Chapter 271


Xifeng stood at the stairs, with half of her body leaning on the handrail, noble and lazy.

After Mr. Zhao looked up and saw Xifeng, he was stunned for a moment, and then his handsome face distorted a little.

When had he been treated so vulgarly when he was a noble man?

Although the woman in front of her is a daughter and looks familiar, but Luoyan City's rules are not to take the initiative to provoke the daughter of a daughter, and now being provoked does not count.

Mr. Zhao looked Xifeng up and down, his eyes lingered on her waist and chest for a moment, and the corners of his mouth lifted.

This small waist and hot body...


"Who is she? Is she related to the two above?" Mr. Zhao asked his shopkeeper.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't matter." The shopkeeper said.

Liu Fufeng's attitude towards Xifeng is obvious.

"That's good." Mr. Zhao nodded, what he needs to pay attention to now is Liu Fufeng's side, other things don't matter.

Seeing this, Xifeng showed a playful smile.

She originally wanted to go to listen to the book after driving away the Zhao family's children, so she just said it casually, and didn't really have any murderous intentions.

But people sometimes like to die...

"He looks good, and his figure is hot enough, but it's a pity that he's a bit older, and his temperament is not pleasing." Mr. Zhao commented on Xifeng, and then he said to himself as if he was picking goods: "But it's barely enough. "

"My dear, are you interested in having a drink together?" Mr. Zhao stretched out his hand as an invitation.

Xifeng didn't even look at him.

A little furry child.

I guess he is a little younger than himself, so it's on his head... I don't have eyes.

And say he's older or something—

"Don't be so indifferent..." Mr. Zhao stopped his body before he finished speaking, a dagger was lying on her neck at this time, and the cold light was overflowing, accompanied by the indifferent smile of the woman in front of him.

"Get out." Xifeng said, and then exerted a little force on her hand, cutting a bloodstain.

"Qian, Qianjin, please be merciful, this is the son of the Zhao family..." the person in charge said in a panic.

"It's because I know it belongs to the Zhao family, otherwise I would have abolished this kid now." Xifeng wanted to laugh a little.

Mention the Zhao family in front of her?
However, what Xifeng didn't expect was that after she finished speaking, Mr. Zhao began to feel confident.

Knowing that the Zhao family will be jealous, it means that this daughter is not from the fairy sect. How can a member of the immortal sect care about a small family...

In other words, she was just a woman who knew martial arts.

This is much easier to settle.

The folding fan waved and pushed the dagger away.

"This daughter, I am the son of the Zhao family of the four major families of Luoyan... I want to treat my daughter to a drink, why do I have to go to war so much?" At this time, Mr. Zhao's courage increased. He didn't believe that an ordinary woman who knew his identity would dare to do anything to him. .

The two have no major enmity.

"Have a drink?" Xifeng shook her head, then looked at the beauties behind her: "Just like those women? It's just a plaything."

The status of women in Luoyan City is indeed very high, but that is compared to other places. In fact, it is men who dominate...

Mr. Zhao was stunned for a moment, then smiled evilly.

It would be nice to have an appetizer to practice hands with when meeting people from the Immortal Gate.

"What, are you jealous?" Mr. Zhao reached out to hook Xifeng's chin.

An ordinary girl couldn't stop her from saying such words with a smile on her handsome face, but unfortunately, the girl in front of her was not an ordinary girl.

Holding a flower with a dagger in his hand, Xifeng smiled like a flower, and Danfeng's eyes narrowed into long and narrow slits.


Blood splashes.

"You!" Mr. Zhao screamed, looking at his bloody hands.

The moment he was about to touch Xifeng, the sharp dagger sliced ​​off his middle finger, bleeding profusely.

"You, how dare you!!" Mr. Zhao completely lost his composure, his face was distorted, and the maids and shopkeepers beside him didn't dare to move.

"How dare I? Hehe..." After a burst of laughter like silver bells.

Xifeng wiped the blood off the dagger: "Your father doesn't even dare to talk to me like that, you know?"

Wanting to touch her body... Xifeng is already showing mercy.

"Is the Zhao family having too many good times? It seems that I have to think about it." Xifeng shook her head.

"My father..." Mr. Zhao's complexion returned to normal upon hearing this.

Although he didn't know who he had offended, the family was the most important thing at this time. When he didn't know the details of the woman in front of him, he couldn't drag the family down.

"I was the one to be rude, my daughter." At this moment, with his horrific left hand behind his back, Young Master Zhao gritted his teeth.

Seeing this, Xifeng nodded in satisfaction.

"This is decent, I am a person from Luoyan City, and he still has a brain."

Among the sons of the four major families, this son of the Zhao family is the most unpromising, but there are also such city... at least not a waste who only knows how to play.

In fact, those who don't know are innocent, Xifeng didn't intend to do anything to him, but if he wanted to "molest" himself, he was committing suicide, and she just imposed a small punishment.

After all, the ignorant is fearless, and he can't think of his own identity.

Then Xifeng froze for a moment.

The ignorant are fearless—


Laugh at yourself.

"My daughter, it's good to leave a name." Mr. Zhao bowed his head, modestly and politely.

"No need, you don't deserve to know my name." Xifeng waved.

"A man above men?" Mr. Zhao asked, clenched his fists.

Xifeng smiled.

A man above all others.

What is a superior person?Immortal?

Now it seems that he who can trample the four big families under his feet and dare not speak is also the best person.

So she's not human anymore?

But people don't look at themselves, and Xifeng is the same, she only froze for a moment.

"If you want to make trouble, look at this." After all, it is her own child, Xifeng still explained, and she threw a token over.

Mr. Zhao took it, and then his face changed drastically.

This is the Liuli Cui Ling, with a broken-tailed swallow engraved on it...

The token represents identity, and the one in front of him is the token that has been described to him since he was a child, representing the identity of the city lord Xifeng.

Xifeng is the most powerful person in Luoyan City, he can be said to be the "emperor" of Luoyan City, no one dares to use his token to bluff and deceive.

He didn't see Xifeng many times, he only knew that the former's eyes were terrifying and majestic, every time he accompanied his father and grandfather to meet the city lord, he basically didn't dare to raise his head.

"City Lord..." Mr. Zhao's face turned green at this moment.

Naturally, he would not think that the person in front of him was Xifeng herself, but only regarded her as someone close to him.

Xifeng, nearly thirty years old, has not yet married. Their four major families also sent their own daughters, but they were all returned...

And the daughter in front of her is a woman, and she has a close relationship with the city lord.


I made a big disaster myself.

Mr. Zhao's back was soaked in cold sweat at this moment, and he was in a panic. He was not so helpless when his fingers were cut off.

If the woman in black and red in front of him is really the beauty of the city lord, then his words and actions just now are undoubtedly courting death.

The wife of the future city lord, plus the honorable status of the daughter of Luoyan City, it is not too much to say that she is the mistress of Luoyan City, but he actually wants to moles the woman of the city lord Xifeng?

Even if it's not a woman, but just a close person, that would be a catastrophe.

Not to mention his father, even his grandfather couldn't keep him.

At this time, the shopkeeper and the irrelevant people had already retreated under Mr. Zhao's gaze.

Then Mr. Zhao knelt down decisively.

"My dear, it was my fault. If there is any crime, I will bear it alone."

Then apologise.

Seeing this, Xifeng still smiled.

"If you don't relieve your anger, my life..." Mr. Zhao looked around, looking for a sword to end himself...

It's not that he's not promising, but that Xifeng's status in Luoyan City is too high. The so-called four major families only survive under the lineage of the city lord, and they are bigger ants, like bubbles.

"What do I want your life for, see what you look like, get up." Xifeng frowned and said sharply.

"Yes." Mr. Zhao is very obedient now.

"Luoyan City has its own set of laws, I was the one who hurt you, according to the law, I was the one who went too far." Xifeng said.

Hearing this, Mr. Zhao smiled wryly.

That's the way it is said, but it also needs to be divided into people. The laws of Luoyan City are iron rules, and his grandfather must abide by them, but if he wants to control the lineage of the city lord... Hehe.

"Okay, let's go." Xifeng was a little impatient at this moment.

She doesn't like this feeling of bullying others. Although she is relying on her own power, it is indeed her who is too much, and she is in a bad mood and a bit hostile.

Humans are such contradictory creatures.

"Then... Qianjin, what I offended before..." Mr. Zhao said cautiously.

"I do not know anything."

"Thank you, Qianjin." Mr. Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, and then bowed three times in succession.

He now feels that Xifeng is a very magnanimous person, and with her words, he is considered safe.

If such a person becomes the mistress of Luoyan City, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

Mr. Zhao had a finger cut off, but at this moment he was full of gratitude to Xifeng. He could only say that the deterrent power of the city lord Xifeng was too strong.

"Let's go, and don't disturb the people above." Xifeng reminded.

"Understood." Mr. Zhao nodded, and then understood.

Also, there is news in my own family, how could the city lord ignore it, no, I let my close people take action.

Then he stepped back cautiously and went to treat the injury.

"Tsk." Xifeng shook her head, looked at the trembling maid outside the door, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit down on the stairs.

If this kind of thing happened in the past, it would be just a trivial matter, but yesterday she just told Liu Fufeng about her views on Lingshan...and thought about it all night.

The mood is a little subtle.

Liu Fufeng is a fairy, just an ordinary girl.

But he is superior to others.

Mr. Zhao, who has a noble status, is so servile in front of him.

What is that self?
He is also a master.

Then why does she hate Lingshan so much?
Xifeng laughed at herself.

Without him, it's just selfishness, and it's just to look after the things of the ancestors...

Human inferiority.

The more she got to know herself, the more she hated herself.

So be it.


At this time, Liu Fufeng came down with Lu Ling who had been washed.

"What are you doing sitting here?" Liu Fufeng looked at the little sister who was sitting on the ground, condescending from her angle, the latter's figure was clearly visible, was she showing off?
"It's nothing, I'm leaving now." Xifeng stood up, lifted her black veil, and her confidence returned.

Turn away.

"Inexplicable." Liu Fufeng shook his head, and then dragged Lu Ling to have breakfast.

Today is the last day, so I have to take Ah Ling to have a good time. Yesterday she ordered some wine from the shopkeeper of Zuixianlou, and the task was almost completed.



After having fun again, Liu Fufeng basically took Lu Ling around the places marked by Qin Qin.

Looked up.

This is the last place.

Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

"Let's go." Liu Fufeng walked in with Lu Ling.

When it comes in, there is a faint fragrance of rouge, accompanied by the sound of flowing water, which is extremely pleasant to the ear, making Liu Fufeng feel physically and mentally comfortable.

Reddish decoration, quiet environment.

It deserves the word "Xiaoxiang".

"I like it here." Lu Ling hugged the cat, a little excited.

"Just play for a while if you like."

"You two daughters, please come upstairs to the private room." The girl in front of the door greeted the guests with a smile.

"Okay, please lead the way."

Then, Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling went upstairs.


"Hey, the little girl is here." At this moment, Dongfang Lianren who was lying on the bed and playing with poisonous insects was stunned for a moment, and then sat up.

"Forget it, I won't be able to return to the mountain in a short time."

So he lay back and let his extremely poisonous "little baby" swim on his body. Dongfang Lianren is very boring now.

And Li Wangsheng...

Already lying on the ground, motionless, I don't know if he died of drunkenness or poisoned to death.


Xiaoxiang Pavilion is a place similar to "Quiet Bar" in Lu Ling's previous life.

Provide a clean and elegant environment, coupled with soothing music, let people relax physically and mentally.

As for what you do in the room, they don't care.

Some came for the music, some came for the singers and officials they liked, and some just wanted to find a good place to chat...

All kinds of people gather in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, doing what they love to do.

Of course, the current Xiaoxiang Pavilion is only open to Qianjin, and Li Wangsheng was able to come in purely because of a small trick.

"It sounds good..."

Lu Ling sat on the table, listening to the sound of the clear spring like flowing water, enjoying it.

She likes music best.

"Although it's not bad, it's much worse than Senior Sister Qin." Although Liu Fufeng didn't want to disturb Lu Ling's interest, he still told the truth.

If Qin Qin's is for a recital, it's humming at most.

"It feels different." Lu Ling shook her head.

Qin Qin's art is about art, and she doesn't understand the exquisite things, but this Xiaoxiang Pavilion is very "down to earth", and the music is soothing. Although I don't know what I want to express, the enough to be comfortable.

"Well, as long as you like it." Liu Fufeng smiled, and then opened the universe bag: "Does anyone want some snacks? I bought a lot before."

"I want it!" Lu Ling raised her hand high.


Here, Yoyo's daily life was going on, but she didn't notice Xuechen who had been hiding on the bed in the house from the beginning.

The latter arched his body and let out a grunt that no one else could hear, his eyes were full of vigilance.

She never thought that the master would bump into here by himself...

The mood is a little broken.

Just beg that disgusting woman not to attack her master.

 This young lady is not a passer-by. Let me say it again, don’t blackmail my young lady. Anyone with a name is not a passerby. It is difficult for me to come up with a name.

(End of this chapter)

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