Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 237 Liu Fufeng's First Practice in Medicine

Chapter 237 Liu Fufeng's First Practice in Medicine
"Hehehe..." Dongfang Lianren let out a charming smile and then disappeared with the wind.

"Is anyone there?" The groom trembled from the laughter, turned his head to look, but found nothing.

illusion?Or is it the voice from Qianjin behind?
Although the groom was very curious, Liu Fufeng ordered him not to ask, so he continued to drive with peace of mind.


In the car, Lu Ling looked at the girl's charming face. There was a small tear mole in the corner of the latter's eye, like black tears that were about to fall.

Tear-drop mole, it is said in the photo book that a person with this kind of face will live a lifetime, and spend half his life in a shambles, the so-called lonely star.

Lu Ling doesn't believe in these things, because she has a beauty mole on the lower right corner of her mouth. There are two sayings about the mole on the corner of her mouth. The one on the lower right corner is a beauty mole, which represents a happy relationship, while the one on the lower left corner is not a beauty mole. , but it should be called the mole of bitter life. In ancient times, it was regarded as an ominous thing, and it was easy to fail to marry.

What Lu Ling has is an authentic beauty spot, but she has never believed that she has a happy relationship?Impossible, impossible, let her find a man, it would be better to kill her.

Lu Ling felt that she should be the legendary mole of misfortune, the kind who couldn't get married and had a hard life.

She didn't believe in face-to-face at first, but now seeing this girl with a tear mole... Lu Ling believed it again.

It's not the Lone Star who has become miserable like this, it's not that her junior sister found out, they are probably all dead now.

Lu Ling closed her eyes and helped the girl clean the body. After a while, Lu Ling walked over all the girl's body, and she was so tired that she was out of breath.

"Okay, Senior Sister, go and rest next to me, and leave the rest to me." Liu Fufeng asked Lu Ling to sit aside, then rolled up Yunshang's sleeves, and knelt down in front of the girl.

After cleaning, the treatment can be officially started.

"Gudu..." Lu Ling stared at the object in Liu Fufeng's hand, was stunned for a moment, and then swallowed.

At this time, Liu Fufeng had a high-temperature silver needle stuck in his skirt, and he was holding a slender silver-white knife in his hand, which shone with a chilling silver light and was extremely sharp.

Junior sister, are you sure this is saving lives?

Reminiscent of the way she cleansed up the girl just now, Lu Ling shuddered as she watched Liu Fufeng, who was stalking the "girl" with a knife.

Sensing Lu Ling's strange gaze, Liu Fufeng raised his head and reminded: "Senior sister, next... it may look uncomfortable, even a little disgusting, you should turn around."

She was afraid that Ah Ling would not be able to eat after seeing the method of treating ulcers.

Anyway, the first time Liu Fufeng saw his father treating someone else's wound, he vomited badly, and that time it was only a minor injury, so there was no such horror.

Xia Tian's wound was infected faster than she expected, but under the nourishment of Lu Ling's spiritual power, the girl's injury has been slowed down.

Liu Fufeng has enough time to test what he has learned on this young girl, and now that she is in a coma, Liu Fufeng doesn't have to be afraid that she will have any violent reaction.

Because it sure hurts.

"Disgusting?" Lu Ling was taken aback when she heard the words, then she looked at the girl's wound on the ground, nodded, and then shook her head again.

Anyway, it was already disgusting, could it be more disgusting?She didn't care at all.

"It's up to you." Seeing this, Liu Fufeng said helplessly, she had already reminded her, there was nothing she could do if she didn't listen, she tightly held the knife in her hand, and Liu Fufeng bent down.

Let's start with the left arm.

For sores and purulent wounds, according to the records in medical books, the scab on the part with pus should be removed first...

The small and slender blade fluttered, and Liu Fufeng peeled off a piece of the girl's dry and cracked skin at the collarbone, leaving the remaining good skin unmoved. After the scab was peeled off, a yellow, water-stained substance emerged from the girl's body. Flowing from the wound...

"...Ouch!" Lu Ling retched, and immediately turned her head away.

She now knows why her junior sister turned her head away.

The disgusting blood stained with pus made her unable to breathe... If it wasn't for the smell, Lu Ling felt that she should have vomited.

Didn't you see Xuechen buried his head in her chest and didn't dare to look?

Seeing that Lu Ling finally understood the meaning, Liu Fufeng smiled, and then pulled himself together to pick out all the disgusting things in the wound.

The process was hard to watch, but Liu Fufeng was already immune.

With the pus and scab removed, the next steps are...

Liu Fufeng hesitated for a moment, picked up the knife, bent down and moved lightly on the girl's chest, she wanted to cut off all the rotten flesh in the pierced wound on the girl's lute bone.

Because it was rotten, it wouldn't bleed, but Liu Fufeng did it very carefully. She took out the silver needle and inserted it three inches below the girl's neck, and then left behind her own silver-white spiritual power.

"Om..." According to the frequency given in the medical book, Liu Fufeng's spiritual power spread, and she then gently turned the girl over and continued to treat the wound on her back.

As the carrion was cut off, Liu Fufeng's spiritual power was revealed, covering the white tender granulation with a layer of warm power, blood no longer flowed out, and no stench continued to radiate.

"Huh..." Liu Fufeng let out a breath, and the sweat on his forehead gradually dried up. Although the pain wasn't on his body, Liu Fufeng was still very nervous, careful not to make mistakes, but it seemed that her ability was not bad.

At least this wound has been treated almost.

"Muslin, no."

Now the wound needed to be bandaged, but Liu Fufeng didn't have any medical muslin on him, so she had no choice but to take out the change of clothes originally prepared for Lu Ling in the Qiankun bag.

"Hiss..." Liu Fufeng tore the red cloud garment just like that, and she went around her armpit to bandage up the girl's wound.

There should have been some medicine, but Liu Fufeng didn't have it, and he didn't need it. There is no medicine that can compare to Lingshan Lingli's ability to recover from this kind of injury. In fact, if Liu Fufeng was stronger, he wouldn't need all the complicated things before. The steps, directly driving the power can restore the girl's body.

But she doesn't have that ability, so she can only follow the rules.

Now that the first wound has been dealt with, Liu Fufeng still has a more arduous task... The limbs are all minor injuries, and the real fatal wound is on the abdomen, so I believe it will be more troublesome.

"Work hard." Liu Fufeng took a deep breath and began to inject the needle.

The carriage was still moving forward, the groom received Liu Fufeng's order, and drove without saying a word, aiming at the nearest medical center in the inner city. save people.

And Dongfang Lianren followed the girl's bloody smell and entered the most prosperous area of ​​the inner city.

(End of this chapter)

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