Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 252 1 body "positive" energy

Chapter 252
Under the stimulation of weak alcohol, Lu Ling turned on a switch and changed her personality. I don't know how long it will last, maybe an hour, maybe a day.


The evidence she asked for was just an excuse to attack. Didn't expect this person to show it?bamboo?Or is it in half, which proves that he is not a bad guy?
Just kidding.

"What is this?" Lu Ling looked at the arm-sized bamboo on the table, a little curious, it was trumpet-shaped, with small holes printed on it, like a flute and like a Xiao, but it was different, this strange appearance gave Lu Ling a feeling. There was an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but she couldn't tell where it was familiar.

"You don't know?" Li Wangsheng asked.

"I don't know." Lu Ling said truthfully, and then she picked up the flute-like bamboo and held it in her hand. A sense of roundness came from her hand, and Lu Ling carefully observed it.

The mouth of the song is in the shape of a circumscribed half moon, with four pressing holes on the front and one pressing hole on the back. It is really a musical instrument.

"What does this prove?" Lu Ling narrowed her eyes and looked at the man in front of her. She decided that if this man said something like "No one who likes music is a bad person"...

just kill him.

Seeing the seriousness of danger in Lu Ling's eyebrows, Li Wangsheng shook his head helplessly, and pointed to the tail of the object in Lu Ling's hand: "Look at that."

"What?" Lu Ling turned the bamboo tube in her hand, and then saw that a bamboo leaf was stained on the bamboo tube, and was about to flick it off, then she was stunned for a moment.

This bamboo leaf...

Picking up my clear bamboo, there is an identical one three inches away.

This is her husband's unique inscription.

Is this bamboo tube from the hands of Mr.

"Understood." Li Wangsheng took out a gourd of wine and took a sip for himself.

"What do you know?" Lu Ling squeezed the corner of her skirt a little harder, and the beauty mole on the corner of her mouth stopped at a dangerous position.

This inexplicable person can see that she is a disciple of Lingshan?

"You girl is careful, but it's superfluous." Wiping the wine stains on his beard, Li Wangsheng said seriously: "This is Luoyan City."

In Luoyan City, there is no need for this.

"You don't care about me." Lu Ling said angrily, "Answer my question."

"Okay, you are a disciple of Lingshan, and I am an old friend of your master." Li Wangsheng said truthfully.

"Is that so?" Lu Ling misunderstood when she heard the words, she subconsciously thought that the "master" mentioned by this man was referring to her husband.

Not lying.

Lu Ling looked into the eyes of the man in front of her and came to such a conclusion.

If it's her husband's friend... Lu Ling put down her vigilance, she believed in Li Zhuzi unconditionally, but her eyes were a little more seductive.

"Uncle, what is this?" Lu Ling changed her sitting position, turned the bamboo tube around in her hands a few times, and then asked curiously.

Seeing Lu Ling put down his vigilance, Li Wangsheng said casually, "This is shakuhachi, a musical instrument."

Speaking of which, he and Lu Ling have a kind of tacit understanding, for example, now that he has accepted Lu Ling's trust, he chats with the latter like an old friend.

"The musical instrument, how about giving it to me?" Lu Ling asked, since it was from Mr.'s hand, then she wanted it, and Lu Ling made no secret of her greed.

"No." Li Wangsheng felt a little funny and frowned.

"Stingy uncle." Lu Ling curled her lips. She didn't like this man even more. He was also a friend of the husband. The guy in front of him was far worse than the gentle brother from Shushan who gave her a glazed stone. of.

Lu Ling added another stingy attribute to Li Wangsheng, and at the same time, the image of Venerable Ye rose to another level in her heart.

There is no harm without comparison.

"You girl, you are weird." Li Wangsheng picked up a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth, then looked at Lu Ling with interest.

"Me? Weird?" Lu Ling bit her lower lip, then leaned over the table, staring at Li Wangsheng with her big moist eyes, the provocation in her eyes was obvious.

"you sure?"

"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Wangsheng swallowed the beef in his mouth. He didn't know whether he thought the beef was delicious, or he was admiring Lu Ling's character. Now he felt that Lu Ling was more and more similar to Dongfang Lianren, who did the most things. The thing is to seduce men...

Well, Dongfang Lianren has always wanted to marry herself off, but unfortunately her reputation is too bad, and those who are neither high nor low have been single until now.

Of course, it is too early for Lu Ling to say that she seduces men at such a young age, but this is Li Wangsheng's intuitive feeling.

This girl grew up in Lingshan... she couldn't be another Shen Canghai.

Thinking this way, then shaking his head, Li Wangsheng glanced up and down at Lu Ling: "I really don't know where your upright energy is hidden, girl. Could it be that I'm really old? Did you read it wrong?"

"Uncle, you are old." Lu Ling nodded, then rubbed her temples, showing doubts: "You are righteous, what righteousness."

"It's the righteousness in you." Li Wangsheng said casually. After a short time together, he liked this strange girl a little. The relationship with Li Zhuzi is very good - those who can get gifts from Li Zhuzi are people she trusts and likes.

Li Zhuzi is notoriously rigid and serious.

"I have...righteousness?" The water in Lu Ling's eyes deepened a bit: "A whole body with righteousness? I don't like this word."

"Why?" Li Wangsheng was curious.

"Do you know what it means to be upright?" Lu Ling licked the corner of her mouth, looked down at her slender and fair thighs under her skirt, let go of her hand holding the skirt, and wrote strokes on her legs.

That is a "positive" word.

The orthographic structure of this world is also very simple, which was taught to her by Li Zhuzi earlier.

"What do you mean?"

"Bah, shameless." Lu Ling spat at him: "Uncle who is flirtatious."

Li Wangsheng: "..."

"Forget it, I won't tell you, it's boring." Lu Ling changed her posture, took out a piece of beef from the plate and put it in her mouth, then stood up: "Boring, stingy, pornographic uncle, goodbye."

It's just Mr.'s friend, it's too bad.

Lu Ling thought so, then stood up.

"You can do whatever you want." Li Wangsheng shrugged, then looked at Lu Ling, and reminded, "Girl, return my things to me."

"Cut." Lu Ling gave a disdainful cut, then slammed the bamboo tube engraved with Li Zhuzi's "name" on the table, and stomped her feet: "Stingy!"

"Please." Li Wangsheng smiled a little on his unshaven face.

Although this girl is a bit seductive, she is still quite cute.

This conversation made Li Wangsheng's affection for Lu Ling increase in a straight line, but Lu Ling's impression of Li Wangsheng was not so good.

She is very unhappy now, feeling upset, and needs to vent, and that fat man who has been, blatantly looking at her junior sister since she came up is a very good tool to vent.

Holding the clear bamboo, Lu Ling stepped into the sea of ​​flowers, her temperament changed instantly, and she became one with the sea of ​​red flowers.


Aya what are you doing?

Liu Fufeng downstairs was in a daze all the time, Lu Ling said to teach someone a lesson, but ended up sitting down and chatting with someone else, and the middle-aged man was still looking at her.

Somewhat disgusting.

Then Liu Fufeng saw Lu Ling get up and go to the place of the middle-aged wealthy businessman, he suddenly became nervous, holding a talisman and looking up nervously.

Liu Fufeng, who was staring at Lu Ling, was a little confused.

Aya now... so beautiful...

Not only Liu Fufeng, but everyone on the second floor feels this way.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Wangsheng smacked his lips. Lu Ling is still so young, but she is already so gorgeous. Her aura is matched with the sea of ​​red flowers, giving people the impression that in addition to being charming, she is also coquettish. Her aura is like a wave of tide After wave after wave, Lu Ling walking in the sea of ​​flowers is like a fairy of flowers.

Can't help but make people fantasize.

Now I am more willing to believe that Lu Ling is the direct disciple of Dongfang Lianren.


At this time, Lu Ling held a clear bamboo and walked to the middle-aged wealthy businessman's place and stopped.

The latter was looking at Lu Ling dully, and the two or three beauties beside him were all dissatisfied, while the guards, like their worthless master, stared at Lu Ling with their mouths wide open, looking lost.

Before, they thought that the wives were stunning, but now after comparing with Lu Ling, they realized that they were all local chickens.


The rich businessman's mind went blank.

He actually misjudged him, obviously, compared to Liu Fufeng, this young one is the real good guy, if he grows a few more years old, he must be the most outstanding beauty in the world.

At this moment, he stared blankly at Lu Ling, almost drooling.

Everyone has their own weaknesses. The middle-aged wealthy businessman is thoughtful, but his weakness is lust, which is more lustful than ordinary people.

The status of women in this world is not high, so it has been smooth sailing all the time, and no major troubles have been caused.

But now he is out of luck, Liu Fufeng is Lu Ling's most precious person, let alone just a fat man, even a child of the Xian family, Lu Ling also kicked him.

"Girl, no, girl... no, daughter..." The rich businessman's chubby face showed a gentleman's expression: "Is there anything I can do to help you? What do you want to eat, or what do you want to eat?" I can help you with anything you want..."

"Master..." The female relative was dissatisfied.

"Shut up." The middle-aged wealthy businessman turned his head and said fiercely, and then turned around with a naive look again.

Ha ha.

Lu Ling looked at the drama in front of her, and a look of disgust climbed up her brows, still a niche?Pooh.

"Can I do anything?" Lu Ling tightly tugged on the hem of her clothes, her brows and eyes were full of loveliness.

"Of course." The wealthy businessman patted his chest, seeing that Lu Ling had lost his soul. He thought, the two sisters were sitting in the corner below, and they probably couldn't afford it... So they planned to launch a money offensive, simple and rude.

Anyway, women in this world love money, that's why he acted so despicably. In fact, pretending to be a gentleman is already an extraordinary performance.

This person is different from Li Wangsheng, the latter Lu Ling still has the interest to sit down and have a good chat with him, but Lu Ling feels disgusted just looking at this fat man.

"Just ask, do you like righteousness?" Lu Ling asked with a charming smile.

"I like it, of course I like it." The middle-aged wealthy businessman said decisively, with a hint of chivalry on his face.

It's not the first time to lie to a little girl, and I'm familiar with it.

"I was..."

It's a pity that Lu Ling didn't give him a chance to speak, she was simpler and rude than him.

She moved her hands, no, moved her feet.


There was a loud bang, accompanied by sawdust and a person's screams, and everyone in Zuixianlou was startled.

In the meantime, a person flew directly down from the second floor, and continued to fly down after smashing a lot of railings.

"Crack——" There was a series of cracking sounds, and the middle-aged rich businessman slammed on the ground, crushing a wooden table, and then lay there motionless.

"Bah, rubbish." Lu Ling spat, and then stretched her ankles. Although she had difficulty moving, she was a cultivator after all. Her aura gathered on her toes, and the force of her kick almost kicked this fat man to death. She kept her hand, Lu Ling didn't want this fat guy to dirty her embroidered shoes.

"Like righteousness? You'll like it after you die." Lu Ling nodded her toes, then glanced at Li Wangsheng.

"..." There was silence in the field, and everyone looked dull.

Including Liu Fufeng and Li Wangsheng.

This girl...has a personality, Li Wangsheng was stunned for a moment, gave Lu Ling a smile, and then continued to drink his own wine.

Liu Fufeng was dumbfounded.

Ah Ling... hit someone?

She thought that Lu Ling might argue with others and suffer a disadvantage, just like talking with Li Wangsheng just now, but she didn't expect this time to be different, Lu Ling kicked the middle-aged man downstairs in a flash.

"What are you still doing, do it!" At this moment, the middle-aged wealthy businessman coughed a few times, got up from the ruins of the table with his forehead full of blood, and shouted upstairs.

At this moment, his bodyguards came to their senses and surrounded Lu Ling amidst the screams of the female relatives.

"Damn it." The rich businessman spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Lu Ling viciously. He didn't expect that someone who didn't pay attention would suffer such a big loss, but now her good days are coming to an end, and his guards are all practitioners who spent a lot of money to train Children, and all of them have been killed, it is definitely not something a stronger little girl can resist.

"Don't be so fierce." Lu Ling said weakly, looking at the burly men surrounding her, standing there holding her skirt.

These people were the ones who "bullied" Zhao Yingge in the morning, and they were so powerful and numerous that they made her suffer.

The guards ignored Lu Ling's soft look and surrounded her.

The kick just now is not something that ordinary girls can do. They are professional and will not underestimate the enemy.

Seeing this, the middle-aged wealthy businessman smiled lewdly with blood on his forehead.

Lu Ling is now the soft-shelled turtle, and the laws of Luoyan City are strict. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it was Lu Ling who struck first, so even if he fights back, he will not violate the law... At that time, Lu Ling will not be at his mercy.

Maybe even Liu Fufeng can...

A disgusting smile, but the disgust soon turned to panic.




There were several loud cracking sounds one after another, and the second floor of the expensively decorated Zuixian Building was smashed into a sieve, and the big men were kicked off the stairs, and fell to the ground without moving.

Seeing his invincible guards being kicked downstairs one by one, the middle-aged wealthy businessman was stunned.


The last one fell in front of his eyes, the strong man's mouth was covered with blood, and he was unconscious.

Then he saw a girl in red, walking towards her with a green bamboo stick in her hand, and there were some attractive bloodstains on the red embroidered shoes. At this time, his angle was subtle, and Lu Ling's fair legs could be seen clearly.

There was a seductive smile on the girl's face, but there was a little blood stained in this charming look.

"How dare you look at my junior sister with such disgusting eyes..."

 I still have a fever after writing this chapter, so I might have a quick fix [Tan Shou], the aspirin antipyretics that were promised are useless... Everyone, pay attention to your health, Spicy Chicken Nanjing says it rains when it rains, without notifying me, hands Hold it high and play GG, bah.

(End of this chapter)

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