Chapter 260

Speaking of which, Dongfang Lianren was not poisonous in the first place.

She practiced Wenhun, that is, nurse, or the kind of "big tit" that everyone likes.

However, everything has changed since he came into contact with the way of poison that complements the way of medicine.

Anyway, Dongfang Lianren, who was learning to play with her at the beginning, never expected that she would be so deeply affected, so that she almost completely abandoned her medical skills later on, and even her aura was transformed into a poisonous existence.

In all fairness, she likes poison, and she will be very happy if she has a breakthrough or discovers some new combination. Those bugs are her treasures... But troubles follow one after another.

Dongfang Lianren, who hides poison in her soul, has completely "degenerated". She is highly poisonous even in her soul, not to mention her body. Dongfang Lianren has been in seclusion for more than ten years before she can control the bone-eroding poison on her body.

But people's energy is limited, she can't control it all, she has to reveal a little bit, and in the end she chose to release her qi.

It's better to carry this unscrupulous poisonous gas on your body than to carry an instant death thing that can melt people into dark green.

Just think about the color of the spring water when she took a bath with Li Zhuzi last time, and you will know why no one is willing to take a bath with her. Anyone with a little brain knows that the dark green color cannot be approached.

Even Dongfang Lianren can't enjoy the spiritual spring of her third peak, and because of her bad reputation, no one is willing to learn from her about poisonous insects.

Her apprentices are all following the orthodox path of Lingshan, and they are not very close to her.

The reason Dongfang Lianren couldn't get married was also related to this poisonous gas, the poisonous gas that Li Zhuzi couldn't bear, and it was the same for Venerable Ye.

So what if the female body is attractive and fully mature?
Everyone knows that the witch in Lingshan can just look at it, if you really want to get started... unless it is because you don't want to live.

When Dongfang Lianren loses control of her emotions, it is easy to lose control of her own poison. If she really does what she said, doing things that she will probably die.

Nobody wanted to die on her.

"Tsk." Dongfang Lianren smacked her lips. In fact, she was very lonely living alone, and Luo Hanyi was usually the only one who could bully her, so she was helpless.

On the one hand, she likes children, and on the other hand, the poison in her body makes her not liked by girls—no girl wants to become shameless because of her sexiness.

But she also likes poison, and she can't do without it, which is very contradictory... Dongfang Lianren is very distressed.

Her poison is too domineering, even Li Zhuzi's special physique is not immune, you must know that Li Zhuzi is a real venerable... let alone other people.

Every time I hug a girl, I have to think about detoxifying her, which is annoying to death.

"Hmph." Dongfang Lianren picked up the fruit wine and drank a big sip, gurgling, and immediately bottomed out, leaving a few inches below.


Dongfang Lianren frowned, it was not good at all, it was not as good as Li Zhuzi's tea, Li Zhuzi's tea, she couldn't drink the bitter one, but she liked the sweet one very much.

"???" Lu Ling was pushed away by Dongfang Lianren, and she froze in place.

Why is this young lady suddenly not very happy... What happened?

"What are you looking at? The mask has been taken off." Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling.

"Oh." Nodding, Lu Ling adjusted her expression and took off the ghost mask, revealing a delicate face.

"It's still comfortable to look at like this." Dongfang Lianren muttered a few times, then looked at Lu Ling's chest: "What's the matter with this little guy? Doesn't seem to be energetic?"

"..." Hearing this, Xuechen, who was curled up on Lu Ling's chest, trembled, but did not make a sound.

"...I-I'm resting." Lu Ling hugged Xuechen tightly and said.

"Rest? Isn't it the Spirit Race? Forget it." Dongfang Lian shook her head, she was in a bad mood now, very annoying.

When she is troubled, she can easily lose control of her poison, and now she is basically ready to go.

Therefore, the best thing for Lu Ling to do now is to stay away from Dongfang Lianren, but how could she know such a thing? Lu Ling was still thinking about the half glass of fruit wine. She stepped forward and was about to speak when she saw a burst of green mist and the word Dongfang Lian The human hair and skin diffused, and the speed was very fast, and there was no time for her to hide.

She didn't react, but someone did.

Lu Ling felt that someone was covering her mouth and dragging her back. It was a hand with some vicissitudes, and the strong and pungent smell of alcohol came to her face.


Lu Ling struggled, but still couldn't stop the hand, she was dragged back for a long time before stopping.

After stopping, the hand finally let her go. Lu Ling only felt that her face was wet and there was an unpleasant smell. She took a big breath of fresh air, and then saw that the place where she was standing before was filled with water. The light green gas burns like a flame in the air.

Lu Ling could feel the suffocating danger from far away—if she touched it, she would really die.

what happened……

Lu Ling turned her head to look at the person who saved her. Not surprisingly, it was a familiar face.

It was Li Wangsheng.

The latter looked solemn at this time, raised his head and drank the wine in the gourd, threw the empty gourd to the Eastern pity, and put away all the green breath, and then the original brown gourd turned dark green, suspended in the air.

"Hmph." Dongfang Lianren came back to his senses and snorted coldly.

Isn't it just a little poisonous? As for such a big reaction.

But it was the "point" in her mouth, but Li Wangsheng had a cautious expression. He didn't dare to touch the emerald green gourd directly. Instead, he used his strength to push the gourd towards Dongfang Lianren, who caught it casually, and then Open the lid of the gourd, inhale the green poisonous gas in the palm of your hand, and it will dissipate like a cloud with a light grip.

"???" Lu Ling was still standing blankly, she was a little confused about the situation.

"Be careful too." Li Wangsheng looked helplessly at Dongfang Lianren.

"What are you afraid of? Something will happen if I'm here?" Dongfang Lianren waved his hand.

"Tsk." Li Wangsheng looked down at Lu Ling, smacked his lips, and then stood in front of Lu Ling: "Dongfang, if you don't want your girl, I will pick it up."

"How dare you!" Dongfang Lian raised his brows.

"If you treat your own girl like this, I won't have any objections if I pick her up and come to Senior Sister Luanfeng."

"You want Senior Sister Feng to sue me?" Dongfang Lianren narrowed his eyes.

"I didn't say that." Li Wangsheng shrugged, ignored Dongfang Lianren's menacing eyes, and stared at her instead.

"Okay, okay, it's because I'm not doing well." Dongfang Lianren said a little impatiently after being watched by Li Wangsheng.

"Dongfang, you're still... well, forget it." Li Wangsheng took the opportunity to sit down opposite her, then looked at Lu Ling who was standing still, and nodded: "This girl is really different from before. "

The current Lu Ling is soft, not as charming as before... more like a girl who is being bullied.

"Look at you, you scared her." Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Wangsheng with dissatisfaction, and said.

"..." Li Wangsheng twitched the corners of his mouth, Dongfang Lianren must be the first to complain.

"Xiao Ling, come here." Dongfang Lianren waved to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling shook her head.

"If you don't come over, I'm going to be angry." Dongfang Lianren put on a straight face.

Lu Ling closed her eyes and didn't listen.

"Not cute." Lian Dongfang curled her lips, then picked up the cup on the table, there was still a little fruit wine in it, and then her eyes lit up, remembering that this girl is a little glutton.

"Come here, my sister will give you something to drink."

"..." Li Wangsheng looked at Dongfang Lianren's inferior way of coaxing children, and he was speechless for a while. In his heart, the previous strong Lu Ling would not be tempted by a glass of fruit wine if there was any remaining spirit...

But unfortunately, Lu Ling just couldn't resist the temptation.

After hearing Dongfang Lianren's words, she opened her eyes and took two steps forward.

Seeing this, Dongfang Lianren raised the corners of his mouth, spread his hands and put the wine glass on the table, motioning for Lu Ling to come and get it.

Now Lu Ling was not polite, she walked to the table a few steps, sat between the two of them, took a sip from the cup, showing a happy expression.

Dongfang Lianren looked at the girl in front of him drinking water, and felt itchy, feeling that all the bad moods of the day had been melted away by her.

"How is it?" Dongfang Lianren said to Li Wangsheng.

"It's quite surprising." Li Wangsheng looked at the limp girl in front of him, very puzzled.

What makes such a girl become what she was before?Could it be because of that big girl...

"Hi." At this time, Lu Ling hiccupped. She had finished drinking the fruit wine in the glass, and her face was slightly red, but Xuechen didn't lose consciousness, but was a little confused, which meant that Lu Ling was not drunk.

Seeing Lu Ling looking at him with longing eyes, Dongfang Lianren touched her smooth and tender face, feeling a little warm.

"You still want it? No, fruit wine is also wine."

Firmly refused.

Lu Ling must not drink too much alcohol, it will be bad to become like her master.

Look at Lingshan, there are no good people for alcoholics, not to mention Chu Qishui, Han Xue, that brainless Lingshan "traitor", Shen Canghai, that guy with a problematic sexual orientation...

It is enough to see that wine is not a good thing, one or two, can't you drink tea like bamboo?
And after drinking, he would go crazy. When Shen Canghai drank too much, half of the girls in Lingshan didn't dare to go out, for fear of being dragged into training by her. The remaining half... all voluntarily "dedicated".

Of course, it's not ugly for all girls to be drunk, at least Shen Canghai's apprentice is not, and Qin Qin's girl is very interesting when she is drunk... But in a sense, she is also troublesome.

Lu Ling didn't know, she just felt that something was about to come out... She wanted to drink.

A critical point, another point and she will be drunk.

However, Dongfang Lianren didn't give her a chance to go crazy with alcohol at all: "If I say no, I won't."

"But..." Lu Ling said, pleading in her coquettish air.

"Okay... no, it's useless for you to be coquettish." At that moment, Dongfang Lian's heart was moved, but she immediately reacted, changed her words, and stretched out her hand to scratch Lu Ling's chin.

"If you don't obey me again, I'll tell Bamboo what happened today and let her deal with you."

"..." Lu Ling's face changed when she heard the words, she only felt a pain in her palm, and then shook her head again and again.

"No, no more."

Just kidding, if Mr. knows that he wants to drink... he is really dead.

"Be obedient." Dongfang Lianren nodded in satisfaction.

Lu Ling was extremely afraid of Li Zhuzi, and all the Lingshan people knew this, and it was his trump card.

"Dongfang, introduce me." Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling and reminded.

"You? You have something to introduce... But it doesn't matter." Dongfang Lianren blinked and said to Lu Ling: "This person is named Li, and he is a drunkard."


Lu Ling was taken aback.

What is his relationship with Mr.
They are all surnamed Li. If she is a relative of Mr. Li or something, her bad attitude before may not have been turned on by Li Zhuzi's ass.

Seeing Lu Ling's reaction, Dongfang Lianren knew what she was thinking.

"Bamboo? Well, I forgot, Wangsheng, what is the relationship between you and bamboo? It's been too long, I really can't remember." Dongfang pitifully said.

"It's from the same village." Li Wangsheng explained, not knowing how long ago, both of them came from Lijia Village... This is also the reason why they have a good relationship.

The shakuhachi on his waist was a gift from Li Zhuzi back then.

"Oh, that's it, I remembered." Dongfang Lianren nodded.

"It doesn't matter, it's still a drunkard."

Li Wangsheng: "..."

"Uncle." Lu Ling thought for a moment and said.

Li Wangsheng: "..."

Nothing to say.

Lu Ling's personality has changed, but the name of this uncle has not been forgotten.

"Uncle? Pfft." Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment, then covered his mouth and chuckled.

At this time, she completely forgot that she asked Lu Ling to call her sister, and now Li Wangsheng had grown her up a generation out of thin air.

But in fact, Lingshan doesn't care much about seniority, at least Li Zhuzi's seniority is completely messed up.

"Uncle? Is there any question?" Lu Ling didn't understand why Dongfang Lianren was laughing.

"No problem, no problem." Dongfang Lianren shook his head, then looked at Li Wangsheng and said, "Wangsheng, you should shave your beard."

"En." Li Wangsheng smiled wryly.

Lianren Dongfang knows that Li Wangsheng is actually a handsome man... The former big brother of Shushan is now called uncle by Lu Ling...

It would be strange not to laugh.

At this time, Xuechen twisted her body on Lu Ling's chest.

[Don't make trouble. 】

Feeling itchy, Lu Ling said in her heart.

Because Lu Ling drank alcohol, Xuechen was a little confused now, she sensed Li Wangsheng's breath, and spoke in Lu Ling's mind.

【Master, master, this man is from Mount Shu. 】

[Can you speak? 】Lu Ling was pleasantly surprised, and then her expression froze, surprise followed by shock.

"Shushan!!" Lu Ling instantly jumped up from her chair, looking at Li Wangsheng warily.

She got into trouble in Shushan. Although Li Zhuzi said that she didn't care, Lu Ling didn't know what happened at that time. Now that people from Shushan suddenly appeared around her, there was a high probability that they came to trouble her.

After all, she has done too many "bad things". The mountain was covered by heavy snow, she broke her ancestral sword, and even cut off the Jiange...

It's already heinous.

Did he come to catch her?
"What's wrong with Shushan?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling startled, a little strange.

(End of this chapter)

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