Chapter 248 Meals
"Meat, meat..." Lu Ling had no other pursuits, just repeated.

She doesn't know if there are pigs, cows, sheep, etc. in this world, because the junior sister has never cooked meat for her to eat. Although she has eaten it at the husband's place a few times, she can't tell the difference, she only knows that it is delicious.

The aroma of oil and water is different from the fragrance of vegetables. Lu Ling now likes the greasy feeling very much. In her mind, birds are almost fading out of her mouth.

"Cough cough." Seeing Lu Ling in this state, Liu Fufeng coughed dryly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, the current A Ling is completely different from the handsome girl before, obviously she should look very serious.

Seeing Liu Fufeng like this, Lu Ling blushed, then adjusted her facial expression, and sat on the stool very seriously.

"That's right, keep it up." Liu Fufeng suppressed a smile, then she called the maid over, whispered a few times and handed her the menu in her hand, and then the maid left.


Seeing this, Lu Ling stared at Liu Fufeng without saying a word.

"???" Liu Fufeng pretended not to understand.



Lu Ling couldn't pretend anymore, she raised her eyebrows, held back her dissatisfaction, and said lightly: "Master..."

In the end, before he even opened his mouth, he met Liu Fufeng's eyes. The latter's eyes were also dissatisfied, and very strong. He immediately repelled Lu Ling's own dissatisfaction. Compared with her junior sister, she was indeed weaker than her.

Liu Fufeng looked at the people who were dining not far behind Lu Ling, bent his index finger on the table and tapped it lightly, making a crisp knocking sound, every time it hit Lu Ling's heart.

Then Liu Fufeng spoke: "A Ling, did you forget something?"

"Ah? What?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Liu Fufeng wanted to say, what did she forget?
Hearing this, Liu Fufeng exerted a little force on his hands, and looked at Lu Ling with a half-smile: "A Ling~~ think about it carefully."

Listening to Liu Fufeng's long ending, Lu Ling was still confused, but she quickly realized that by the way, she agreed to change her name outside.

"Sister, sister..." Lu Ling lowered her head and said.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Fufeng's mouth rose, revealing dimples.

"Well, I'm here." Liu Fufeng nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "A Ling, what do you want to ask?"

"Oh, that's right." Lu Ling remembered and asked, "Well, what did you order..."

She didn't know what delicious food Junior Sister ordered, but she wanted to eat meat now.

"Of course you like Ah Ling." Liu Fufeng cleared his throat.

"I like?"

"Forget it." Looking at Lu Ling's head full of question marks, Liu Fufeng felt that it was almost done, and he didn't want to tease Lu Ling anymore, although her A Ling was very cute.

"It's the meat you want to eat. I asked them to eat a lot, don't worry." Liu Fufeng said, she didn't reject Lu Ling's behavior, although she herself can't eat meat, but since Ah Ling likes it, then this matter It's nothing at all, and besides, she didn't say that she must eat after ordering, she also ordered vegetarian dishes.

Come to think of it, as long as Lu Ling is full, she will be very happy.

"Really!" Hearing this, Lu Ling happily stood up from the chair, and after meeting Liu Fufeng's slightly smiling eyes, she sat down again, putting on a serious look. In fact, she was already anxious. Terribly, my thighs were shaking under the table.

This is a tavern as well as a restaurant, the air is filled with the intoxicating smell of alcohol and a faint fragrance, the glutton in Lu Ling's stomach has been aroused since she came down, she hasn't eaten the food down the mountain yet.

The restaurants in her memory are all things that can't be reached. The best thing she has ever eaten is the buns donated by kind people. Since she met her junior sister, all kinds of delicacies have come one after another, which is really happiness.

【I'm looking forward to it, Xuechen. 】Lu Ling touched the cat who had been silent for a long time. The cat was leaning over her shoulders with its fluffy tail wrapped around her neck.

"Meow..." Xuechen yelled in response to Lu Ling.

Compared with Lu Ling, she looks very listless, as if she is asleep, but in fact, Xuechen has never rested since seeing Lu Ling, even when she was with Lu Ling in her dream, most of her consciousness was still wandering At the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, the woman was being watched.

And it was even more so after Lu Ling woke up, so at that time Lu Ling was scared by Zhao Yingge and Xue Chen didn't respond at all, she is too weak now to be able to do two things at once.

But at this moment, her mind withdrew from the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and she restrained herself as much as possible. If Lu Ling looked carefully, she could see that Xuechen's big ice blue eyes were full of vigilance at this time.

She was wary of the man in white robe upstairs.

What Xuechen sensed at the beginning was a strong demonic energy. She thought there were demonic seeds, but after careful observation, she found that it was not. There are still subtle differences.

This kind of strong aura is at least from the devil, is it a curse?

Xuechen didn't know, but it had nothing to do with her.

But it's definitely not the devil, her good-for-nothing sister is here, which devil blinded her eyes and bumped into Li Huo Hong Ling, but Xuechen forgot, Li Huo Hong Ling is hiding very well at this time, even if there is a devil, no wonder she is blind, Not everyone feels the same way as her, with their own sister.

It should be a human race, and he also has a familiar smell that Xuechen hates - the smell of Shushan.

This smell merged with the demonic energy. In Xuechen's eyes, this man in white robe was the source of the smell, but if you hate it, you hate it, this man is very strong.

very strong.

Strong who can't resist, at least she can't in this state.

Shushan just hates it. A fairy sword is not enough, and another freak comes.

Xuechen cursed in his heart.

She herself doesn't dislike righteousness, but because she doesn't like Shushan, she hates it along with it.

When she was washed by Lu Ling's energy, all Xuechen could feel was endless comfort. Even though she was yin, as long as it belonged to her master, she liked it.

This awe-inspiring righteousness also reminded Xuechen that part of the reason why her sister was interested in her master was probably inside.

At this time, Xuechen was single-minded, on the one hand, he had to guard against his sister, and on the other hand, he also had to guard against the man upstairs, especially the latter, Xuechen had self-knowledge, knowing that if her sister was serious, nothing she could do would be useless , but the latter is different, that man is very strong and his eyes are always on Lu Ling, he seems to have malicious intentions, in the words of the master, he is a hooligan, a disciple.

But for Xuechen, he is at most a little troublesome, you must know that this place is very close to Lingshan Mountain, and above it is the Ninth Peak.

Her body is on it, so there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as the damn sword doesn't move, no one can hurt her master.

No one can.


The white-robed man didn't know that he was being targeted by a cat, and he was also called a hooligan, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care. There were many negative things about him, so it didn't matter.

At this time upstairs, there was a jar of wine in front of him, and a few small dishes of food and drink, and he just looked at Lu Ling with a lot of doubts in his heart.

He can be sure that he didn't target the wrong person, and the aura of grandeur before was indeed from this little girl, but it was very strange that although she was wearing a heroic aura, her aura did not match the word righteousness at all.

What happened to the awe-inspiring righteousness before?

Mao'er is from the Spirit Race, which means that this girl is not an ordinary person. Looking carefully at the white-robed man, she found that Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng are disciples of Lingshan, but she was not surprised. There are many disciples of Lingshan in Luoyan City, so it is not surprising.

What is surprising is that there is such a good seedling in Lingshan... At this time, he and many people in Shushan thought the same-why it is Lingshan again.

The original Shen Gui was, and now there is another man of Heaven's Blessed who is full of awe-inspiring aura. Although he is only condensed, his talent is there.

Shaking his head, it can only be said that Lingshan is blessed with great luck.

The white-robed man had been away from Shushan for many years and had never paid attention to him, so he didn't know Lu Ling as a number one person, otherwise he must know what happened to the arrogance before.

The name Lu Ling is now very popular among Shushan high-level people. Yun Xiao revealed Venerable Ye's attitude towards Lu Ling, plus her special talent... There are even rumors that Lu Ling is the daughter of Venerable Ye.

These men in white robes didn't know, so he decided to observe for a while. The purpose of his trip was to go up to Lingshan. It must be right to follow the disciples of Lingshan, and he is still such a talented disciple.

So he continued to drink, his anger was locked on Lu Ling and he stopped going to see her.


Lu Ling was waiting to eat with great anticipation, while Liu Fufeng was sitting upright, watching Lu Ling.

Then she saw a person.

A chubby middle-aged man, Liu Fufeng froze for a moment.

This person was the middle-aged man who had been staring at her in the carriage in the morning, and it was his eyes that gave Liu Fufeng a bad feeling.

What Liu Fufeng didn't know was that the middle-aged man in front of him was the chief culprit who caused Zhao Yingge's tragic situation.

Originally, he planned not to come out and study the laws of Luoyan City at home, but it seemed that there was no loophole to take advantage of. Instead, he thought he was hungry, so he went out to eat and asked. The nearest one is this Zuixian Tower.

I didn't expect to meet these two little beauties again...

When he saw Liu Fufeng in the morning, he was astonished. Compared with girls with such a temperament, those flowery and beauties in his family are simply vulgar fans. If he was still in his hometown, he would get out of the car in the morning and take the One big and one small rushed home, but unfortunately he had just been assassinated and was in a hurry to see the city lord so he didn't do anything.

In the end, we met again, which is really destined.

The wealthy businessman's small glasses revealed a lewd intention, and then hid them. He remembered the advice given by the city lord, don't offend beautiful women, but Liu Fufeng is not a woman, at most a girl, no matter how old Lu Ling is, she is definitely Young girl, besides, just looking at it is not an offense, right?
Speaking of it... Liu Fufeng only wears good clothes, and doesn't have any valuable jewelry on his body. If he can spend the money home, or if a bright matchmaker is getting married, it would be wonderful to put the big and the small in the house.

As for the age mismatch... are you kidding, does that matter?In this world, there are many girls who marry middle-aged men at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

The middle-aged wealthy businessman had just entered Luoyan City, so he didn't know the status of women, and he still held his own idea that men are superior to women.

Then the wealthy businessman cast a look at Liu Fufeng and went upstairs to eat.

"..." Seeing this, Liu Fufeng shook his head, she didn't like this man, and her sight was very uncomfortable.

"Junior, sister, what's wrong?" Seeing Liu Fufeng shaking his head, Lu Ling asked.

"It's nothing." Liu Fufeng didn't want to discuss with Lu Ling, as long as she didn't offend her Ah Ling, she would ignore the rest.

"It's time to eat." Liu Fufeng reminded, and then Lu Ling turned her head to see a group of maids bringing dishes up, she was overwhelmed with surprise.

After the food was served, Lu Ling looked at the abundance on the table and could not close her mouth from ear to ear.

It is basically all meat, and the mellow aroma spreads instantly. There is stewed chicken with fungus on the table, covered with thick soup, the oil is shiny and appetizing, green and green stir-fried shredded pork, braised pork, mutton soup, and large pieces beef...

Liu Fufeng basically let go of this, she knew that Ah Ling had suffered before, and today she took Ah Ling out to play, so the purpose of everything was for Ah Ling to be happy, and it didn't matter if it was wasted or wasted on her.

At this moment, Lu Ling stared at the food on the table and swallowed her saliva.

"Gu~~" Her stomach rumbled, but she wasn't shy at all. Her eyes were on the large piece of pork belly in the middle, which was poured with garlic juice. The fatty meat was paired with green dishes, exuding a greasy smell.

Lu Ling couldn't bear it anymore, she didn't expect her junior sister to be so generous this time, ordering so much at once...

Junior sister Saigao!

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng filled rice for Lu Ling, then wiped his fingers on the chopsticks and handed it to Lu Ling.


Following Liu Fufeng's order, Lu Ling started.


during meals.

"Delicious." Lu Ling took a chicken leg, swallowed the meat in her mouth, and then added: "But, no... sister, your cooking is delicious."

Lu Ling is not flattering, she is telling the truth, she just likes to eat meat, so she is greedy, the taste is really mediocre, far worse than her junior sister, and Qin Qin is the same as Qin Qin.

This is not to say that Liu Fufeng's cooking skills are good, but because of the glory of Lingshan vegetables, dishes without spiritual energy are naturally incomparable with meals with spiritual energy.

"Eat more if it tastes good." Liu Fufeng nodded, as long as Ah Ling likes it, she will be happy.

If you look carefully, Liu Fufeng's complexion is not very good now, although she didn't eat, but the smell of onion, garlic and greasy taste is so close, she feels her stomach is churning, Liu Fufeng is trying to hold back her retching desire.

With the idea of ​​not disturbing Ah Ling's appetite, Liu Fufeng has persisted until now, and she has been eating, a bowl of white rice, and ordinary stir-fried vegetables on the corner of the table.

Different from Liu Fufeng's forbearance, Lu Ling is very happy to eat, eating all kinds of meat, and even picks fat ones.

Lu Ling still didn't forget to raise her head to recommend to Liu Fufeng when she was eating. The pork belly soup was paired with a bowl of dry rice and topped with delicious gravy. Her mouth was full of oil, the aftertaste was long, and her mouth was fragrant.

"Sister, this soup is good."

"En." Liu Fufeng smiled.

 Addicted to Pi Sima, tsk tsk tsk.

(End of this chapter)

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