Chapter 266
Zhao Yingge woke up in the dark, and subconsciously wanted to pick up the spear beside her, but found that she couldn't move at all, and there was a sharp pain in her body, accompanied by a numb itching.

All over the body.

At this time, Zhao Yingge was still a little dazed, her head was heavy, and she didn't know what happened, but she soon remembered everything.

He failed to assassinate himself, was killed by others, and then abandoned the "corpse".

In the end, he was saved by a rich lady.

Although her hands and feet are not honest, I still have to thank her.

Zhao Yingge regained some strength after sleeping for a while, opened her eyes, and what she saw was pitch black, and she couldn't see anything.

But the window was open, and he turned his head with some difficulty. Outside the window was a bright moon hanging high.

what happened?
The girl frowned.

The answer is don't know.

What should I do?
The answer is also do not know.

The person who rescued her before is not here, is it late at night?

She thought she was freed after death, but now she came back to life, so the question is, what should she do with such a serious injury?
do not know either.

Maybe it's better to die before.


The girl's eyes were fully opened, and the moles at the corners of her eyes were unusually obvious, but she wasn't weak at all.

What happened to Luoyan City?Should she take revenge or take revenge, she must not let that scumbag continue to live, even if she cannot do anything wrong after entering Luoyan City, she must send him to hell.

at all costs.

She didn't think about why she kept him so that he wouldn't do evil... The goal was obvious, to avenge her relatives.

Live for this.

You must... kill him with your own hands.

Zhao Yingge's eyes were full of fierceness and hatred.

At this time, a silver light shone outside the window, like stars on the moon, attracting Zhao Yingge's attention, and then, that silver light gradually enlarged.

"Hoo!" With the sound of breaking through the air, it shot into the room, submerged into a section of the tofu-like floor, and finally stopped in front of her eyes.

It was a weapon, a red spear.

Zhao Yingge showed a shocked expression, her eyes filled with disbelief.

This is the weapon that has accompanied her for many years. I thought it had been left on the body of the dead substitute today, but I didn't expect it to come back now.

Such scenes overturned her worldview.

what happened?

After a while, Zhao Yingge gave up thinking about such an incredible thing, and looked at the barrel of the gun in front of him, with a more reassuring expression.

Just having it around is enough.

Close your eyes and continue to rest.

The room fell silent again.


At this time, on the second floor of Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

In the ears, the fresh and elegant sound of the piano is endless, and the hardcover room has an elegant environment.

But there lay a man who was out of place.

Li Wangsheng was completely drunk, lying on the ground with his wine gourd in his arms, smacking his lips from time to time.

Dongfang Lianren was sitting at the table eating snacks and listening to the music.

It was she who brought the spear to Zhao Yingge just now, and almost forgot about it before.

After I go back tomorrow, I will see how to deal with this girl.

"Ah~~" Dongfang Lianren yawned and looked at Li Wangsheng on the ground.

so boring……


It was almost midnight now, and the moon was high, but the streets were still as bright as day.

Liu Fufeng, who had already put all his belongings into the Qiankun bag, was carrying big and small bags again.

Most of them are food, but also some clothes, toys, decorations and so on.

Not only Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling also carried a full basket on her back, and a light blue cat lay on top of the basket.

There was no room left for Lu Ling's hands, she was holding a bag in one hand and a bunch of candied haws in the other.

Inside the back are the gadgets she bought, such as flutes and music-related things like Xiao. If possible, Lu Ling just wanted to take away his Guqin as well.

She also discovered that this world has many similarities with the original world, in terms of language, culture, and now even musical instruments.

Go back and see if you can blow it into a tune.

Lu Ling was looking forward to it.

"Sister, ah..." Lu Ling held up the candied haws in her hand.

Liu Fufeng lowered his head and took a bite, then showed a sour expression: "Mm, so sour..."

"Appetizer." Lu Ling looked at the blood butterfly hair ornament on Liu Fufeng's head, nodded in satisfaction, and then yawned.

Are you tired?
Seeing this, Liu Fufeng glanced at the nearby teahouse.

"Go in and rest for a while?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"En." Lu Ling nodded.

Then the two walked in.

Although it was about to fall into the night, the teahouse was still very lively. The two floors of the teahouse were almost full of people. There were a few storytellers below, and the atmosphere inside the building was extremely lively.

Basically, middle-aged men listen to books a lot, and Liu Fufeng didn't plan to stay for long, so he didn't go to the private room on the second floor.

After finally finding an empty table in the corner, Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling to sit down, put down his luggage, and ordered two cups of tea.

Seeing Lu Ling lying on the table, a little tired, Liu Fufeng smiled, and then looked at the stage, she also wanted to hear the story told by the storyteller.

Everyone is interested in the stories about fairy legends, but Liu Fufeng has entered the fairy gate at this time, so he is even more curious.


At this time, in the alley outside the door.

A man in black and red clothes came out carrying a large bag of things.

Tall and tall, she was a young girl. The first impression she gave people was that she had a pair of long legs, but she wrapped herself tightly without revealing her beauty.

Dressed gorgeously, on a hot summer night, wrapped in a black and red gauze, it vividly displayed the girl's youthful aura.

The girl's hair is scattered, and a few strands of hair are left by her ears. Her Danfeng eyes and willow eyebrows are agile and clever.

"Is it right here?" the girl asked.

"Yes." Hei Jia's voice came from behind.

"Okay, I get it, let's get back."


Then, a shrewd and sly look appeared in the girl's eyes.

See you again this time.

She walked into the teahouse with a lot of things, and saw Liu Fufeng in the corner at a glance.

At this time, Liu Fufeng was listening attentively to the storytelling on the stage, while Lu Ling was lying on the table teasing the cat.

"Oh, let me let you go, let me let you go..."

The girl's abrupt voice caused the dissatisfaction of the tea customers in the teahouse, but after seeing that it was a daughter who was stumbling among the crowd with a lot of items, she didn't care.

"Huh... I'm exhausted." At this time, the girl brought a big bag of things and squeezed to Liu Fufeng's side, and Liu Fufeng also looked at her.

It looks much older than myself, but it should be under 25, and it has a good temperament.

"Well, sister, can I sit here? I'm tired from shopping and I want to find a place to sit for a while." The girl said that there are still two seats on the table, can she take a break.

"..." Liu Fufeng frowned, then looked at other places in the teahouse.

There are many empty seats, why did they find their sisters, and the black and red attire always made her feel familiar.

"That..." The girl saw Liu Fufeng's doubts, then squatted down, and whispered: "The rest of the place is full of men... There are no empty tables..."

Then there was a natural look of distress on his face.

Liu Fufeng took a glance, and there were indeed no empty seats.

It turned out to be the case.

"No problem, it's fine." Liu Fufeng nodded and turned sideways: "Aling, come here."

Lu Ling let out a whimper, then moved to Liu Fufeng's place, leaving a place for the girl.

"Thank you, sister." The girl bowed her head in gratitude, then put her few bags of things on the stool on the other side, and sat down beside Lu Ling.

"I'm exhausted, I should have known I wouldn't buy so many things." The girl sat down and complained.

Liu Fufeng nodded: "I also bought a lot, so I came in to rest."

The girl smiled brightly.

Sure enough, Liu Fufeng didn't reject girls' words at all.

"Well, let's get to know each other, my name is Xifeng." The girl took the opportunity to say.

"My surname is Liu, and this is my younger sister." Liu Fufeng hesitated for a moment and said.

"Sister Liu, right?" Xifeng moved a little closer to Lu Ling, and a little closer to Liu Fufeng, then she screamed as if she had discovered something.

The voice was so sharp that everyone in the teahouse heard it, and even the storytellers above paused for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Xifeng apologized again and again, then sat down, and whispered: "So this blood butterfly was bought by my sister, I originally wanted to buy it, it seems a step late."

With a look of pity on his face.

"Blood Butterfly? Is this a hair accessory?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, it turns out that there are other people who like it besides her.

"Yes, this is the treasure of Pearl Pavilion this year. It is said that it is taken from the blood coral in the West Sea, poured with snow silver, and it has been carved by many masters. It is only because of the strange color that it cannot be sold, but I've always liked it, but I didn't have any money before, and I just got enough today... I didn't expect it to be sold."

As soon as Xifeng mentioned this hair accessory, she couldn't stop, and Liu Fufeng was also confused, only knowing that it was a girl who liked jewelry.

" you like it very much?" Liu Fufeng touched the top of his ear, and the blood butterfly gave off a warm feeling, like a beautiful jade.

"I like it...but it's still better for you to wear it with my younger sister." Xifeng forced a smile on her face, but her big eyes were full of envy.

The acting is excellent.

"If you like it, you won't give it." Lu Ling raised her head, stared at Xifeng, and frowned.

"A Ling, be polite." Liu Fufeng patted Lu Ling on the head, but he didn't say yes, it's just a young lady who talks a lot, so there's nothing to reject.

This level is far worse than Senior Sister Qin's talkativeness.

"Hehe." Xifeng was a little embarrassed by Lu Ling.

"I'm sorry, my sister is like this sometimes." Liu Fufeng apologized for Lu Ling, and then said a few more words in an apologetic mood.

"It's okay, I also have a similar sister in my family, who is very willful and clingy...but I like her very much." Xifeng seemed to have thought of something, showing a doting expression.

"Besides, if I didn't buy it, I can only say that I was unlucky."

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng's affection for Xifeng increased a little, it turned out that she is also a sister.

"Then these things..." Liu Fufeng looked at the stool.

"I bought it for my little girl." Xifeng said helplessly, "It's all snacks."

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Fufeng's mouth turned up: "My place is mostly snacks, and Ah Ling is more greedy."

"Children are like this." Xifeng echoed: "She insisted on pestering me today, but then I found a way to sneak out alone, even avoiding the nursing home, otherwise I wouldn't be carrying so much money alone. Things, my hands are sore."

As he spoke, he shook his hand.

"It's quite a lot." Looking at the big bag of snacks on the chair, Liu Fufeng nodded.

"I want to give her a surprise." Xifeng said.


Seeing that the two chatted without saying a word, Lu Ling froze for a moment.

Her junior sister also has such a side... Also, Liu Fufeng has never heard of any friends on the mountain, but now he finally found someone who has a common topic, so it's normal to say a few more words.

But she was bored, and their conversations were hard to understand.

Lu Ling lay on the table with the cat in her arms, looked at Xifeng's face, and narrowed her eyes.

This young lady... How do you feel that you have seen it before?

And Liu Fufeng also had the same question, and she also felt that this young lady looked familiar.

"Have we met before?"

"Ah? Probably not." Xifeng didn't feel unnatural at all, and said very normally: "This is the first time I've seen you, sister."

"Is that so... Maybe I have identified the wrong person." Liu Fufeng shook his head.

Afterwards, Xifeng ordered a cup of tea, because she was going to have a little more talk with Liu Fufeng.

"Sister, you...are not from Luoyan City." Xi Feng glanced at Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling, and said with uncertainty: "I know all the daughters of Luoyan City, big and small, and you two are new faces."

"Yes." Liu Fufeng nodded: "Our sisters are from... Picheng."

This is a town near the village where Liu Fufeng lived before. She can't tell this person that she is from Lingshan.

"Sure enough, it turned out to be a guest." Xifeng's eyes flashed, she seemed very interested, and asked: "Picheng? Where is it? Is it fun?"

Liu Fufeng: "..."

"That... sister, forgive me, I was rude." Xifeng smiled embarrassedly: "The main reason is that I haven't seen the scenery outside Luoyan City..."

Emotional loss.

"Sometimes, I also want to see the outside world." Xifeng pursed her lips.

She herself didn't know the truth of this sentence.

"It's okay if it's inconvenient."

Xifeng said so.

Liu Fufeng shook his head: "It's nothing inconvenient, it's far worse than Luoyan City."

Then I talked to her a little bit.

"So that's the case, then I'll stay in Luoyan City." Xifeng said, and immediately realized that she had said something wrong: "Of course, I'm not saying that sister, your hometown is not good..."

"it does not matter."

"Then where exactly is it?" Xifeng asked curiously, "I don't know how big the outside world is."

"Probably at..." Liu Fufeng thought for a while, and said an address.

"I see, I haven't heard of it." Xifeng nodded.

In fact, she probably knew it.

She knew the place Liu Fufeng mentioned was a town much smaller than Luoyan City.

Liu Fufeng didn't seem to have any intentions, so he probably wouldn't lie to her... It wasn't a fabricated address.

Does it have nothing to do with Lingshan?
No, let's take a closer look, that small place doesn't have such an imposing daughter as Liu Fufeng, Blood Butterfly buys it as soon as it says it will.

 I wish you all a happy life ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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