Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 253 Acquaintances

Chapter 253 Acquaintances
Ninth Peak is a magical place, and the two current disciples have the potential to become black.

Lu Ling was really angry.

She hadn't been angry yet, she had an awkward fight with Liu Fufeng before, but now she felt anger.

"How dare you look at my junior sister with such disgusting eyes..."

Liu Fufeng belonged to her, and this man's gaze made her unbearable.

Lu Ling was very angry, but her smile became more and more charming, but the smell of blood was already pervasive. No matter what she said, she was also a person who had already stepped into the door of cultivation. A little use of spiritual power would be easy to catch. I really thought she was hello-kitty.

Lu Ling raised her feet towards the middle-aged man who was still on the ground, and the red embroidered shoes gradually enlarged in his eyes.


After that, the man flew up from the ground like a ball and hit the gate of Zuixianlou, knocking down the two well-finished lacquered wooden doors.



After a deathly silence, the Zuixian Tower exploded in an instant.


"Quickly, tell Hei Jia quickly..."

Including the maid, everyone looked at Lu Ling in horror, but the small red figure was horrifying. You must know that in Luoyan City, murder is the most serious crime, and the fat man was treated like this before. Definitely dead.

what is this?Such a small murderer?

"It has been notified." The maid said, as early as when Lu Ling had just started, they sent people to look for the black armored guards who were patrolling nearby. It is estimated that with the efficiency of these people, they should be here soon.

"It's so noisy." Lu Ling covered one ear, and then said dissatisfied: "It's not dead yet, what's it called?"

"A Ling..." Liu Fufeng was still in a sluggish state, and now she began to wonder whether Lu Ling's performance had anything to do with the wine. Fufeng feels that Lu Ling's temper is very grumpy now, she is completely drunk.

But it is very girly, Liu Fufeng has always been worried that Ah Ling doesn't act like a girl normally, but now she has a surprise, and now Lu Ling is very powerful, so powerful that she doesn't need to protect her.

Even, A Ling's current anger might be protecting her.

What should I do now?
Liu Fufeng was at a loss, should he stop Ah Ling?

she does not know.

To be honest, she kind of likes Lu Ling like this, but her rationality tells her that this is wrong, and the fat man is not dead now, but she won't know later, because her A Ling doesn't seem to want to let him go .

So, if her Ah Ling had this personality from the beginning, how could she be bullied? It wouldn't have been so bitter before meeting her.

This is Liu Fufeng's thinking circuit, she doesn't think about the pros and cons or fears, Liu Fufeng only needs to know that Lu Ling will not suffer, that's enough.

Liu Fufeng has long been prepared, no matter what her Ah Ling becomes, she can accept it, because there are too many mysteries in Lu Ling, so many that Liu Fufeng can't count them, she shares the bed with Lu Ling every day The people who know her strangeness best.

So even if she saw Lu Ling like this, she was not surprised. As long as she was still her senior sister, then Liu Fufeng could act as if she hadn't seen anything. Anyway, after returning to Lingshan, she was still her own A Ling, so what happened now? What does it matter.

It has to be said that Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling are exactly the same in this point, and Lu Ling also thought the same way after discovering that Liu Fufeng blackened and burned the city, and Liu Fufeng was still her junior sister when she returned to the mountain.

This is the bond between the two, whether it is indestructible or it will break up at the first touch... It is not clear now.

At this time, there was chaos in the Zuixian Tower, and the noise was endless. Everyone looked like the end of the world. It can be seen that the laws of Luoyan City are very strict, and even petty thefts are rare in the outer city, let alone Killed.

This is still in the inner city.

In the eyes of these people, Lu Ling has already caused a catastrophe. The alcoholic is afraid of being held accountable, and the Zuixianlou is even more afraid of being imprisoned. They are basically in a state of panic.

However, Lu Ling didn't seem to feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere at all, or she felt it but didn't bother to pay attention to it, and didn't take it to heart.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Ling walked up to the dying middle-aged wealthy businessman, and looked at the fat man on the ground with a little pitiful expression.

This guy is not as gorgeous as before, his clothes have basically been torn into rags, full of sawdust, and blood on his face.

"It's so pitiful... I'm sorry I'm a bit ruthless." Lu Ling said softly: "You just took a few more glances, I seem to have gone too far."

"...This girl." Li Wangsheng shook his head helplessly, is this too much?
It's too much, okay, although he doesn't like this fat man, but he just glanced at him a few times, and he was polite to Lu Ling, but she actually did it at the slightest disagreement.

It doesn't make sense at all, but this is a bit like Shen Canghai.

Dongfang Lianren asked him to watch Lu Ling carefully, but the current situation is that he can't control this lawless little girl, he can only hope that this girl will not make things too big.

In fact, it’s okay even if there is a big trouble, if you die, you will die. Li Wangsheng told him angrily that this rich businessman is not a good person. Although he has no right to judge, he should not reason with women in Luoyan City. Lu Ling is a spiritual mountain. Disciple, that group is still not very sensible.

It seems that since their class, no Lingshan disciples have caused troubles in Luoyan City... Also, what's wrong with making troubles in one's own home... It's not like everyone is as ignorant as Dongfang Lianren and others back then.

Now there is another Lu Ling, Li Wangsheng always felt that this girl would not just let it go, after all, the character she showed just now was very dangerous.

And Lu Ling really lived up to Li Wangsheng's "expectations" for her.

"I'm sorry, I was too ruthless." Lu Ling apologized to the people on the ground in a low voice, just when a bunch of people thought she was back to normal, Lu Ling spoke again.

"It's just a trivial matter, but why do you want to look at my junior sister? Isn't it good to be alive?" A gleam of sadness flashed between Lu Ling's eyebrows, and then her eyes reappeared with a seductive look.

Lifting his feet, the red embroidered shoes drew an arc in the air.

Lu Ling's feet are very small, so small that Liu Fufeng can hold them all in one hand, but such a small foot has knocked down several burly men one after another. This Zuixian building is almost demolished.

"Otherwise, I'll give you a ride..."


The embroidered shoes slammed down, aiming at the fat man's neck on the ground.



As a meat ball flew into the street, many people heard a crisp bone shattering sound.


Silence as death.

I didn't know if I was going to die before, but now... it should be dead.

This time, Liu Fufeng also panicked, she didn't want to see her Ah Ling become a murderer.

"Oh, I kicked it sideways." Lu Ling laughed tenderly, then turned to Liu Fufeng and said, "Sister, I kicked him on the shoulder this time."

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good not to die.

This middle-aged wealthy businessman was also unlucky. It stands to reason that he didn't offend anyone at all, but it seemed that it was God's will in the dark. Lu Ling's meal plan was to avenge Zhao Yingge who was lying upstairs.

It's also because Liu Fufeng and the others don't know Zhao Yingge, otherwise the situation would be even worse.

"A Ling, it's almost done..." Seeing that Lu Ling was about to go out to find the "ball" before, Liu Fufeng went up to stop her.

"Girls be gentle."

"En." Seeing Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling's alluring color gradually faded, and a little blush appeared on her face, she vented her anger, and her alcoholism was about to pass.

But at this moment, a young man walked in, holding a half-dead fat man in his hand, followed by a group of old men.

The person who weighed more than 200 kilograms was lifted by his slender arms like this, as if there was no weight at all, which made people worry that his arm might break at any time.

"Who littered here, almost hit me, don't you know?" The young man calmly threw the fat man in his hand on the ground, splashing dust.

Everything went wrong for him today, the barrier was broken by someone, he lost to the old man in chess, and he was almost hit by a flying "ball" while walking.

Although he knew that Lu Ling did it, he was still very upset.

"It seems that we have to change places for drinking."

The young man half-closed his eyes and looked at the messy Zuixian Tower in front of him, then turned his head and said to the old men behind him.

"Change, let's change..." The old people are all smart people, and they can tell at a glance that this kind of thing should not be mixed up, and they just came here for a drink.

And the appearance of this young man made Lu Ling's emotions that were about to subside surge up again.

It's these two voyeurs.

She still remembers things about Shushan clearly.

Not only her, Li Wangsheng also stood up excitedly at this time... This voice!It's him!

It's a pity that Li Wangsheng couldn't see anything from the moment the young man uttered his voice. There was only a large dazzling sword light in front of his eyes. Since this guy doesn't want to see him, he doesn't bother him anymore.

Li Wangsheng closed his eyes and sat back on his seat, took a sip of wine and then pricked up his ears, listening carefully, he was very curious, how did these two great gods escape to Yancheng.

What he didn't even expect was that a somewhat delicate voice responded to the young man.

It's Lu Ling.

Lu Ling gave Liu Fufeng a look, then took a step forward, stood in front of the young man, casually kicked the fat man on the ground aside, then looked at him with her neck up.

"Yo, it's you two perverts again, why, instead of peeping, play tailgating instead?"

Dead... dead pervert?
Li Wangsheng's hand on the wooden sword trembled, and he almost lost control of his sword glow. Although he didn't understand why Lu Ling called this "pervert", the word "death" in the prefix and her mocking tone That's not a good thing to say.

Metamorphosis refers to the different states of changes in everything, and it means to change the form. It does not have the meaning of Lu Ling's previous life, but it is good for her to know.

The young man's face changed when he heard the words, but before he could speak, a bad old man walked out of a group of old men behind him, smiling wrinkled all over his face.

"Girl Lu, this old man is not a dead... pervert, you just say he's fine, don't take me with you."

But what Lu Ling said next made his smile freeze on his old face.

"You're not a good guy, don't talk." Lu Ling didn't give him any face.

Hmph, you were called Lu Xiaoyou last time, but now you're a girl?How did she fall so fast in this generation?It's too cheap.


You are not a good thing... you are not a good thing...

Li Wangsheng took a sip of his wine and held his wooden sword tightly. He may have drunk too much, um, he drank too much and had hallucinations.

A Lingshan disciple in the Qi Condensation Period talks to these two like this...

Even if it wasn't a hallucination, it had to be a hallucination now. It's no wonder he had to let himself see... Li Wangsheng calmed down, and continued to drink as if he couldn't hear anything. In fact, he was always paying attention to the scene.

"Da Xia wears... hats, and he said he's not a pervert." Lu Ling's poisonous tongue was fully developed. Although her thinking was much more flexible, she was still a bit awkward in speaking, after all, her vocabulary was not enough.

"Hehe...hehe..." The bad old man took off his bamboo hat and smiled, he could tell that Lu Ling was just a little hedgehog, he couldn't afford to mess with whoever he caught and stabbed, just change the subject and watch the show.

"I'll forget it, but Xiao Xiao misses you very much, otherwise we wouldn't have followed here... Ugh!" Before the bad old man finished speaking, he felt a sword light explode in his body, and he was picked up. If it comes down, it is blocked back.

It was the young man who looked at him like a dead man.

What is this old thing talking nonsense in front of the junior?

Young people are dissatisfied.

As everyone knows, the bad old man just likes to see the attitude of young people. The angrier the latter is, the more fresh he feels.

"Look and see, what are you looking at." Lu Ling said angrily, and then opened her hands to show her body: "It's not that I didn't give you a chance. I'm stingy and blame me for not grasping it."

Hearing this, the young man twitched the corners of his mouth. This girl really knows how to go downhill. What do you mean they are stingy? If they don't bet with her, they are stingy.

Liu Fufeng was listening in a daze...what's the situation, does Ah Ling know these two people?It shouldn't be...

Forget it, Liu Fufeng decided to wait and see what happened, and she would "interrogate" Lu Ling properly when the two of them were alone together.

"Still watching?" Lu Ling glared at the young man, "I bet you that you didn't want it. What are you watching now? You're late, so I can't decide."

Lu Ling said that she can't be the master because of Liu Fufeng's presence, it is impossible to make her go crazy again, and she can't afford to lose, but the young man misunderstood.

This girl exported her body?

Is there really someone in the world of cultivating immortals who likes such a wooden figure?

Such a small person can do it?
The young man was stunned for a while, and then he was relieved. No wonder this girl is so much prettier than the last time we met. The twin ponytails are cute for a while, and the long hair keeps changing styles. It turns out that she has someone.

Is it male or female?
When the young man was in a daze because of Lu Ling's words, Li Wangsheng coughed so hard that he almost choked on his own wine.

This conversation sounds... why does it feel like this guy is chasing the little girl, and the latter is not willing.

He has not entered the world of cultivating immortals for many years, has the world become so terrible?
 The medicine is useless mmp
(End of this chapter)

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