Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 244 The Shameful Experience of the Ninth Peak Practice

Chapter 244 The Shameful Experience of the Ninth Peak Convention

When Zhao Yingge woke up, she felt that she was tightly wrapped by a layer of warm power, but strangely, there would occasionally be a trace of cold flashing through this warmth, and it was this trace of coldness that stimulated her spirit and made her There is a chance to be sober.

I couldn't move my whole body, but I couldn't feel any pain.

This is unbelievable. You must know that she hasn't woken up so naturally for a long time. In the past, when she was awake, it should be accompanied by pain.

What happened, did she die?
I remember being caught.


It was a bit miserable at the time.

The injuries on my body haven’t healed since that snowy night. I don’t know what’s going on now, but I guess I’m going to die. I heard that there will be a phenomenon of flashing light before death. Maybe it’s because of this that I don’t feel pain.

I'm dying, do you have any regrets?

Zhao Yingge asked herself, the answer is yes, yes.

That scumbag is still alive, even though he killed his wife, it was only an accomplice, but the culprit is still at large, so he is still unwilling.

Huh... law?

Of course, this so-called resentment was only a little bit, not that strong, because she had inquired that Luoyan City had strict laws, and in her current state, she would not be able to take revenge in this life, and it might be possible in the next life.

It's probably more relaxed now.

As for the things that really can't be let go... Zhao Yingge's mind flashed the woman he met that snowy night, that weak, crying young lady.

Some can't let her go.

It's ridiculous. That night, she was in danger and returned to the wooden house when she was seriously injured. The result was a bit disappointing. The young lady was no longer there, and the air-conditioning in the room was terrible. She should have been walking in the middle of the night, maybe not long after she left .

Stupid woman, I clearly told her to wait honestly.

I hope she was picked up by her family...Of course, Zhao Yingge thinks it is more likely that she was caught by her enemies.


It is estimated that there will be no chance to see her in the future, or she should not have a future, so I think.

Then, Zhao Yingge's thought disappeared, and she smelled a strong medicinal fragrance, approaching from a distance, accompanied by clear footsteps.

I'm not dead?
The room was relatively quiet before, so she couldn't help her not to think about it, but she realized that she was still alive, and she should have been rescued by someone.

Will that fat man drink medicine for himself?

Impossible, he wished she would die early.

who is it?

Zhao Yingge exhausted all her strength, trying to open her eyes to see who was in front of her.

Here, Liu Fufeng walked in with a bowl of medicinal soup, turned around and closed the door.

She just went downstairs to ask and found out that this fourth floor has its own independent kitchen. Just now she ordered the servants to go to the medical hall to buy tools such as medicine stoves, and paid the bill by the way.

It is worth mentioning that she paid for a month in one go, and bought the entire fourth floor. From now on, all the rooms on the fourth floor can be used by her, and she was alarmed by this matter. The shopkeeper of Zuixian Tower, the latter agreed without any hesitation after meeting Liu Fufeng in person.

Because people in the inner city have their own residences, very few stay in inns, and even if there are, they are too late to go home because of play, and the number is very small, so this luxurious room is kept.

Then Liu Fufeng really paid a lot of money, so much that he couldn't believe it, under the power of money, naturally no one would refuse.

Anyway, now Liu Fufeng is the number one guest of the Zuixian Tower.

As for why she did this... of course it was for the girl on the couch. Money has always been a number to Liu Fufeng. Senior sister, she will not be short of money.

Like Xu Xu, Shen Gui and the others don't care about money, because it's completely useless.

The whole fourth floor was bought because she didn't want other people to live in and leave when she left... She can't stay at the bottom of the mountain all the time, she will return to the mountain tomorrow night at the latest, this girl naturally I can't go back to Lingshan with her, so I can only find a place to settle down, and this Zuixian Tower is a very good place.

In fact, if it was just an ordinary person, although Liu Fufeng would be able to treat her, but it would not be so troublesome, the main reason is that the girl has the imprint of Lingshan on her body, and this is the main reason why she bothers so much.

After returning to the mountain, go to see Teacher Li and ask the reason for the imprint. If it is really Lingshan's sister, it will not be too late to take her back then.

This is what Liu Fufeng thought.

And now, although she has spiritual power to help her, but her cultivation is too low, the effect is not great, and she still needs to drink medicine, so Liu Fufeng spent some time to boil the herbs she bought before into a medicinal soup.

Liu Fufeng looked at the motionless girl on the bed, and picked up the bowl.

Sensing someone sitting next to her, Zhao Yingge panicked. She didn't know what state she was in now, nor did she know whether the person in front of her was a man or a woman, and she didn't even know whether the medicine was good or bad.

She also figured it out, not all herbs are good things.

And in Liu Fufeng's eyes, Zhao Yingge was lying quietly at this time, with her clean hair falling on both sides, revealing a refreshing forehead. At this moment, the small wounds on her face were almost healed under the cover of spiritual power.

The cloud clothes wrapped around her A Ling from the neck down were fairly tight, but when Liu Fufeng was about to replace the pieces of the cloud clothes and wrap them in medical fine cloth after applying the medicine, it would be better sooner.

Of course, you still need to drink the medicine first. She just improved the prescription a little bit and added a few nutrients. The girl didn't eat, so drinking some medicine can at least give her a boost.

So Liu Fufeng lifted the girl's body up to form an arc, then picked up the spoon, blew on it, opened the girl's mouth, and poured the herbal medicine into it.

Seeing her drink it completely, Liu Fufeng nodded, and then continued to repeat this action after a short rest.



This was Zhao Yingge's first reaction when he found out about the entrance of the medicinal soup, it was not unacceptable, a little bit of bitterness was nothing, although she was suspicious, but Liu Fufeng's gentle movements made her let down her vigilance.

Not to mention anything else, just waiting for her to swallow every mouthful of medicine before continuing, this is already very gentle.

What kind of person is it?
Zhao Yingge was very curious, was she saved by this person?Now he even feeds her soup...

Wait, it can't be a man...

After hesitating, her mind exploded. Although she was informal, it didn't mean she didn't care about her girl status. If the person next to her was really a man, then I hope he didn't do anything excessive to her.

But her expectations fell through, and the person in front of her seemed to be not only doing excessive things, but also doing them when she was sober.


Here, after Liu Fufeng fed the medicine, he bent down and took a closer look at the previous wound. After her healing, the pus had completely disappeared, and what was left were bright red granulation, which continued to grow. So, under the action of Lingshan's spiritual power, it is estimated that it will be completely repaired, but the speed is very slow, so external force is needed to help the wound repair.

Liu Fufeng applied the prepared medicine to her wound, then wrapped it with a layer of medical fine cloth, and nodded with satisfaction.


At this moment, Zhao Yingge, who couldn't open his eyes, had no idea what happened.

After being filtered by spiritual power, the medicine will not irritate the wound, but will fully exert its effect.

While she was thinking, Liu Fufeng didn't care so much, she turned the girl over, put medicine on her back and turned around again.


Of course Liu Fufeng wanted to apply medicine to her, and by the way, replaced all the cloud clothes on her whole body with medical fine cloth. The reason why he started from the upper body was because there was no injury there.

From the perspective of age, the girl on the bed should be one or two years older than her, and she has a very good figure - as a girl, even Liu Fufeng subconsciously compared himself with her.

The result was a complete defeat, a miserable loss, no matter in terms of appearance or figure, they were completely compared.

Liu Fufeng looked down at himself, then twitched the corners of his mouth, it was too much, too much!
Although she doesn't have a husband, she still has a sense of frustration in her heart, and she has to admit that the tear mole is really beautiful.

She should be a very gentle person.

In a sense, this girl fits well with Lingshan—in terms of appearance, at least Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling have been on Lingshan for so long, and those who haven’t seen girls with average looks are all beauties, even if It's a little girl like Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng's, and you can tell that she's a group of beauties with agility.

Not to mention her A Ling, she must be stunning when she grows up, I believe A Ling will be much prettier than this girl, tear mole?What's wrong with the mole of tears? Her A Ling has a beauty mole, she is no worse than her at all, and A Ling is even better in terms of hair. There is nothing to be picky about this girl's facial features. Well, it's her hair.

The jagged short hair perfectly destroyed the gentle temperament brought by the tear mole and soft facial features, and became a bit nondescript, not to mention compared with her A Ling's three thousand black hair, it was far worse than Shen Gui .

Although Shen Gui also has broken hair, but she has a kind of unruly and domineering, which can be controlled. She is the "dream lover" of most girls in Lingshan, and she is also a very popular "star" when she leaves Lingshan.

Of course, Lu Ling and Shen Gui are not in the same class at all, but in Liu Fufeng's heart, her A Ling is the best, no one can compare.

It's just that what she thinks in her heart is so, but she also understands that it is just a kind of preference. Liu Fufeng's hand brushed the corner of the girl's eyes, and at the same time she thought... If Ah Ling can be so beautiful in the future, then she will be satisfied.

Liu Fufeng finished his work here, and when he saw the girl in a daze, Zhao Yingge had already passed out.

Of course, since she couldn't do anything, she could only speak harsh words in her heart, let alone swearing, now she couldn't even open her eyes.

 The first update is just a combination of two chapters, and I don’t want to develop it separately for the time being, so be it.

(End of this chapter)

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