Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 243 Lu Ling's Yang Deficiency

Chapter 243 Lu Ling's Yang Deficiency

In the car, although Lu Ling closed her eyes, she didn't really fall asleep.

Junior sister is not around, she is alone in this strange place, how can she sleep, although she is a bit tired, but her ears are still very alert, after hearing the familiar footsteps belonging to her junior sister, Lu Ling opened her eyes. He glanced, and then saw Liu Fufeng pushing open the curtain and walking in.

With a few medicine bags in his hand, he sat next to her as soon as he came in.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling took a look, a little strange.

Liu Fufeng frowned slightly at this time, as if he was a little tired and not very excited.

"Are you tired? If you are tired, take a rest." Lu Ling thought that Liu Fufeng was tired from the previous treatment.

But this exhaustion is spiritual.

At this time, the carriage started to move again, and the target was the inn in the inner city.

"I'm fine." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's concern for her, the haze in his heart dissipated a lot, and he became more energetic.

Sure enough, Ah Ling is the best medicine to cure her, not one of them.

To cheer up a little.

Now that she and Ah Ling have left Lingshan together, it is still such a strange place, if she shows helplessness, Ah Ling will definitely panic.

Thinking of this, Liu Fufeng put away the weak look on her face. After her ideals were baptized by reality, she grew up a little bit and became more determined on her own path.

She's not going to be like that.

have faith in yourself.

Even if you want to be a role model for Ah Ling, it is absolutely not acceptable.

Liu Fufeng shook his head, and the confident look climbed up the corners of his eyes again. Seeing this, Lu Ling was a little relieved. She would not be as scared as Liu Fufeng thought...but she was very worried about her junior sister.

After all, when the latter loses control of her emotions, all Lu Ling can feel is a deep powerlessness, so she can only care about her in the details.

"Aling, let's find an inn now, let's have a good rest first, and settle her down by the way." Liu Fufeng said, looking at the girl in the middle of the collapse.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, although she really wanted to go outside to see the prosperity of this ancient city, but it must be right for everyone to listen to her junior sister when she goes out.

As for being called "A Ling", although Lu Ling felt it was weird, she was almost used to it, and Liu Fufeng was not in a good condition now, so she just followed her.

Anyway, she has always been the one to be taken care of, Lu Ling knows this very well, now she can take it for granted to enjoy the tenderness from Liu Fufeng, so she is naturally prepared.

With her talent, when she grows up, she will definitely be able to become the umbrella of junior sisters.

She is confident.

Also firmly believe this.

"Ha~ah~~" The sharpness in Lu Ling's eyes disappeared, and she patted her mouth after making a soft cry.

"Are you sleepy? If you're sleepy, take a rest first." Seeing Lu Ling yawn, Liu Fufeng held her hand, feeling the slight coldness in her hand, and Liu Fufeng regained consciousness.

And what Lu Ling felt from Liu Fufeng's palm was a faint warmth, which could be described as "soft" temperature, very comfortable.

A warm current flowed through her heart, Lu Ling gave a jolt, and then a deep weakness emerged from her body.

It's great to meet my junior sister...

That's the final thought, Lu Ling leaned on Liu Fufeng and took a nap.


During the time when Lu Ling fell asleep, Liu Fufeng kept holding her hand.

Ah Ling's hands are always so cold, even in this hot summer.

She has consulted medical books on this matter, and cold hands represent cold body. Cold hands and feet like Lu Ling have their own name in medicine, which is called "cold cold syndrome".

It often occurs in thin and small girls. The general reason is poor blood supply, and part of the reason is insufficient yang energy, commonly known as "yang deficiency".

Lu Ling must be yang deficient, but she will not admit it.

The coldness all over her body must have something to do with her unlucky physique, it has nothing to do with yang deficiency.

In fact, although Lu Ling's cold hands and feet are mainly due to her natural physique, it is also related to her hidden dangers. She does have this cold and cold syndrome, and it is very serious...

Chills can also appear in people who are stressed out.

Liu Fufeng focused his gaze on Lu Ling, who was leaning against her, breathing evenly, looking very at ease.

Is Aya stressed?

Liu Fufeng shook his head, she didn't know, probably there was.

Her A Ling is not as innocent as she looks, Liu Fufeng knows it very well, but that has nothing to do with her, what she needs to know is how to make A Ling's body recover, that's all.

The method written in the book to treat cold and cold syndrome is to increase the amount of activity and pay attention to the exercise of hands and feet.

However, with Lu Ling's two-point and one-line appearance in the school all day long, it is obviously unrealistic to ask her to exercise. Besides, Ah Ling has inconvenient legs and feet, so she can't exercise regularly.

Then just eat.

Diet therapy is also something Liu Fufeng is good at, but she is really embarrassed about this matter...

The first is the ingredients that are more useful for regulating yang deficiency.

Mutton, warm in nature, resists wind and cold, nourishes the body, and has therapeutic and tonic effects on all deficiencies such as physical deficiency.

It is fishy.

Then there is leek, warming the middle and promoting qi, nourishing the kidney and warming the yang, promoting qi and regulating blood, and warming the body is very useful.

It is meat.

Onion, warm in nature, nourishes the spleen and stomach, dispels cold and unblocks yang.

Then - it is meat.

Do you know how desperate Liu Fufeng is now?She belongs to the kind that can't touch even a little bit of meat. If she really does this, it is estimated that before Lu Ling is cured, she will kill herself first.

Once she fell down, who would take care of her A Ling after that?So Liu Fufeng could only postpone this kind of thing until he got used to it, because she was so entangled in her heart that she even asked Xu Xu, but in return the latter burst out laughing and told her not to waste her time in vain.

Lu Ling's yang deficiency can't be cured, not to mention her, even Li Zhuzi can't do anything about it. Yin Juemai coupled with extremely cold physique, food has little effect, it may be effective in the short term, but it will still be cured later. Get back to shape.

Moreover, what Xu Xu meant was that when Ah Ling was a few years older, her body cold would bring more troubles—recalling Xu Xu's somewhat weird smile at that time, Liu Fufeng stroked his lower abdomen unnaturally.

Naturally, she knows exactly what kind of pain a body cold will bring to a girl.

So Liu Fufeng made up his mind, if Ah Ling was really uncomfortable at that time, then she would go all out and try her best to recuperate her body.

In fact, Xu Xu was more curious about Liu Fufeng's physique.


At this time, Liu Fufeng left the book garden in Lingshan, but there were still two people in the book garden.

It's Shen Gui.

Liu Fufeng was not around, so Shen Gui was slowly dragged out of the house.

Xu Xu said that she asked Shen Gui to help her find information about Liu Fufeng's physique.

You can't touch meat, it's weird, isn't it?Moreover, after slowly investigating Liu Fufeng's body, it showed that he didn't reject meat.

In other words, it was not the "allergic" reaction that Lu Ling thought.

In fact, both of them understand that if they really want to know, they can probably find out by asking their elders, but that's not very interesting, so Xu Xu slowly looked up the information.

As for Shen Gui...

She was just too annoyed, although she wanted to fight Xu Xu directly, but because Xu Xu drew a red lotus fire talisman for Liu Fufeng, her spiritual power was basically exhausted.

Shen Gui didn't want to take advantage of others' danger, so he endured until now.

Looking up medical books, Shen Gui naturally wouldn't do such things that seemed meaningless to her, but she was also a little curious. Liu Fufeng's physique was indeed very strange. The taste is exactly the same.

So she reluctantly stood here and watched Xu Xu goof about by himself.


"Junior Sister, look at this..."

"Junior Sister, why don't you move..."


"Afu, you..."




Shen Gui gritted his teeth.

She swore that she really wanted to strike at Xu Xu's dangling little bun.

After so many years, her senior sister is still so annoying, and she can compete with her talkative junior sister.

Hearing the chattering sound in his ears, Shen Gui's head was about to explode.

Shen Gui was in a bad mood, and Liu Fufeng was not much better.


She wanted to help Ah Ling solve everything, but in the end she found that there was very little she could do, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, after such a long time, Liu Fufeng feels that the relationship between her and Lu Ling has basically been finalized, but Liu Fufeng is not very satisfied with the status quo.

It seems a little too polite.

If we talk about Lu Ling's daily life, it is naturally not polite at all. After eating the food she cooks, it is natural for her to watch her wash clothes and stay by herself.

But the politeness that Liu Fufeng said did not mean that, but a feeling of being a guest.

She always felt that the life between herself and A Ling was not fulfilling enough, or in other words, it was too ordinary, and she was very dissatisfied.

Wanting to have a better relationship with Ah Ling, instead of being dominant like this now, Ah Ling blindly obeyed.

want to interact.

That's probably how it feels.

Looking at Lu Ling who was asleep, Liu Fufeng pinched her little face, and then closed his eyes to rest his mind.

The days are still long, and she has enough time to train her.


After driving for a while, the carriage stopped.

"My daughter, we're here."

Liu Fufeng nodded, then opened the curtain and got out of the car first.

The building in front of it still inherits the luxurious attire of the inner city, and its name is also very interesting - Zuixianlou.

When seeing this name, Liu Fufeng froze for a moment.

The name is a bit familiar.

After a while, she remembered, isn't this Zuixian Tower where Senior Sister Qin marked it on the drawing?She once thought it was a restaurant, but she didn't expect it to be an inn?
So Liu Fufeng asked a question.

The groom's explanation is that this Zuixianlou is not only a good inn, but also a restaurant.

"That's how it is." Liu Fufeng entered the Drunken Immortal Building by himself.

There was a faint smell of alcohol, but unlike the previous taverns, the smell here was very light, and it was accompanied by an intoxicating smell. After scanning around, the first floor was full of people who were dining .

"My daughter, do you want to eat or..." Seeing this, the welcoming maid asked, dressed in brocade with delicate cutouts.

"Accommodation." Liu Fufeng took a look at the elegant mahogany layout of the Drunken Immortal Building, and couldn't help nodding. Although it was extravagant, it did give people a very comfortable feeling.

I believe the environment of this guest room must be much better than the one they stayed in before.

"What do you want? We have in the Drunken Immortal Tower..." Liu Fufeng interrupted the maid when she was about to say something.

"Two beds, the other is the best." Liu Fufeng waved his hand without any inkling, "By the way, I have a friend who is injured and has difficulty moving, so here are two people and a waiter."

"Yes, Qianjin, please wait a moment." The maid nodded upon seeing this, and then went to prepare.

She didn't question the saying of what is the best, as a girl, she can naturally tell the preciousness of the clothes on Liu Fufeng's body.

Then, Liu Fufeng returned to the carriage, covered the girl on the couch with a layer of blankets, and then personally carried her to the waiting rack that had been prepared outside, watching her being carried upstairs by several girls.

Then she picked up Lu Ling, who was sleeping soundly at this moment, opening and closing her mouth, while the cat curled up on Lu Ling's chest, snoring slightly.

When Lu Ling fell asleep, Xuechen usually accompanied her in her dreams.

Because she felt the temperature of Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling showed no sign of waking up.

After getting out of the carriage, Liu Fufeng politely said goodbye to the groom, watched the carriage leave, and carried Lu Ling into the Zuixian Tower.

From now on, they are officially in the inner city.

Following the guidance of the maid, Liu Fufeng went upstairs on the mahogany stairs. When passing by the second floor, Liu Fufeng couldn't help but look sideways. There was a vast sea of ​​flowers around the sandalwood on the second floor, which was very beautiful.

What a luxury.

Liu Fufeng's room was on the fourth floor, and now she was the only one on the entire floor. After entering the room with Lu Ling in his arms, Liu Fufeng was a little surprised.

The room is very spacious, there is nothing but a table and blankets all over the floor, there is no bed or anything like that, it looks very empty.

And there was a faint fragrance lingering in the space, Liu Fufeng moved his nose, then nodded.

Bamboo tea is fragrant, warm in nature, and expensive. It can relieve fatigue and calm the body, calm the mind and refresh the mind. It also has a light taste, like flowers and bamboos, fragrant but not greasy.

It can be seen from this that this inn is exquisite.

Compared with this bamboo tea fragrance, other things are not ordinary. This room just looks empty, but in fact it is like a living room, and there are several rooms around it.

Liu Fufeng pushed open the innermost door, inside there was a big bed, a small table with exquisite porcelain teacups, women's home ornaments could be seen at any time, sandalwood furniture, fresh and pleasant smell.

After placing Lu Ling on the big bed in the room, and covering her with a layer of brocade, Liu Fufeng gently exited the room.

It's still early now, she plans to let Lu Ling rest for a while, and then take her to appreciate the night market of Luoyan City in the evening, and Xu Xu said that the night view of Luoyan City is very beautiful, Ah Ling should like it.

So now-

Liu Fufeng turned around and went into another room. The seriously injured girl was lying quietly on the bed, wrapped in muslin, still unconscious.

She took out the herbs she bought at the medical shop and went downstairs. Now she needs a place to decoct the medicine.

Before taking Ah Ling out to play, he had to settle down with this girl first.

 The storyteller laments the world's past events, and the listener's joys and sorrows are nothing more than a pot of new tea. There must be something wrong with my three views...

(End of this chapter)

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