Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 265 Embarrassing Means

Chapter 265 Embarrassing Means

"The price is not a problem, wrap it up for this daughter."

Such words were heard.

Liu Fufeng turned his head, but found that it was a man he didn't know at all. His first impression was a handsome young man in black clothes. If it wasn't for the bright lights in the building, he probably wouldn't be able to see his face clearly under the moonlight.

The black and red gorgeous clothes covered her body like a robe, her long hair was tied neatly behind her head with a red rope, like a ponytail hanging around her waist, her facial features were handsome, and there was a soft and gentle aura on her face.

The eyebrows are raised, warm and moist mixed with a little bit of sharpness, with an extraordinary temperament.

Judging from the words, this man was befriending her, but Liu Fufeng didn't understand, she raised her eyebrows and glanced at the man in front of her, then narrowed her eyes.

Not bad looking.

"My lord, do you mean that you settle the accounts for this young lady?" the maid asked cautiously.

"That's right, wrap it up." The man smiled and nodded.

The maid looked happy, so she wanted to open the cabinet to pick up the goods for Liu Fufeng. If this so-called "treasure of the town shop" was sold, the owner would be very happy, and she could get a little "commission" herself. She thought that no one would buy jewelry when she worked at night, but she didn't expect to bump into a big business.


The man looked at Liu Fufeng.

Although his way of striking up a conversation is a bit old-fashioned, it should be very useful. After all, he spent so much money, even Miss Qianjin would be tempted.

The man thinks so, that's why he uses this trick of throwing stones to ask for directions.

Half bent down and made a polite gesture, the man raised his head and gave Liu Fufeng a reserved and gentle smile.

"My daughter, my name is..."

The man was about to introduce himself, when Liu Fufeng turned around and ignored him, the gentleness on his face suddenly froze.

"This is a glazed plant, is it enough?" Liu Fufeng said with a cold face, and at the same time took out a transparent colored glaze and placed it on the table in front of him.

"Enough, enough, but..." The maid froze for a moment, and looked at the man. The latter's face darkened for a moment, and then he climbed up to polish again.

"I'll just pay for it myself. After all, it's something for my sister." Liu Fufeng turned around, gave the man a smile out of politeness, and then raised his hand to touch Lu Ling's head. The latter was still confused.

"My daughter, I was reckless." The man took a step back, bent down to apologize to Liu Fufeng, and said to the maid: "This daughter can just pay by herself, hurry up and wrap it up for her."

"Ah?" The maid froze for a moment, looked at the man and woman in front of her strangely, and then came back to her senses: "I, I'll go right away."

The maid left to get the box decorated with blood butterflies.

"I'm really sorry for being so abrupt, beautiful lady." The man looked embarrassed.

"I can't afford to be a beauty." Liu Fufeng shook his head, she was at most a girl, not a beauty, and...

Although this man is quite good-looking, but they don't know each other. Liu Fufeng's vigilance has not let go for a moment. Although he looks very young, he is 26 or [-] years old because of his makeup, so he came here to strike up a conversation with her and Ah at such an old age. Aya, I'm really shameless.

Liu Fufeng just pretended not to know, but he knew it all in his heart.

Besides, why did she ask someone else to pay for the things she bought for Ah Ling.

"This blood butterfly is very beautiful, and fits your temperament very well." The man straightened his black and red luxurious robe, and said while staring into Liu Fufeng's eyes.

Nothing to say.

Liu Fufeng didn't have any ill feeling towards him, because although the latter always wanted to attract her attention, there was no dirty look in his eyes, at most, the way he used it was a bit embarrassing and didn't please her.

Of course, not feeling bad doesn't mean Liu Fufeng is willing to waste time with him.

Today was the first time that she and Lu Ling went out together to play, and she didn't want to have other extra people with her, it would be very unpleasant.

"This is for my sister." Liu Fufeng repeated with a cold look.

"En..." The man smiled awkwardly, then looked at Lu Ling who was on Liu Fufeng's right, she was short and looked a little shy, her eyes were full of vigilance.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is she the girl who needs to be observed... It looks similar to what was said in the newspaper. If such a weak girl can really destroy the Zuixian Tower, then even if it has nothing to do with Lingshan, it is definitely worth his effort people.

Anyway, he didn't have much to do while staying in the City Lord's Mansion. Under the management of the laws of the past dynasties, Luoyan City had already had its own mature operation method, and he was very relaxed.

At this moment, the maid came over, holding in her arms a small and delicate sandalwood box that was painted red and silver.

After opening, the box contained red brocade and cork, with a groove in the middle that looked like a blood butterfly hair ornament.

He took out the hair accessories and put them in, and the maid took out some gold and handed them over together.

"My dear, this is your stuff and the remaining money. If something goes wrong, we can help to repair it..."

"Okay." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then handed the exquisite wooden box to Lu Ling, who held the box, opened it and took a look, the blood butterfly lay quietly inside, very beautiful.


It would be better if there were no extra people.

Lu Ling looked at the man standing in front of their sisters like a door god from before, and curled her lips.

It's definitely not a good thing, although it looks gentle, but Lu Ling thinks that this person has bad intentions and is just a wolf with a big tail.

" lord, my sister and I still want to play, so we're leaving first." Liu Fufeng led Lu Ling a few steps away.

The man made a gesture of letting go, watched Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling leave, and raised his legs to follow.

"Okay, don't follow us?" Liu Fufeng turned his head and said.

"Cough, of course." The man's figure paused and stopped in place.

Then Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling away, leaving only this man standing in the jewelry store, his face flickering.

He never thought that Liu Fufeng would really not give him any face, no matter how handsome he is, he would be of no use to her at all.

At first he thought that his charm had weakened, but seeing the hearts of the maids in the palace, the man sighed.

"My lord..." The maid approached.

The man took a step back and gave her a gentle smile: "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Then leave.

She went out in the completely opposite direction to Liu Fufeng, as she wished, the man did not follow.

But it is impossible for him to give up.

Although Liu Fufeng's attitude towards him is not good, but it can be seen that this is a very gentle girl, she should be concerned about her own identity as a man, and she refuses so softly...

There is no such attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

Now it seems that there is no way at all.

There should be a problem with the strategy, he thought that his handsome appearance would attract Liu Fufeng's attention, but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

It's okay, he has other options.


On the dark street, men dressed in black and red hide in the darkness.

There are no pedestrians on the street at all, this is the "forbidden place" of Luoyan City, and it is also a gathering place for Heijia.

Except for the city lord, anyone else coming in is a death sentence, including the four major families.

In Luoyan City, the black armor and the city lord represent absolute strength and faith. Although most people don't know what the city lord looks like, if someone says that the city lord is not good, they will probably be dealt with by the people first. The city lord needs to do it himself.

The prestige of the city lord's lineage in Luoyan City was not formed in a day or two.

Walking on the empty street, the man suddenly spoke.

"A one."


In the corner of the shadow, a black armor appeared, and it could be seen that there was a whole queue of people behind him.

The man waved his hand: "I'm going home, open the door."

"Yes." After Hei Jia retreated into the darkness, a group of people started to move, and the processing agency went.

Then, the man stepped out, and the entire street in the depths changed. The wall sank into the ground, revealing a winding staircase. The candlelight was weak, like the bloody maw of a beast, which looked chilling.

There are many organs here, controlled by the black armor guards.

Although the atmosphere was dark, the man seemed to be in a good mood. He walked down the stairs and his figure gradually disappeared.

Before the door closed, a man's voice came.

"Take care of those two girls, I'll meet them later, they are very interesting people..."


Heijia went into action.


At this time, the bright moon is in the sky.

Liu Fufeng walked into the dense forest with the big and small bags in his hand, and when he came out, everything in his hand was gone.

She put them all into the Qiankun bag.

"Junior Sister, this..." Lu Ling waved her hand, Xuechen jumped off the box, then Lu Ling opened the wooden box and took out the beautiful and delicate blood butterfly.

I have to say that although it is a bit expensive, it is really beautiful. The streamlined wings and weird blood-red shape come to life under the moon, as if it is about to fly.

Lu Ling put the blood butterfly hair ornament in the palm of her hand and lifted it up.

"Junior Sister, here you are."

"Give it to me?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

"You're wearing it, let me see." Lu Ling nodded, it was originally prepared for Liu Fufeng, whoever wears it if she doesn't.

Lu Ling doesn't like red, it's because Liu Fufeng likes it, that's why she is dressed in red.

"Me? Forget it, it's better for you to wear it, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng stroked Lu Ling's hair, and then pointed to their clothes.

Lu Ling understood that what Liu Fufeng meant was that it was inappropriate for her to wear white, but she would look good in red.

Lu Ling shook her head.

It doesn't matter if it fits or not, why is she dressed so beautifully? If possible, Lu Ling would like to cut her hair short, why would she like the decorations of her daughter's house.

"Do you really want me to wear it?" Liu Fufeng asked, seeing Lu Ling nodding firmly, Liu Fufeng felt a little helpless.

After working for a long time, Ah Ling chose it for herself...

But my heart is still very happy.

"Speaking of which, I already have a gift from you, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng took out a pendant from his neck, it was an ice-blue glass, which was given to her by Lu Ling before.

Of course, Liu Fufeng has always said to help Lu Ling keep it.

Liu Fufeng himself also likes beautiful gemstones, but it's just because he never had the chance to wear them since he was a child.

"Try it quickly." Lu Ling picked up Xuechen and said persistently.

"En." Liu Fufeng no longer shirked, picked up the blood butterfly and weighed it in his hand.

The hair accessory was smaller than Lu Ling's palm, and had a weight that matched her body shape. Liu Fufeng put it above her right ear, opened the foot of the blood butterfly, and stuck it next to her ear, then shook her head, feeling tight. After hanging it tightly, I opened my eyes.

"Okay." Liu Fufeng said a little nervously, she knew that her pure white cloud dress with red hair accessories must be a bit nondescript, but she didn't know what Ah Ling thought.

However, Lu Ling gave Liu Fufeng a perfect answer, she stared blankly at Liu Fufeng with her mouth wide open.

Her junior sister is so beautiful now...

Sure enough, she knew that this style of hair accessories was the most suitable for her junior sister.

At this time, Liu Fufeng was dressed in elegant white clothes, with long flowing hair, and she had a fairy air. The blood butterfly hair ornament from before seemed to come alive on Liu Fufeng's body, giving her an alluring look.

I don't know what it would be like if she was dressed in red at this time.

"Senior Sister, is it okay?" Liu Fufeng was a little nervous.

"En." Lu Ling nodded fiercely.

"Really?" Seeing this, Liu Fufeng raised the corner of his mouth, she could feel that Lu Ling didn't lie to her.

It's really great that the sister likes it.

"Then junior sister, let's continue now." Lu Ling took the initiative to hold Liu Fufeng's hand and walked forward.

She still has something to eat, and hopefully something good to eat.

"Oh, but..." Liu Fufeng was dragged forward by Lu Ling.

Good-looking is good-looking, but what's the matter with it, it will not match.

"Can you take it off?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"No!" Lu Ling shook her head.

"Forget it, just listen to you."

As long as Lu Ling thinks it looks good, it doesn't matter.

Think so.


【Xuechen, my junior sister is pretty. 】Lu Ling turned her head to look at Liu Fufeng, and then patted the cat's head in her arms.

"Meow~" Cat nodded.

Of course, the most beautiful person in her heart is always her master.

[I knew that someone coveted my junior sister, well, I didn't expect to meet a nasty man who would strike up a conversation with me on my first trip, and he flirted with my junior sister. 】Lu Ling complained in her heart.

Want to snatch Liu Fufeng?In the next life.

"Meow~" the cat let out a soft cry, and then a trace of doubt flashed in its big eyes.

Because she stayed in Lu Ling's arms all the time, she didn't pay attention to what happened. To Xuechen, as long as she wasn't from the world of cultivating immortals, she wouldn't care.

Man, what man?
Well, never mind.

Xuechen continued to indulge in Lu Ling's body temperature.


When the two of them started shopping again, a dark door opened and a person walked out.

He couldn't see his face in the dark, only his tall figure.

The corners of the mouth are clear.

"I'm here again, this time I must find out your details."

Then he walked into the busy street and disappeared among the carriages and horses.

(End of this chapter)

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