent.

The affinity of ice, the body of frost and cold.

Outsiders call the master's bloodline the Ice Bloodline. Xuechen has never liked this name very much, because in her limited memory, the master's power has a more suitable name.

Frost and snow, frost in the front, snow in the back, ice... are just incidental products.

This is the strongest power of the Snow Maiden.

In addition to the snowflakes, the power that almost destroyed the land sealed by the demons was also the overwhelming frost... At that time, it should not be the frost, but the frost.

In the wind and snow, most people ignore the frost. In fact, this kind of low temperature is the most dangerous.

Now her master can't directly condense the ice, maybe it's the negative skill of [Bright Wrist Congealing Frost Snow], or this frost power is a locking skill, whether Lu Ling is willing or not, this power is the first to start.

This also shows that Lu Ling is really her master - although she has not doubted this for a long time, but today's incident reminded Xuechen.

Although the master's swordsmanship is also very good, the so-called "Yu Jian rides the wind" does not match her master at all.

not at all.

Xue Nu is tyrannical and unparalleled, and has nothing to do with benevolence. She is probably a cold-blooded [ignorant] person who kills without batting an eye.

It is even more impossible to cultivate the awe-inspiring righteousness of the world. The original owner hated Shushan very much. Perhaps this is also related to the people in Shushan at that time who "will not save themselves".

The only thing that can be dealt with is the slaying of "the sword comes with the wind, and the world will slay the demons".

But my family knows their own affairs, and associating with the things above, the person described by these words is definitely not her master, the world of exorcising demons... Heh, this kind of sense of sight of a righteous and disgusting knight is definitely not her master.

Then why this so-called talent appeared in her master is worthy of deliberation, and when it comes to the old woman who has never left Shushan for thousands of years... it is understandable that Xuechen has a strong sense of crisis.

She now suspects that her sister...has thoughts about the master... not necessarily, but she must be curious.

It's just that Xuechen couldn't deduce anything because her memory was incomplete, but she knew one thing - the master belonged to her and could not be given to anyone!

Thinking about it, the cat's three-petal mouth stuck to Lu Ling's neck, and stretched out its small tongue to lick Lu Ling's neck.

Xuechen's mind was disturbed by her sister's sudden appearance. Even though she was staying with Lu Ling at this time, she still felt uneasy and forgot some things.

For example, how should I explain Shushan to Lu Ling, because she has been weak and Lu Ling has no chance to ask, now Lu Ling is busy so she let her go, but she can't escape for a while, she always needs to confess one day.

It's hard to say what Lu Ling will think at that time.


"Don't make trouble." Feeling the warmth on her neck, Lu Ling tilted her head, then walked towards Liu Fufeng, and covered the girl on the ground with the water in her hands little by little.

"Be careful, clean up the mud first." Liu Fufeng said.

"En." Hearing this, Lu Ling took out a small ball and gently kneaded it on the girl's face. After a little bit of mud was wiped off, the girl revealed her original face.

【…】Seeing how her master carefully controls her strength even when washing people's faces, Xuechen sighs a little. No matter how many times she has seen it, this weak girl will never stand up to her master.

Although she is only a little loli in human form, her mind does not match her appearance. Xueluoqianhan and Xueluoqianmo are not blown out, although they are not comparable to Lihuo Hongling's terrifying record, But not too far off.

Only in front of her master would she have that harmless and innocent appearance.


Dongfang Lianren above did not pay too much attention to Xuechen. In her opinion, this is just an ice-type spirit family, and there is nothing worth noting. She is more curious about the girl's appearance.

As Lu Ling washed the girl's face, her face gradually became clear.

She is a very beautiful person, with slender eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth, she must be a beauty if she dresses up a bit, but because of injuries, there are many scratches on her face, she doesn't look very beautiful.

And the girl has a tear mole, which makes Dongfang Lianren very envious.

The mole of tears is different from the beauty mole and matchmaker mole on the corner of Lu Ling's mouth. This mole is truly intoxicating. Coupled with the girl's face, her temperament has been raised to a higher level.

Dongfang Lianren thinks that if she can have an attractive tear mole, she will definitely be more beautiful, and there will be more people chasing her, which is a pity.

At this time, because the girl was in a coma, both Dongfang Lianren and Liu Fufeng felt that she was very gentle, and the crying of the mole made people feel distressed.

That ruffian air can't be found in the girl at all, and all the people can see is the alluring beauty.

its not right……

Seeing Lu Ling wiping the girl's body and flicking her ponytails, Dongfang Lianren suddenly remembered something.

Isn't Luo Hanyi a hair fan?From the fact that she is more serious about protecting her long hair than protecting her life, it can be seen that Luo Hanyi should like girls like Lu Ling who have beautiful long hair...

How could you fall in love with a girl with uneven short hair?

You must know that the girl's weak and attractive temperament is almost ruined by her bad broken hair.

It seems that that stupid girl Luo Hanyi didn't just do it on a whim, she probably really likes her.

Fun, fun, fun.

Dongfang Lianren felt that things were getting more and more interesting. After she smiled lightly, a gust of wind blew by, and her whole body seemed to be broken, and she disappeared with the wind.

She left, and with Liu Fufeng around, this girl's life is safe, so she doesn't need to meddle in her own business.

Now she is following the girl's blood, looking for someone who hurt her.

 Happy Ghost Festival hhhhh, I don’t know if you know the Cold Clothes Festival... Some people think that Luo Hanyi = Luo Tianyi, but it’s not. ps: I like the Cold Clothes Festival very much.

(End of this chapter)

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