Chapter 247
After working for a while, Liu Fufeng tied the red tie on his wrist behind Lu Ling's head, and then took a few steps back.

"Junior Sister, how are you doing?" Lu Ling asked.

"It's okay." Liu Fufeng nodded.

Unexpectedly, there is a very strange temperament, she thought it would be ugly.

Lu Ling's previous single ponytail was a whole ponytail that stretched down to her calf, shaped like the tip of a pen, capable and neat, and she looked very neat.

When she was with long and slender ponytails, she was playful and cute. Every time Liu Fufeng saw Lu Ling like that, she wanted to hold her in his arms and ravage her.

But now it is the opposite of before, because the end of the tail was cut off, and now Lu Ling's single ponytail still hangs down to her calf, but it is no longer in the shape of a pen tip, but recessed in the middle, similar to the shape of a swallowtail.

Although it is still slender and capable, it lacks the meaning of neatness, and the uneven ends of the hair give people a sense of mess, which seems to break the rules, adding a bit of chic and unruly to Lu Ling out of thin air.

Lu Ling, who put away her ponytail, seemed to have suddenly grown five years old and matured instantly.

"It's okay? Let me see for myself." Lu Ling trotted all the way back to the room where she slept just now. She remembered that there was a mirror there.

Seeing Lu Ling's eagerness, Liu Fufeng shook his head and followed.

After entering the room and closing the door casually, Liu Fufeng walked behind Lu Ling, and looked at Lu Ling who was standing motionless in front of the mirror, the latter's eyes were dull.

Lu Ling turned around in front of the mirror, her hair flung out a round arc.

Then he smiled with satisfaction.

So satisfied.

Finally, she was no longer cute, and Lu Ling felt that she was heroic again, and became a little handsome.

Speaking of which, Lu Ling likes that kind of handsome girl, she doesn't have to have short hair, as long as she is handsome, and now she has become what she likes, and she is very satisfied.

However, there is one downside.

Lu Ling raised her hand to stroke her bangs up, exposing her fair forehead, but just as she put her hands down, her bangs fell off.

"Let me do it." Seeing Lu Ling's clumsy appearance, Liu Fufeng extended a helping hand to her.

"How do you want to do it?" Liu Fufeng raised Lu Ling's hair with one hand, and then said.

"This way, go up..." Lu Ling gestured.

"Okay, leave it to me." Liu Fufeng nodded, gently pulled Lu Ling's hair on the left side, and then a pair of scissors appeared in his hand.

"Fix it?" Liu Fufeng said, she probably understood what her Ah Ling wanted to look like, indeed, if she wanted to be heroic, Qi Liuhai was a bit out of place.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, not to mention repairing it, she doesn't mind cutting it all off, it's best to just cut it like Shen Gui's.

But Liu Fufeng would not agree, she could only accept small-scale revisions at most.

She stroked a small part of Lu Ling's hair to her left ear, then took out a red string to tie her hair up, and then trimmed the other half of her bangs.

After a while.

"It's done." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling and nodded in satisfaction.

"Let me see!" Lu Ling hurriedly looked into the mirror, then opened her mouth wide in surprise, and then she realized that she couldn't put on such a stupid and cute look, so she closed her mouth.

The girl in the mirror is heroic, tall and straight, black hair like ink, high ponytail is very obvious, falling like a streamline, there is nothing superfluous, the whole person is very simple, without those fancy hairstyles.

Part of the bangs on the forehead was cut off, and most of the refreshing forehead was exposed, and the rest were slanted bangs that covered the eyes. Coupled with Lu Ling's facial features, there was a kind of awe-inspiring illusion.

If the current Lu Ling put on a military uniform, she would really be worthy of the word valiant and heroic.

"Very...handsome." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling in the mirror and couldn't help nodding.

Her A Ling is perfect, no matter what kind of hairstyle she can control, she is so cute when she looks cute, and when she looks handsome, she also gives her a feeling of a big sister, very good-looking.

However, Liu Fufeng still underestimated the upper limit of Lu Ling's style control, especially the style she likes. What Liu Fufeng didn't know was that when Lu Ling changed into double ponytails on the first day, there was a malicious show of cuteness in Shen Gui's room. , and Shen Gui had a panoramic view, it was too shameful.

In front of Shen Gui, she couldn't restrain her showman character, and now that there were no outsiders by her side, she couldn't restrain herself even more.


Looking at the girl in the mirror, Lu Ling put away her sloppiness, focused her eyes on one point, frowned, and instantly a solemn temperament appeared on her body, without any feeling of being out of place, as if she was supposed to be this serious look like.

"哬." With a meaningless whisper, Lu Ling narrowed her eyes and slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

The ink point rises, three points are frivolous, and seven points are deep.

It was a smile called "confidence", which changed from the downcast one in the past.

What Liu Fufeng saw was a young girl who looked up at her steps, was full of spirit, and was full of arrogance.

This is not her stupid and cute A Ling, but more like the senior sister of the Ninth Peak, with a heroic spirit, and...awe-inspiring righteousness.

That's real righteousness.

From the thin body in front of him, Liu Fufeng felt the fierce grandeur, the majestic atmosphere, the great grandeur.

There was even an inexplicable aura agitating on Lu Ling's body, faintly visible, and brought a warm wind. The wind blew past Liu Fufeng's body and penetrated her body, making it very warm.

Liu Fufeng experienced blackening, healing, and ideal reconstruction that day. Both physically and mentally, she was exhausted to a critical point. However, this magical breeze not only dispelled her fatigue of the day, but also refreshed her spirit. When I got up, my whole body seemed to have endless strength, and at the same time...

Liu Fufeng put his hand on his left chest.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

The heart was beating fiercely, as if inspired, it was amazing.


Seeing Lu Ling's confident look, Liu Fufeng was a little crazy, and she felt her heart was about to jump out.

What kind of power is this, is it the result of Ah Ling's previous practice?Liu Fufeng thought of Xu Xu's magical method, and he couldn't help but associate the two of them together.

In fact, Qi and spirit are also invisible. They are invisible and intangible. However, people in this world major in soul, and spirit is also a kind of soul. Under special rules, this kind of spirit is realized.

Lu Ling always maintains the righteousness of heaven and earth, but usually her mood is not enough to release it, but today she entered an inexplicable fantasy, her mood is enough, so the righteousness surrounds her body and affects the people around her.

Inspiration is just a tiny by-product of awe-inspiring righteousness.

In this world, no one is more sensitive to righteousness than the people in Shushan, and as a former master of Shushan, it is naturally impossible not to feel such a huge source of righteousness.

The white-robed man had a drink in Zuixian Tower and was about to leave, but changed his mind at this moment.

Such an astonishing awe-inspiring aura reminded him of the awe-inspiring sword formation in Shushan, but the awe-inspiring sword formation is immovable, and he has only seen one thing with such aura on a movable object—the one in Qionghua Holy Land relic.


Just take a look here.

"Little Er, order." The white-robed man found a private seat upstairs and sat down. He didn't rush to peek at Lu Ling, but locked her position with his breath, waiting for her to come down.

very polite.


Lu Ling looked at herself in the mirror, the corners of her mouth turned upwards, she was still very handsome, but unfortunately there were also disadvantages, first of all, this bright red floral dress, it would be fine if she looked cute before, but now she looks It's very nondescript, the cute clothes and this temperament actually have a seductive taste.

And what's the point of holding a bamboo stick, not to mention the most suitable long spear, but a long sword is also fine. In her imagination, she is not a knight now, but a frontier warrior, not a swordsman, but also a beggar.

Lu Ling danced a flower from the green bamboo in her hand, Lu Ling nodded and stopped laughing.

That's it, very satisfied.

"Junior Sister, let's go down, I'm hungry." Lu Ling said.

"……"no respond.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling turned her head suspiciously, but found that Liu Fufeng was looking at her upright, with no focus in his pupils, as if he had lost his soul.

Liu Fufeng's appearance immediately frightened her.

"Junior Sister, are you alright!" Lu Ling rushed forward and hugged Liu Fufeng, bumping her face against her chest.

She thought that Liu Fufeng had turned black again, and planned to use the same tricks to help her junior sister find herself again.

"Cough cough." Being bumped hard by Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng coughed a few times, then came back to his senses, looking at Lu Ling who was tightly hugging his waist, feeling a little puzzled.

"Ah... Senior Sister, what's the matter?"

"I'm fine, what's wrong with you." Lu Ling worried.

"I'm fine, don't worry, I was just distracted just now." Looking at Lu Ling who looked up at him, Liu Fufeng hugged her back, then patted her head, comforting her.

"It's fine, it's fine." Lu Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief, then her pretty face blushed, she pushed Liu Fufeng away, and she took a big step back.

The junior sister's really great.

Lu Ling couldn't stand Liu Fufeng's straightforwardness.

bah bah bah.

Lu Ling spat at herself a few times in her heart, what was she thinking, it was too wretched.

Lu Ling felt shy here, but Liu Fufeng didn't feel anything. Given the intimacy between her and Ah Ling, this bit of physical contact was nothing at all, so she didn't know why Lu Ling was shy.

The appearance of Lu Ling in the mirror before flashed in his mind, and Liu Fufeng's heart throbbed.

The Ah Ling just now was very charming, and she even had the urge to yearn for it, which was even more shocking than Shen Gui.

The benevolence of a doctor is also a kind of righteousness. In a sense, Liu Fufeng who stays by Lu Ling's side will gradually wash away the dark things in his heart.


It's a pity that it's just an illusion. Lu Ling's current attire is the same as before, but her temperament is completely different.

Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling who was not far away as a young daughter, showing an expression of disappointment or joy, if A Ling could grow into the radiant girl before, she would be relieved.

But it's okay now, Liu Fufeng looked at the deep dependence in Lu Ling's eyes, and smiled: "Senior Sister, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied." Seeing Liu Fufeng's question, Lu Ling nodded repeatedly as if pecking at rice.

I didn't expect her junior sister to have the potential to be a stylist, she is omnipotent, so I must keep her by my side.

"It's fine if you like it." Liu Fufeng stretched out his hand to Lu Ling: "It's getting late, let's go down."

Lu Ling touched her belly, she was indeed hungry, and then went up to hold Liu Fufeng's hand without hesitation.

"Dinner." So say.

"Okay." Liu Fufeng smiled.

"Drink." Lu Ling followed up.

"No." Liu Fufeng continued to smile.


As a result, Liu Fufeng led the angry Lu Ling downstairs.

As soon as he came down, he ran into a maid, Liu Fufeng asked about the meal, and then asked Lu Ling with the "menu".

"Sister, where do you want to eat?"

"Where..." Lu Ling was on the second floor at this time, and there was a sea of ​​red flowers in the middle, with a faint fragrance blowing over her face.

It looks like a peony flower, very beautiful, there are some pavilions, there are dining and so on.

Although Lu Ling liked it very much, she still shook her head decisively and chose the one downstairs, an ordinary table, which was in the corner, very inconspicuous.

"There?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, then gave Lu Ling a strange look, and said helplessly, "Okay, Senior Sister, as long as you like it."

Then Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling downstairs.

Strange, she thought Ah Ling would like this sea of ​​red flowers. After all, Lu Ling likes beautiful things. Liu Fufeng is very clear about this, and to be honest... Liu Fufeng likes this place very much, don't forget that Lu Ling is all over her body The red clothes were chosen by Liu Fufeng for her.

So this color is not what Lu Ling likes, but the clothes that Liu Fufeng brings back are all like this. Liu Fufeng likes red, so Lu Ling has no choice.

In fact, it's not that Lu Ling doesn't like this sea of ​​flowers, but she glanced at it just now, and all she saw were couples dining, and a man was flirting with several female relatives...

It was so awkward, such a scene made her feel a little bit overwhelmed. Lu Ling still prefers a quiet place, preferably only her junior sister in sight.

She likes a smaller, more private space.

This is actually a sign of insecurity, but as a house girl, Lu Ling doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

In the noisy downstairs, the appearance of Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling made this floor quiet for a while, but it soon returned to normal. After all, although Liu Fufeng is beautiful, it is common in Luoyan City. At most, the female relatives are envious She didn't care about her Yunshang.

At this time, in the corner of Zuixian Tower, Liu Fufeng was leaning against the wall, and Lu Ling was sitting opposite her. As Lu Ling wished, Liu Fufeng was in her sight except the table, and no one else could see.

Liu Fufeng felt helpless.

Why did you choose such a remote place... Could it be that Ah Ling is afraid of life?


Thinking of this, Liu Fufeng felt relieved, she looked at Lu Ling lying on the wooden table, and took out the previous menu.

"Senior Sister, I want to eat something." Liu Fufeng waved his hand and called the maid over.

"What to eat..." Hearing this, Lu Ling regained her energy and straightened her body.

"You." Liu Fufeng shook his head, the current Ah Ling doesn't have a tenth of the self-confidence before, and she doesn't have any righteousness on her body.

"Just order whatever you like." Liu Fufeng said.

"Really?" Lu Ling swallowed.


"Meat, I want meat, meat! Junior Sister, I want meat!" Lu Ling repeated, like a starved ghost reincarnated.

 My sister complained about the water, hhh, but I like to take my time, there is no help.

(End of this chapter)

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