Chapter 272

Of course, this is just an extravagant wish for Xuechen, she also knows that since this woman is coming for her master... there is no reason to disappear.

It's fine if the master doesn't come, that woman won't show up rashly if she thinks about it, but now that the master comes to the door by himself, it's more or less ominous.

Of course, this evil is for her. In fact, it is impossible for Li Huo Hongling to do anything to Lu Ling. Xuechen knows this very well, but if that woman snatches the master away from her... then it is better to kill her. It's her.

At this time, Lu Ling was very happy listening to the music. She took out the flute she bought and played it for a while, but found that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all, and she couldn't find the pitch, so she gave up. On the high platform, enjoy the elegant figure of the singer below and the lively sound of the clear spring.

very good mood.

This kind of life is what she likes.

When Lu Ling first came to this world and met Liu Fufeng, she never thought that she would have such a peaceful life.

In her impression, the world of cultivating immortals is full of hostility, killing people at every turn, and following the "law of the jungle" of survival of the fittest. If it is such a world, Lu Ling feels that she should be the first batch of people to be eliminated.

She hates that kind of world. In her imagination, she should be looking forward to a wonderful and chaotic world, but that is from the perspective of a bystander. If it really happened to her...she doesn't like it.

She likes ease.

Maybe it's because the wandering emptiness has too much insight, and she wants a stable life. Now her daily purpose is very clear, study, go home, study, and live with her junior sister.

More than half of the life I wanted has been realized. I can't do it now when I travel around the world, but tasting food and so on has already come true.

And so on and on.

Hope, hope, longing to be able to stay peaceful like this forever with Junior Sister.

Taking a peek at Liu Fufeng's side face, Lu Ling was relieved, but also a little helpless.

It's only been a few short months, and she can't do without Liu Fufeng at all... If this goes on, she won't become a useless person——

Or are you saying you're already useless?

Shaking her head, Lu Ling threw out this annoying thought.

Speaking of which, there should be many mysteries about her, Lu Ling is very clear about this, sometimes she doesn't want to open the panel to take a look if there are abnormalities on her body.

The system or something is completely useless, and she won't use it even if she thinks it will be useful.

If one day I become someone I don't want to be...

For example, the slutty look before.

Can't even think about it.

So as far as the mystery about her is concerned, just let it remain mysterious. If she doesn't try to die, no accident will happen.

I want to be with my junior sister forever.

Such thoughts are deeply rooted and have taken root in Lu Ling's mind.

She is a boy?
Oh, maybe...

Lu Ling was not very clear about the concept of gender from the very beginning. She only felt that she should be a boy, and her dislike of men's temperament was not only subconscious, but in fact, it was more because she had been bullied by a group of boys... Men don't like it.

Lu Ling's weak temperament is not suitable for getting along with men. Without Liu Fufeng by her side, it is estimated that there will be no leftovers that have been eaten by others.

But for Lu Ling to like girls...

It is estimated that it is impossible.

Just like Liu Fufeng, Liu Fufeng hates men, and his feelings for Lu Ling are not between men and women. Girls like girls and so on, never thought about it.

Just depend on each other.

This relationship is delicate.

Listening to the soothing sound of the piano, Lu Ling smiled unconsciously.

It's great to have my sister around.

However, just when Lu Ling was looking forward to the future, Liu Fufeng spoke up.

"Sister, there is something I need to tell you."

"What?" Lu Ling raised her head.

"That..." Liu Fufeng hesitated for a moment, and leaned closer to Lu Ling: "I can't accompany you back to the mountain today."

"Oh...ah?" Lu Ling nodded, then froze.

a bolt from the blue.

Lu Ling, who was still thinking about being with her junior sister forever, lost her composure in an instant.

She only heard Liu Fufeng say that he would not go back to the mountain with her...

What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Lu Ling couldn't sit still any longer and jumped up from the stool.

"Shishishishishi, junior sister, what do you mean..." Lu Ling couldn't speak fluently anymore, and the soothing sound of the piano was like a magic sound filling her ears, rolling in her head, the noise was disgusting.

She has completely lost her size.

"If it's...before...things, I'll go and apologize to Mr. Lu Ling anxiously.

She also thought that Liu Fufeng could not return to Lingshan because of the previous Fencheng, and she wanted to intercede with Liu Fufeng.

"If not, I will go with you!" Lu Ling tightly grabbed Liu Fufeng's sleeve.

"Relax." Seeing Lu Ling's red eyes, Liu Fufeng was very distressed, but also a little relieved, nothing made her happier than finding that A Ling was so dependent on her.

"I'm not going anywhere. We have made an agreement. Senior sister, you still need to rely on me." Liu Fufeng stroked Lu Ling's hair and spoke slowly.

"That... what do you mean?" Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that, her heart was still beating violently.

"That is to say..." Liu Fufeng pointed to the direction of Zuixianlou and explained to Lu Ling: "I want to stay and take care of that girl for a while, and I will go back when she recovers from her injuries."

Then he mentioned Dongfang Lianren's request.

"Is that so? No way." Lu Ling shook her head.

She didn't want to be separated from Liu Fufeng for a moment, besides, she didn't feel safe without Liu Fufeng by her side, what if, what if she couldn't come back?
"Well, I don't want to be separated from you, Senior Sister, but..." Liu Fufeng smiled, and told Lu Ling about his difficulties.

"But..." Lu Ling's eyes overflowed with water.

"No but." Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling looked at each other: "Be obedient, be good, just a little time, soon."

"..." Lu Ling fell silent with her mouth flattened, and spoke again after a while.

"Okay, I get it now."

The eyes are full of grievances.

Although Liu Fufeng felt distressed, he had no choice but to calm down and continue to explain.

"I'm not going anywhere, just stay in this restaurant, senior sister, you don't have to worry about losing me."

"Oh." Lu Ling didn't look interested, she was joking, knowing that Liu Fufeng couldn't go home because of something, no wonder she was happy.

But Lu Ling also knew Liu Fufeng's difficulties, although she was not happy, but since it was irreparable, she didn't want to cause trouble for Liu Fufeng.

"How long?" Lu Ling asked in frustration.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't take a month."

"One, one month..." Lu Ling began to doubt her life.

Forget it, one month is one month, at least not as I thought, I will never see you again.

Suppressing the strong reluctance in her heart, Lu Ling tried her best to show that she didn't care, she didn't want her junior sister to worry.

And Liu Fufeng saw all this, she patted Lu Ling on the back comfortingly, and then instructed.

"At that time, Senior Sister, you will go home with Senior, and then give this bag to Master...there is what Master wants in it, and then Senior Sister Qin..."

Lu Ling was confused, but she still nodded and remembered it in her heart.

Then Liu Fufeng began to order other things.


next door.

"Tsk." Dongfang Lianren shook his head.

This girl Liu Fufeng is really...

This is not a senior sister, she is a nanny, she is Lu Ling's mother, she even has to explain her clothes and food.

Dongfang Lianren felt more and more that it was the right thing to temporarily leave Liu Fufeng in Luoyan City.

If Lu Ling is not allowed to become independent, if things go on like this, Lu Ling, a weak girl who has no opinions, might really be taken care of by Liu Fufeng.

Dongfang Lianren didn't want to see a girl as talented as Lu Ling end up like Luo Hanyi, a rice worm who relied on her own apprentice for a living.

But with the bamboo, she shouldn't have to worry about it. After returning this time, Lu Ling should be arranged for the next step of study.

Now, almost all the Lingshan people are looking forward to Lu Ling's performance, and she is still eating snacks here... and her senior sister is tired and crooked...

Lianren Dongfang felt that there was no need to look forward to it.


At the same time, in Lu Ling's room.

The cat was lying on the bed, with its head buried under the blanket, and its sharp teeth were biting the sheet tightly, leaving a few small teeth marks on the bed. Those damaged by low temperature cannot be used.



Xuechen felt that he was going to explode.

She also wanted her master to rely on her so much, even in her dreams.

But she also knew that she was always causing trouble for Lu Ling.

But this does not prevent her from being jealous of Liu Fufeng.

Of course, it's just intense jealousy, not envy. Xuechen also knows that in the heart of the master, her status is far inferior to that of Liu Fufeng.

And she didn't feel bad towards Liu Fufeng either.

In the empty space, the young girl in the blue skirt squatted on the ground with her head in her arms, her eyes full of jealousy and tears.

Xuechen, who exploded with negative emotions, temporarily lost the ability to think, but this situation did not last long. After a while, Xuechen's hair stood on end, and he looked out the door vigilantly.


There were some sharp screams.

She is coming.

At this time, Liu Fufeng also explained almost the same.

"Dong dong dong."


"Here we come." Liu Fufeng got up and went to open the door.

Who is it?Could it be a senior?
"Meow——" At this time, Xuechen jumped from the bed into Lu Ling's arms, as if facing a formidable enemy.

It's her sister.

Even if the woman's breath is hidden, there is a close connection between them.

"What's the matter?" Lu Ling is not in a good mood now, but seeing Xuechen's strange behavior, she still asked.

Cat shook his head.

She didn't know how to explain it to the owner.

Liu Fufeng opened the door, and a red dress came into view.

The dress is somewhat similar to that of Dongfang Lianren, but it is a little darker. Dongfang Lianren's dress is bright red, and the woman in front of her is wearing a red dress that is more like a burning dark flame.


This was Liu Fufeng's first feeling.

Looks like he's in his 20s, with long hair reaching his waist...

Then I don't know.

Liu Fufeng felt a little strange at this time, but he didn't know why it was so strange, because the woman in front of him was really too ordinary, with an average height, an average appearance, an average...

Wait...what does she look like?
Liu Fufeng tried hard to see the face of the person in front of him clearly, but it was all blurred.

Her head was dull, and there were only impressions in her mind, and she couldn't see the face at all.

Although it was strange, something inexplicable interfered with Liu Fufeng's spirit, making her unable to think normally, so she could only speak instinctively.

"What's matter?"

"It's nothing, I'm from Xiaoxiang Pavilion...can I go in and have a sit?" the woman asked.

Still a fog.

Liu Fufeng's consciousness gradually weakened, she didn't hear too clearly, her eyes were on the woman's face, and she could see the slight movement of her red lips.

I couldn't hear the voice clearly, I just felt a burst of noise, and I didn't even know if it was a woman's voice, but I could understand it.

It was as if there was a veil between him and the person in front of him.

"Okay, please come in."

Liu Fufeng no longer knew what he was talking about.

Then, the woman walked into the room, Liu Fufeng closed the door and sat back in his seat, staring in a daze, his eyes glazed over.

"Junior Sister, what's wrong with you?" Lu Ling was puzzled.

"It's okay, I'll take a rest." Liu Fufeng lay down in a daze, not caring about a new person he didn't know coming into the room, and then...

Fell asleep.

Hearing Liu Fufeng's weak breathing, Lu Ling froze for a moment.

Are you so tired?

What now?
Who is this person?

At this time, Dongfang Lianren next door still didn't move, she seemed to have noticed nothing, in her world, Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng were still listening to the music obediently.


The woman in red glanced around and sat down opposite Lu Ling.

This so beautiful.

This is Lu Ling's thinking. Unlike Liu Fufeng, she can see Lihuo Hongling's face clearly. It is a face that cannot be described in words. It is also very beautiful, with fiery red eyes, crying like crying, but with a bit of enthusiasm.

Of course, it was more empty, Lu Ling couldn't feel what the woman in front of her was thinking at all.

She was wearing a red dress, tightly wrapped, just elegant beauty, without any sense of lust, unlike Dongfang Lianren's coquettish and bitch-like allure, she only had tenderness on her body.

"Well, what's the matter?"

At this time, Liu Fufeng fell asleep, and the atmosphere was a bit weird, so Lu Ling could only speak.

"It's nothing, just come and take a look." The woman spoke with a soft voice, which made her feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Then she looked into Lu Ling's eyes and said leisurely.

"You can see me clearly."


"...What do you mean? Otherwise?" Lu Ling was at a loss.

People are here, how can they not see clearly.

Li Huohongling shook her head slightly.

She didn't keep her hand. Normal people should not be able to feel Lihuo Hongling now, because she hides her existence according to the rules. Not to mention Dongfang Lianren, even the two old monsters in Shushan can't see her .

Liu Fufeng can perceive her a little, it should be the reason of space talent, and Lu Ling...

There is no obstacle.

Lu Ling gave her a surprise as soon as they met.

(End of this chapter)

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