Chapter 273
It was a surprise, but Li Huo Hongling didn't have much emotional fluctuations.

Originally, there was no one in this world who could touch her heart except her sister and someone who had left her creases in the long river of time.

Now Lu Ling actually gave her a throbbing feeling, it was incredible, she wanted to find out about this matter.

And Lu Ling did not disappoint her, her appearance is determined by the person who sees her, she can't control it herself, some people think it is beautiful, some people think it is ugly, and Liu Fufeng thinks it is "ordinary".

And Lu Ling saw her real body at a glance. Her shield that directly acts on the soul seems to be useless at all, and she was taken aback.

Few people have seen her real appearance. Since ancient times, there has only been one person and one sword, but now there is one more Lu Ling.

Li Huo Hongling didn't know, because of the talent of [Five Tones, Six Rhythms and Thirteen Emblems], Lu Ling could be immune to all mental abnormalities, and this kind of trick was also included, so Lu Ling could completely ignore it.

Lu Ling herself didn't know what this talent was useful for.

"You are very powerful." Li Huo Hongling said slowly.

"Ah?" Lu Ling still didn't understand: 'Who are you?If it's junior sister, bah, my sister needs to sleep for a while...'

"Who am I?" Li Huo Hongling thought for a while, her sister's master was not an outsider, and then said: "I am her older sister, just call me Hongling."

"Her?" Lu Ling looked around, there was no one here...

Could it be her junior sister's sister?
Then there is the name, Hong Ling... It's such a common name, and it's very similar to my own name.

"No." Hong Ling shook her head, her hair twitching in her ears: "It's her..."

A white palm deep in the wide sleeve of the red dress, with bent fingers, pointed to Lu Ling...'s arms.

"Xuechen?" Lu Ling was dumbfounded.

"Your sister?"

Xuechen: "..."

"Please speak?"

Xuechen: "..."

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Ling found that no one answered her all the time, let alone meow, there was no voice from the girl in her head, and there was silence.

"..." Xuechen stood on Lu Ling's lap, her vertical pupils were full of eagerness, and at the same time she stretched out her paw and pointed to her three-petal mouth, then shook her paw.

She can't speak now, she's been restrained.

"Are you really... its sister?" Lu Ling comforted the restless Xuechen, gradually put away the innocence on her face, and became serious.

Xuechen is not a cat, Lu Ling knows this very well.

Call her master when she comes out, and the main body is a sword.

Does Jian have siblings?

This is the realm of cultivating immortals, Lu Ling is not sure.

"Yes, she is my younger sister." Hong Ling softly looked at the cat in Lu Ling's arms who looked at her sharply, and said so.

"What's the matter with my junior sister." Lu Ling was now worried about Liu Fufeng, not because someone tampered with her.

"She just fell asleep. Although the spatial talent is amazing, the burden on her is still too great." Li Huo Hongling shook her head.

Liu Fufeng's ability to sense her existence is already inconceivable, but the price of sleeping for a while is nothing.

"Asleep, that's good." Lu Ling nodded, then wiped the cake residue from her mouth, and then stood up.

"Let's get to know each other again, Lu Ling." Lu Ling stretched out her hand.

"Hong Ling." Li Huo Hong Ling looked at Lu Ling's hand, feeling a little puzzled, then stretched out her jade hand to hold it.

Holding hands together, one big and one small, Lu Ling only felt warm at first, but Hong Ling's hands were gentle like human beings.

Then regret it.


Pain pain pain pain! ! ! !
At the sound of the foam melting, Lu Ling's face changed drastically, and she withdrew her right hand instantly.

A burnt smell.

The hands have been burned black, the skin is completely scorched, and the bones can even be seen.

excruciating pain.

"I'm sorry." Hong Ling looked at Lu Ling with distorted face and shook her head to apologize.

Her body was out of control, Shu Shan couldn't suppress the restless flame with the scabbard, let alone Lu Ling's hand, and she still had a cold physique, restrained by Li Huo.

If she hadn't noticed it, it wouldn't be burning the body, but the soul.

Lu Ling might lose her wits in an instant, and she would never be able to find her.

"Hiss..." At this moment, Lu Ling couldn't hear the sound anymore, she was panting for air, her brain was a pain in the ass.

I couldn't speak, and my whole arm was numb.

And Xuechen's eyes turned red instantly.

It's fine to put a restriction on herself, but she hurt her master as soon as she came up.

Finding fault is not it?
Just don't look down on yourself like that, okay?

Xuechen got angry, she who was still worried about Lu Ling broke out, wasn't she just hitting.

At worst, she would go back to Lingshan and come out with her main body, and fight this woman to the death! ! !

In any case, she can't be allowed to hurt the master again.

Xuechen bounced off Lu Ling's legs, jumped into the air, and stayed for a moment in front of Lihuo Hongling's beautiful face, and then looked at each other, one soft and the other cold.


Not a crisp sound.

Hong Ling sat blankly, her flaming star eyes were empty, and there was a small cat paw imprint on her right face, which was full of ice slag.

After Xuechen gave her a slap, she returned to Lu Ling's arms. The hair on her right paw was scorched, and it was no better than Lu Ling's hand. If she could see Xuechen in the empty space, You will find that the young girl's right hand is completely swollen.

"Xiaoxue... it hurts, let me show you." Hong Ling couldn't sit still because her sister was injured, but she still had no expression on her face.

The eyes that greeted her were still hatred. If it wasn't for being unable to speak now, Xuechen must have started to mock him again.

Being treated like this by her sister, Hong Ling hesitated for a moment, then sat back.

Seeing her younger sister sticking out her tongue and licking Lu Ling's palm, her eyes fluctuated slightly.

In fact, she doesn't care what happened to Lu Ling, she is just a person who makes her throbbing. She is interested, but not an important person. The reason why she is a little important is because she is the "reincarnation" of Xiaoxue's former user .

Lu Ling is probably the reincarnation of Xuenv. Although she is not sure about her soul, she has all kinds of talents, so she can't be wrong.

"Thank you, Xuechen." At this time, Lu Ling touched Xuechen's head, the pain on her face subsided, only her temples were beating slightly, and she hadn't recovered yet.

The horrible wound on her hand recovered instantly after being licked by the cat, and it didn't hurt at all, which is really miraculous.

Xuechen couldn't speak now, she just rubbed her head against Lu Ling's stomach while hiding her blackened paws.

Although she doesn't like this woman, she can't stand this kind of Li Huo now, she just transfers the wound to herself. With her physique, it will take about half a day for her to recover.

At this time, Lu Ling came back to her senses, and looked at Li Huo Hong Ling fearfully.

It's such a terrifying person, but there should be no malice, the handshake and so on are also initiated by themselves, and it can only be said that they are asking for trouble.


"I'm sorry to trouble you." Lu Ling jumped ahead of Hong Ling, bowing and apologizing.

She believed in her feelings, and her feelings told her that the woman named Hong Ling in front of her was not a villain, and her eyes could not deceive anyone.

If it wasn't that she didn't know enough, Lu Ling wanted to label Hong Ling as "three noes".

Hong Ling: "..."

"Excuse me, do you... have anything you want to tell me?" Lu Ling's IQ went online, and she took the initiative to ask.

People who don't know each other, or who have no purpose, will not take the initiative to find her, let alone claim to be Xuechen's "sister".

"I don't know." Li Huo Hongling shook her head, looking at Lu Ling with a strange look in her eyes.

As expected, this girl's personality has completely changed. Compared with the arrogant Snow Girl before, she is a completely different person.

"Then, can you let her go first?" Lu Ling pointed to Xuechen in her arms, since this woman appeared, her Xuechen suddenly became dumb, Lu Ling is not a fool.

Xuechen has always spoken in her mind, and now even this way of communication is banned, this woman should be very powerful.

However, in Lu Ling's world view, even if she's great, she can't be too great.

"...Mmm." After hesitating for a while, Hong Ling nodded.

Then, a red light flashed, the restraint on Xuechen was lifted, and she could speak.

After regaining her freedom, the first thing she did was to say in Lu Ling's mind.

【Master, she is not my sister. 】

【Why?But she said yes? 】Lu Ling replied.

【She is my enemy. ] The girl's delicate voice suppressed her anger.

【Ugh? 】

Just when Lu Ling and Xuechen communicated heart to heart, Hong Ling suddenly spoke.

"I'm not your enemy, Xiaoxue, I'm your sister."



After a brief silence.

"Shut up meow!!!" Mao'er said angrily, with all the hair on his body standing up.

"I told you not to call me that, meow!"


She really doesn't want to recall the past years.

"I have my own name Meow!"

Although he was full of anger, but with a "meow" behind his tone, he didn't seem so angry.

"Meow?" Hong Ling didn't understand either, but she continued to shake her head.

"But Xiaoxue is Xiaoxue."

She is also stubborn.

"I said, don't call me that, I don't want to see you meow." The cat jumped onto the table.

"..." Hong Ling skipped this question, looked at the cat's pitch-black front paws, and said weakly, "You're injured..."

"Get out, meow."

The cat showed two small canine teeth.

She can't calm down at all now, although she knows it's not good to provoke Hong Ling, but now she feels angry whenever she sees this face.

With such a weak face, who would have thought that she really watched her master die with cold eyes back then, and she went to reincarnation with an incomplete soul.

Xuechen once thought that she would never see her master again, God knows how many times she cried, and those tears have now turned into hatred.

I hate the demons.

The second hate is the murderer in front of him.


After being scolded, Hong Ling remained expressionless. She wanted to tell Xiaoxue to be polite and not to curse... But in this situation, her opening her mouth would intensify the conflict...

So just stop talking.

"???" Lu Ling was dumbfounded now.

Why did you suddenly quarrel?

Also, judging from the relationship between these two people, one willful and the other tolerant.

Should really be sisters.

"Xuechen." Lu Ling said, "Is she really you, sister, to be honest."

"..." Xuechen was stunned for a moment, then his face showed embarrassment.

"No, lie to me." Lu Ling said seriously.

Xuechen gritted his teeth and said helplessly.

"...It's meow."

"But that was once, not now, meow."

Immediately added.

It was impossible for her to admit, how much she used to rely on her sister, and how much she hated it now.

The kind of hatred that wished she would die.

He even thought about dying with her—if the demons were not still there.

"It's fine if it's my sister." Lu Ling nodded.

Speaking of which, Xuechen was mysterious in her heart, and suddenly another sister appeared...

"Introduction, let's talk." Lu Ling said.

"Meow." Xuechen lied weakly on the table, the cat's face showed reluctance, but he still spoke at Lu Ling's request.

"Li Huo Hong Ling, who calls herself Hong Ling, is an annoying person meow, I think the word Ling is more suitable for the master, this woman is not worthy of meow."

The childish voice ends with meow, very cute.

"Get down to business." Lu Ling tapped on the table.


"I'm from Mount Shu." Hong Ling added.

Shushan Lihuo Red Ribbon, Immortal Sword, Protecting Human Beings...

In fact, that's the case, the title should never be [Shushan], according to the rules, she belongs to this world, the level of the guardian.

The present words belong to someone who has died.

If it wasn't because of an agreement with someone, it would have nothing to do with her being wiped out by the demons.

Natural selection, Lin Fa ruled that this is the way of heaven, and as an existence capable of breaking the balance, she intervened in the war of the three clans again and again without cause and effect, it can only be said that she is deeply favored by heaven.

The daughter of the world is talking about Li Huo Hong Ling and Xue Luo Qian Han.

Yin and Yang, ice and fire, movement and stillness.

Li Huo Hongling hadn't thought of the trouble now like this, but it doesn't matter... What my sister thinks is her problem. In the endless river, there will always be a day of reconciliation.

Li Huo Hongling thought so, and now that Xuechen listened to Lu Ling so much, she felt that maybe she should have a good relationship with Lu Ling.

"Shu Mountain?!"

Hearing this, Lu Ling jumped up.

Why is it Shushan again?

Didn't you just come to Shushan yesterday?
He didn't come here to trouble her again, did he?

Lu Ling has become a frightened bird, worrying that others will come to settle accounts with her all day long.

Speaking of which, she was the one who met Xuechen in Shushan, and the two of them caused a catastrophe together... So Xuechen fled to Lingshan with her.

This explanation is perfect, so now this woman named Hong Ling is here to pick up her sister home.

That's right, it's right now.

"Master, don't worry meow, it's not a big shot meow." Xuechen looked at Lihuo Hongling with disgust on his face: "She is the RBQ of everyone in Shushan, anyone can use it."

"Huh?" Lu Ling opened her mouth wide and froze.


Such a beautiful girl? ...Lu Ling glanced up and down at Li Huo Hongling's celestial face and exquisite figure. The latter also had a small cat paw print on his face, which looked a bit cute.

With watery red eyes, the whole person is a little weak and sick.

If Liu Fufeng is sober, he will find that Hong Ling and Lu Ling are sometimes very similar.

Hongya is also very strange.

What are RBQs?Xiaoxue said so to herself last time.

She was a little puzzled, then nodded, anyway, she was used to being scolded by her sister, whether she admitted it or not, it didn't really matter.

"No way……"

Seeing Hong Ling nodding, Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth.

Does this world really have such a "profession"?Anyone can use it?


Big misunderstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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