Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 267 Lingshan and Falling Goose

Chapter 267 Lingshan and Falling Goose

A small Picheng can't produce such a heroic daughter.

After a short contact, Xifeng also got to know Liu Fufeng a little bit, her behavior is not like everyone's daughter, but she has a temperament and self-confidence, which gives her a feeling that everything in Luoyan City doesn't matter.

It seems that the only one worth noting in the world is his own sister, even a stranger like her can see Liu Fufeng's doting on Lu Ling, even if he is sitting and listening to a book now, Liu Fufeng's attention has never left Lu Ling.

Next, Xifeng, who had nothing to talk about for the time being, calmed down and listened to the book quietly. Of course, her eyes were still on Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

At this moment, Liu Fufeng ordered the tea to be served.

"I didn't ask for bitter tea, let them serve a little sweet one, Ah Ling, try it." Liu Fufeng picked up the teacup and handed it to Lu Ling.

"Yeah." Lu Ling was bored. Liu Fufeng was listening to the book before, but she didn't quite understand it, so she could only lie there and pet the cat.


Lu Ling is drinking tea.

Average taste.

Then got bored again.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng shook his head helplessly, then picked up his own bitter tea, felt the rich bitterness with the tip of his tongue, and at the end was a touch of sweetness...

not bad.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Liu Fufeng thinks that this bitter tea is much better than Yueyingcao... A mortal like her really can't understand Teacher Li Zhuzi's thoughts.

Xifeng was also holding a teacup at this time, and took a sip with an expression of enjoyment.

And this scene was also seen by Liu Fufeng.

This elder sister... is really beautiful. Liu Fufeng compared the two of them and found that he was not as good as Xifeng. The latter had an inexplicable aura that made her look noble, with a kind of repulsion alienation.

Black and red clothes, a small waist that can be grasped, and tight long legs that make her blush a little.

All meanings are lost.

Xifeng was much taller than Liu Fufeng, at least five centimeters taller, while Lu Ling couldn't even reach her chest when she stood up.

"Sister?" At this moment, Xifeng noticed Liu Fufeng's gaze and asked in doubt.

"It's okay, I was distracted." Liu Fufeng came back to his senses, and took his impolite gaze away from the girl in front of him.

"By the way, what kind of pet is this... so cute." Xifeng pointed to Xuechen who was yawning and collapsed in Lu Ling's arms, with little stars twinkling in her eyes, looking very fond of it.

"Hmm... I don't know what kind of little guy my sister picked up." Liu Fufeng prevaricated casually.

She had never heard of Xuechen's cute appearance before, but this world is so big, I believe that not all small animals have been seen by anyone, so it's not a problem.

But Xifeng didn't think so. After she praised her cuteness a few more times, she stopped talking.

Xuechen's appearance...she remembered it.

Interesting, it is indeed a species that has never been seen before, an animal that looks like a work of art, and acts like a girl in Lu Ling's arms.

Isn't it a mortal thing?

Moreover, Lu Ling is lying on her stomach with a decadent appearance. It is hard to imagine that she broke through the west wall of Zuixian Tower. To such a degree of destruction, it would take a lot of effort for her black armor to do it. How could a little girl possible……

However, she did not continue to ask, and now she has received enough information.

Reminiscent of the "Lingshan Xuanjing Division" on the previous household registration...

According to various information, these two are definitely not ordinary people.


At this time, time passed quietly, and Lu Ling lay there bored, took some snacks and started eating.

Liu Fufeng and Xifeng listened carefully to the book.

Several people above took turns "acting", trying to better express folk legends or anecdotes.

It's about immortals, Liu Fufeng watched it with relish, and all this fell into Xifeng's eyes.

Nothing surprising.

"Back then, in Luoyan City, there was a thousand pieces of gold who saw a figure in the sky. The man flew up and stepped on the sword. He was dressed in white and handsome. And that daughter never married..." The storyteller made a regretful voice, which caused everyone to nod.

If you haven't seen a fairy, you can't understand the fatal attraction.

"Flying with the Sword, it is said that it is the Holy Land of the Chivalrous School, the Shushan Sword School, the people there are all accompanied by the sword, wielding the sword to the end of the world, and it is their mission to kill all the demons in the world. They are definitely the "Guardian Gods"!"

What follows are some collected stories, most of which are related to the Shushan Sword School. The gentle voice seems to show the picture in front of everyone, which makes people very yearning.

Liu Fufeng listened with gusto.

She hasn't seen a swordsman in Shushan yet. Although Senior Sister Shen also uses a sword, she should be different from Shushan.

"Sister, do you like this kind of legend very much?" Xifeng asked.

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"Well, I think that's what the so-called immortals are. They should be ordinary people with some strength." Xifeng lowered her voice a little.

"Oh?" Liu Fufeng became interested.

This elder sister's idea is a bit bold. You must know that before she stepped into the fairy gate, all the fairies in Lingshan were unattainable people, but now...

In fact, as she said, they are all ordinary girls.

"I'm just telling you, sister, don't spread the word... If the fairies in Lingshan hear it, they might convict me." Xifeng patted her chest and said cautiously.

The woman's figure under the black and red veil was hot and she did not avoid suspicion. Liu Fufeng looked away, then nodded.

"That's natural."

But... Fairy Lingshan?conviction?

What kind of statement is this?
Liu Fufeng was surprised from the bottom of his heart, but of course he didn't show it, so when he found that Liu Fufeng didn't have a special expression when he heard the word "Lingshan", Xifeng was a little disappointed.

"How should I put it?" Xifeng stared into Liu Fufeng's eyes: "It is rumored that this Luoyan City is related to Lingshan, but has anyone seen it? Probably including the city lord, they don't know whether Lingshan exists or not."

"If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Hasn't the legend of the fairy been passed down for many years?" Liu Fufeng reminded.

"So what if it exists?" Xifeng said indifferently.

"Fairy Lingshan is merciful and magnificent, saving all people from suffering." Xifeng's voice gradually quieted down: "Who has seen it again? What are you doing to me in Luoyan City? Sister, have you seen it?"

The tone is a bit sharp.

"..." Liu Fufeng was silent, she didn't know what to say, and at the same time looked at Xifeng with a weird look.

This elder sister was a little condescending to her.

This kind of talk can't be said indiscriminately, but Liu Fufeng doesn't care, what she's afraid of is that her senior will be unhappy when she hears it.

"I'm not too sure about this kind of thing." Liu Fufeng shook his head.

"I don't know, it's best." Xifeng raised one leg, and then she didn't know whether she was talking to herself or to Liu Fufeng: "Spirit Mountain, Fairyland, Holy Land, what do they have to do with my Luoyan City? Everyone in this city Putting Fairy Lingshan first, I just can't stand it."

Liu Fufeng just listened quietly, the girl in front of her seemed to be complaining.

"When Luoyan City was built, what happened so long ago has no way to be verified, but in the past few hundred years, the three generations of city lords have never seen a shadow of a Lingshan fairy. Although the city lord holds great power, but They all worked hard for the construction of Luoyan City, and most of them died young. My father... the last city lord passed away when he was less than 40 years old. This law was only completed in his term Complete." Xifeng lowered her eyes.

"Luoyan City was built by the city lord and led by many people. What has it to do with Lingshan? Sister, can you tell me? Now if there is a fairy from Lingshan who meddles in the affairs of our city at will, how should we face this situation? The legendary fairy, servile, or..." Xifeng shook her head, but she didn't say the next word.

It is already a great treason for a mortal to talk about the fairy world.

"I, I don't know. After all, I'm not from Luoyan City, and I don't know the entanglement between Luoyan City and the Holy Land..." Liu Fufeng hesitated and said, "It's a kind of luck to get information about the Holy Land, isn't it? A good attitude."

"Neither humble nor overbearing? Probably." Xifeng hid her mocking face, these immortals would only bring bad influence to them.

"Maybe one day a certain fairy is not happy, and the century-old construction of Luoyan City will be ruined?" Xifeng said.

"...No way." Liu Fufeng said this with his head bowed.

Lu Ling also trembled.

She was listening to the conversation between Liu Fufeng and Xifeng. Although she couldn't fully understand it, she got a rough idea. It meant that this young lady had obvious dissatisfaction with Lingshan.

Lu Ling felt that her idea was correct, and no one would want their family's achievements to be controlled by someone who didn't need it.


Today, her junior sister destroyed the entire South Gate of Luoyan City... So what this little sister said can completely become a reality.

Lu Ling can understand, but she doesn't like this topic.

Liu Fufeng didn't like it either.

She didn't know this Xifeng at all, but the latter asked her some very sharp questions, and his questioning attitude gave her the illusion that her identity was exposed.

Most importantly, Liu Fufeng felt that Xifeng's words were correct, and Lingshan was not qualified to intervene in the affairs of Luoyan City.

But Lingshan protects the entire human race, Xifeng only focuses on Luoyan City, naturally there will be conflicts, Liu Fufeng only focuses on Lu Ling, and the rest doesn't matter.

The city lord who came to Luoyan City should be the same, all for the harmonious development and construction of the town.

To be honest, this Luoyan City gave Liu Fufeng a good impression. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the folk customs are simple. Although there are bad people, loving money is not a big mistake. The most important thing is that life here is very stable.

After a day's work, you can go to restaurants, teahouses, night markets...

Don't worry about the monsters.

It's an enviable life.

When they were not in Lingshan, such a life was unimaginable. Although the inner and outer cities of Luoyan City were distinct, it didn't mean that the people in the outer city had a worse life than the people in the inner city.

One person, one way of life.

She still admires the city lord whom she has never met.

"No? Who knows?" Xifeng adjusted her emotions, looked at Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling who bowed their heads silently, and had their own guesses in their hearts.

It seems that she has found the right person.

The so-called Lingshan is just an ordinary girl.


At this time, the storyteller happened to be talking about Lingshan.

"The fairy of Lingshan has completely become a legend. If sword immortals are still very common, the fairy of Lingshan is really a dragon who can't see the end. He can only hear the rumors, but no one has seen it." The storyteller was a little excited : "I believe that I don't need to introduce it. We already have a lot of legends about Lingshan in Luoyan City, but it's just not sure."

"Perhaps, among the daughters on this street, there is the Lingshan fairy who descended to play, don't you think so?"

A flood of noise.

After mobilizing the atmosphere, the storyteller continued: "Lingshan, unlike other legends, is said to be a sacred place for women, guarding the north of the earth, and is the most important force against demons..."


Unknowingly, time passed by quickly, and the storyteller processed all the legends he could find, told them in words, and created several great and mysterious fairy gates.

If you can enter the fairy gate, you really have no regrets in this life.

That's what most people think.

I don't know how many hours later, Lu Ling fell asleep on the table, the cat in her arms was snoring softly, her nose was wrinkled, very cute.

But Liu Fufeng and Xifeng finished talking on the stage and refilled several cups of tea.

"That's all the latest rumors about Xianmen." The storyteller bowed: "Everyone should be tired of hearing what I'm going to say next, but I still have to say what needs to be said—"

The middle-aged storyteller touched his beard, and seriousness flashed in his small eyes: "As a human race, we should have respect for Xianmen. Only with them can we have the comfortable life we ​​have today."

"The previous stories are all from rumors in the market, they are not true, and the ranks of the fairy gates are not in order."

"The above, thank you for your support."

The storyteller bowed, followed by bustling voices. Along with the discussion of the previous story, it was time for the teahouse to end.

In a blink of an eye, the building was empty.

Only Liu Fufeng and Xifeng were left sitting on their seats.

Fairy gate... so there are so many?
Liu Fufeng came from a small city, so he knew Shushan and Lingshan. After entering Lingshan, he learned about fairy gates such as "Eastern God Sea" and "Zhufengliu" from an ordinary person.

It can be regarded as an eye-opener.

"It's finally over." Xifeng stretched her waist: "The ears of these things are callused. As he said, you still need to be in awe... Guarding the human race, tsk, how great it is."

Liu Fufeng pretended not to hear. She was also very surprised that this little sister had been listening to her all the time. Now, Lu Ling fell asleep bored, and she didn't leave.

It seems that it is not as simple as what she said, take a break.

Liu Fufeng also knew it in his heart, but it's not surprising that Ah Ling's previous appearance should have fallen into the eyes of many people.

At this time, on the empty first floor, the storyteller was tidying up the desk, and Xifeng turned to look at Liu Fufeng.

"Sister, you are so interested in Xianmen, sister, I don't know one thing."

"But it's okay to say." Liu Fufeng raised the corners of his mouth, not panicking at all, probably already expected what she was going to ask.

Xifeng really lived up to Liu Fufeng's expectations.

"You're already a member of the fairy sect, why are you still so interested?" Xi Feng stared into Liu Fufeng's eyes with a bit of sternness.

(End of this chapter)

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