Chapter 250
Lu Ling was too tired, and Liu Fufeng lost his sense of control for a while. She was not afraid of anything, but she was afraid that her A Ling would be uncomfortable.

What should we do now?Liu Fufeng thought quickly.

Get rid of the tiredness, is there anything that can relieve the tiredness?
In an instant, many names flashed through Liu Fufeng's mind, but all the things she could think of to relieve the tiredness were some herbs, other fruits and the like, which were actually not very effective, and there was tea to relieve the tiredness, but it really did. She knows more about herbs.

But where to find herbal medicine now... medical hall, yes, medical hall.

Liu Fufeng turned around, pulled Lu Ling and was about to leave.

Although it was just a trivial matter, as long as it was about Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng would be unnaturally nervous, as if something big happened to her.

In fact, Lu Ling just got tired of eating for a while, and felt a little nauseous. After the body's automatic adjustment, it is almost better now, and it will be completely digested after a hiccup.

Other impurities and things that are useless to the body will be discharged naturally, so Liu Fufeng doesn't have to worry at all. Didn't he react when he didn't see Xuechen?

Lu Ling felt a little more comfortable now, but she was still a little sick. She was dragged up from the stool by Liu Fufeng, and she was still a little dazed.

"My daughter, my little daughter... what's wrong?" Upon discovering the movement from Liu Fufeng's side, the maid stepped forward to ask.

This is a distinguished guest, if something happens to them, they can't afford it.

Then Liu Fufeng seemed to have found a savior, it would be good to have one more person to ask, and then she briefly mentioned Lu Ling's situation.

"Tired of eating?" The maid was puzzled, and then glanced at Liu Fufeng with a strange expression.

She thought it was a big deal, Liu Fufeng looked anxious and didn't know that she thought that Lu Ling had been poisoned, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter... She really deserves to be called a pampered young lady.

But since she is a daughter, small things are also big things.

"My dear, if you're just tired of eating meat, how about trying some wine..." the maid suggested.

"Wine?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

Speaking of it, alcohol seems to relieve tiredness, but it is clearly written in medical books that cold wine can hurt the liver, and hot wine can hurt the lungs. In short, it is not a good thing. Alcohol is forbidden in their family, and Liu Fufeng has never seen his father drink alcohol, including him. The same is true for those patients who passed through his father's hands. Basically, there will be requirements not to drink alcohol.

So alcohol is not a good thing in Liu Fufeng's heart, but because his master is an alcoholic, Liu Fufeng's dislike for alcohol has been slightly reduced, and if it really hurts his body, then why does Senior Sister Qin like to drink it?
It's just a personal preference.

But understanding is understanding, Liu Fufeng doesn't want her Ah Ling to become a little drunk.

"Yes, alcohol is very effective in relieving boredom," the maid reminded.

Then Lu Ling retched just right at this time, and squeezed out a few tears along the way. In fact, she felt that she was much better, and the sound just now should be the last sound, but her ears perked up quietly at this time, and she heard liquor……

I really want to drink it, and I am curious about the taste.

Seeing Lu Ling's "painful" look, Liu Fufeng hesitated a bit: "But my... sister is still young..."

The maid looked at Lu Ling. Although the latter was quite short, she should be about fifteen or sixteen years old, and she was a bit heroic. No matter how you looked at it, she wasn't a particularly young child...

Of course, slander belongs to slander, she still made it clear what should be said.

"Qianjin, I didn't say that we must have grain and wine. We have fruit wine here, which is not intoxicating. Many children like to drink it." The maid said.

She was telling the truth. In fact, the reason why alcohol relieves tiredness is because of its pungent taste, but as for fruit wine, the taste is fresh and the effect is similar.

"Really?" Liu Fufeng was tempted, as she said, if children can drink it, then her Ah Ling should be able to drink it too, and the problem of getting tired of eating has also been solved, and Lu Ling has always wanted to drink, this is also an opportunity.

"Really, if you don't believe me, you can taste it yourself." The maid said patiently, and then waved her hands to serve two glasses of fruit wine.

The volume is about one bowl, it is a little clear, with a little yellowish color, and it has a fruity aroma.

"Gudu." Lu Ling swallowed, staring at the contents of the cup in front of her.

This is wine?Why did she think it was juice, and then looked at Liu Fufeng with eager eyes.

"Wait." Liu Fufeng stopped Lu Ling, then picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip, savoring it carefully in his mouth.

A little soft, and then a little bit of sweetness, just like biting a peach, very comfortable.

Swallowing it doesn't have the stamina written in the book, and it doesn't feel spicy. It's really like the juice squeezed from the fruit, and the taste is surprisingly good.

If this is the case, then it is not okay to let Ah Ling drink a little... Looking at Lu Ling's big watery eyes, Liu Fufeng's heart softened, and he waved his hand.

"Okay, drink a little, just a little."

"Really? Thank you, sister." Lu Ling was pleasantly surprised when she heard the words. She didn't expect her junior sister to really agree. She called "Sister" willingly, and she called it with that kind of sweet voice.

For a moment, Liu Fufeng froze.

Lu Ling called her sister this time, which was different from the previous perfunctory, very emotional, Liu Fufeng was very happy, she lightly touched Lu Ling's high ponytail, looked at her side face and stopped talking.

Here Lu Ling got permission, took a small sip from the cup, and then showed a little happy expression.


Juice, the taste of the fruit is very strong, sweet and sour, and you can eat it in one bite. The greasy taste from eating too much meat before is washed away by the sour taste.

I like it very much.

Lu Ling was sitting on the seat, sipping fruit wine, but because of her attire, the current Lu Ling was not cute, but somewhat elegant and unrestrained.

"Thank you for your trouble."

Seeing that Lu Ling didn't feel bad now, Liu Fufeng finally let go, and she sincerely thanked the maid.

"It's not in the way." The maid was a little overwhelmed by Liu Fufeng, this young lady is so polite.

It feels very comfortable... very gentle.

After the maid stepped back, she never left Liu Fufeng's eyes. She suddenly felt that such a daughter was worth looking forward to...

She must be very happy to be her sister.

At this time, Lu Ling drank all the fruit wine in her glass, and then put her mind on the glass that Liu Fufeng took a sip of just now.

Who doesn't like something delicious, besides, it's not wine at all... hiccup, it's just a drink...

At this time, Liu Fufeng saw Lu Ling's face as usual, very sober, not drunk, so she was not worried, but what Liu Fufeng didn't notice was that Lu Ling was fine, but the eyes of the cat on her shoulder became blurred.

The little girl in the void world was flushed, and she was about to lose consciousness.

Xuechen's "spirit" was bound to Lu Ling's soul the first day she met her. Since she was like this, it meant that Lu Ling was drunk—he was drunk from fruit wine with almost no alcohol. Just no blush.


"Little girl."

The white-robed man shook his head, Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng didn't know how to drink at all, so why drink fruit wine?

Then he took a big gulp of strong wine, felt the hot thing down his throat, and still didn't change his face.

"The wine tastes good just because it tastes bad... Do you think so? Dongfang?" the man said lightly.

Following the man's voice, a woman came out of the void. She appeared out of nowhere but did not attract the attention of others. Sitting in front of the man in the white robe, Dongfang Lianren was wearing a skirt but raised one foot. Her graceful figure made blood spurt Zhang, but all these men selectively ignored.

"I don't know, I don't drink." Dongfang Lianren shook her head. She had just teased Luo Hanyi, and she was in a better mood. Then she sensed the aura of an acquaintance, and came over.

"But this fruit wine seems to taste good, you can try it." Dongfang Lianren changed the subject, stretched his slender hand into the air, and when he pulled it out, there was an extra wine glass in his hand, which was the fruit wine that Lu Ling had just drunk.

After smirking, put it on the table, showing no expression.

"How is it?" the white-robed man asked.

"I don't like it." Dongfang Lianren shook his head: "Wine...hehe, I don't know what to drink."

The words of her heart were not spoken, she hated alcoholics, men and women alike.

"Understandable." The man in white robe put down the wine gourd: "However, it is very boring for a sober person to look at a drunk person, but how can a sober person know the joy of being drunk?"

Dongfang Lianren smiled: "Then are you drunk or awake?"

"I don't know." The white-robed man looked at Dongfang Lianren with cloudy eyes: "The less you want to get drunk, the faster you get drunk, and when you really want to get drunk, you won't be able to get drunk."

"But if a person really wants to get drunk, he must get drunk very quickly, because he can pretend to be drunk even if he is not drunk, but if a person wants to pretend to be drunk, then in the end, even he himself can't tell whether he is pretending to be drunk or not." ? Or really drunk?"

"For example, you are now?" Dongfang Lianren sneered.

"Who knows." The man in white robe drank a gourd of wine, let out a hearty laugh, and then looked at Dongfang Lianren: "Dongfang, long time no see."

"It's been a long time. I didn't expect Wang Sheng to look like you after so many years." Dongfang Lianren shook his head.

Is wine really that attractive?One or two.

Li Wangsheng, who used to be a senior brother of the Shu Mountain lineage, and the queen's "guard" of their sisters, was later infected with demonic energy in that incident, and after leaving Shu Mountain, he also became this vicissitudes of life.

"Can I quit drinking?" Dongfang Lianren asked.

"I can't." Li Wangsheng stroked the stubble on his chin, as if he was a little drunk.

Dongfang Lianren narrowed his eyes: "Alcohol is forbidden in Lingshan."

"Stop doing."

The answer was extremely decisive, Li Wangsheng's eyes were still a little cloudy at this moment.

"Hehe..." Dongfang Lianren laughed a few times, and then said: "Want to go up the mountain?"

"Yes." Li Wangsheng paused, "I want to go up the mountain to see my senior sister."

The eyes are piercing.

"It's been so many years, and you still haven't given up?" Dongfang pitifully said, Li Wangsheng would make this request almost every year, but he never succeeded.

He wanted to go up the mountain to pay homage to the elder sister, but some people didn't want to see him. Although the matter of the year was solved because of his efforts, even Li Wangsheng was forced to leave Shushan because of saving people, but everyone in Lingshan would not forgive him. The tragedy Generation also has his share of responsibility.

"Give up? How do you give up?" Li Wangsheng laughed at himself. After that day, he never saw her again until the soul of the senior sister returned to Lingshan.

On the day of vigil, he was stopped under the Lingshan Mountain, and he was unable to go up the mountain on the day of sacrifice and sweeping.

"Dongfang, we are old friends too." Li Wangsheng said.

"That's right." Dongfang Lianren nodded. Back then, she was just an innocent little girl who followed Li Wangsheng, Senior Sister and Chu Qishui all day long. She received a lot of care.

This was also the reason why she didn't want to show up for the task of dispatching Li Wangsheng in previous years, but this time because of Lu Ling, she met an old friend.

"Then let's talk straight." Li Wangsheng took a sip of his wine and looked straight at Dongfang Lianren.

"I don't know." Dongfang Lianren didn't want to reject him, but he also had his own difficulties: "After I go back to the mountain... I will fight for you."

"Thank you." Li Wangsheng thanked him.

Dongfang Lianren didn't directly refuse, he was already very happy, and then showed a sense of ease on his face: "If there is a lot of resistance...then don't bother, I'll be at the bottom of the mountain as before."

Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and glanced at this somewhat familiar stranger. The latter was dressed in clean white clothes, but his face was full of vicissitudes of life. The boy is completely out of tune.

His eyes were deep, his long hair was tied up casually, and he had the heroic aura of a prodigal son, not the obvious devilish aura, she didn't recognize it for a while.

But now I find that no matter how people change, the senior brother Shushan who will worry about her and think for her has still not changed.

Perhaps it was precisely because he could not return to Mount Shu that Li Wangsheng could ignore the differences in sects... and be himself more freely.

Taking a deep look at the man in front of him, Dongfang Lianren lowered his eyes.

This year, she can't say that she will help him once...

"By the way, Dongfang." Li Wangsheng wanted to ask something for a long time, because the people who went down the mountain to perfunctory him before were all juniors, and some things were difficult to talk about, but now he finally met an old friend from back then, so he asked.

"Say." Dongfang Lianren licked the corner of his mouth, looked at Lu Ling downstairs who was still drinking, and said casually.

"How has Senior Sister Chu been doing these years?" Li Wangsheng raised his head and looked in the direction of the Ninth Peak through the barrier. Never seen again.

"Chu Qishui?" Dongfang Lianren seemed to know that he had asked this question.

"I'm living a good life, I'm drunk every day, very good."

These words were said through gritted teeth.

"Really." Li Wangsheng sighed and stopped asking.

He can probably guess one thing, the relationship between the sisters is so bad, one can imagine what it looks like.

"Where's Ah Yao?" Li Wangsheng asked again, this innocent girl was the one he cared about the most, after all, it was her own sister who returned her soul.

"Ayao?" Dongfang Lianren put away his hatred for Chu Qishui when he heard the words, shook his head, showing a little helplessness.

"It should be called Zixu now."

(End of this chapter)

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