Chapter 262 Tai Chi
At this time, the restaurant not far away.

The bright moon hangs high.

A group of elderly people were drinking, mostly satisfied.

"Thank you, boy!" An old man raised his glass and nodded in one direction.

"No thanks." The young man raised his hand and touched him in the air, then turned his head and looked at the old man opposite him.

"You don't drink?" the young man asked.

"Quit." The bad old man waved his hand: "I still want to live for two more years."

"Tsk." The young man curled his lips, picked up the fruit wine in front of him and drank it down, then stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the table, which was exactly the shape of the two yin and yang fishes in the sky.

"What do you think of this?"

"I don't know." The bad old man looked towards the sky. It was covered with a mysterious pattern before, and it contained extremely weird power, but he had never seen it before. It is certain that it is a new power order, or it can rise for a new rule.

A rule is a name for a power system.

Shu Shanxiu's sword, Qi, is a rule.

Lingshan's martial soul and literary soul are also a rule.

The incantation system of Eastern Shenhai, Qionghua's method of double cultivation, and Dasanggu's approach to Taoism are also rules.

It can be said that the power system of the world of cultivating immortals is the ordering of various rules, which has basically been fixed for thousands of years. After the survival of the fittest, what remains is the indispensable system of the human race, and these are the so-called "sacred places".

Of course, as long as there are rules, there is no way around a circle. The outermost layer of the circle is the soul, which is also the source of power for the human race. All power systems revolve around the soul.

But now, a new force appeared in front of the two of them, firmly grabbing their attention.

As long as you feel it lightly, you can find that this yin-yang fish is very strong and mysterious.

But not too mature.

"Although what I cultivate is qi, and I watched that kid grow up, but this time it's not pure righteousness, you should feel it." The bad old man shook his head.

"If you haven't seen it before..." The young man buttoned the table, and Jun Lang's face became a bit puzzled: "I am a sword repairer, and I can only feel that there is righteousness and evil in the previous picture."

"Pure yin qi, pure yang qi, and the combination of devil there such a powerful force?"

Under the previous pattern, he felt that his strength was suppressed, and the scope of his spiritual consciousness was also reduced by a generation.

It's a complete impossibility, but it happens.

"It's a new kind of power, and it's enough to rise to the rules. It should be a kind of balanced energy, which is extremely mysterious. I guess this kid came into contact with it by chance." The young man thought for a while and said.

"Almost, although I don't know, but there should be many loopholes." The bad old man nodded, and then sighed: "This kid has no motivation and potential to rise... Otherwise, even if he can only master a little bit of a new rule, We can also have one more hole card in the next World War."

After many years of fighting, every holy place is almost familiar to the demons. If the system of this yin-yang fish can mature, it will definitely be a big help.

Not to mention anything else, the qualitative change will occur after the power of purification and protection is connected to Lingshan.

As the core of the team, Lingshan disciples are also the most vulnerable link. With an extra layer of protection, their role will definitely be improved to a higher level.

However, this kind of natural rule formed by chance and coincidence is only a prototype in Li Wangsheng. What it is composed of, the principle and geometry are completely unknown.

I can only sigh a few times.

What a pity, what a pity.

"You're thinking a lot, and the world war... We don't know if we can live to that time, and the sea people haven't moved at all... At most, it's just a little friction with the demons." The young man raised his hand wine glass.

"It's never a bad thing to be prepared in advance."

"Tsk, drink and drink."

The discussion between the two of them here about Tai Chi has ended, and the consensus they reached study together.

It would be best if it could be converted to a new power system, if not, it would be a way to pass the time. After Lu Ling returned to Lingshan, they couldn't just play chess and drink all day long.


The research on the Taiji diagram here is over, but Li Wangsheng hasn't started yet.

From the very beginning, he felt that Lu Ling had an inexplicable attraction to him... Because it was so slight, Li Wangsheng didn't pay much attention to it, but after his anger was completely released just now, this feeling became more and more intense. .

Let me explain, the attraction here is not the sexual attraction of a woman to a man. For a little pudding like Lu Ling, only people with psychological distortions have desires.

cough cough.

You can't say that, at least the seniors of Shushan seem to be...

Well, everyone has different hobbies, so he has nothing to say.

Lu Ling's attraction to him is a feeling of discovering the same kind.

Hearing Dongfang Lianren's chatter in his ears, Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling who bowed his head silently, and the yin-yang fish in his hand kept swimming.

Very strange.

He actually felt that this little girl was attracting him, to be precise, she was actually attracting him.

Li Wangsheng felt that the yin-yang fish in his hand was eager to get close to the girl not far away, and even he had a tendency to lose control.


Li Wangsheng raised his head and took a sip of wine, then wiped his chin, his cloudy eyes cleared up a little.

He had a special feeling that the girl in front of him would bring him an unexpected surprise, about these two yin and yang fish.

There is no basis for this. People like Dongfang Lianren who have lived for many years are at a loss. He has no idea how the power that suddenly appeared on him was formed, but he thinks that a teenage girl can give him the answer...

It is simply delusional.

But who says it's impossible?There are countless talents in the heavenly family of the human race. As Dongfang Lianren said, Lu Ling can destroy the Jiange like a dragon during the period of concentrating her energy. Who can guarantee that she can't continue to create miracles.

The most important thing is that Li Wangsheng believes in his own feelings, and the birth of new rules has its own real master, such as the first peak master of Lingshan, the snow girl of East Shenhai... the ancestors of Shushan, each of them is the first generation The user of the rules is also the most powerful person left in history.

Li Wangsheng believes that if this magical power is really at the rule level, then he is not worthy to be its true master, and there should be someone more suitable than him.

But the formation of this kind of power is beyond his control, and it can't even be copied at all, and it can't be taught to others.

So when Dongfang Lianren asked him to go to Lingshan to study, he did not refuse.

"..." At this moment, Lu Ling stared straight at the stairs, looking through Qiushui, she didn't see Liu Fufeng's shadow.

Junior sister come quickly...

I can't stand the atmosphere here...

Lu Ling was crying in her heart, now she felt that the eyes of the two people beside her were focused on her, as if she was being pricked by a needle, she was restless.

Especially that uncle... Lu Ling felt that his eyes seemed to eat her up, which made her hair stand on end.

This...isn't it really a pervert.

Now she hopes that she can become the strong appearance in her memory, and then she kicks over directly, cursing, "What are you looking at?"

It's a pity that now she can only think about it, and can't do anything. All she can do is wait for Fufeng Bodhisara, who saves the suffering, to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Li Wangsheng observed for a while, then shook his head.

Although Lu Ling was very courageous before, she is still too weak now.

Can such a little girl who can't be independent, has no independent opinion, and can't live without people around her for a moment, really be able to bear such high expectations from him?The answer is an obvious no.

It seems that he has not been in the world of cultivating immortals for many years, and his head is not very bright. There is no such thing as such a coincidence in the world. The power in him just happens to be suitable for this girl.

It seems that I am confused.

"..." Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Wangsheng, becoming more and more dissatisfied.

From just now, Li Wangsheng hadn't been listening to her, thanks to her trying to find a topic, she wanted her former senior brother to be happier and make the atmosphere less embarrassing.

Now he was having an awkward chat here by himself, it was good for him, he kept staring at Xiao Ling, and he didn't shy away from it at all.

He didn't see that Xiaoling felt uncomfortable when he looked at her, as if there was a needle under her buttocks.

"Wangsheng, what are you looking at?" Dongfang Lianren showed a dangerous expression, his eyes narrowed into narrow slits.

"It's nothing."

"So good-looking? Prettier than me?"

Li Wangsheng was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand and opened it in front of Dongfang Lianren.

"This?" Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment, Li Wangsheng had two yin and yang fish swimming separately in his palm.

What does he want to do?
Taking the yin-yang fish from Li Wangsheng, Dongfang Lianren watched them swimming and colliding in the palm of his hand, recalling the Tai Chi diagram in the sky before, Dongfang Lianren exerted strength.

It's a pity that no matter how she controls it, the two yin and yang qi can't be fused together. She can change its shape forcibly by increasing her strength, but after letting go of her hand, the two fish scatter with a bang, and they can't evolve into a fish at all. The circles that complement each other and slowly rotate before.

It seems that what Li Wangsheng said is true, and she can't control it now, it should be because she doesn't have the magic energy in her body, without the lubrication of the magic energy, the two fishes can't get together at all.

"But, what does this have to do with Xiaoling?" Dongfang Lianren spread his hands, letting two strands of yin and yang energy surround his fingers.

It seems that now is not the time to joke, because Li Wangsheng's face is full of dignity.

"I don't know, but I feel... I can't tell." Li Wangsheng breathed out: "I think I can try it."

"Try what?" Dongfang Lianren was at a loss.

After that, she knew what to try.

The two yin and yang fish escaped her control, turned into two streamers and rushed towards Lu Ling, and finally stopped in front of her eyes.

"Huh?" Lu Ling, who was bowing her head like an ostrich, felt something, and then found that there was a big finger floating in front of her eyes, Tai Chi hooked jade, one Yin and one Yang.

This is?

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment and looked around.

Li Wangsheng and Dongfang Lianren turned their heads, as if they didn't see anything.

what's the situation?
This is Tai Chi hook jade...

Lu Ling stretched out her hand cautiously, and gathered the two floating yin and yang qi in the palm of her hand.

I didn't expect to see Yin-Yang fish in this place. Is it related to the huge Taiji diagram in the sky just now?

Lu Ling became interested.

All her motivation comes from her own interests, if she is interested...there is no difficulty.

Speaking of it, Lu Ling didn't find anything related to "Taoism" during her time in Lingshan. Although the young ladies all over the mountain were dressed like Taoist nuns, they didn't actually practice the principle of yin and yang.

Including Mount Shu... The Mount Shu in Lu Ling's memory should be a place with a strong Taoist atmosphere, but the last time Shushan and her party felt nothing except the sharp sword energy, and did not see the shadow of Tai Chi at all, she thought that this world There is no such thing as Tai Chi gossip in the Internet, and it is a pity that it will take a while.

Originally, she thought that if it was such a Taoist practice, she would definitely work hard to practice, but it turned out that it was just ordinary practice, which was meaningless at all.

You must know that in addition to her dream of being a swordsman, she also has a dream of being a Taoist priest. Now the former has a little hope, but the latter has no clue at all.

The memory of "Book of Changes" in her mind is going to be moldy, and it's useless.

It can't be used for divination.

"Lianshan", "Guizang", "Book of Changes"... There are so many precious books, if they are used for divination, Lu Ling probably has the desire to kill herself.

She gave up after finding out that Lingshan had no cultivation at all, and even girls had more fun.

What I didn't expect was that today I actually saw a picture of Tai Chi in the sky. Although it was weird, it was still Tai Chi. At that time, she had the urge to go to a teacher...

It's a pity that the Tai Chi diagram only appeared for a while and then disappeared, completely clueless,
Unexpectedly, now I saw these two yin and yang fish again, but they were a little smaller.

"You...can't you see?" Lu Ling asked Dongfang Lianren.

"I can't see it, what is it?" Dongfang Lianren said nonsense with his eyes open, showing curiosity.

"No, it's nothing." Lu Ling nodded. She naively thought that it was the same as before, and only she could see this thing, so she stretched out her hand to stop the yin and yang, and watched them swirl in her hand, bringing a sticky feeling Lu Ling smiled.

She thought she had picked up something good.

Seeing this, Dongfang Lianren's pupils shrank.

Is Xiaoling able to control the yin and yang in this way?

When she mastered it, she narrowed the space in her palm to restrain this simple yin-yang fish, but now the latter seems to be getting close to Lu Ling.

Looking at Li Wangsheng, he found that he was still extremely calm.

Guess is guesswork, when it really happened, Li Wangsheng was not as calm as he seemed.

What surprised the two of them was yet to come.

Lu Ling closed her eyes.

[Tai Chi Gouyu, can it be combined... Let me think about it...]

【Holding yin and embracing yang, one yin and one yang, everything in the world is born of being, and being is born of nothing...】

Recalling the things in her mind, Lu Ling lightly drew circles with her fingers.

[Taiyin is against the sun, Shaoyin is against Shaoyang, Jueyin is against...]

Immediately afterwards, the points were matched, and a completely integrated and symmetrical Taiji diagram appeared in Lu Ling's mind. It was completely different from the crooked Yin and Yang Qi in the sky before. three.

Then Lu Ling opened her eyes and looked at the black and white two colors that were completely fused in her hands and slowly rotating, showing a happy expression.

It worked!
(End of this chapter)

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