Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 246 Sacrifice - Herald

Chapter 246 Sacrifice - Herald
"Senior Sister, it's not good to lie." Liu Fufeng patted Lu Ling's head.

"I didn't..." Lu Ling subconsciously covered her buttocks, and then said.

She wasn't lying.

That person did stare at her just now.

"Really?" Liu Fufeng glanced at the girl who was sleeping peacefully, and turned around.

"Yeah." Lu Ling nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"That's it... But the pulse condition is stable, and the energy in the middle is not enough, so he should not be awake. Could it be that he only woke up for a while? It's possible." Liu Fufeng thought.

She never doubted Lu Ling's words from the beginning, her A Ling could not lie to anyone, especially her, but because Zhao Yingge's pulse was weak, so Liu Fufeng didn't believe that she could wake up, that's why she asked this question.

"I...don't know, but she just...glared at me." Lu Ling swallowed and said.

"Is that so?" Liu Fufeng was very surprised. She didn't feel any trace of cultivation on this girl, and the previous Lingshan imprint had almost disappeared, and she was able to wake up after being seriously injured. It's amazing, but it's a pity that she He wasn't there just now, otherwise he might have found something.

"Forget it, let her sleep quietly for a while, senior sister, let's go out first." Liu Fufeng felt that it was useless to be curious about these things now, and let the girl have a good rest.

Xuechen on the side nodded, she didn't want to stay here either, she felt a little embarrassed that her snoozing had frightened her master before.

"Well, I'm just looking around, I don't mean to bother you." Lu Ling explained.

"I understand." Liu Fufeng adjusted Lu Ling's neckline, pulled the hair out of her clothes, and then said: "I went out to wash my face, it's all drool."

Then, Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling out and closed the door gently.


at the same time.

On the Ninth Peak, the Taoist nun came out of the thatched hut unsteadily.

She is waiting for Liu Fufeng's wine.

In fact, Liu Fufeng forgot that the deadline for "delivery" is today, but it doesn't matter, a day late is a day late, as long as it doesn't delay things.

Although there was no alcohol stimulation at this time, she was still not very sober, or she didn't want to be sober.

In a blink of an eye, she reached the edge of the cliff, and then fell to the ground with a bang, sinking into the snow.

When she fell down, she couldn't get up, she turned over and looked at Mingyue, her eyes were narrowed, and her messy long hair covered most of her face. If Lu Ling saw her, she would say she was sloppy.

The eyebrows are three points sad and seven points soft.

At this time, the bright moon hangs high, as if it is within reach, and the breeze blows by, blowing a little bit of coolness.

The so-called moon is bright and the wind is clear.

the sixth peak.

Taoist nun looked in the direction of the Sixth Peak, where the lights were still brightly lit, but there was no bustle, as if shrouded in a haze.

"Sister..." The chapped lips moved slightly, the nun reached out and took off the wine gourd and poured it into her mouth, but the gourd was empty.

The melancholy grows stronger.

There are two more days, and it will be the anniversary of the senior sister's death.


At this time, on the loess official road in Luoyan City, a man was walking towards the foot of Lingshan Mountain. It was a man.

The age is unclear, probably middle-aged, wearing a simple white robe, picturesque, with a broken wooden sword on his waist, behind is a jade-like bamboo, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, There are small holes, it seems to be a musical instrument.

It is worth mentioning that there is a lifelike slender bamboo leaf on this bamboo, which is exactly the same as the one on Lu Ling's cane.

The long hair that hasn't been carefully taken care of is tied behind her back, her starry eyes are cloudy, her eyebrows are like varnish, and her chin is stubbled.

There is a strong sense of vicissitudes.

At the same time, he was holding a wine gourd in his hand, and his body also smelled of alcohol. From the eyes of others, he looked like an alcoholic.

Under the moonlight, the man was walking alone on the cold official road, and when he stepped out, his figure was already a hundred meters away, and the afterimage left on the spot gradually faded away.

If people are like ghosts, no one should be able to keep up with them. Unfortunately, some people have caught up with them. They come from the sky, including Yujian, Huahong, and Chengfeng. There are more than a dozen people.

They are all from the immortal family, and the target is the man in front of them.


At this time, a group of old men were rushing to the inner city in a carriage on the official road, and a young man who didn't fit in with them was sitting in the carriage, and his face was full of displeasure.

Undoubtedly, he lost the game, and according to the bet, he would invite these bad old men to drink in the inner city.

Money is not a problem, the main thing is that he actually lost, to an old boy?
"I said..." At this moment, when the young man was upset, someone sent him a voice transmission.

"Fart your fart," the young man said.

"Rude." The old man said: "Xiao, the disciples of Shushan are in trouble, why don't you go and see?"

"Where are you going?" The young man raised his head, looked at the several auras in the distance, his eyes were full of boredom: "If you leave Shushan, you should worry less, are you tired of work?"

"It's just boring."

"Sleep if you're bored, and besides, this kid is no longer from Shushan, so there's no need to look at it." The young man turned his head and closed his eyes.

"Hey hey, you can't hide your thoughts from me. It's not that other people are not his opponents, otherwise I don't believe you can sit still."

"believe it or not."

The two old monsters are holding the attitude of watching a show, and the conflict between the two sides has already started.


"Xuan Jingsi." The white-robed man looked at the dozen or so men and women surrounding him, raised his hand and took a sip of wine, his tone somewhat helpless.

"It's you guys again, you can meet me wherever you go, whether it's annoying or not."

"We don't find it annoying, it's just to eliminate demons and defend the way." The woman in Tsing Yi raised a silver needle with her fingertips: "A mere demon species, who doesn't hide the demonic energy on his body at all, doesn't he want to live?"

"Demon Seed..." The white-robed man shook his head lightly. He was no longer willing to explain. It was useless to talk to these hard-headed people. They only had demon energy in their eyes, and those with demon energy were demon seeds. Damn.

In this case, any words are just sophistry, and it is a waste of words.

"It's just a demon seed, there's no need to say more." At this time, a young man stepped out, wearing a white robe and a long sword, typical of Shushan decoration.

"The boy from Shushan is very upright, not bad." The white-robed man took another sip of wine, his eyes admiring.


To be praised by a demon clan full of demonic energy is not an honor for Shushan disciples, but a deep shame, so he took the lead.

Seeing him make a move, his companions naturally wouldn't look at it, and started to fight one after another. This is not to bully the few. The duty of Xuanjing Division is to eliminate hidden demon seeds, and the demonic energy in the man in front of him is undisguised.

Coupled with the recent news from Mount Shu that the demon king Mo Yuan has fled, they have reason to suspect that the one in front of them is the fleeing demon.

"Trouble..." The man's face was full of helplessness. He drank the last wine in the wine gourd, threw the gourd casually, smashed the woman and threw the silver needle. A fatal attack by the crowd.

"Junior Sister, be careful!" Seeing this, the disciple of Shushan stood in front of the woman and pushed aside the fragments of the silver needle for her.

"This monster has some abilities, everyone be careful."

"Alright, let me see how the newcomer of Xuanjing Division has improved compared to before." The man simply stood still, and stretched out his hand to grab in the void.

"Be careful!" Seeing this, a dozen people all took a defensive posture.

However, the man in the white robe did not launch an attack, he grabbed a... wine gourd from the void.

He unplugged and raised his head to take a sip, then let out a free and easy laugh, and his steps were a little vain.

"Damn it, I'll try the depth." Feeling being tricked, the disciple of Shushan drew his sword and stepped forward, with silver light flying and sword aura flying.

"The sword is good, but it's too soft and needs more sharpening." The white-robed man drank the wine, and flashed the killing sword array in an inch, not even the corner of his clothes was stained.

"Also, the cultivation level is not enough, the sharpness is too much, and the spirit is weak." The white-robed man stopped, looked at the long sword coming towards his neck, stretched out his fingers to hold the blade firmly, and looked like a preacher: "The sword move is good, but you can't delay the practice of the sword scripture, um... the Seven Killing Sword Classic, this cultivation base is far worse than your master's."

"Really?" Shushan disciples looked indifferently: "Try to hide this sword again."

Then, the long sword turned into a dragon, moving forward with a mighty momentum, as if to swallow the man whole, and at this time other people also made moves, fireball, hurricane and various extremely lethal moves merged together.

It is no exaggeration to say that if these few people let go of the fight, it would be enough to destroy Luoyan City ten times.

"The momentum is not bad." The white-robed man looked at the Stegosaurus coming straight, and tried to avoid it, but showed a surprised expression.

He couldn't move now, his legs were tightly entangled by the vines, and surrounded by the breeze, which locked his body tightly within this square inch.

He was actually imprisoned.

Looking at the few people behind him, he was a little surprised.

It seems that the disciple from Shushan came out to attract his attention. The real ultimate move is here, and various confinement techniques are thrown on him, restraining the gods, locking the soul, and the whole person cannot move.

"Meditate, sit and forget, without stain or injury." The man in white robe said silently, with a serious expression on his face, and then a layer of invisible aura appeared around him.

"Pfft..." The fierce flames, after the Stegosaurus hit the air wall, seemed to be swallowed whole, without causing any waves.

"This!" Everyone in Xuanjing Division showed incredulous expressions.

Their tricks were actually followed by force?And the latter was unscathed, only the Shushan disciple was a little frightened.

This move has a bit of the taste of Shushan, but it's not all.

"Okay, but I underestimated you, and I lost." The white-robed man put away his smile and showed a little seriousness: "But that's it, your cultivation is too low."

"Then I'll go first." The man poured a little wine into his hand and looked up.

"Go? The demon soul is imprisoned and you still want to leave? I have notified the master, and I will stop you even if I try my best. Wait for death, demon seed." Shushan disciple gritted his teeth.

They only need to hold on for a while, and when the elder arrives, the demon in front of him will definitely die without a place to bury him.

"Trouble, trouble." The white running man sighed, and drew a circle in the air with his fingers, leaving behind a strong smell of alcohol.

"Flying swords are all over the sky."

Then, under the incredulous eyes of everyone, two yin and yang fish appeared out of thin air, intertwined with each other in the air, melted to the ground, and evolved into a constantly rotating Tai Chi Bagua.

Then, all the soul-locking techniques that bound this man failed.

The man in white robe just drank his wine and walked forward.

"Chasing, I can't let him run away." Everyone looked at each other, and if they wanted to chase, they just had to wait until their master came.

"Stop chasing, rest, troublesome little guys." The figure of the white-robed man in front of him flashed, shrinking into an inch, and disappeared in an instant, leaving only a faint voice behind.

"Sancai is angry and attaches his energy to the sword."

At this time, all the people in the Xuanjing Division realized that they had been imprisoned by the anti-reverse, unable to move an inch, and could only watch the "devil king" leave helplessly.

"Who is this guy..."

"It's not a human, it's a demon. That demonic energy can't deceive anyone."

"Wait for Master first, and then contact Sister Lingshan. The Luoyan City is ahead, so be careful."



Not far away, the man in white robe got rid of the trouble and appeared in front of the inner city, showing a helpless expression.

The light curtain in front of the city gate is used to detect demon energy, and he has it all over his body.

Helpless, I can only destroy it, there is no way to cause trouble to Lingshan, at worst, I will apologize to Dongfang Lianren in person later.

He could feel that Dongfang Lianren was in the city.

Senior sister's memorial day is coming.

I hope to have the opportunity to go to Lingshan this year.

I don't know how Senior Sister Chu is doing recently.

The man passed through the light curtain and entered the inner city of Luoyan City, aiming at the Drunken Immortal Tower.

He was going to drink first, but he had the last gourd in his hand.


At this time, on the fourth floor of the Zuixian Tower, Lu Ling was motionless with water droplets on her face.

Although she wanted to wash it herself, Liu Fufeng refused to let her do it, so Lu Ling could only endure Liu Fufeng's smearing on her face with a towel.

Of course, Liu Fufeng is actually very gentle, but it's just that Lu Ling is slandering her in her heart.

Wiping off the last drops of water, Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's glowing red cheeks, and couldn't help but kissed her.

"Junior Sister!" Lu Ling was dissatisfied.

"It's so cute that I can't hold back." Liu Fufeng said as he put down Lu Ling's bangs.

"You...forget it." Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng coaxing a child, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Senior sister, don't be angry, I'll tie your hair up, don't wear ponytails today, okay..." Seeing Lu Ling sullen, Liu Fufeng coaxed her.

No double ponytails?
That feeling is good.

Although Lu Ling still looked like she was puffing her cheeks, her bright eyes couldn't be hidden from Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng remembered that her Ah Ling liked the single ponytail very much, and she often looked in the mirror before, but since she changed to the double ponytail, she can no longer see her admiring herself.

Obviously she thinks it's cute.

But since Ah Ling doesn’t like double ponytails, let’s try another hairstyle. Before, because there was a gap, I tied them separately to look better. Now, I’m wearing a single ponytail to see the effect. If you really can’t see it, you can change it later. .

(End of this chapter)

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