Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 251 Drunk Lu Ling

Chapter 251 Drunk Lu Ling

"Zixu? Doesn't that girl hate this dao name the most?" Li Wangsheng was recalling something.

"Are you really ignorant or are you pretending not to know? It's not like Zixu didn't show up outside, so you still need to ask me?" Dongfang Lianren pouted.

"I didn't see it." Li Wangsheng said.

Although the world of cultivating immortals has comments about the real Zixu, they are all rumors, and he doesn't believe them.

And Dongfang Lianren's words, he believed.

"It's the same as what was said outside, if you see her now, you will definitely not recognize her." Dongfang Lianren thought about the real middle-aged appearance for a while, and shook his head helplessly: "I keep a straight face all day long, and even dress myself up like that." She's so old, she doesn't listen to her after talking about it a few times, and her personality has changed a lot, radical and radical."

"Especially when it comes to things related to Chu Qishui..." Dongfang Lianren added, and then looked at Li Wangsheng, wanting to know what he thinks about this matter.

But Li Wangsheng stopped talking.

Are the sisters turning against each other?

Although I guessed it long ago, I didn't expect it to be so serious. It seems that my sister's death hit Ayao hard.

"Ah..." Li Wangsheng sighed, put his hand on the wooden sword at his waist unconsciously, then raised his head and said, "It's been so long, can't we let it go?"

The once close teachers and sisters are now tit for tat, he doesn't want to see it.

"Let it go?" Dongfang Lianren sneered: "You can't let it go even if you are a big man, but you ask Zixu to let it go, it's a bit too selfish."

"That's right." Li Wangsheng laughed at himself, then the expression on his face disappeared, and he returned to calmness.

Knowing everything he wanted to know, he had nothing to ask for, and he stood up showing a helpless expression.

The group of people from Xuanjing Division are really troublesome, so they chased them here, and this time they came from the same class as him, so troublesome...

Just when Li Wangsheng was about to leave, Dongfang Lianren stood up first, then pressed him on the chair, and gave him a provocative look: "Xuan Jingsi? Leave it to me, Senior Brother Wangsheng, you will always be old." Honestly drink your bar here, hope you'll be drunk when I get back."

"You girl." Hearing this, Li Wangsheng sat down and threw a word to Dongfang Lianren before he disappeared.

"Take care of my lovely disciple, don't you want to know how Chu Qishui is doing recently? The two girls below are her apprentices, pass on her disciples."

Senior Sister Chu's direct disciple?

That stupid girl?
Li Wangsheng was stunned for a moment, then he focused his gaze on Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng.

The cultivation of these two girls, one is lower than the other, one is condensed, and the other has not even entered the door of cultivation. They are actually the direct disciples of Senior Sister Chu?
In disbelief, then curious.

Dongfang Lianren naturally wouldn't lie to him.

One must know that he has met a few of Luanfeng's and Shen Canghai's direct disciples, among which the most dazzling ones are Xu Xu and Shen Gui, both of whom have high-level talents and temperaments, and they are probably about to break through the Void Transformation Realm now.

Condensing Qi, dividing soul, uniting soul, transforming emptiness, the first four realms of cultivation, one is about to step into the fifth realm, and at the same time is still at the beginning, the gap is a bit big.

Even compared with Luo Hanyi's apprentice, there is still a huge gap.

It can be seen from this that one can know what the downcast Venerable Absolute Immortal looked like back then.

However, although her cultivation base is low, her talent is very good. Lu Ling knows that she is a good seedling without mentioning anything else, and there is also this awe-inspiring aura hidden in her body, which must be the absolute core in Shushan.

Liu Fufeng...he couldn't see it, maybe he had to "touch" it with his hands before making a decision.

But since he was Senior Sister Chu's disciple, he couldn't turn a blind eye. Li Wangsheng focused his attention on the middle-aged wealthy businessman at the side.

It's a pity that he didn't need his help, and Lu Ling went into battle by herself.

She is drunk.

At this time, Lu Ling's face was slightly red, she sat beside Liu Fufeng, drank the last fruit wine in the cup, and then stood up.

"Sister, wait for me here."

"A Ling, you..." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's face, the girlish look on the latter's brows completely let go, and the brows stretched, as if a different person.

Ah Ling won't be drunk.

Liu Fufeng suddenly had a thought, looking at Lu Ling's abnormal appearance, he was a little uncertain, remember the agreement with him to call him sister, shouldn't he?

Didn't you say that you are not drunk?Although Lu Ling drank two cups, Liu Fufeng also drank some later, and now there is nothing wrong with her except that her body feels warm.

Is it a physical problem?
I heard that some people are not good at drinking, and they will go crazy when they drink too much. Her A Ling is not like that.

"I, I'm fine." At this time, the drunk Lu Ling was completely different from before, she didn't stutter anymore, her soft and cute temperament was swept away, and the only thing left was domineering similar to her dress.

At that moment, Liu Fufeng seemed to see Shen Gui, but it was a little different. I don't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that there was a little charm in A Ling's eyebrows now.

"Sister, someone has been watching us for a long time." Lu Ling said after straightening her high ponytail.

"En." Hearing this, Liu Fufeng nodded, in front of such Lu Ling, she felt a little weak for no reason.

The man was looking at her all the time, but she didn't care.

But Lu Ling has something to say, looking at her junior sister with such dirty eyes, is she getting impatient?The previous Lu Ling couldn't accept it, not to mention the drunk one now.

"Sister, you actually look at you with such disgusting eyes, I'll teach them a lesson." Lu Ling threw the somewhat confused snow dust on the table, picked up her Qingzhu, got up and left.

"A Ling..." Liu Fufeng stood up and called out, but he met Lu Ling's eyes when he wanted to say something, and then he couldn't move.

"Junior Sister, just wait for me." Lu Ling said softly, she didn't say that Junior Sister, but Liu Fufeng could see it clearly, and then she couldn't laugh or cry.

Ah Ling is really drunk... But she is not worried, she just finds it a little strange that the drunk Lu Ling has become a bit like a senior sister.

Then she nodded, indicating that she should not move.

Seeing this, Lu Ling nodded in satisfaction and went upstairs.

After Lu Ling left, Liu Fufeng hugged Xuechen in his arms, put away his tender look, and had a stack of charms in his hand.

She listened to Lu Ling's words and was ready. She didn't want to pay attention to that man at first, but A Ling with this appearance was inexplicably majestic, and Liu Fufeng couldn't refuse.

Forget it, let A Ling make trouble if she wants to.

As for why the attitude was different before and after, this time Liu Fufeng was not nervous at all, it was because Lu Ling was very painful when she was tired of eating for the first time, but it is different now, it is just a little strange, I can accept it, and such Lu Ling Aya is very heroic, although she is a bit charming, but a girl, it's no big deal.

Liu Fufeng liked Lu Ling like this very much.

Heart warm.

As the saying goes, after drinking, she speaks the truth, Ah Ling is now angry because of herself, which naturally means that she has a high status in her heart, how could Liu Fufeng be unhappy.

But... teach them a lesson?
Is there anyone else?

Liu Fufeng naturally wouldn't notice Li Wangsheng's existence, but Lu Ling did. At first, she just felt being watched by someone, but now she was almost naked.

And Li Wangsheng didn't intend to hide at all, otherwise ten Lu Lings wouldn't be able to find him.

Then he saw Lu Ling coming towards him.

This here to ask for a crime?

Looking at Lu Ling's expression, Li Wangsheng felt a little strange. This girl seemed to be a different person. Although she had the same facial features, she was a little strange.

There seemed to be spring in the eyes, but there was anger on the face.

Demon spirit.


Lu Ling went upstairs, walked straight to Li Wangsheng's side, and slammed the bamboo in her hand on the table, making a crisp sound.

And this scene also attracted the attention of many people, but Lu Ling glanced back and they turned their heads away consciously.

Lu Ling's eyes were full of anger, a little scary.

Now that Liu Fufeng knew who Lu Ling was referring to by "they", she carefully looked at Lu Ling's side.

"Girl, what are you doing?" Li Wangsheng looked at the clear bamboo in Lu Ling's hand, a little surprised, the bamboo leaf imprint on it was exactly the same as the one on the bamboo around his waist.

It seems that this girl is not only Senior Sister Chu's apprentice, but also has a very good relationship with Li Zhuzi.

In other words, Lu Ling can be regarded as his junior.

Lu Ling didn't know that she was being regarded as a junior, she raised her eyebrows, she didn't have the slightest soft and cute look before.

"What are you doing?" Lu Ling licked the corner of her mouth and narrowed her eyes. "I still want to ask, what do you want to do?"

"Me?" Li Wangsheng raised his head and took a sip of his wine, then laughed out loud.

At this time, Lu Ling was a little bit charming, and her whole body was full of disobedient seductiveness. At that moment, he thought it was Dongfang Lianren who was joking with him.

However, the current Lu Ling is different from Dongfang Lianren, the latter is only seductive, Dongfang is charming to the bone, but Lu Ling is a little more arrogant and mad, not at all like a girl should have temperament.

Seeing the bearded man in front of him, Lu Ling showed a dangerous smile.

If Xuechen sees her, she will panic again. The current Lu Ling is exactly the same as when she was in Shushan, but she is a little less crazy - because Liu Fufeng is by her side.

Without madness, there is no danger, Xuechen can rest assured.

It's a pity that Xuechen was knocked down by a glass of wine. As long as Lihuo Hongling doesn't appear, the owner Lu Ling is not in danger, and there is nothing that can wake up this drunk loli.

"What are you laughing at? Uncle?" Lu Ling gently stroked her bangs, and sat down in front of Li Wangsheng.

"Uncle? Do I look old?" Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling with interest.

"Very old, probably in his fifties this year." Lu Ling squinted her eyes and said with a poisonous tongue.

"Have you? Looks like it's time to shave, hahaha." Li Wangsheng laughed, ignoring Lu Ling's insulting gaze. Strictly speaking, being over 50 is a compliment to him being young.

"It's not good for a person in his fifties to still stare at our sisters like this." Lu Ling twitched her long fingers on the table.

"You girl." Li Wangsheng was taken aback for a moment, then twitched the corner of his mouth.

Who did Lu Ling think of him as?
"Interesting, interesting." Li Wangsheng shook his head, maybe he needs to learn more about this girl from Dongfang Lianren, this disciple of Senior Sister Chu is a bit interesting.

"It's interesting...but it has nothing to do with you." Lu Ling glanced at Liu Fufeng downstairs, turned her head and said.

"What's wrong, I can't look at it yet." Li Wangsheng continued following Lu Ling's intentions. During this time, he looked into Lu Ling's eyes, and it was very strange. Where is this righteousness hidden?
The gentleman Dong Dao does not hesitate to be upright.

Externally, it is manifested as the supreme and upright spirit that fills the space between heaven and earth, and in terms of human character, it is manifested as awe-inspiring spirit and upright integrity.

Shushan calls it pure yang qi or pure yin qi.

But what Lu Ling is showing now has nothing to do with the word "righteousness". She is as charming as some people in some romantic places. Let alone arrogance, she doesn't look like a decent person. Dongfang Lianren, who has a similar temperament, is called the most "demon girl" in the world of cultivating immortals.

And Lu Ling's character at this time is even more "monstrous" than Dongfang Lianren.

Her qi aroused Li Wangsheng's great interest. Li Wangsheng's sword, less practice of sword moves, qi is the direction of his cultivation.

"I said uncle, you look like a ranger with thick eyebrows and big eyes, why do you speak so obscenely, what do you want to see?" Lu Ling pinched the hem of her bright red skirt, biting her lower lip and said.

This person, Lu Ling, doesn't really have any bad feelings. She just came here to ask. Li Wangsheng didn't feel very good to him. There was an aura that disgusted her. An idea inexplicably appeared in Lu Ling's mind.

The aura of the person in front of her reminded her of some people she had met in Shushan... At the same time, a man in white clothes and a gentleman like jade appeared in her mind.

Compared with that gentle man, the bearded uncle in front of him was far worse, and he actually followed her words.

Don't be ashamed.

"Who are you? Which sect, what do you want to do?" Lu Ling asked, her junior sister was by her side now, and Lu Ling only asked this question out of the desire to protect Liu Fufeng.

"Me?" Li Wangsheng took a sip of his wine and said with a smile, "As you said, I'm a ranger with no background, not a bad person."

"You say you're not a bad person, right? Who can prove it?" Lu Ling also smiled, with a seductive look creeping up the corner of her eyes, and she held Qing Zhu's hand a little harder.

"You girl is really..." Li Wangsheng stared at Lu Ling in a daze, then shook his head helplessly. What kind of weird character is this? It's so strange at such a young age. Could it be his illusion that the awe-inspiring righteousness before?

But at this moment, Lu Ling's eyes were full of vigilance, and it could be seen that if he didn't explain, this little girl was going to get into trouble.

"Proof..." Li Wangsheng dropped the wine gourd, took out a small piece of bamboo from his waist and put it in front of him, saying, "Is this enough?"

"Really?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, then looked at the bamboo on the table, feeling a little strange.

"what is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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