Chapter 264 Encounter
No matter what happened, as long as she was there, everything would be fine.

Lu Ling also thinks the same way. Ever since she made an agreement with Liu Fufeng to "rely on her", she can give Liu Fufeng everything she owns with peace of mind.

Now, junior sister should be the person she trusts the most, not one of them.

Next is Li Zhuzi.

"What's the matter?" Liu Fufeng comforted Lu Ling, and then asked.

The senior said it was fine, but no matter how she looked at Lu Ling, she didn't seem to be fine. Could it be that she was bullied?

However, what she didn't expect was that after a moment of silence, Lu Ling spat out a few words.

"I-I'm fine."

It's okay to force it, but it's obviously wronged.

What's going on here?
Liu Fufeng turned his head and glanced at Dongfang Lianren, who shrugged and said that it was none of his business.

"Senior Sister, just tell me what happened." Liu Fufeng squatted down and whispered in Lu Ling's ear.

With her here, don't be afraid.

Who knows, Lu Ling is still saying the same thing as before.

"It's's okay." Lu Ling cheered up a little after sniffing.

How could she tell Liu Fufeng that Tai Chi was lost?Or lost a toy?

There is nothing her junior sister can do about it, it will only give her a headache, so Lu Ling repeatedly repeated that she is fine.

But really unhappy.

But it’s not all bad. After she returned to the mountain, she slowly researched it by herself. Isn’t it just Tai Chi? The big deal is to build one by herself, so as not to rely on other people, or to pick up the “garbage” left by others.

If you can't eat grapes, you say grapes are sour. Lu Ling is in this state of mind now. She feels that the previous Tai Chi was picked up by others and left behind. The owner is the creator of the eyeless yin-yang fish in the sky.

Just kidding, she has a collection of "Tao Te Ching", "Book of Changes", "Gui Zang", "Lian Shan" and so on, how could she be inferior to a person who can't even draw yin and yang fish well.

Wait for me.

Facing the unwarranted enemy, Lu Ling rekindled her fighting spirit.

Go back and study it, who is afraid of whom.

"???" Liu Fufeng felt the emotion of the girl in his arms, and he was still a little dazed.

"It's okay, it's really okay, it's's just that eating just now was a bit uncomfortable." Lu Ling pushed Liu Fufeng away and said.

"That's it, senior sister, you should pay more attention." Liu Fufeng said angrily, then put away his suspicious eyes, and completely destroyed it.

What Ah Ling said was true, and what was false was also true.

Think so.

Then, Liu Fufeng glanced at the sky outside, it was getting late.

She also said that she would take Lu Ling out to play.

"Sister, I have something to ask." Holding Lu Ling's hand, Liu Fufeng walked in front of Dongfang Lianren.

"Tell me." Hearing Liu Fufeng address her, Dongfang Lianren was very happy. It seems that her training results are still good.

Liu Yatou is much cuter than Lu Ling.

"I was on the side of the road before..." Liu Fufeng was about to say something when he was interrupted by Lian Dongfang.

"You mean the girl upstairs?"

"Yes." Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved that it was normal for the fairies in Lingshan to understand.

"I took a look, you can enter Lingshan." Dongfang Lianren nodded.

"That's troublesome..." Liu Fufeng was interrupted halfway through his words.

"Trouble me? No, no." Dongfang Lianren shook her head again and again, she already had a lot of things, Lu Ling's matter, Li Wangsheng's matter, Tai Chi's matter... and her senior sister.

This kind of matter should be left to Luo Hanyi, the person she has her eyes on.

As for Luo Hanyi being grounded by his apprentice has nothing to do with her.


"No, but, good boy." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand, and continued: "Sister Liu, take good care of her, and I will arrange the matter of entering the mountain when I get home."

"Me?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

"I'll leave it to you." Dongfang Lianren patted Liu Fufeng's shoulder.

"But, there is a time limit for me to go down the mountain." Liu Fufeng said, she will return to the mountain tomorrow at the most, and this girl's injury will take at least half a month to recover.

"It's okay, why don't you go down the mountain at that time? If they don't let you go down the mountain, come and find me." Dongfang Lianren said: "Sister, you have to know that this girl hasn't entered Lingshan yet, so I can't help her, and she Now that I'm out of the dangerous period, I just need to cultivate... So, I'll leave it to you, good boy."

Liu Fufeng: "..."

For some reason, she always felt that the gorgeous woman in front of her was fooling her, and calling "little sister" and "little sister" made her feel quite uncomfortable.

And Dongfang Lianren asked her to call her "sister" too...well...Liu Fufeng also asked Lu Ling to call her that way before.

If possible, she would prefer to call this woman Uncle Shi, or Uncle Shi.

But there is no other way, since Dongfang Lianren will make arrangements after she says so, she can only do it now.

"Okay." Liu Fufeng nodded, and continued: "Sister, everything is done... Now I want to take, no, go out with Senior Sister."

"Go." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand.

It's normal for two little girls to come to Luoyan City and want to play.

"Yes." Liu Fufeng nodded, took Lu Ling downstairs, said hello to the shopkeeper, and left.


"Little girl is gone, where are we going now..." Dongfang Lianren stretched his waist and looked at Li Wangsheng, who was still drinking.

"It's boring." Dongfang Lianren pouted softly, then stood up and grabbed Li Wangsheng's clothes: "Stop drinking, follow me."

Li Wangsheng squinted his eyes and was dragged by Dongfang Lianren for a long time before he said, "Where are you going, hiccup."

He seemed to be drunk.

"No matter where you go, don't drink anyway, it will make you uncomfortable." Dongfang Lianren frowned.


"Here we come!" At this time, the maid had already gone to rest, and the shopkeeper ran up in person.

It could be seen that he was in a good mood, after all Liu Fufeng helped him solve his troubles.

"You don't need to look for it." Dongfang Lianren threw down an ingot of gold and dragged Li Wangsheng downstairs.

The night was still long, and she would be bored to death if she had to stay until tomorrow to go back to the mountain with Lu Ling.

It's getting late, she wants to sleep, it's a habit, but she can't fall asleep if she is not on Lingshan, so she can only stay up late once, hoping that she won't get wrinkles.

"Come on, follow me to Xiaoxiang Pavilion to listen to the music."

"Hi, follow you."

On the bustling street, the combination of a beautiful woman dragging a drunk man attracted the attention of many people, causing a lot of discussion, and once became the center of the topic.


At this time, in the brightly lit space, there are bustling high-rise shops on both sides, and occasionally there are one or two stalls, which are small and not tacky.

On this avenue, most of the pedestrians who walk a little are rich and noble children who travel in carriages. They are all out to play, sit in the car and comment on the surroundings. When they encounter something they like, they will send someone to buy it, or get off the car in person. pick.

Even if there are people who walk, most of them are men. What they want is a walk, good health, and a few beautiful family members with them-this is not a daughter, but a concubine at most.

In such a large street, Miss Qianjin is almost invisible.

Therefore, girls traveling in pairs like Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling are really very rare.

At this time, Liu Fufeng was following Lu Ling, holding several masks in different shapes, some were cute, some were scary, and some were funny.

These were all chosen by Lu Ling.

Liu Fufeng thought, going down the mountain once would not be short of money, so he bought a few more gadgets and put them at home. Usually A Ling is bored by herself, so buying a few toys can also pass the time.

What's more, Ah Ling doesn't have many friends in the school, so it's good to buy some small things for the girls in the school to get along with each other.

Like that girl Tang Sheng, Liu Fufeng liked it very much, and even picked out some gifts for her.

Looking at Lu Ling who was walking steadily while leaning on a green bamboo cane, Liu Fufeng smiled.

It seems that Yinjuemai is not a problem now, and Ah Ling can walk normally, so there is no rush to repair it, and Yinjuemai can also help her Ah Ling in the future.

At this time Liu Fufeng felt extremely relaxed, and everything was developing towards a better place.

"Sister, come and see this!"

"Here we come." Liu Fufeng replied, and after walking over, he found that Lu Ling was lying on a dim sum shop, unable to walk.

"This, this, and this, five, no, ten of each." Lu Ling nodded a few times.

"Too many." Liu Fufeng shook his head.

"A lot?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, then looked at Liu Fufeng's waist, there was not a pocket of space there.

"What are you looking at?" Lightly tapped Lu Ling's head, Liu Fufeng looked at her.

"Oh." Lu Ling came to her senses, the public, her junior sister couldn't put these things away, Liu Fufeng already had a lot of things in his hands at this time, too many things are really inconvenient.

"Then... the same...five." Lu Ling thought for a while and said.

"Qianjin, are you sure it's five?" the dim sum girl asked Liu Fufeng.

In her opinion, Liu Fufeng should be Lu Ling's older sister, so everything depends on her will.

"Well, that's it, this is money." Liu Fufeng smiled and settled the bill.

After that, Lu Ling walked in front of Liu Fufeng with a bag full of snacks, her mouth was filled with the broken flower cake just now, and she looked satisfied.

Although walking is not considered a jump, but the happy mood can still be felt.

Lu Ling is very happy now, so she is also very happy.

Liu Fufeng paused for a moment, then put away his messy thoughts, and followed behind to enjoy the bustling night market with Lu Ling.

Liu Fufeng is also a young girl, and the bustling night market is also very attractive to her.

"Junior Sister, try this."

is vegetarian.

"Mm~ delicious." Liu Fufeng licked his lips, there were shiny oil stains on them.

"That's right, I also think it's delicious." Lu Ling was very proud that the fried vegetarian meatballs were delicious.

"Let's go ahead and have a look!"

Lu Ling went forward excitedly, having a great time playing.

There are many such scenes, and the actions of the two daughters, Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng, naturally attracted the attention of many people.


Among them was a man who had been following Liu Fufeng leisurely, dressed in extremely luxurious clothes, and looked like a nobleman.

About 30 years old, with bright eyes, long hair gathered behind the back, elegant and unrestrained.

He was alone, without servants at his side.

Although there are no servants following him, no one dares to underestimate him, because the latter has a very good temperament, so noble that people dare not look directly at him, and his aura is so strong that he looks like a superior person.

The man's eyes were on Liu Fufeng all the time, and at the same time he was scheming something in his heart.

According to the statement given by the following people, it is these two girls, and the one worth observing is the smaller one.

Unfortunately, after looking for a long time, he didn't find anything, because Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling are the most ordinary girls, they will show happy expressions because of the food, and they will also look sideways because of the beautiful clothes.

There is no arrogance and arrogance of the legendary immortal at all, and it blends perfectly with the environment.

The only doubtful thing is that these two people are not from Luoyan City, and he has never heard of the town Liu Fufeng mentioned, so he is not sure of their true identities.

To be on the safe side, the man decided to observe it himself, so as not to startle the snake.

After all, it is related to the legendary Lingshan and ancestral precepts, so he can't help but not take it seriously.

Lingshan doesn't matter, the focus is on the ancestral teachings.

Thinking of the ancestors, the man's eyes were full of fanaticism and worship.

Then, he followed Liu Fufeng's footsteps into a luxurious jewelry store.

At this time, Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling were choosing jewelry, because they were girls, they liked shiny things very much, but Liu Fufeng was relatively frugal, so he just looked at them.

On the contrary, it was Lu Ling who touched this one and touched that one.

The gemstones are good, and the jade bracelet is also beautiful...

"So beautiful..."

Lu Ling lay on the central counter, looking at a blood-colored butterfly hair ornament, her eyes sparkled.

The pattern on the butterfly gleamed silvery under the moonlight. It was a color similar to mercury, like a flowing liquid. The wings of the blood-colored butterfly were inlaid with red gemstones, alluring and gorgeous.

Lu Ling's eyes reflected the appearance of a blood butterfly.

I can't move my eyes any longer.

"Like it?" Liu Fufeng walked behind Lu Ling, looked into the cabinet, and was also taken aback for a moment.

It's really pretty, and it's her favorite style.

Aya likes it too?Liu Fufeng was a little happy.

"Yes." Lu Ling looked at the blood butterfly and nodded sharply.

"That's good, I bought it." Liu Fufeng nodded, as long as Lu Ling likes it, money is not a problem.

Although this hair accessory may be expensive, it is not as big as her A Ling likes it.

Actually... Although this hair accessory is very beautiful, Lu Ling doesn't like it that much. The reason why she is eager and longing is because this blood butterfly is red, and her junior sister likes red the most.

The junior sister must be very beautiful after wearing it.

This is Lu Ling's idea.

"Little Qianjin, you have a good eye. This is the treasure of our store this year. It is taken from the blood coral in the West Sea and poured with snowy silver..."

The maid's chattering introduction.

As she said, this blood butterfly is a very precious thing, but because of the high price, some people are discouraged, and the young lady who can afford it doesn't like this weird blood color, so the blood butterfly is still "the treasure of the town store" " Seeing that Lu Ling liked it, she was very happy.

Hearing what the maid said, Liu Fufeng nodded.

She has never heard of these materials, and they should be very precious things, but it doesn't matter, who makes Lu Ling like them.

"My sister likes it, how much is it?" Liu Fufeng said.

"My dear, this price is a little..." The maid hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say, because many people were scared away by this price before.

Price is not an issue, Liu Fufeng was about to open his mouth to buy, when a person behind her spoke first.

It's a gentle voice.

"The price is not a problem, wrap it up for this daughter."

Liu Fufeng turned his head and saw a handsome man, and immediately frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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