Chapter 261 Attraction
Seeing Lu Ling's startled look after hearing Shushan, Dongfang Lianren also froze for a moment.

Lu Ling is just an ignorant child in the hearts of the Lingshan people, not to mention Shushan, she probably doesn't know what Lingshan is, but she still knows Shushan?
But Dongfang Lianren reacted immediately.

It seems that she has no memory of the series of things this girl did in Shushan...

Some time ago, Lu Ling's ice bloodline made Shushan tormented enough, and the house leak happened to rain overnight, the mountain was blocked by heavy snow and the riots of Lihuo Hongling all appeared on that day, half of the sky in Shushan was burning red, it was very spectacular .

"Xiaoling, do you remember anything?" Dongfang Lianren narrowed his eyes and asked.

"No, I don't remember." Lu Ling stepped back again and again, not daring to look at Li Wangsheng.

No one can hide her appearance, but Dongfang Lianren thought about it for a while and didn't continue to ask.

Li Zhuzi has already dealt with this matter, so she has no point in asking any more, she is just curious about what the ice bloodline is...

The human race majored in soul, so the so-called inheritance and talent are actually on the soul level, not the real "blood".

For example, even if Dongfang Lianren is killed by someone now, as long as her soul is still alive, she is not considered to be truly dead. If her soul is not injured, it will only take a few minutes to restore her body.

His body was smashed to pieces... Probably considered a minor injury, at most it would hurt a little.

This is also the reason why Dongfang Lianren bowed her head to Li Wangsheng when the poison gas was out of control before. She said that there would be no accidents if she was in Lu Ling. The moment I touched it, I'm afraid it would be melted.

That kind of fear is not something a little girl can bear.

According to Lingshan's records, the ice blood has no anti-drug properties, and seeing Lu Ling losing her mind after being infected with a little sensuality, it is clear that she has no resistance at all.

However, Lu Ling's icy bloodline inheritance obviously carries a lot of things, such as icy physique, extremely strong cultivation speed, and there are signs of splitting her mind and soul...

Because she is her own girl, Dongfang Lianren only thinks about how to treat Lu Ling well, or how to let the little girl develop in a reasonable way...I haven't thought about anything else.

"Don't remember? Let's forget it." Dongfang Lianren said.

Hearing what Dongfang Lianren said, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Li Wangsheng vigilantly. She did not know how to get to Shushan last time... Suspected that she was taken captive, and she cannot repeat the same mistakes today.

As Xuechen said, she had used up all her energy when she awakened, and now she is a complete salted fish. If she really wants to go back to Shushan, I am afraid that any disciple will be able to take care of her.

Although Shushan has a man who is very gentle to her, but as expected, forget it.

Now that I think about it, it's embarrassing, Venerable Ye was so kind to her, he gave her food, guidance, and gifts, but when she went up, she destroyed the place where she lived.

Even she would blush.

After a while of buffering, Lu Ling calmed down.

After feeling Dongfang Lianren's attitude, Lu Ling felt relieved. After all, Dongfang Lianren is also a friend of the husband, so she shouldn't watch herself being taken away by this wretched uncle.

But having said that, it's better to be careful...

From time to time, Lu Ling's eyes looked at the position of the stairs. She needs her junior sister to be by her side now...with her around, she won't feel flustered.


At this time Liu Fufeng boiled water and was wiping the body of the girl on the bed.

Because the medicine was applied and she was still recovering, the girl was covered with sweat stains. Liu Fufeng needed to wash her well to avoid infection.

At this time, because Zhao Yingge saw Lu Ling's face and knew it was a girl, she still slept deeply.

She hadn't had a good night's sleep for many years, and she really needed to take a good rest.

Gently wiping the girl's face, Liu Fufeng rested his finger on her tear mole for a moment, and then continued to move.

Speaking of which... what kind of past does this girl have?

Same as her Aya?
Liu Fufeng doesn't know, but this girl has something to do with Lingshan...

and many more.


Liu Fufeng realized instantly, isn't Lingshan's senior just downstairs?She is also a good friend of Teacher Li Zhuzi, there is no one more suitable than her to deal with this girl.

Thinking about it, Liu Fufeng quickened his movements, and went to ask Dongfang Lianren after cleaning up.


Downstairs, Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling who was silent at the side, feeling very strange.

This girl doesn't seem to have a good impression of Shushan... But doesn't she know Shushan's seniors?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

Sensing Li Wangsheng's doubts, Dongfang Lianren spoke.

"Wangsheng, how long has it been since you paid attention to the affairs of Shushan?"

"Me? It's been a long time." Li Wangsheng shook his head: "You also know that in my current state, I still have to avoid people from the Xuanjing Division. There is really no news channel."

There is still a word left in my heart.

That means he doesn't want to take care of everything in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Avoid? I think you are living a good life." Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Wangsheng who was drinking with his head up. This person is already a wine barrel, and he has been drinking non-stop since we met...

Whether he is drunk or not, what is the point of drinking, and he told her that the only reason why wine tastes good is because it is bad——

"Are you serious?" Li Wangsheng wiped his mouth and stared into Dongfang Lianren's eyes.

"...Forget it." Dongfang Lianren avoided his eyes.

Even though they had a good chat before, in fact Dongfang Lianren's attitude towards Li very subtle.

Both of them are not the children they were back then, and they both have their own worries, and the sadness in Li Wangsheng's eyes is almost unstoppable.


The senior sister's memorial day is just a few days away, no matter how happy or careless she is, it is impossible to really let go of the haze.

Especially Li Wangsheng.

After all...Brother Wang Sheng liked his senior sister very much back then, as everyone knows, but in the end he watched with his own eyes that the senior sister he liked and respected disappeared with the wind, and for various reasons became an abandoned student in Shushan.

It's not surprising that it will become like this.

"Wangsheng, I don't like the way you drink away your worries." Dongfang Lianren finally said the truth, which she wanted to say from the beginning.

"Reason?" Li Wangsheng asked.

"There is no reason."

"Then there is no reason for my liking." Shaking his head, Li Wangsheng shook his head: "Not everything needs a reason, don't say it, don't say it, it's wrong to say it."

"I thought this kind of words could only be heard from the Zen mouth of the Great Sad Valley, but I didn't expect you to say it too." Dongfang Lianren looked coldly.

"How about the Great Sad Valley? What about Shushan? It has nothing to do with me." Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling and changed the subject: "Stop talking about me, let's talk about this girl. What does she have to do with Shushan?"

The identity of Senior Sister Chu's disciple alone is enough to make him interested.

"You...forget it." Dongfang Lianren was a little disappointed.

Senior Brother Wang Sheng died a long time ago, she knew it from the beginning, that's why she avoided him, now it's just confirmed.

A mocking smile.

"Xiaoling... didn't do anything big." Dongfang Lianren stated: "Thousands of miles of blizzards closed the mountain, and the current Shu Mountain may be renamed the Snow Mountain School."

"Oh?" Li Wangsheng was surprised.

He had encountered snowfall in Shushan in the surrounding secular world, but he did not expect it to be so serious.

Thousands of miles of heavy snow, can a little girl in the condensation period do it?
Seeing Lu Ling sitting quietly on the chair, looking like a good girl, Li Wangsheng was skeptical.

"I knew you wouldn't believe it, but that's the aura of our Lingshan Mountain, and it's easy to obtain evidence." Dongfang Lianren curled his lips, and then stretched out his hand to Lu Ling. Lu Ling wanted to hide, but she couldn't dodge at all. She was caught easily. Dongfang Lianren touched it.

Dongfang Lian showed dissatisfaction, pinched Lu Ling's face hard, and pulled out a red mark on her cheek: "It's you, a little girl who eats inside and outside, that makes our spiritual energy cheaper than outsiders."

" hurts." Lu Ling took a breath.

Seeing this, Dongfang Lianren felt distressed again. She rubbed Lu Ling's face and sighed: "But I gave it all, and it's meaningless to pursue it. Anyway, Shushan will naturally give corresponding things, it's just poor Venerable Ye..."

Lu Ling knew she was wrong, so she didn't resist at all.

"Venerable Ye? What's wrong with him?" Li Wangsheng took a sip of his wine, unable to see his expression.

Venerable Ye was his junior brother back then. Although they were not in the same lineage, they knew each other and had a good relationship. However, the latter had completely thrown him away a hundred years ago, and now it should be in an unfathomable state.

The title of venerable is the most precious in Lingshan. Every venerable in Lingshan with a title is an extremely precious resource of the human race. In contrast, pure combat systems such as Shushan and Dongshenhai are inferior.

But the strength is absolutely nothing to say.

"His ancestral sword was broken, and the entire Jiange was cut off at the waist." Dongfang Lianren thought for a while and said.

"Broken?" Li Wangsheng frowned.

"It's probably like this." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand, and a picture appeared out of thin air.

A piece of snow-white mountain range, the sword energy is dense, the city is like a long dragon, and the cold light is thousands of miles away.

It is the Jiange of Shushan Mountain.

And the position that should have been the dragon's head was cut off with a sword, forming a horrifying [-]-foot crack, and the dragon's head of the Jiange was broken just like that.

It was appalling.

"This..." Li Wangsheng was really surprised at this moment, what kind of strength is it that a person can do such a shocking thing on the territory of Shushan.

Could it be that something went wrong with Jianzhong?Some time ago, there was news of the search for the Demon Lord Mo Yuan...

"Shushan was attacked by the demons? It shouldn't be, there is the Haoran Sword Formation..."

Li Wangsheng frowned. If the demons invaded, it would be a big deal.

"Demon race? What demon race." Dongfang Lianren sneered and pouted at Lu Ling.

"En..." Lu Ling lowered her head, looked at her nose with her eyes, her mouth with her nose, and her heart with her mouth.

She knows nothing, knows nothing...

"Dongfang, you mean, this girl did it?" Li Wangsheng was taken aback for a moment, and then the wine poured down on his neck without realizing it.

"I didn't say that." Dongfang Lianren jokingly smiled.

Only Li Zhuzi and Venerable Ye knew about this kind of thing, but it was almost Xiaoling who did it. Shushan also speculated on the demons, but they could tell at a glance that the spiritual power of Lingshan remained on the Jiange.

Only Lu Ling is a possibility.

This is only part of the inheritance of the Ice Bloodline. Once Lu Ling grows up, she may become another Snow Maiden, who is the most powerful person in history.

Of course, it's too early to think about these things now, Lu Ling is still an ordinary girl, and she hasn't even thought about whether she is a literary soul or a martial soul... If Lu Ling has practiced the literary soul, it will be fun.

But Dongfang Lianren and Li Zhuzi had the same idea, and left everything to Lu Ling to choose, as long as she likes it.

Shaking his head, Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Wangsheng who was still in surprise. The latter was stunned for a while, then murmured thoughtfully.

"If it's the kind of awe-inspiring righteousness before, then it's understandable that the sword formation failed... But where do the disciples in the Qi Condensation Stage get their strength?"

"Don't look at me, I don't know, and I won't tell you if I know." Dongfang said pitifully.

"It seems... this time Lingshan really picked up a treasure." Li Wangsheng smiled. If Dongfang Lianren's words are true, then this introverted girl's achievements will definitely not be low, maybe she can. Reached the point where Lingshan was completely clear.

It's a pity that Lingshan Qingjue, which represented the pinnacle of an era back then, no longer exists now, and the only ones left are their old stubborn clinging to their memories.

Speaking of which, in the eyes of some of his contemporaries, Chu Qishui was still the lofty and supreme immortal who lived in seclusion in the Ninth Peak. Although there were rumors that the master of the Ninth Peak had a very low level of cultivation, but when they wanted to come Just a disciple of the younger generation.

Among the disciples of Lingshan, probably only the direct disciples knew a little bit about it, and after that, those of Zixu's line were relatively clear about this matter.

Although these are the core disciples of Lingshan and will not leak the secrets, there is no wall that does not leak.

But even if there are occasional rumors, no one believes that the two are the same person.

After all, the Venerable Absolute Immortal back then had amazed generations of people.

"Find the treasure? You have said this once before." Dongfang Lianren showed a hint of cunning: "Wangsheng, you have already considered the problem from our perspective? Would you like to come to my place and give you a good position?" , the palm protection is full, can you do it when there is still a division? Although Lingshan does not accept men, you can be a guest."

Li Wangsheng didn't speak.

"Cut, it's boring, I don't even know how to make jokes." Seeing his silence, Dongfang Lianren said this, but a little disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Forget it, why don't I tell you about Zhuzi and Venerable Ye? You won't believe it, they haven't made any progress for so many years..." Dongfang Lianren kept talking.

Li Wangsheng was not interested at all, he had nothing to say about his private affairs.

This is the difference between men and women.

His gaze was more focused on Lu Ling, the little girl was looking at the stairs, looking at something expectantly.

Speaking of which, he has an inexplicable feeling for Lu Ling...

Li Wangsheng lowered his head, and there was a small Tai Chi spinning in his palm.

Lu Ling was attracting him.

(End of this chapter)

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