Chapter 259 Meeting
Li Wangsheng raised his hand and pressed Dongfang Lianren down.

"What are you hiding from?"

"Oh, I forgot." Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment, then sat back.

It's not like she followed Lu Ling secretly, so there's nothing to avoid. It's probably because she has been hiding from Lu Ling before.

"Don't hide anymore." Dongfang Lianren sat back, her elegant look returned to her body.

Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Wangsheng, who smelled of alcohol, and felt a little disgusted: "But I don't want to sit with you. If our girl sees me, she will think that I am also a drunkard."

Saying that, Dongfang Lianren's figure disappeared in place, and then appeared opposite Li Wangsheng, in the middle of the sea of ​​red flowers.

Raising his hand and snapping his fingers, all the lanterns on the second floor of the Drunken Immortal Building were lit up, reflecting the oriental pity in the sea of ​​flowers incomparably beautifully.

"That's enough." Dongfang Lianren sat down satisfied, took out the unfinished glass of fruit wine, put it on the table and looked downstairs.


The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment when he saw the lights on upstairs, and then his attention was drawn back by Liu Fufeng's voice.

"My sister caused trouble to the shopkeeper, I'm really sorry." Liu Fufeng smiled.

Looking at the lady in front of him with a good temperament who gave him a feeling of spring breeze, the shopkeeper smiled back a little cautiously.

He wanted to say "no trouble" to Liu Fufeng, but he couldn't say it when he looked at the Zuixian Tower which was mostly destroyed.

As for the so-called family sister...

He looked towards Liu Fufeng's side.

Under the moonlight and bright lights, a small figure stood there, and the shadow was pulled into a horrifying angle.

High ponytail, bright red knee-length skirt, and a short figure that looks slender. She should be a young and beautiful girl... ignore her face.

At this time, Lu Ling, who was wearing a bloody evil ghost mask, was full of murderous aura. It was very strange that Lu Ling was holding a cat in her arms and stroking it gently.

The shopkeeper trembled for a moment, and just took a look at Lu Ling before looking away. He straightened up and looked into Lu Ling's eyes, but what he got was nothing.

It was too scary, no one would feel relaxed being around a girl like Lu Ling at night like this.

He just wanted to leave this place after talking with Liu Fufeng, and let whoever he loves take care of him, anyway, the restaurant has become like this, it doesn't matter anymore, enough things happened today.

The shopkeeper didn't know what Liu Fufeng was looking for him for, and he was startled by Lu Ling's attire without saying a few words.

As a result, Liu Fufeng's next move brought him back to his senses.

"I don't know if the money here is enough to repair the Zuixian Building. I'm really sorry." Liu Fufeng took out a box of gold and put it on the counter, then bent down to apologize.

"Ah? Ah?" The shopkeeper still hadn't reacted. He never thought that Liu Fufeng came to apologize. After all, the latter was taken away by the black armored guard and returned intact. No matter how you look at it, he is not an ordinary daughter. Miss.

They were all ready to pay for themselves, but they didn't expect Liu Fufeng to be so straightforward.


"En..." Dongfang Lianren looked at Liu Fufeng's bending over, pursed his lips, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then relieved, he looked at Liu Fufeng with a little more admiration.

"Well, forget it, pretty good girl."

"Dongfang, your family will produce such a polite and modest woman?" Li Wangsheng hiccupped and raised his glass to Dongfang Lianren from a long distance away.

"How do you talk?" Dongfang Lianren gave him a blank look: "The girls in our family have always been very good, okay?"

"Like you? Cangjian? Ziwen? Ah Yao? Or that girl in Hanyi?" Li Wangsheng said drunkenly.

"You can't look down." Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became angry. The people Li Wangsheng mentioned are all notorious in the world of cultivating immortals... Of course, she herself is not.

Demon girl, is that a compliment to her?

"Go on... hiccup." Li Wangsheng had been drinking all night, as if he was really a little drunk: "The next generation...for example, the one who hides the sword—apprentice? Well, it seems to be called Gui Qu Lai Xi ..."

"Hi... is also polite and humble?"

Dongfang Lianren: "..."

After a moment of silence, the red figure disappeared instantly, and appeared behind Li Wangsheng like a ghost. A green dagger with a cold green light slid out from the red sleeve, and then the dagger touched Li Wangsheng's neck.

"Wangsheng~ Are you trying to make me angry on purpose?" Dongfang Lianren bent down and blew into Li Wangsheng's ear.

"Hi..." Li Wangsheng shuddered, then regained consciousness a little, felt the strong soul-devouring poison on his neck, and laughed a few times.

"Joke, joke."

It's an apology.

"Hmph." Putting away his weapon, Dongfang Lianren's slender fingers brushed the bamboo around Li Wangsheng's waist, then returned to his own position, crossed his legs and sat up, and left a sentence.

"It's not for the sake of bamboo, I let you suffer a little bit just now."

Seeing this instrument, she thought of the time when she took a bath with Li Zhuzi, and she felt a little better, otherwise she would have cut it off just now.

"Heh..." Li Wangsheng shook his head helplessly and continued drinking.

He didn't say it was a misfortune, he knew Dongfang Lianren's temperament very well, and it was intentional.



Just as the middle-aged shopkeeper was about to speak, she saw Lu Ling raise her head and cast a glance at him, and her hair stood on end.

Liu Fufeng was stunned when he found out, pulled Lu Ling over, pressed her head down gently, and said in a low voice: "Senior sister, I apologize."

"..." The shopkeeper stared blankly at Liu Fufeng's movements.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Lu Ling spoke.

His voice was soft, and there was a bit of aggrieved crying, which the shopkeeper did not expect. He only came back to his senses after avoiding the salutes from Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

Lu Ling's voice was not at all what he had imagined, it was a limp little girl.

"Well, Qianjin doesn't have to be like this. If it's just damaged, just fix it. There's no need to perform this great gift." At this moment, the shopkeeper had the temperament of a manager, slightly lowered his head and said to Liu Fufeng.

"Really? That's the best, the money is here, if it's not enough..." Liu Fufeng opened the box, and the gold accumulated in it reflected wealth.

"Enough is enough." The shopkeeper now believes that Liu Fufeng came here sincerely to compensate, and he showed a surprised expression, so that he doesn't have to find a way to explain to the boss...

After clicking on the gold in the box, the shopkeeper calculated in his mind for a moment, took out half of it, and then said: "Gold with such a fine color, this amount is enough."

"That's all?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and then let go of Lu Ling's hand.

While Lu Ling was rubbing the back of her head, Liu Fufeng said: "I have caused you trouble today, this is just due compensation, and our sisters will still live here for a few days, please don't dislike it."

"Don't dare." The shopkeeper's face was full of smiles, he was just a small shopkeeper, but he felt very comfortable being treated so politely by Liu Fufeng.

"My daughter, you can stay here, and you can tell me what you want."

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded, then hesitated, and asked: "Uncle, I have something to ask."

"Please tell me, daughter." The shopkeeper seemed to be listening attentively.

"My sister got into such a big disaster today, although we sisters paid some money to those soldiers before, there shouldn't be any trouble..." Liu Fufeng asked.

She thinks it's better to ask more clearly about this kind of thing.

"Soldier?" The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment: "You mean black armor?"

"En." Liu Fufeng frowned, a little worried.

"Hahaha." The shopkeeper shook his head and laughed, it turned out to be the daughter of the outer city...

"As for the Black Armored Guards, you don't have to worry about it, daughter. They are the patron saints of our Luoyan City. They are absolutely fair. Since you and Xiao Qianjin have come out of the office, please keep your heart in your stomach."

"That's it." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then gave Lu Ling a relieved expression, which made Lu Ling stunned for a while.

"Also, if you have already paid the indemnity to Hei Jia, these..." The shopkeeper put the gold back into the box, and pushed it towards Liu Fufeng: "There is no need to give these anymore."

"No need? Why?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand, wasn't the previous money paid to the wealthy businessman who was beaten?
"Because the amount of compensation for this kind of accident will be very high, it has already included the maintenance cost of our Zuixian Building, so you don't need to pay it again." The shopkeeper said: "I guess, I will receive it tomorrow at the most." The explanation given by the black armors."

"Understood." Liu Fufeng was a little surprised when he looked at the middle-aged shopkeeper who was always in high spirits when he mentioned the black armor.

It seems that this so-called black armor has won the trust of the residents of Luoyan City.

After bidding farewell to the shopkeeper, Liu Fufeng put away the gold and led Lu Ling upstairs.

She was going to visit the girl who was unconscious before, boil some water to wipe her face and take Lu Ling out to play.

Then, when going up to the second floor, Lu Ling stopped.

She saw an acquaintance.

"What's wrong?" Liu Fufeng asked.

Lu Ling pointed to Dongfang Lianren in the sea of ​​flowers, a little surprised.

"Who?" Liu Fufeng looked over and was taken aback for a moment.

What a beautiful person... and she was dressed in red, which fit her aesthetics very well. Liu Fufeng couldn't help being a little stunned, and then he came back to his senses and spat at himself.

It doesn't matter how beautiful she is.

Liu Fufeng knelt down and asked Lu Ling: "What's wrong?"

"Junior Sister, that person..." Lu Ling whispered something into Liu Fufeng's ear.

A woman like Dongfang Lianren would never be forgotten once she met her. Lu Ling still clearly remembered that when she met Dongfang Lianren on the Lingtai that snowy night, she thought she was a ghost.

Later, I found out that she was Li Zhuzi's friend and an elder of Lingshan. Of course, the deepest impression Dongfang Lianren gave Lu Ling was that this woman had poison in her body, and it was a very strange poison.

Anyway, she didn't want to try it a second time.

"From Lingshan?" After Liu Fufeng understood it, he raised his head in surprise, Dongfang Lianren seemed to be in a daze at this moment, not paying attention to her side.

Since he is an elder of Lingshan... then he must go and have a look.

But before Liu Fufeng took a few steps, he was grabbed by Lu Ling, who shook his head and signaled Liu Fufeng not to go.

It will be poisonous.

"Senior Sister, it's impolite if you don't go." Liu Fufeng touched Lu Ling's head, it's fine if she didn't know at first, but now she knows that she can't just go and say hello.

There was no other way, Lu Ling had no choice but to follow. During this time, she found that the uncle was still drinking... But Lu Ling didn't dare to look at him because she had a bad attitude towards him when he was drunk.

And this also caught Li Wangsheng's attention.

"Senior." Liu Fufeng led Lu Ling to Dongfang Lianren, and said respectfully.

"Tsk." Lian Dongfang stretched her waist, her graceful figure was vividly displayed in front of Liu Fufeng's eyes, then she raised her head and looked Liu Fufeng up and down.

"Liu girl, do you know me?"

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng believed that the person in front of him was Lingshan's senior, so he honestly replied: "I don't know him."

"But I can't stand a little wit, right?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling and said, "Come here."

Lu Ling shook her head again and again.

"You girl is still so uncute." Dongfang Lianren pouted, and then said to Liu Fufeng: "Don't call me senior, just call me elder sister."


"Be obedient." Dongfang Lianren stretched out his hand and hooked Liu Fufeng's chin.

"Sister, sister."

"Good." Clapping his hands, Lian Dongfang showed a satisfied expression, then took a sip of the fruit wine in his hand, and said casually: "Okay, go and do your work, don't worry about me, I just take a look."

"Yes." Liu Fufeng pulled Lu Ling to leave.

"Wait." Dongfang Lianren shook the cup, watched Lu Ling staring at her cup and swallowing, the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "Xiaoling, stay with me for a while."


"There's nothing to worry about, and I won't eat her." As he spoke, Dongfang Lianren licked his lips, which made Lu Ling shudder. But now she is more interested in the fruit wine in Dongfang Lianren's hand.

Xiaoya?Liu Fufeng still thinks that Ah Ling sounds better.

Trust or something... Dongfang Lianren doesn't hide his aura at all, the aura is very obvious, and the pressure on Liu Fufeng is also great.

"Yes." No way, Liu Fufeng could only go upstairs by himself.

Anyway, with such a senior around, she doesn't have to worry about Lu Ling, it's better to go up and take care of the injured girl.


After Liu Fufeng left, Lu Ling was completely alone.

"Girl, you look really handsome." Dongfang Lianren took a sip of the fruit wine, looked at Lu Ling's mask and nodded in admiration.

"..." Lu Ling didn't speak, but just looked at her.

"What are you afraid of? Come here." With the movement of Lian Dongfang's fingers, Lu Ling lost control of her body. Her vision blurred, and then she felt hit by a puddle of nephrite jade, and her nostrils were filled with an intoxicating musk.

bad, bad...

Lu Ling felt that she was hugged by someone, and then that feeling of powerlessness appeared again.

But it was short, and soon she returned to normal.

Dongfang Lianren did not forget to detoxify her this time.

"Really, hugging a girl is so troublesome." Dongfang Lianren looked at his hands dissatisfied.

When will this day full of poison be a head.

(End of this chapter)

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