Chapter 249⑨

"Sister, this soup is good."

Hearing Lu Ling's recommendation, Liu Fufeng could only smile, and at the same time made a concealed retching movement.

This time, Lu Ling did not force Liu Fufeng to eat as much as last time. Although she focused on eating, she did not neglect to observe Liu Fufeng.

Is Junior Sister really a vegetarian...

That being said, it seems that junior sister has been a vegetarian all along.

Lu Ling swallowed the pork belly, licked the oil at the corner of her mouth, fixed her eyes on the vegetable dish that Liu Fufeng had been eating, then picked a piece from the edge and stuffed it into her mouth.

Bitter, with a bit of sweetness, only the taste of the original dishes, nothing else, compared to the big fish and meat she is eating now, it is nothing at all, Lu Ling grabbed a piece of fish and tasted the taste, her face was so pale Just get better.

What kind of bland thing is this... There is no smell of onion or garlic, this store is too stingy.

Lu Ling misunderstood her, this was a special request from Liu Fufeng.

Lu Ling chewed the fish in small mouthfuls, and then spit out the spines.

Forget it.

Although Lu Ling wanted to share it with her junior sister, it was obvious that Liu Fufeng didn't want to eat it, but didn't like it, so she didn't have to force others, but I don't know how her junior sister didn't eat meat, so how did she develop so well?
Lu Ling's eyes scanned Liu Fufeng's chest back and forth.

Although the junior sister's figure is not as hot as the husband's, she is of moderate size and has a pair of long legs, and the most outstanding thing about her junior sister is her gentle and watery temperament, and the others are secondary.

It's a pity that such a delicious meal can only be enjoyed by oneself.

Lu Ling stuffed another piece of pork belly into the mouth, feeling the meat that melted in the mouth, showing a satisfied expression, but if Liu Fufeng didn't eat it, would she have to eat all the meat dishes on this table by herself?
"Gudu." Looking at the seven or eight meatballs on the table, Lu Ling twitched her lips, and then touched her stomach.

Can't do it, can't do it at all.

Although Lu Ling felt that her appetite had increased enormously since she practiced, but there was an upper limit to that. Is so much going to overwhelm her?And the food here is not the same as Lingshan's. Lingshan's food is easy to absorb, giving her a feeling of fullness but not full, and this is different...

But Lu Ling decided to refuel and not waste food, so she cleaned up the food a little faster than before. What she didn't realize was that eating so much fish and meat made her a little tired, and even a little disgusting.

Her stomach has always been light, but she suddenly ate so greasy, it's no wonder her body can bear it.

And Liu Fufeng only knew that her Ah Ling wanted to eat meat, and she forgot about it, and Lu Ling had eaten the meat given by Li Zhuzi before, so she didn't care too much about it, and now Lu Ling's face was full of little happiness , she would never think of these things.

Seeing that Lu Ling didn't ask her to eat with her, Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief. If Ah Ling asked...she really might not refuse, but now that Lu Ling didn't say anything, she must have discovered something.

Liu Fufeng took a mouthful of white rice, with a little bit of relief on his face.

Ah Ling also knew that she should understand her, she was very happy, and suddenly felt that the smell around her was not so bad, and the rice in her mouth became more fragrant.

"Xuechen, ah~~"

Here, Lu Ling's mouth is full of oil, and she is trying her best to eliminate the food in the bowl, but now she can't eat anymore, Liu Fufeng can't count on it, so she can only ask the little guy on her body for help.

On the chopsticks is fish.


Seeing this, Xuechen shrank his neck, licked Lu Ling's cheek, and signaled that he didn't want to eat it.

Xuechen was very helpless.

Did the owner make a mistake? Although in the memory of the owner, the cat likes to eat fish, but she is a sword, and the cat is just a shape change.

Essentially a sword.

Besides, she was raised by nature, so if she wants to eat, she must eat the aura of heaven and earth or the cold air. Of course, the best thing is the spiritual power of the master, so it's not her turn to eat meat.

At this time, if Lu Ling could see the world in Xuechen's mind, she would find a loli squatting on the ground trembling, with reluctance in her eyes.

This kind of emotion is also reflected in the cat. The ice-blue hair that used to be dimmed a bit, the ears that were always pricked up are also softly folded, and even the eyes are closed.

Lu Ling looked at the sick cat, put the meat in front of her little nose, and opened her mouth.


Seeing this, Liu Fufeng also turned her gaze over. About this pet that she thought was a demon, she asked Li Zhuzi, and the latter said it was friendly, so don't worry about it. Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

And it seems that she has magical abilities, such as... how she followed her down, these are all worthy of scrutiny, did she fly down?

Liu Fufeng also wanted to know if this little guy would eat human food.

"..." Feeling Lu Ling's anticipation, and the piece of meat had been in her mouth for a while, Xuechen knew that her master's patience would run out if she dragged on.

Forget it.

Xuechen compromised.

In the eyes of the owner, she is just a pet. Isn't the role of pets to satisfy inner desires?She is used to make the master happy, so she can be accepted by the master only by transforming into the animal with the highest liking in the master's mind.

So now it's time for her to please the master, and it is also her "duty" to eat the food sent by the master.

Isn't it just meat... Although I haven't eaten it, it should be fine.

Lu Ling's "ah~~" voice to her echoed in her ears, Xuechen closed her eyes firmly, and opened her pink three-petal mouth, revealing some sharp teeth...

"Good boy." Seeing this, Lu Ling smiled slightly, put the chopsticks to her shoulders, and when she was about to feed the meat into Xuechen's mouth, she suddenly froze.

She has always raised Xuechen as a cat, but the latter is very mysterious, calling her master, and if I remember correctly, the main body should be a long and thin sword like a "bamboo pole".

She is always very mysterious, and always avoids what she wants to ask, but Lu Ling trusts her from the bottom of her heart, so she turns a blind eye, but speaking of it, can she eat meat?
After hesitating for a while, Lu Ling showed firmness.

This mysterious little guy has not responded to her doubts so far, and she doesn't have to be so gentle. Of course, that's what Lu Ling said. Actually, Lu Ling just wanted her to taste it and share it.

And looking at the way the cat stretched its neck, Lu Ling had an illusion at a certain moment. She seemed to see a young girl kneeling on the ground, with her eyes closed and her mouth open, waiting for her "adventure".

feeding play?

Bah, bah, bah, what was she thinking.

Lu Ling shook the distracting thoughts out of her head, then carefully put the fish meat into the cat's mouth, and watched it close its mouth with an expectant expression.

She picked this piece of meat carefully, and there is absolutely no fishbone.

"How is it?" Seeing the cat swallowing after chewing a few times, Lu Ling asked.

"Meow~" Xuechen's eyes were a little blurred, and instead of answering Lu Ling's question directly, he rubbed his furry body against her neck.

The taste is mediocre, or tasteless, not tasty, but not unpalatable, and it was digested in an instant, but Xuechen still felt intoxicated.

Because she and Lu Ling are heart-to-heart, even though her status is relatively low, she did feel the care and tenderness from Lu Ling at that moment, Xuechen felt that her heart was about to melt and she lost her strength.

The young girl in the space collapsed to the ground, the current Xuechen probably didn't even have the strength to kneel down, the tenderness from the master...

I am so happy that it is worth dying even now.

"Don't you like it? That's right, you're a sword..." Seeing that there was no obvious liking, Lu Ling shook her head, a little disappointed.

Xuechen was sinking in happiness at this time, and did not respond to Lu Ling for the time being.

"Let me eat it alone." Lu Ling pinched the cat's ears, and then picked up the pork belly as if she was on the battlefield, with a face of death.

I didn't even eat the rice, and the goal of unraveling it is - not to waste.

Now at this time, the meat that was still delicious just now is too greasy to eat, but Lu Ling is still working hard.

At this time, Liu Fufeng ate his meal in small bites, and turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

It was already dark, and there was a lonely moon in the sky, only the inside of the Drunken Immortal Building was still bright, maybe it would be a little more lively in the distance, but this street is really not that lively.

Looking back at Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng ate the last rice, then put down the bowl and looked at Lu Ling who was still swallowing, showing a little worry.

Speaking of which, it was dinner this time, but Ah Ling ate so much, it's not good.

Liu Fufeng's original intention was to give Lu Ling some meat and a few more dishes, and then Lu Ling would eat a little bit of each item, anyway, her A Ling slept for so long in the afternoon, so she won't be sleepy for the time being, even though it's dark now But it was still early. After dinner, she took Lu Ling for a walk and played, and she should have almost digested it.

So Liu Fufeng never thought of letting Lu Ling finish eating, and it doesn't even matter if he doesn't eat, but Lu Ling doesn't think so. You must know that Liu Fufeng is a very frugal person in daily life, and he will eat every dish. It was clean, and then Lu Ling took it for granted that it should not be wasted, and the younger sister would be angry if it was wasted.

Unfortunately, in terms of her appetite, if the meat contained spiritual energy, she could almost finish it... So Lu Ling began to force herself.

Forget it.

Seeing that Lu Ling was still stuffing it into her mouth, Liu Fufeng couldn't stand it anymore, she couldn't digest it after eating like this, and she felt that her A Ling seemed to be holding her down hard, how could this work.

"A Ling, don't eat, it's almost enough." Liu Fufeng said.

"Ah?" Lu Ling nodded, and after swallowing the muscles in her mouth, she sat there without moving.


Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want her junior sister to be unhappy, but now that Liu Fufeng has spoken, she is liberated.

Speaking of which, although I haven't finished eating, I've eaten almost all of it. Most of the food on the table has gone into her stomach... But she didn't panic, and even her lower abdomen didn't change much. The discomfort she felt was not due to being full. , but disgusting, greasy disgusting.

Seeing Lu Ling holding her belly motionless, Liu Fufeng felt a little helpless, and angrily said: "Really, if you can't eat enough, eat less..."

Then he felt distressed again: "Is it very uncomfortable? Then take a rest."

Lu Ling nodded, she felt very bad now, with a nauseating feeling... She seemed to be too tired of eating.


The white-robed man took a sip of his wine and looked at Lu Ling with a blank expression on his face.

What's the matter with this little girl, she ate a lot before, but now she seems to be nauseated?

Could it be that this heroic-looking girl is an idiot?
What followed was relief and righteousness. Basically, Shushan disciples who maintain righteousness without cultivation are idiots, and the current Shushan is the same. , is cute even if it is.

If that's the case... then that arrogance just now, how stupid is this girl...

Shaking his head, he drank a gourd of wine.

He let out his breath just now, Dongfang Lianren should have noticed, then I will wait for her here for a while, I think Dongfang will come over.

I hope that group of troublesome people in Xuanjing Division will not move so fast, they are annoying to death.

drink, drink.


Another person kept looking at the corner downstairs. In the sea of ​​flowers on the second floor, a middle-aged wealthy businessman was holding a chicken leg and looking downstairs. His eyes lingered on Liu Fufeng, and at the same time, his hands were wandering over the female relatives beside him.

Then he looked at Lu Ling. Although this little girl was not feminine, she had a good temperament and looked very heroic.

Luoyan City is really good, everyone you meet is first-class goods, this one really moved right.


Lu Ling opened her mouth, but made no sound.

At this time, Lu Ling, who was lying on the table suppressing her stomach discomfort, suddenly had a bad feeling, as if being peeped by someone.

Someone is watching her?
Lu Ling raised her head, and with excellent eyesight, she looked towards the second floor, and then met the dirty eyes of the rich businessman.

Then I couldn't bear it anymore.

Lu Ling wanted to vomit, this time it was not only physically, but also psychologically uncomfortable, what was that wretched fat man looking at?

Being so stimulated, Lu Ling felt that something was about to come out, she immediately covered her mouth and retched.

"A Ling, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Seeing this, Liu Fufeng panicked instantly, she got up and walked to Lu Ling's side.

"I'm... tired... vomit..." Lu Ling almost vomited just after saying a few words, she covered her mouth and stopped talking, just shook her head repeatedly, and then saw that fat man from before seemed to be looking at her junior sister.

The eyes are more disgusting.

This time, not only was she disgusted and dissatisfied, Lu Ling felt a little angry in her heart, and she clenched her small fists tightly, wanting to get angry.

But not now, I ate too much meat, and the feeling of nausea became stronger and stronger, and I couldn't suppress it anymore.

Lu Ling's eyes were on the table. The delicious and juicy meat before was like a devil in her eyes, and it was even more disgusting.

It's greasy, fat, and I don't feel like wanting to eat it, but I'm going to vomit just by smelling it.

 it's not zz
(End of this chapter)

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